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Fantasy Neon Woods


Sir Sunrise
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Interest Check

Welcome, adventure, to the last outpost before delving into the Neon Woods. A mystical frontier in which riches and magic are the norm. Those who come here do so with a purpose, as this dark and dangerous forest is always full of the unknown. Whether you came to find a mushroom rumored to cure any ailment to help treat your weary spouse at home, or maybe you heard of some epic sword driven through the stump of a long dead tree promising power to whomever finds it. Whatever it is you seek, you know well the perils inside fell many who enter. Yet this risk is worth the rewards you seek.

Here you will be starting your quest in a small town called Faes Favor, a settlement of merchants and traders who both are looking to buy and sell whatever comes to and from the forest just a few miles north. This is where adventurers ready themselves before setting out to mark their claim, and it’s also where many meet up and create parties to head in together. Like all good adventuring stories, four hapless souls are destined to meet in a tavern before agreeing it is in their best interest to venture out together.

This is heavily influenced by media in which I enjoy most. I’ve been a D&D DM/GM for about a decade now, so obviously that’s a big part of it. Along with that is Darkest Dungeon, Lost Woods (BOTW), CoC, and other grittier yet immersive worlds which I’ve enjoyed over the years.

I had a hard time deciding if this would be a Dice game, or a normal fantasy RP. While I would be acting the role of GM (Game Master) and dictating any and all encounters that may happen, I also won’t be rolling any dice. All encounters are pre-written, but not fleshed out to the point where they only have a single ‘win condition’. I expect spontaneity, and am keeping things relatively open for the fun of all parties involved.

The idea of this role play is to create actual feelings of danger and risk for your characters, but make the excitement worth it. While going into the forest you will be gathering resources, loot, magics, and experience which will help further your characters development and help them achieve their end goal. The actual RP will always provide multiple paths and directions to head towards different quest lines I have written. Along the way there will be ‘random encounters’ which are more or less randomly generated, and while they can be challenging, they could turn the tides of the upcoming trials.

Character Creation:
I will be providing a character sheet, as seen in the spoiler tab below. There are important details to fill in and pay attention to, namely the way I’ll be doing stats and handling leveling.

You start with 3 points to distribute, each above 0 simply improves over the average of a human. The rarest things to change during the RP, and usually only enhanced by items you find and carry to enchant yourself with.

Charisma: This isn’t just how pretty you are, but it will definitely help. It’s also on how your character portrays themselves, and how others perceive them. This could help you talk yourself out of a bad situation, such as a run in with another group in the forest that may be desperate enough to attack you and take your resources for themselves. Maybe you’d be able to talk them down. Along with that, having a high charisma makes it less likely you’re effected by influence of others.

Physical: This is how fit you are, and how capable you are on handling your own. Speed, dexterity, strength, all of these tests of physique fall under your physical stat. The higher this is, the harder you hit. The faster you run. The longer you can run, as well. An ideal stat for those of the fighting persuasion.

Mental: Your wisdom and intelligence require a well-fed mind. If you spent your time studying and keeping yourself informed, it is likely you’ll have a better chance at understanding your surroundings. Those with a strong mentality will find themselves shaken less by the dangers that lurk in the woods, and they’ll be able to shrug off any mind effecting abilities quicker than those who have a weaker will.

Magic: Pretty self-explanatory, much like strength your magic skill is strengthens your practice in the arcane and divine arts. Whether a healer or a mage, the higher your understanding of magic then the more potent your abilities will be.

Luck: Sometimes favor is on your side. This is the only ‘dice rolling’ stat in the game, and is all totally chance. For example, if you have one point in luck, then there is a one in twenty chance whatever bad is happening to you turns out in your favor. With all five points, there is a five in twenty chance, which means one fourth of the time things will happen with you in mind!

You start with three. You’ll pick these up quicker as we go along, either because you roleplay out scenarios in which you use them enough to earn them or you gain them through other means, skills are quick to come by. Your stats will improve upon these, depending on how high they are.

Insight: [Mental] Your ability to notice things that are off, be it a liar or a trap. I’ll never tell you outright, but the wording in what I say or do will be swayed slightly depending on your Insight. This is also your ‘risk detector’ to determine how dangerous something may be and if you’re ready for such a challenge.
Survival: [Mental] The ability to live on, and make do with your surroundings wherever they are. You’ll know what berries are poisonous, and how to catch prey to keep yourselves content in the woods longer. You’ll also have a better chance tracking, or keeping yourselves from being tracked.
Appraisal: [Mental][Magic] Know what is of value, and what isn’t. You can also determine the magical property of items depending on how high this skill is.
Deception: [Charisma] The ability to deceive others, and swindle. You can also pass yourself off as something or someone else, or maybe get a few extra notes for something that you talked up. Those with higher insight than your deception are likely to see through such acts, however.
Acrobatics: [Physical] If you want to get fancy, this is the skill you need. Scaling a dinosaur during combat to get a clear shot at an eye with your sword isn’t possible without this, and if you try and get fancy without it, you are likely to be punished for such foolhardiness.
Persuasion: [Charisma][Physical] The opposite of deception, this can help you convince an encounter from happening. It can also help talk yourself or the group into a positive light for others, and is constantly active. Not all persuasion has to be done softly, because if you use it right and are strong enough you may be able to convince those around you with your sheer brawn.
Arcana Lore: [Magic] Your understanding of the mystical, this will help you read runic magic you come across or determine the nature of a spell you see. May also help you know how to dispel a curse or cure a mystical disease.
History Lore: [Mental] You are able to recollect back on your studies with this and remember things you’ve been told or saw. This will help you recognize certain structures, and has many other practical uses. Often, I will just tell you things you recognize, and it’s up to you to decide why.
Monster Lore: [Mental] You can become a monster encyclopedia, learning what something is and maybe how to beat it. This can help you and the group decide how they should approach certain situations with the least risk.

