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Fandom Neon Genesis Evangelion RP (Accepting)

Lev Hsi

His reaction was immediate, compulsive. As if a cat whose personal boundaries had been revoked, Lev's body grew tense at being greeted so casually by a stranger. His eyes identified a fellow teenager, one assumed of Indian descent. A Child, no doubt. Or an EVA pilot, if you may. Her others confirmed so too. Fortunately, her English was basic, easy to understand. For her, perhaps. Lev had never been keen to chit-chat, so to say, he found it pointless. But a greeting was a greeting. Might as well make an effort to estabilish a civil relationship. Even if her question is rather redundant. I mean, why else would I be here?

"Yes. Lev Hsi. Sixth Child. You?" It was best not to get too cocky with his own English. Even after months of studying the language, he still carried around a translation booklet, just in case someone were to sprout words he was not familiar as of yet. He shifted in his seat, trying his best not to be blatant in giving away his lack of comfort in a situation like this. Silence was far easier for him to bare with, no matter how awkward it was. Maybe he should have brought his headphones with him, should have been easier to get the point across...

While scanning her briefly out of mild curiosity, he could not help but notice envy build upgrade inside him by the sight of a papercup filled with coffee. He should have asked the agent he was assigned with to allow him to get one, now that he thought about it... As the car began to pull out from the spot it was on, patience filled him little by little. He just had to wait a bit more, that's all. He just hoped he would not fall asleep along the way....

Gabriel Beundo

He quickly did as he was told and sat down. It was the first time he'd met someone who emanated so much authority. He was rather excited about his new occupation, but thought it wasn't a good idea to show that to others -- specially to the man he was talking to -- and so he did his best to seem calm even though he could feel pressured by his presence.

"I've been told I was required to participate in a debriefing before anything else, sir. " He said after sitting down. Still unsure how to properly talk, he couldn't help but think he'd said something unnecessary. He tried to ignore those thoughts as he waited for information on things such as his new companions, the Angels, and generally anything about his life from now on, paying close attention to the person speaking them.


The car lurched forward slowly, and she gasped, quick to put her hand in front of the coffee cup, least it slip out of her hand. Thankfully it didn't, and she sipped it slowly, taking in the aroma and sugar of it all. She had noticed the boy eying it, and she would loved to have offered him some. Alas, she was no good with speaking much besides the formal societal expectant greeting, so she placed the cup on a cup holder near him, and gave a small nod in his direction, indicating he was free to drink from it.

Her body was worn from all her recent travels, from India the the US to China to back to the US. She couldn't believe she had comet ins far, with no parent breathing down her back, or making painfully plastic smiles when she asked if everything was alright. Who knows, maybe she wasn't as messed up as she thought...at least, she hoped so.

The pill bottles made a small clinking noise when she shifted her backpack in her lap, which reminded her to soon take the medication, least she started exhibiting an unbalance in her system. It sounded so funny, she was the disbalanced one, not that everyone was too optimistic. Noooo because if the majority thought it, then it was right. Obviously.

She fiddled with her blanket,a simple pink one with a Chinese cartoon character which she wasn't aware of, as her mother had gotten it for her, and a stuffed cat she'd had since age four. This cat meant a great deal to her, as not being able to have pets, she poured her love and compassion into that stuffed animal, naming it "Star", "Tāra", or "Xīng", depending on the country she was in.

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"It'll take a little while, as I prefer that all of you rookies are present, so I can explain everything in detail - instead of having to repeat this several times in a row," replied the Colonel, skimming through a few papers - namely details related to him.
Gabriel Beundo

"Understood.", replied Gabriel. "So, there are others on their way...", he thought. Though he was curious, there really was no point in having the Colonel debrief him alone when he could do it when the others arrived.

His pessimism reminded him that there was a chance of an Angel attacking before they arrived. Could he fight an Angel on his own? He did pretty well in the simulations, but he knew better than to feel confident. Then it occurred to him -- the Colonel had said "rookies", meaning that even though he was the only child in the room, that meant he was the only recruit accounted for -- not necessarily the only pilot. After all, there were two Angel attacks before, so they had to have been defeated by someone. The thought was reassuring.

Luckily, he'd gotten plenty of sleep during the flight, so he didn't feel tired. After all, yawning in this situation would be pretty bad. He'd occasionally look around the room or cross his legs, doing it as inconspicuously as possible. He didn't mind waiting, it would probably help him calm down.
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Sol. R. Reigns

"Yeah," Sol said, but what she meant was, I know what you mean. Until she met the new recruits, they were just sketches of excellence in her mind, more capable and elite than them. The new models ready and willing to replace her and Alan if need be. "Some role models we are." She in particular gleefully gambled in Rummy games for chocolate prizes. The shame was acute. Sol threaded a stray stand of hair behind her ear. Her ponytail was probably a mess by now.

"Okay. See you later," Sol called after Alan, upbeat even still despite everything. She supposed she should do the same. The new procedures a vital thing to learn when one considered the Angels could attack at anytime. Her will to read was nonexistent though. Sol ended up walking back toward the Rec room. The candy still here, pushed up against the wall beside the table. Sol peered at the bookshelf. Some of the books were hulking things. Like her enormous copy of Lovecraftian annotated works.

