Chitchat Nerds


The Mortal Instruments (and other Cassandra Clare books, ehem ehem lady midnight ehem ehem)

Percy Jackson

Harry Potter 

The Selection

The Lunar Chronicles

Mara Dyer trilogy

The Vampire Diaries

Shadowhunters (the tv show)

The Originals ( I haven't finished s3 yet rip)

I'm excited for Shadowhunters to come back! Magnus is my fav with Raphael 'i'm so done with Simon' Santiago as a close second. But recently I've been getting into the Jughead comic. There's gonna be a Sabrina the Teenage Witch crossover issue!!! It's pretty cool and he's canonly asexual so personally it's my fav part.
I'm excited for Shadowhunters to come back! Magnus is my fav with Raphael 'i'm so done with Simon' Santiago as a close second. But recently I've been getting into the Jughead comic. There's gonna be a Sabrina the Teenage Witch crossover issue!!! It's pretty cool and he's canonly asexual so personally it's my fav part.

Same. I want to see how the new executive peoducers and the new writer that just joined (he's from The Originals which is amazing :p) will make of Shadowhunters. I also want to see Maia on the story and she will impact the story. And my favorites are Alberto and Emeraude. They are just so spot on and I love their acting! I wasn't that fan of Sizzy (well I was a fan, cried at that last bit in CoHF :() but damn, I so loved them in the series. SIZZY ALL THE WAAY. I like Harry Shum as Magnus but I prefer the movie one because he's hot and his cute accent :P

But in the books, my favorites are Jace and Magnus. I would definitely read a chapter of them bantering lol.
You call this true nerdship? Hardly.

Mix my stupendous, unmatched love for Warhammer 40K, my relative former experience in D&D, and my love for retro music, with my intelligence, and you'll get what everyone secretly aspires to be:

A dandy nerd. Not in a bad way, of course.
Same. I want to see how the new executive peoducers and the new writer that just joined (he's from The Originals which is amazing :p) will make of Shadowhunters. I also want to see Maia on the story and she will impact the story. And my favorites are Alberto and Emeraude. They are just so spot on and I love their acting! I wasn't that fan of Sizzy (well I was a fan, cried at that last bit in CoHF :() but damn, I so loved them in the series. SIZZY ALL THE WAAY. I like Harry Shum as Magnus but I prefer the movie one because he's hot and his cute accent :P

But in the books, my favorites are Jace and Magnus. I would definitely read a chapter of them bantering lol.

Since I've never read the books I'm excited for any and all the new characters. I keep hearing about Maia and I can't wait. Alberto and Emeraude really are great actors and anytime I see them on social media or interviews they just seem so down to earth and sympaticos, as my mom would say. 

I'd totally have to see more of their interactions in the show before I ship Sizzy but I'd be down for it. Like at this point I ship almost all the characters together (Malec is left untouched of course!). DUDE yes David Gao is such a babe, I am sad we don't still have him around but Harry has made that character so great. He really is my fav.

Changing subjects but WHO else is sad about Silent Hills cancellation ::raises hand::  I know it was almost a year ago now, but damn I was so excited. I need me a good Silent Hill RP or a good survival horror/psychological thriller video game. 
Since I've never read the books I'm excited for any and all the new characters. I keep hearing about Maia and I can't wait. Alberto and Emeraude really are great actors and anytime I see them on social media or interviews they just seem so down to earth and sympaticos, as my mom would say. 

I'd totally have to see more of their interactions in the show before I ship Sizzy but I'd be down for it. Like at this point I ship almost all the characters together (Malec is left untouched of course!). DUDE yes David Gao is such a babe, I am sad we don't still have him around but Harry has made that character so great. He really is my fav.

Changing subjects but WHO else is sad about Silent Hills cancellation ::raises hand::  I know it was almost a year ago now, but damn I was so excited. I need me a good Silent Hill RP or a good survival horror/psychological thriller video game. 

It's actually Godfrey Gao :P  Probably why I also like him is that he was a Taiwanese actor that starred into a Korean movie (and he also starred into this Korean-Chinese drama where my kpop bias Yoongi is the lead hahaha :p) 

And dude, you should read the book. It's much more better than the tv show! Or the movie, though loved Jamie and Lily and red head Cersei LMAO :P  
It's actually Godfrey Gao :P  Probably why I also like him is that he was a Taiwanese actor that starred into a Korean movie (and he also starred into this Korean-Chinese drama where my kpop bias Yoongi is the lead hahaha :p) 

And dude, you should read the book. It's much more better than the tv show! Or the movie, though loved Jamie and Lily and red head Cersei LMAO :P  

Min Yoon-Gi? :o

Though Shinhwa is my favourite band

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