What race can you be?
You can be any fantasy race, really, but just ask me ahead of time. For the sake of my own sanity (No hate, please) you may not make a furry. I know there are Tabaxi, and Tibits, and Kenku, and all the other animal races in D&D. If you’d like you may make one of those, but you have to run it by me first and if I feel it’s not in the aesthetic I’m going for it’ll just be denied. Depending on what class you are you’ll get something special.

Example: Orcs get 1 Physical, Humans get 2 extra skill points, Fae get 1 Mental/or/Magic, Tieflings get 1 Charisma, etc. You tell me the race and we’ll decide what they get together. It can never be better than anything else, we’re keeping this balanced please.

What are the classes?
There are three classes in total. How you decide to go about making them is up to you. Champion, Seer, and Magician. It is worth noting that you can call your class whatever you want, but these are the three major archetypes. What you are can even be a combination of these.

A champion is those who focus on the physical. More adept at using weaponry, their life has lead them on the path of solving their problems with steel. Maybe a rogue, or a former soldier, or even an adept hunter.

A Seer is one who is able to converse in some way with either the world around them or the heavens above in which they worship. Through this link, they gain mystical powers. Known as clerics, or druids, or even paladins, they are the only casters who form circles with like minded followers of their beliefs. When one ventures from the halls they practice their devotion, whatever it may be, they are likely regarded as essential in any group they may find.

A magician, or mage for short, is one who dabbles in the arcane. The unknown, and unthinkable, it’s typical that disaster is tied to wizardry what with how hazardous it can be. Usually feared for one reason or another, a magician however is typically found to be essential in any adventuring party.

Spells and Abilities?
An ability is more or less a magical power, or a boon in which you are given to use freely. You don’t start with one, but may acquire them as we go. For now leave blank.

You need at least one point in magic to have access to spells. You get three to start off, you can make them as you want. The more points in magic, the stronger they are. A good example of a first-tier spell would be a fire bold, which is sending a ball of magical fire that is the equivalent of being hit by a burning piece of firewood that then spreads the fire to what it hits. Or a cure spell that can mend minor wounds. Again, very free form, and I’ll make suggestions with you to make it in style and ensure no one is better than anyone else.

Value in Faes Favor?
The starting town is a place you are expected to turn to when things get dire. Staying in the forest is fine, but it becomes more dangerous at night. When resources are low, and your hoard is high, it's wise to return. Depending on what you have will depend on what you can get. Each vendor carries certain goods that the party may want, and each vendor also has set limits on what they can give. Giving them something you find may update what they have available for purchase. A similar style to dark souls where giving the blacksmith embers makes it so he can make certain weapon upgrades.

Giving certain vegetation, spores, or seeds to the apothecary will update what potions and poisons they may carry. Giving certain metals, or tools to the smiths will update what they can produce or how they can enhance something. Finding books, or gems of power will further what the mages can craft in the lines of spells to learn or enchantments to offer. The town is something that will grow as you do, and it's imperative that you offer what you can spare to see it happen.

How dangerous is this?
For the sake of RP staying fun, I can promise a few things. I will not actively try and kill you, nor will I favor any NPC's over the party. No GMPC will be at a higher value, and I'll never insert one into the party unless you pay for a pathinder or something of that sort.

What I'm looking for.
Literate para to multi-para RPers who have the ability to get a post every other day at the least. If you're going to be busy, understand your character will be 'shelved' at the town and someone else will be able to take your spot with a new character. You may obviously rejoin when another has to head back or take a break. It's possible I will eventually allow other PC's, but in the mean time I'm sticking with a comfortable number of four + me. I also expect you to use the character sheet I provide, you may use whatever posting BBC code you want but the sheet which will be edited as we go will be what's given.

code by Ri.a
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I like the concept. Unfortunately I can't swing a post per day, so I'll have to sit out. But I wish you the best with this all the same.
Thanks. I realize a post a day is pretty lofty, I changed it to every other day. Even I need break days for my Sunday D&D games. I'd definitely allow wiggle room for this, but if someone consistently was slow I'd probs ask them to hang back in town while someone fills their spot until they're busy.

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