She perched on the chair and flipped to the second page of the packet. The language was ever dull and hard to understand. Sol read and reread a paragraph but never seemed to retain any of the information.

Not that she ever wanted to eject from her EVA. Sol didn't foresee getting to that point. The enormous teal machine had only suffered minor damage from the battles thus far. Not discounting all the times she almost died anyway.

Unit--03 was terrifying but pretty beautiful.

Lev Hsi

...Alright then. If she wished to remain unidentified, so be it. Less trouble for him to actually remember her name. He shifted back in his seat, his eyes now fixed on the window with a rather apathetic look. It did not took long for him to open the zipper of his jacket. Someone coming from a cold country such as Russia would eventually come to experience a drastic change on the temperature. Lev was no exception. He was somewhat taken by it, enough to cause his brow to furrow ever so slightly. It was a sign, something to further cement what was happening to him, of what awaited him from now on.

It was terrifying, for the lack of a better term.

His gaze would solely turn back at the female sitting next to him once a coffee was in the equation. It left him baffled for a few seconds, as he stared blankly at her, following her nod and consequent permition to indulge in the drink in her possession. Was she really willing to share a drink with someone she had just met? From the same cup, even? It felt bizarre to be in this position, adding more to the feeling of unsettlement building up inside him. "No, it's...it's fine, thanks." He gently turned down the unexpected offer. As kind as the gesture was, he wasn't that desperate for the beverage. Plus, the thought of exchanging germs with someone whose name he didn't even know felt...wrong, for some ridiculous reason.

Lev sighed quietly, all the while they were robbed of the sunlight, greeted with flickering lamps that covered the underground passage. Slowly, the car would descend downwards, towards the center of the Earth. NERV. They had arrived at long last. The boy desired nothing more than to escape this awkward silence. Copped in a sitting position for so many hours, his entire body was numb, dreadful of being still for any longer. Once the car came to a halt, he did not waste any time. Jumping out of the car, he stretched his muscles again and again, relief filling him up as his eyes scanned the area with curiosity.

He was finally here.


After the boy refused her coffee, she looked downward my again, embarrassed that her attempt at connecting was unsuccessful. She finally came to stutter "I'm...Chandni..." As the car came to a platform to be lowered down to the NERV headquarters.

She nonchalantly took the coffee cup, and drained it in a few seconds along with a couple pills. She gazed out the window at the flashing platform lights passing by the car in its descent, and she only pulled the blanket tighter around, desperate to feel secure in this new, alien place.

The boy had taken to gazing out the window, and removing a bit of his jacket. She heard he was foreign, as she was, but from Russia instead of India or China. She had visited Russia once, St. Petersburg actually. Her stepmother had wanted to your Europe before she succumbed to disease, so they planned the greatest vacation possible. However, they couldn't finish it all, and had to cross off the Scandenavian countries. That's what she and her father were most looking forward to- oh! They'd arrived, breaking her train of thought.

Her mind quickly jumped to her Evangelion, one of the closest beings to her aside from her brother. As both the kids were ushered out of the car, Chandni stretched her legs and softly inquired about her Evangelion's transport to the base.

Alan poured over the documents and books strewn on his desk. He had been studying for a while now, the time just being a few minutes shy of becoming 3 o’clock in the morning. He hadn’t gone back to the recreation room, and hadn’t the mind of remembering he left his book there. Rubbing at his eyes, he tried to alleviate some of the strain on them. His eyelids were heavy, and threatened to close between now and the next moment. He stood up from his desk, joints popping audibly as he stretched his limbs.

He made his way to the bathroom, as he prepared to go to bed. Much like his room, and pretty much all of NERV, Alan’s bathroom was stark and sterile, only the occasional hygiene product breaking the monotony of steel and drab colors.

All functionality and no warmth; it was to be expected though, after Second Impact and the subsequent war 14 years ago, rebuilding what was left of civilization was to be done quick, with needs logically trumping over wants. After Alan had brushed his teeth, he crawled as quickly as he could into his bed, turning the lights off with the remote on his night stand.

Alan turned to look at his alarm clock, which indicated the time now being five past three. He flipped the alarm on and lay his head to rest on his pillow. It hadn’t been the first, and definitely not the last time that he’d ended up going to bed this late after studying for so long. It was how he always studied. He had needed it back when he had just started attending his former school, as it took him forever to pick up new things. He’d gotten pretty far compared to those days, but now it was much more a force of habit.

It had come to the point that his new class and by proxy Sol were starting to overestimate how intelligent he was thanks to his solid grades. “I just studied a lot, that’s all.” He thought as he lay there in bed, staring at one of the walls. He should definitely get to decorating his room a bit. The architecture being so drab was not an excuse to keep his room so unfriendly. He definitely had the money to spare, especially now with his raise and all.

The only thing that he thought he didn’t do well on was piloting Unit--04, but that was a given as he couldn’t practice on and on for as long as he’d wanted to. He just hoped that these new kids wouldn’t completely overshadow him in every way possible.

