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Fandom Neon Genesis Evangelion RP (Accepting)


One Thousand Club
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
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Sol. R. Reigns

Dressed in school clothes, Sol reviewed herself in the woman's restroom. A pathetic night of sleep darkened her undereyes. The hot water frosted the mirror. Government money swirling down the drain. Sol's thoughts were with her Evangelion as they sometimes were when she ruminated. Its raised chin. An organic presence in the seemingly mechanical build. She breathed crisp air in and relaxed her grip on the bathroom sink. Sol twisted the knob to cut the water off. She yanked a towel to pat against her hands with a dull, exhausted gaze. Sol went into the hallway where she recognized little of which direction she came from or wanted to go.

The cluelessness only lasted for a moment, but enough to realize the underground facility still wasn't her home. It was a place for NERV to stash them until they were needed. Sol appreciated the pragmatism. To be valued so highly by the government as to be practically owned by them. She cracked an unladylike yawn, bringing her hand up at the last moment to cover it.

Sol strode 3/4s of the way to the elevator before she realized she walked out without her jacket, and returned for it. Extra exercise today--NERV would be happy.

The other one--the boy. Like a checklist ticking off in her head everyday, Sol wanted to be sure of certain things. The other pilot was one of them. Because without him, she would be alone against the Angels. Alone and freshly fourteen and failing algebra (maybe). Sol stuffed her hands into her pockets. She walked back to the elevator. Instead of pressing one contemplated clicking all of them, but then stopped herself and pressed to go up.

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The sound of music playing through speakers could be heard in the recreation room. Alan was seated at a table there as he tried to unwind. He had been frequenting it during most of his breaks, but he had only gotten more restless after every visit. It was a restlessness that urged him to do something- anything except sit down. Unfortunately there wasn’t much to do during breaks, and just walking around aimlessly through Nerv had gotten him lost before, so he refrained from doing so. Laying on the table with it’s cover facing up, was a book Alan had been trying to read for the past few days. He had left halfway into the book, but he could never get past the first paragraph, his mind always wandering to his Evangelion unit.

The first time seeing it he had thought it to be purely mechanical. Very imposing yes, but still purely mechanical. He was later informed that it was quite the opposite. Besides that, the unit itself was quite peculiar too. It was very hard not to miss; every now and then, it would blow steam through the cavity in it’s red and white visor, all on its own accord. Not only that, it’s hands would twitch for no apparent reason. Supposedly no other EVA unit prior to this one had shown such behavior. Not even the other EVA unit present did. The scientists told him in very clinical words that the oddities were within acceptable margins. “It was too be expected.” One particular scientist said. The number Four alluded to one of the names of God, and was an unlucky number in certain parts of the world. Needless to say, Alan didn’t feel the least bit reassured.

The song playing eventually ended, and was soon followed up by “Uptown Funk”. Alan groaned. He had heard the song far too often since his stay at NERV. He walked to the radio and switched it to another channel, which featured a talk show. They were discussing certain condiments in food, but Alan paid it no mind. He didn’t really like being in the recreation room. While it was well equipped with various sources of entertainment, the room itself was just as stark as every other, except for Nerv’s logo and motto. As far as he knew, just like this one, no room featured any windows that showed the outside, much to his annoyance. At least then he thought, he could relax a little.
Sol R. Reigns

The stoic expressions on everyone's faces held as a bead of sweat ran down the cheek of a security guard. Four people sat at the table. It consisted of two engineers in lab coats, one man dressed in a bulletproof vest, and a 14 year old girl. The game was Rummy. The score was tied. And Sol Reigns was sitting pretty with a king and ace of hearts in her hand. A treasure-trove of chocolates, candies, and cakes had been piled in the center of the table, along with, for some reason, a canister orange flavored tic-tacs. The winners took all. Sol deliberated a moment before discarding a seven of spades and picking up from the deck.

The other woman of their duo was Penelope. She was an engineer on break like the others. Penelope contributed the tic-tacs to the game. "I hope we aren't keeping you from your school work." Penelope said. She had long hair and an understated intelligence in her probing gaze. Penelope dropped the card Sol waited the entire hand for. She did it casually, but Sol was certain she'd been keeping track of who had what the entire time.

"Nah, I already memorized the speech for English class. Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow." Sol demonstrated and rolled her eyes. The security guard wasn't too skilled but he was lucky and managed to go out every hand, except it seemed, for this one. "I'm sure if they need me, they'll call for me. It's not like I'm hiding or anything." Sol slapped her hand on the cards in the middle as soon as it was her turn.

"Ha!" Sol said with an unsportsmanlike grin. She laid her spread on the table. "I'm out. That's game."

