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Fandom Neon Genesis Evangelion RP (Accepting)

Chandni blinked her eyes in response to hearing a cheery "Good Morning!", and she coolly responded with a "Good morning Alan, how do you do?" Turning her head to face his, taking in his energetic aura and pep in his step.

She had no particular desire to ask him to join her, so she slowed her step slight until he came up to her, turning off her phone with a delicate, feminine voice signing off with an automated "Sat Siri Akal!", and she turned to him, noticing his attire and briefcase, and saying "You are dressed quite nicely today..." In an attempt to compliment him. Why? She didn't know, but perhaps some flattery would help her make some friends her age, that'd be so nice for a change.


Gabriel Beundo

Gabriel found her reply to be slightly amusing and nodded in return. His senior or not, they were still children of the same age. He thought about saying something related to their status as pilots regarding experience, but didn't. If the roles were inverted, he wouldn't want to be reminded about it, specially since right now they weren't interacting as pilots. The hierarchy would be followed when they were in action anyway, so it was pointless to bring it up here.

Then the topic changed to school. He knew the name of the school and that the children were supposed to go to the same one but that was it, so it was convenient that this happened. Still, admitting that outright would feel a little embarrassing. "I'd have to find that out today otherwise, so it'd be a great help, thanks." Expressing gratitude was somewhat difficult for him, but it was easier since he didn't have to ask. That and it'd save him the trouble after all.

Implicitly accepting the offer, he followed her. That was another child met, and he felt it didn't go too badly. Just one more left. Still, the fact that it was just him and her made things a little more exhausting, as it felt more personal than when he introduced himself in the briefing room to three other people. Whenever the topic of the conversation was him, he felt awkward but tried not to let that show too much, often resulting in brief answers. For the time being, he wanted to have an idea of what his new school would be like, such as pertaining to staff and schedule, so that was the focus of his inquiring for most of the conversation. Getting some information beforehand would be convenient, but he couldn't help but feel that school would inevitably be rather unamusing. His real interest lied in what he could do once it was over -- getting back to NERV quarters and hopefully doing EVA-related tests.
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“I’m doing good enough!” He said as a small laugh escaped him. “Thanks for asking.” He scaled the stairs, and stopped just a few threads before the girl as he asked her “Have you been able to get used to life at Nerv yet?”. He waved away the compliment she had given him with an embarrassed smile. He had no clue how to react to it and knew not where to look, as his eyes never settled on one spot for long. He eventually stepped ahead of her but promptly stopped, when a particular thought struck him -did she know the way to school? He turned around and said; “It’s your first day of school here isn’t it?” He said, as casted his eyes downward. “Do you know the way? I could show you the bus we’d need to take.” That said, he looked at the time on his phone, and saw that they’d have enough time left to catch the bus. “We can catch the bus we need, unless you’d want to walk, of course.”

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Sol. R. Reigns

School made something curl inside Sol. Her outside personality quickly swept away any reservations from the inside one. She turned toward Gabriel. Her spine morphing into a straight line. "So, this is it." Sol said. Ready to detach from him and bury herself into the monotony of school life. The hallway was like a hollowed out carcass. Long and drawn out and hideous. A clamor of other students joined them in the hall, passed them, and soon made themselves indistinguishable by blending in with everyone else. Sol headed toward a classroom along the north hall. There were lockers on either side of her which she paused at for a moment.

The classroom was furnished with rows of desks. Motivational posters littered each wall, clustered in several few spots. Sol's gaze drifted past them like they always did. She strode toward a seat by the back window. Sol placed her notebook down. Her fingers twisted into the spiral. Other students gradually began to fill the empty desks. She offered Gabriel a smile. It occurred to her to suggest to him the seat next to hers, but she didn't want to seem pushy.

And he had the aura of the introverted type.

Sol didn't know what her type was. She toyed with a mechanical pencil. Other students paused to speak with her before they took their seats, distracting her efficiently from her thoughts. Joking with those students made it easier somehow. She could slip into a cheerier version of herself. A version Sol liked more than the one than the one constantly thinking about ( ).

She bit into the rubber eraser of her pencil.