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(Lol nobody's responded for a while so I'm going to try and revive it)


She was led to her new housing quarters, something close to the other pilots, and sharing an apartment with the new kid, Lev. "Great..." She thought. More of an oppertunity to embarrass herself.

Her luggage had arrived promptly, and was in the corner of one of the bare bedrooms.

The bed was simple, with a white comforter over thin blue sheets and with a few simple pillows at its front. Along its side was a wooden side table, with an antique lamp that Chandni found had...character.

The walls were an off creme, with one side painted a pastel purple. Her room, however, had a little personal balcony, which showed the ruins of a previous city in its scape. How adorable.

She set to unpacking her things, most of which being of either pastel colors or of a girly, feminine nature. Surely these would brighten up the room? She made sure to keep some magazine clippings and posters from her previous room, in hopes of maybe being able to remember her past just as well as anticipate her future.

A vanity was pushed into the corner, with a telephone on its corner. She fiddled with the telephone idly, wondering if she should dust. It would calm her.

@Mine @Cross_Rhodes @GIO
Lev Hsi

Ah, so she does have a name. The sarcasm would drip from his words if he were to actually say it out loud, no doubt. Of course he wouldn't though. She clearly found it difficult to even so much as introduce herself. He wasn't cruel enough to point that out to her.

Chandni, huh? Even her name sounded exotic... From her looks alone, he would assume she was Indian. The name was not much of a lead for him to confirm it, sure, and perhaps his guess was a hit-or-miss. Well, no matter. He had not bothered to ask if someone would be accompanying him, why start now? The information he would need out of her would come eventually. Her name alone was enough. If he would actually bother to remember it, that is. His focus was momentarily driven to such thoughts for nothing but a few minutes, as it returned to examine his surroundings.

Of course, his EVA was nowhere in sight. He would not expect NERV to have them here already, considering the cargo in question. No doubt it would be here soon, though. One could not afford to waste time in order to stop a world threat. They were here to do one thing and one thing only, after all.

Led by the agents to their future personal quarters, although the word ‘personal’ would be a loosen way to put it, Lev was met with the revelation of having to share them with the stranger by his side. Something he was not exactly thrilled to acknowledge. But with a silent nod, he agreed to such terms with no objections, being well-aware that an opposite reaction would be worthless.

The Taiwanese pilot payed little to no regard for his accommodations. His unpacking process was quick, devoid of any particular care for where each of his belongings would be placed. He saw no reason to choose a different tactic. To him, a room was a place to sleep, pass the time and change his clothes, nothing more. Maybe it was a male’s thing, he had no idea. Chandni certainly seemed to be taking her sweet time, anyway…

He stood by the entrance, his arms folded as he would steal glances from time to time towards her assigned room. As much as he would prefer to just walk away and be done with this whole “new pilot” agenda, it was best not to piss off his superiors right away by displaying disrespect towards the other Children.

Once she was finally done, he wasted no time, turning around to walk down the halls of the facility. No words were shared between them before they reached their next destination, as in Lev’s case, he had no intention in further waste time with idle chatter. The car ride had shed enough clarity as to how pointless it was to attempt to socialize with this girl.

His body promptly approach the door before he realized the mistake that would have taken place in this last stage. He had to abide to certain social conventions in here, if he was not mistaken. As such, a swift knock was heard from outside, albeit with a faint hesitation from him. Should he salute his superior? Introduce himself? Such thoughts flooded his mind as he awaited permission to enter the room.



Realizing she had no time to idle around, she sprang to her feet, grabbing a small handbag and creme coat, and rushed out of the room. She saw the irritated expression on Lev's face, and gulped a little bit. First day and he already hated her?!

No matter, there were other children to be with, right? And in the Eva's, they'd have no need to chat. This reassured her, and they silently made their way down to NERV HQ.

The medicine was kicking in about now, and it was about time. Her initial anxieties were beginning to become less and less present in her mind, and more replaced with the determination to prove her worthiness as a pilot.

The door opened after Lev had knocked it, and Chandni introduced herself the way they did in both NERV India and NERV China.

She bowed slightly, from the waist, and in a clear voice declared "Bhavikha Lai Amana. Or Hépíng de wèilái. Or since we are in America, perhaps the Greeting is something along the lines of "Peace for the Future?", then retreating from her bowing position, and standing straight, ready to be commanded next.

@Mine @GIO @Cross_Rhodes @Beundo @NecroKnight

"Alright, everybody!" spoke Colonel Archibald, looking at all the kids.

"Please, everybody take a seat - and I'll start speaking, about your reason for being here," said Archibald - waiting for the kids, to all get seated before he started speaking.

"I'll let you start off. By starting, with your name, and explaining a little about yourself," he added.
Gabriel Beundo

Gabriel snapped out of his staring at nothing in particular when he heard a knock on the door. Once it opened, he took a quick glance at the two new Children and gave a slight nod, as if to acknowledge their presence. By their appearance, he guessed they must've been foreigners as well...which became evident when the girl spoke non-english words.

At the Colonel's prompting, he thought to start off the introductions. He liked to get his part over with as quickly as possible in these kind of situations. Plus, he had been the first to arrive, so it made sense. Maybe that'd make it easier for the other two too. "Then..." he said, as if requesting permission to begin.

"My name is Gabriel Beundo, designated as the Seventh child and pilot of Unit-07." There was some slight accent in his words, though it wasn't discernible where it came from. "I was born in Brazil, and was approached by the local NERV branch about a year ago to participate in their simulations and tests.", he continued, clarifying his origins. "Eventually, they were contacted by the USA branch and I was requested to move to their headquarters." There was no point in stating his age nor his function as they were obvious.

Finding nothing else pertinent to add, and being uninterested in saying anything personal, he thought it was sensible to conclude his introduction. "It's nice to meet you. Looking forward to working together.", smiling lightly as he said so. He'd tried to keep a neutral disposition while speaking, not wanting to show his desire to just be done with talking about himself. Feeling relieved, he discreetly readjusted himself on his chair and switched his crossed legs, placing his left ankle on top of his right knee. Now it was time to listen to and observe the others...


Chandni heard the boy who had introduced himself as Gabriel speak about his placement, and how he was as well from another country. She gave him a ghost of a smile, with her eyes showing more of her emotion than the rest of her face. You see, especially in NERV China, one spoke with their eyes, rather than their whole face.

"Ah, I suppose I may go as well" she said, with a clear but not totally distinguishable accent. "I am Chandni Grewal.I originally come from the country India. However, I have left many times and have worked both at NERV India and NERV China. NERV-C said that more pilots were needed in America, and I was to be sent first, as I was a senior pilot there."

She bit her lip after mentioning her status as a senior pilot, worried she may have sounded a bit proud at its mentioning, as she had no clue however much training everyone here had.

"I'm not use to working with people, as I have very much operated alone, but I do hope that perhaps I will be able to adapt quickly."

She hoped no question of her family or anything personal would come up, it would be...complicated to say the least. She shifted in her seat a little bit, and produced a small bottle of water from her purse, starting to sip it slowly in anticipation for the next child to be introduced.

Lev Hsi

Lev had the urge to roll his eyes at the seemingly try-hard greeting. Even if filled with good intentions, he had to restrain himself from not risking upsetting both the girl and the rest of those present in the room with his lack of patience and consideration for others. Even as discreet as he was, one could never tell how observant strangers were. Saluting his superior, he refrained from opening his mouth, as this greeting would be sufficient, he hoped. No need to embarass himself with his still raw English more than he needed to...

A quick glance informed him of yet another pilot among them. He appeared to be foreign as well, judging from his appearance. His introduction confirmed such deductions. Discreet and straight to the point. A good first impression, he would say.
Hopefully this one will be easier to approach, if necessary.

Awaiting his turn, Lev struggled to translate inside his mind the speeches, even at times relying on the small book he had brought along with him. Overall, he had managed to comprehend the introductions, much to his visible relief. Once Chandni was done with hers, he looked up, shutting the book and placing it back on his pocket. He cleared his throat and began his introduction. Either being the first or last to do this made no difference to him, what he dreaded was the actual act of speaking more than just a a few short sentences.

"I am Lev Hsi, the Sixth Child, pilot of EVA Unit-06." He paused, choosing his next words carefully. "I was originally assigned to the Russian branch of NERV, having lived there all my life, despite my natural...heritage." He thought that would be sufficient to clarify why his looks would cause doubt, despite his somewhat thick Russian accent. "After months of synchronization and simulation tests, I was transferred here by the USA branch, as a connection to EVA Unit-06 was revealed and therefore confirming its legitimacy as this branch's property."

He paused, as if gathering courage to confess what was to come next. "My English is still rather poor in comparison to that of the other Children. I will do my best to convey myself and follow any commands given to me properly, however.I will not give less to the USA branch then I did the Russia branch." No reassurance, no promises. It was a clear statement that he would stick to until the end. An awkward silence seemed to fill the room as he ended his introduction, leaving him restless. Was he supposed to say anything more? Perhaps one last sentence to end on an amicable fashion, same as the other two.
Redundant but if I must... "...Let us hope our presence here will be worthwhile." They were here to fulfill a role, not to exchange forced pleasantries. He ended his turn as such, allowing his superior to continue with today's agenda, all the while keeping a calm, professional demeanor at all times.
The Colonel soon nodded to everybody in return, before asking everyone to be seated, before starting the presentation. Namely discussing the Angels in particular.

The sense of an AT-Field, usual schematics and operations of an EVA - the usual militaristics of getting to know ones weapon, how to use it, how to safely use it, what everything did, and in what case, would they be deployed or receive assistance.

They were also informed, that their deployed would depent on the type of Angel spotted. As each Child and EVA were designed to combat a specific-type of Angel. Albeit, if the worst case scenario came, they would be all deployed immediately.