Angels. Collateral damage (Angels). People who hadn't evacuated (Angels). Angels. Collateral damage (Angels). People who hadn't evacuated (Angels).

"So, how do you like it here?" Sol asked Gabriel. The sound of her voice a ugly high pitch. Sing-song. She cleared her throat.

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@GIO @Cross_Rhodes @Beundo

(Sorry y'all I've been in the hospital lately and just got out today and trying to get back in the groove of stuff!)

"I know the way to the school, and I'll probably go on the bus for today's route." She said coolly, in stark contrast to Alan's energy. She moved somewhat slowly, but with a type of poise which was definitely the result of training and etiquette. She adjusted her bag straps, and asked absentmindedly "So, what topics are going to be covered in school today?", not particularly caring to hear an answer.

She took out her phone and started flipping through her various social medias, tapping the notifications away in hopes of seeing a message from her brother; sadly nothing was there. That set the mood for the walk to the bus, and ride to the building, her new appearance marking intrigue in the regular students, a few commenting about her occasionally.

She knew the room she was to be placed in for class, and came there slowly as to see a few other students there; two of which she recognized from the meeting yesterday. She made eye contact with one, and smiled at the girl, remembering her warmth from the night before. She took an empty seat next to her, and sat cross legged on the chair, taking out various stationary bits covered in doodles of her Eva and of all sorts of obscure cartoon characters. "How do you do, Sol?" She asked softly once her materials were set out.
Gabriel Beundo

Gabriel looked at his new school. He used to feel quite uncomfortable in the beginning, but it became less of an annoyance once he learned how to become invisible to the other students and staff, and he hoped he'd be able to do that quickly here. He was not only a new student, but a foreign one too, which could shed some unwanted attention on him. He'd prefer to avoid having to speak about it, but considering the others might notice his accent and possibly ask him, he'd have no choice.

As he followed Sol into the classroom, he also realized that arriving with her might make room for rumors. Some students were glancing at him as he walked, which was natural as he was a new face, but was there more than that? He didn't know her standing here. Judging from the brief interactions they had today, he found it hard to align her with the usual troublemaker profile. Some students were talking to her, so she was probably well-liked by them and the staff as well. That was a more likely prediction to him. He wouldn't be surprised if she turned out to be one of the class or school's top students either. The negative effects of gossip weren't to be underestimated, so he'd hoped to avoid that. But he wasn't much worried about himself. When he was younger, school was all the world's evil to him. He'd been through that, so he could handle it again if it got to that point. He didn't foresee any possible negative implications related to interacting with her for that matter. But what about for her? He was certain his previous classmates all thought he was weird at best, so that was what worried him more. But he'd have to wait and see.

"It might take a while for me to get used to living abroad, but so far so good. And...school is school, isn't it?" , he answered her question, looking around the classroom and then back at her. A neutral answer, he was vague about school to try and gauge her reaction. He wasn't feeling too thrilled about it, but wouldn't say that directly to her. Talking about NERV was probably off-limits here, so he avoided mentioning it. Thinking back on his answer, he was reminded that the "so far" part had been less than a full day. "If things had gone wrong in that short amount of time...", his sarcastic thoughts left unfinished. Maintaining eye contact for this "long" during small talk being too much for him, he then took the empty seat immediately in front of hers and began setting his materials on his desk.

During that time, a familiar face appeared and entered the classroom. He briefly made eye contact in response to hers. Relieved that the two started conversing before he had to think about something to say himself, he finished organizing his materials. He quickly scanned his classroom once more, and then looked towards the door, wondering when a teacher and perhaps the other pilot would arrive.

@Cross_Rhodes @GIO
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Alan heaved a sigh of relief as he dialed the code to his locker. While he wasn’t loath to help the girl out with any questions she had, he was glad the bus ride went by as quiet as it did. He hadn’t needed to force any kind of conversation, because surely that would’ve gotten awkward as heck. He had barely heard the *click* of the lock unlocking, through the chatter of the students. He could hear them as they walked to their classes, stopped in the middle of the hall to have a chat with someone they knew, or when they simply were getting something out of their locker like he himself was doing. He looked into his immaculate locker and retrieved from it this semester's timetable. He had given the copy in his briefcase to the girl, as he thought it would hold merit than simply telling her what classes they had today.