He then started descriping himself - he was their commander-on-the-field. As such, any orders given, even disliked ones - would be followed to the letter. He did however phrase it, that he wasn't patronizing them, or likely going to let one of their new friends get killed. It was simply, in a combat scenario - he just more adapting to come-up with a plan and counter-measure, should things get wrong. Since this war was fighting against alien-monsters, who had the power to wipe entire cities with a single strike - he needed them, to trust him - and in turn, he also stated he would trust them, with any problems they would need.

Their current rooster - was having two senior pilots, be their leaders on the field. With usually being deployed with either one or the other. One the field, they would follow the seniors orders in battle - in terms of tactics they would follow his. With that final, note he called it quits - and allowed them to leave and get settled in.

(I was assuming forever, that Rurnur would start leading this plot on - not, shouldering the entire plot on me)


She saw that they were dismissed, and she looked at the other children with facination. She had decided that the other female, Sol, was quite approachable and would be a good ally. As would the boy, Gabriel. She did want to know more about the blonde boy, Alan was his name? He seemed like hed have some interesting things to talk about. Who knows, maybe they could be friends? She had no way of knowing for sure.

Sol and Alan seemed to have their noses buried in NERV manuels, seeming to review field and command proceedures. Chandni simply decided to return to the room, and finish organizing it, as well make some modifications thatd make it easier to start here. She smiled, bowed slighlty and brought her fingers to just in front of her forehead, them being perpedicular to her head, and replied with a "Im sure I would love to get to know you better soon, but I would like to be better acquainted with the living quarters." She wondered if they could paint them, she had a great colour scheme in her head.

She headed out, making her way back to the apartment without making eye comtact with Lev. It was pretty obvious he didnt want to be stuck with her, so maybe she could try to make things better? Perhaps make dinner, or offer to paint his room? Do the cleaning? Well, she'd do that anyway. That was her anxiety reliever.

Back in her room, she starting sifting through the things she'd brought, setting up the few, delicate memories on the vanity. She stuck a few pictures of her family members around the mirror, and hastily ripped at a photo which had her late stepmother in it, smiling on a ski lift. She arranged things idly, cosmetics, notebooks, paintbrushes, etc. on her desk and vanity before pausing suddenly, finding a pair of scissors. It had occured to her that in new places one mist adapt, and become new as well. She tied her long black hair in a simple braid, and sat in front of the mirror. Bringing it to the front, she cut her braid swiftly, her hair going from her lower back to barely touching her shoulders. She took the hair, tied a ribbon, and placed it in a Lucky Joy Box, saying some small thanks to those before her and wishing that shed be comtributing to helping many people.

Her room was sorted shortly after that, pastels and pinks and purples fitting in with small letters and pictures of Sikh Relgion, Buddhist Virtues, and traditional arts adorned her walls. Her bedspread was one she had sewn herself, with a patchwork quilt folded on its side. Her stuffed cat sat in the middle, its glass eyes reflecting the setting sun.

Realizing that it'd soon be time to eat, and that for tonight theyd probably have to eat by themselves, she planned a quick trip to get some food. She scribbled a note, changed into a casual dress and sweater, and took off, hoping whoever found it wouldnt be too pissed off.

(Sorry for typing all this, its AP and IB English practive for me
^_^ )

@Mine @Cross_Rhodes @Beundo @NecroKnight @GIO

Gabriel Beundo

Sometime during the presentation, Gabriel subconsciously moved his right hand to his chin. It was an habit of his whenever he was paying attention to something. It all seemed simple enough for him to grasp, though he didn't expect any of the battles would go as smoothly. The presentation didn't have as much of an ominous tone as he thought it'd have, considering the power of the creatures they were facing and that any mission could be their last. Even then, not for a moment did Gabriel feel fear -- if anything, he looked forward to putting that knowledge in use and learning even more about the Angels in action.

At the Colonel's mention of the two senior pilots, he felt relieved even though he'd deduced earlier that there must have been ones with more practical experience than him. Having leader figures on the field suited him, as he absolutely disliked taking that role himself. Registering their names in his memory, he anticipated being under their command.

After being dismissed, he slowly stood up. This time, it was the girl -- "Chandni Grewal.", he reviewed her name in his mind -- who spoke first. "Polite." he thought, before nodding lightly once again. He didn't imagine himself using the same words as she did -- not naturally, at least, as he wasn't good nor interested in becoming or sounding close to others. According to her introduction, she'd been a senior pilot and worked at two branches of NERV. He found that convenient -- another one more likely to be chosen for a leadership role than himself.

"I'll be heading to my room as well, then. Excuse me.", he said, following suit. As he'd just "reviewed" one of his soon-to-be companions, he thought to do the same for the other one in the room on the way. "Lev Hsi. This one seemed more reserved. Maybe there's a thing or two in common." he thought, under the impression he also did not have much of an affinity for introductions. His last statement, before the ending pleasantry, had left him with a strange impression -- "Dutifulness?" was the word he could find to define it. Now that was something foreign to Gabriel. He understood the concept but had never felt such a thing. The very reason he'd joined NERV had nothing to do with that.

The two others were still a mystery, but he'd get to meet them eventually. Not now, as they were apparently busy. Thus, he headed for his room...which, now that he thought about it, he wasn't told exactly how to get there. Asking the guard near the briefing room quickly solved that problem.

His keycard granting him access, he entered and quickly scanned his new accomodations. The two bags and the backpack he brought from Brazil were there, as one of the agents he saw today had said. "A bed, a table, a couple of chairs, even a television." Well, it was supposed to be where he'd live from now on, so he was glad it wasn't more bare. After checking the bathroom, he faced the kitchen area. "Microwave, cookware, a stove-", and then he was reminded about food. He'd brought some raw rice and beans, the common everyday meal in Brazil, in preparation for its supposed lack of presence on other countries. He'd never cooked before, which is why there was a print of a manual page explaining the procedures in the same bag.

Choosing the grains, boiling the water...Making sure to follow the instructions to the letter, aside from the lack of ingredients for the seasoning part that is, he was rather satisfied with no explosions being involved in his first time cooking. The certain bland taste was a non-issue for him at this point. Now being the time to wait for about half an hour to see the results, he thought to use the chance to unpack the rest of his belongings.
A shape rose up, enveloped by something both weighty and soft. Another shape, yet smaller. Seconds passed till the larger of the two regained some semblance of higher brain function, and established that it wasn’t just a mere shape. From under his covers, Alan stared unblinkingly at his alarm clock, the display reading four to five. He felt absolutely horrible, his head felt heavy, yet he felt thankful that he managed to wake before his alarm would go blaring. Crawling out of bed with no small amount of difficulty, his feet touched the cold floor. He resisted the urge to retract his feet, and stood up, turning the alarm off. He grabbed the remote from his nightstand and dialed it ever so slightly. In response the overhead lamps went on, illuminating his room in their dim light. Alan made his way to the bathroom, but not before preparing a pot of coffee.

Steam poured out of the shower cabin by the time he held his arm under the stream of water. It was pleasantly warm, and the boy made quick work of getting under the shower. A sigh escaped from his lips as he ran his fingers through his hair and rubbed at his temples. The roots of his hair ached while his head felt as thick as it could be. As he craned his neck upwards, and the droplets hitting his forehead soothed most of those feelings, he thought of what happened only yesterday. It had already been a few days after the colonel had told him that they would be getting new pilots joining them. He happened to be studying together with Sol, in one of Nerv’s areas that permitted so. It was close, and on the way to the living quarters.

"Im sure I would love to get to know you better soon, but I would like to be better acquainted with the living quarters."

At first, he looked in Sol’s direction, wondering why her voice sounded so differently. He soon noticed the owner of the voice that had been addressing the both of them. Both her and her greeting were rather foreign to him, as well as fleeting. She had already left while he was still busy collecting his thoughts.

His mind returned back to the present as he stared at his hands. He tried to imitate the gesture he had seen the girl make. “Like this?” He thought, while he held his hands in front of his face, both palms against each other. “Was i supposed to close my eyes?” He couldn’t really place the gesture, nor the girls accent for the matter. They were both obviously asian, but Asia was rather big, so that didn’t say much. Alan having decided that he had wasted enough time doing nothing, promptly started washing himself, and dried himself off afterwards.

The shower had done him a solid, but he still felt rather far from sharp. His actions could attest that, as he almost took out his suit from the closet. “Not making the same mistake again” he thought, and quickly poured himself a cup of coffee. On the first day at his new school, he had worn his old school suit. He didn’t know or had thought of it, but immediately felt embarrassed and out of place after entering the classroom; The school was a public one, so everyone wore casual clothes, it didn’t help that he shared his class with Sol, nor that they were both pilots. The memory alone had him cringe and bite into his knuckles.

A strong fragrance wafted up towards his nose and he could already taste the bitter gold on his tongue before drinking it. He dressed himself in between taking sips of coffee; Boat shoes and a white buttoned up shirt, with the hem tucked into his chino shorts. Looking somewhat presentable but still not feeling it, he pulled a pack of dextro tablets out of a nearby cupboard, and an energy drink from out of the fridge, and promptly ate three tablets and drank the energy drink, and chased away the taste with the rest of his coffee. The result was already apparent after the third tablet, but only worsened and worsened till it peaked at the rest of the coffee. His brain went a thousand miles an hour, turbo charged by all the sugar and caffeine, while his fingers and face twitched to get rid of all the excess energy. Feeling like a missile, Missi- Alan danced around as he combed his hair and brushed his teeth, while doing a wonderful job not getting his clothes dirty. Ready to leave the his room and feeling more energetic than a kid should legally be able to feel, he grabbed a few granola bars and left his room, ready to start the day.

@Cross_Rhodes @HanaJuni @Beundo @NecroKnight @Rurnur
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Sol. R. Reigns

Sol stopped short when the girl approached them. Her gaze flickered to Alan automatically for cues. "Hi," Sol settled with the simplest of greetings. She hadn't learned how to make an impression properly. Her shear inability to be normal and talkative enough was both odd and humiliating. Let me die now, She thought. Sol nodded as the girl decided to leave them. "Hope to get to know you soon too." She said. Since they were the only girls pilots, Sol felt a certain kinship with her.