He grabbed the books that he would need for the classes until break; History and English, and then went for his own class, not very far away from his locker. Still highly energetic, he caught himself almost skipping a few times, yet by the time he came to the door he had managed to compose himself. With a “Good-morning!”, loud enough for everyone in the room to hear, he went to his desk. Class wouldn’t start for at least a few minutes, but already pretty much the whole class was present.

Amidst the familiar faces of his classmates, his partner, and the new girl of whom he still not knew her name, he spotted another new face; a boy, likely the second of the three new pilots, as him just being a new student would be too much of a coincidence. A small smile spread on his face, as he gave the boy a nod. Alan sat down at his desk, and opened his history book, where they last left, and reviewed what they would be reading out of in a few minutes time.

@Cross_Rhodes @Beundo @HanaJuni
Sol. R. Reigns

"School is school." Sol repeated as if she hadn't heard wiser words spoken. A mechanical pencil twisted between her fingers. It's lead content dubious (she didn't know if it would last the rest of the say, but she hoped). Sol's ankles crossed under her desk then uncrossed then crossed again. Familiar faces wondered into the classroom. Chandni and Alan. The bookworm quickly started reviewing his textbook. Chandi approached her, she settled in a desk nearby.

It was unusual. Most of Sol's acquaintances were introverts. Sol's gaze paused on Chandi's drawings before she responded. The white eraser perched against her bottom lip. "So, you guys made it after all." Sol said. She didn't know why she felt the need to comment on this. They hadn't been late. Just took a separate route than her and Gabriel.

"The teacher is awesome, but take notes over everything he says." Sol advised. She hoped Gabriel heard her say that as well. Sol cracked open her notebook. Several pages were smudgy with hundreds and hundreds of words crammed in by her tiny handwriting. Sol flipped to a clean page. "Do you like history?" Sol asked. She did. It was a bright spot in an otherwise drab schedule. English too, which was closely associated with history anyway.

It was learning for the sake of learning. Sol didn't foresee attending collage. It was hard to imagine any future for any of them the way things were now. Sol perched her hand against her neck. Her hair settled against her fingers. Sol extracted her cell phone from the inner pocket of her hoodie. She replied to something her step-sister sent. An answering text entered her inbox way too fast.

Sol grimaced.

@HanaJuni @Beundo @GIO

Gabriel Beundo

Every new student that entered the classroom, he imagined being the last remaining pilot. It didn't help that they all either didn't notice him or took a few extra moments to stare at him, the new student. He knew better than to judge from looks alone, but he tried to form an image of his other classmates as it could come in handy later. Potential troublemakers, sport adepts, those with good discourse skills -- these were just some of the most common types.

But there was one student that behaved differently, none of them had even hinted at a smile, looking surprised or confused if anything. He nodded in return. Chances were that one was the remaining senior pilot, he thought. Still, too many people were already in the classroom, and he didn't want to risk hinting at their occupation to the others. There'd be more opportune times for introductions, perhaps on the break between classes.

Gabriel mentally yawned after hearing Sol's advice. He was never a fan of taking notes, and whenever he did he had the tendency of summarizing and only writing down things he felt were important. Still, it was good to know beforehand. At least the teacher was awesome, apparently. He hoped there would be no homework as well, as unlikely as it sounded.

Still listening to their conversation, he heard history being mentioned, perhaps meaning that it would be their next, and his first, class here. It wasn't one of the subjects he did best in, but it was still interesting enough. He liked to imagine things as a complex chess-game. More than 2 teams were involved most of the time, and there were things such as diplomacy, morals, ideals, technology, and many other factors in play that could decide the outcome. Thinking of it that way, he felt a little motivated to like the subject and others related to it. Being abroad, he most likely wasn't going to see Brazillian history being taught here. That was both good and bad. Good, because he'd be learning another side of history. Bad, because it might not be so easy to get grades. Which would be more significant, he'd still have to see.

@Cross_Rhodes @GIO @HanaJuni
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