"She was nice." Sol said, and turned toward Alan. The entire dynamic of the American NERV division was still up in the air. Chandi seemed pleasant enough though.

Sol's concern regarding the other pilots fell to the wayside. Her training became immersive. Penelope drilled and drilled her again. Because they were friends (in a way) and she asked. Sweat seemed to pool along her hairline, but it was the kind that couldn't be swept away with a palm. Sol spent long durations in her spandex avocado green suit. By the time school wound its way back again, she was more stressed out than before, and also disturbed by how fast time flew by.

Sol inserted her ear buds. She suited up in a black and yellow stripped jacket. The hood of it was modeled after a Pikachu. Sol spritzed on some perfume and yanked her hair into high ponytail. She walked through a cloud of lavender scent to the door. The pilots had school together so she would finally get to meet everyone properly then. Sol went to catch the elevator like she did every other morning and nursed a bottle of orange juice under her arm.

Mindlessly, Sol stabbed the elevator button until the door open. She made her way to school.


The alarm blared a generic Bollywood song in the hopes of dissuading the tired Indian girl from her bed, and it was greeted with an erratic stab from under the sheets. She yawned, and shook out her head, her hair sticking out in every which way, curled and now only reaching mid-neck.

She had to start school today, yes? Yeah, she remembered arriving back at the apartment only to see Lev gone, leaving a quick, crude note about being reassigned somewhere else. She gritted her teeth remembering that, and how she'd worried so much about how they'd get along. Well, those other pilots seemed nice, I guess. A bit too nice.

Since Lev wouldn't be here anymore, she supposed she had a spare room, perhaps a guest room? No, nobody would come visit her. A drawing room? Art room? Yes, perhaps. That'd be for later decision. She heated some milk for tea, and threw in some spices as she nibbled on a potato stuffed flat bread. She thought of the boys and the girl from before, and thought to herself "Man, they were sort of cute...I mean, they're actually my age for once..." Shuddering at the thoughts of her interactions with the older pilots at the other branches. And that girl, she seemed nice. Maybe she should chat her up, maybe establish a relationship so perhaps they could become...oh what was that term...gal pals? Something like that, whatever the Hollywood movies shower as girls that did things like gossip or hit each other with pillows.

Her new uniforms had been delivered to her, and were at the corner of her apartment door. A simple blue jumper, white button up, school oxfords and knee high socks. She thought indifferently of the clothing, seeing no particular reason to fuss.

She took a shower, enjoying the hot water and soothing soaps, and prepared the satchel that came her way as well with her own supplies. Gotta keep some part of home with you all the time, right?

She preferred no jewelry, but kept an iron bangle on her left wrist at all times, as to remind her of the task given to her by God. If there was a god.

Putting the tea into a thermos, and throwing a dash of cinnamon in, she stood on her personal balcony, taking in the sunrise, and the many ruins and functional buildings. It was surreal to her, like it was half asleep. She was use to plenty of activity, and that bothered her. But this was nice, the lethargy was...comforting.

She grabbed a couple clips from her vanity, and walked out, checking her missed notifications on her phone and attaching the keys to her lanyard. The elevator was in use, so she scaled the stairs, It'd be a good exercise for the morning, right?

Gabriel Beundo

By the time he noticed it, Gabriel was sitting on his bed. Confused, he retraced his steps after the briefing -- he went to his room, prepared enough rice and beans to last hopefully a couple days, unpacked his belongings, ate a rather bland dinner, hastily placed the pans in the fridge and crashed onto his bed. He hadn't washed the dishes, but what impressed him was that he didn't even set up his trusty Nintendo 64. To be so sleepy as to not be able to play a little was a first.

But that was enough about yesterday, as there were things to be done today. His first real day as a NERV-USA "child". Turning off the alarm on his cellphone, he placed it on the sink of the bathroom, facing the shower. He liked to be able to see the time on his cellphone as he showered, even if he still had plenty of time left. Using the provided shampoo and soap, he took a short warm shower, then dried himself off and brushed his teeth.

Among the clothes he brought were two sweatshirts, one gray and the other dull green, and for today he chose the former. Together with black sweatpants and black shoes with silver details, that was his usual schoolwear back in Brazil. It was comfortable and, despite its looks, light, and he saw no reason to change that here. He then took care of the dishes, picked up his backpack and left his room.

As he made his way to the elevator, his mind began processing thoughts. There were two fellow pilots he hadn't met yet who happened to be his seniors. He was most likely going to meet them today at school, probably on the same class too. The elevator was approaching the floor he was on, so he sped up his pace a little and managed to press the button in time. Placing his hands in his sweatshirt pocket, he resumed his thoughts. There was no point in imagining what they were like since their meeting was bound to happen soon. For now, he simply attempted to recall their names mentally. "Alan Monroe and..." The elevator door opened and he walked towards it.

"...Sol R. Reigns?" Halfway inside the elevator, he and his thoughts stopped once he noticed there was someone else inside. She seemed about his age -- one of his seniors, he concluded, and the one he just named. Was he glad he kept the names in his mind and didn't speak them aloud, as that'd probably be rather awkward and creepy. Still a little out of it, he attempted to establish contact. "Good morning, I'm..." ...but noticed she seemed to be wearing ear buds. Unsure if she'd heard him, he became unsure if he should try again or continue. This moment of uncertainty made him realize he was still standing on the doorway.

That just looked silly -- he was probably making some kind of silly surprised/confused expression too. Hoping she didn't notice it, he finished entering the elevator but kept a more-than-reasonable distance, so as not to startle her. Stabilizing his facial expression, he tried once again. "Good morning. I'm the Seventh Child, Gabriel Beundo. It's nice to meet you." He barely raised his tone as he was closer now and judged it'd be likely for her to hear him this time. The doors closed and the elevator continued on its way. Now that he thought about it, he wasn't too sure about the way to his new school -- he would use the chance to ask her about that and about the school in general after, or if, she replied. He was glad to have found a reasonable topic as an excuse to start a conversation, as he didn't think it was the time to talk about the EVAs or the Angels...but also because he was generally bad at small talk.

Sol R. Reigns

The song playing in her earbuds was embarrassing and horrible and Sol was certain Gabriel head it. She swatted them out of her ears and into her pocket with the urgency of a crazy person. Sol's response was stalled by the fact she sucked at introducing herself. Even when all it really required was her name. That her and Alan managed to became friends after their introduction was something of a miracle. "Oh, cool." The words poured out unaccompanied by any coherent thought. "Seventh child, huh? I'm the Third." Sol gestured to herself, finger bouncing against her collarbone. "My name's Sol by the way. Should probably mention that."

But he probably knew.

While NERV was an organization brimming with secrets, Sol wasn't one of them.

The elevator pinged. The door slid open. The white hallways of NERV were akin to a hospital or mental asylum. Sol's thoughts slipped to numbers. From three to seven almost overnight. The first and second children weren't present at NERV. Now there was Gabriel and Chandi and, for a little while, the boy who'd been transferred out. "Do you know where class is?" Sol asked. It occurred to her Gabriel could be lost. Or could get lost easily. Her foot hitched on the slick floor. The wax glistened under her shoe.

"I'll make sure you make it. If getting to school is something you want." Sol decided. In Japan, there was a concept of senpai and kohai. An older student and a younger. It sort of loosely applied to their situation. She recalled what the Colonel said about being a leader. Her version of leading apparently involved being Charon to the public school system's Underworld. God, I'm lame, she thought.

Sol filled their silence with chatter and conversed with Gabriel all the while he stayed with her. She made her way to school. Sol wondered where Alan and Chandi were as well. And if they would make it to class or not.

With his brown leather briefcase slung over his back, Alan idly tapped his back with it while he waited for the lift to come down. He’d called it to his floor a while ago, so he wondered why it took so long. He reached for one of the granola bars in his pocket, and with one hand deftly unwrapped the wrapper and took a bite. By the time he had finished it, the elevator hadn’t arrived, and it didn’t seem like it would anytime soon. He pocketed the wrapper and went for the staircase instead. Still feeling dangerously energetic, he practically jogged up the stairs, taking two treads a time. He’d step past the people whenever they were in the way, greeting whomever greeted him, and continued doing so all the way up.

He kept it up until about halfway, as his legs burned so much that he needed to take it easy for a moment, but not for too long however, at least not if he’d wanted to catch the bus. It wasn’t an issue of coming too late. He rather liked the route this particular bus would take towards the school, one of the stops being one of the bigger parks in the area. Alan had to admit though, being early was rather nice. His thoughts having lifted his spirits, he started to whistle "Stairway to heaven" as he quickened his pace, but rather abruptly started whistling the melody of “Tom’s Diner” instead, as the former was far too cliché.

Nearing the floor of his destination, he immediately tensed up as his eyes registered someone familiar walking on the landing ahead of him. “What a coincidence...” He thought, it was the girl that he had met yesterday. Something seemed different about her from last time, but despite her school clothing, he couldn’t put his finger on it. It didn’t matter however, as Alan had found himself in a predicament. He felt he wasn’t prepared to interact with her yet, at least not for now. He considered walking past her, and not saying anything, but knew that would be rude. He was kind of hard to deal with he had to admit, but something he was definitely not was intentionally rude.

“Perhaps i should check my pace and keep a reasonable distance.” He thought, but soon realised that he had been whistling up till now, and had taken the steps rather loudly at that, which meant she were likely already aware of his presence. It also didn’t help that he simply stood there, staring at her. “Ah-” was all that came out when he figured that last bit out as well. His ears started to tinge red as he felt particularly embarrassed, and seeing no way out, resigned himself to the fact that he’d have to take the initiative for once, whether he liked it or not. He couldn’t recall what her name was, either having forgotten it or never catching it, so he settled for greeting her with a simple “Good Morning!” and a smile, and hoped he wouldn’t make himself look like an even bigger fool than he already felt.


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