The other team groaned. Cards were flung onto the table. Scoffing abound.

Sol horded the choicer pieces of candy toward herself. Penelope pressed an electronic cigarette to the corner of her mouth. "Where's Alan?" Penelope asked. She called them by name which was remarkably better than 'third child', or forth in Alan's case. Her break must have been about to end too, she rose from her chair.

"Don't know." Probably the Rec room. Sol shrugged a shoulder. "See you later." She said. When Sol left the table, candy was overflowing from her jacket pockets. Plastic rustling against plastic. She decided to go the way of the Rec room. The awful music didn't deter her, except she wondered who in NERV was responsible for the song choices.

"Hey," Sol said upon seeing Alan, checking herself in the doorway. "You look bored."

The radio started playing something more agreeable by the time the door to the recreation room opened. Alan still facing the radio, tensed up as he heard Sol’s voice. He turned around, and saw her standing in the doorway. “I’m not bored.” He stated, pausing for a moment. “It’s just that I can’t sit still. I feel like going for a walk, but last time I did I got lost… So I’m not sure what to do.” He confessed. His eyes looking upwards, as he tried to seem as if he were deep in thought. He didn’t want to make it look like he was deliberately avoiding eye contact. He didn’t dislike her, as he didn’t know her well enough to dislike her in the first place. It was just that for some reason, he couldn’t seem to look her straight in the eye. He just hoped she wouldn’t notice. He went and sat down again, and grabbed his book, as he pretended to go read it. “You can go ahead.” Alan muttered. And then more louder he repeated: “I mean, you can go ahead and use whatever’s in this room. I wasn’t using it.”

Sol R. Reigns

Sol zoned into the song on the radio, but didn't want to enjoy it too much with Alan also in the room. It was one of those cringey pop songs she knew she should dislike. Her gaze immediately shifted to a small bookcase against the wall. A hefty copy of H.P Lovecraft short-stories were bound in a leather cover. "I know the feeling. That actually happens to me all the time." Sol admitted. She glanced from the bookshelf to Alan to the bookshelf. Sol boosted the volume of short-stories onto her arm and split it open at the middle. There were staticky, black illustrations inside of monsters. Sol inspected the table on contents at the front for a title that sounded appealing.

Sol read through the first page before pulling the book from her face. It was a waste not to test out the waters of Alan's personality while she had the opportunity. "Where would you go if you could go somewhere?" Sol asked. It was true they were pretty much followed everywhere. Sol imagined an FBI-like group of men in black suits and black sunglasses monitored her every move from a room. She pinched the pages within the short story she choose--there were only four.

"It's kind of weird." Sol wasn't sure she should be saying this, but felt the honesty of it, "I kind of wish an Angel would attack just so we could get it over with." Did that make sense?

It making sense was the only thing keeping her from being a horrible person for saying it.

Sol studied the cover of her book. It wasn't nearly as interesting as her fixating probably made it seem. "Oh, by the way, fan of chocolate?" It was an absurd question. Woe to anyone who wasn't a fan of chocolate. Sol unloaded her haul from the Rummy game onto the table for them to partake in.

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Alan didn’t have to think long for an answer. “I’d like to go to a national park sometime” He said. “Coincidentally, one of the scientists called unit 4 “Yosemite”. What would a national park like that have to do with unit 4?” Alan wondered.

He frowned when Sol made her remark. “I still feel like I can’t handle unit 4 as well I’m supposed to. Not as well as i’ve seen you handle Unit 3 at least. I don’t want to drag you all down, so I’d welcome any extra time I can get.” It troubled him a great deal that after all the practice they’d have gotten, he still had trouble piloting Unit 4 competently.

“I kind of get what you're saying.” Alan admitted. “but still… I don’t think we should wish for that.” He too didn’t like knowing an angel would rear it’s face someday, and only being able to wait it out, such as now.

A bunch of candy clattered onto the table as Sol emptied her pockets. The last thing he needed was a sugar rush. “Chocolate isn’t bad-” The boy started. Despite his agreement, he was about to decline her apparent offer to some chocolate, until he eyed some chocolate with bits of hazelnut on the table. Alan subconsciously licked his lip at the sight of the chocolate bar. “-but i’d rather not get my book dirty.” He said, giving the girl a weak excuse.

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Sol R. Reigns

Sol didn't know the scientists called Unit--04 'Yosemite' but she quickly internalized the information. "Maybe because it's big?" Sol asked, not sensing how dumb it sounded until after the fact. She pressed her fingers against the back of her neck. Maybe it shouldn't have, but her literal way of thinking had always screeched of inadequacy. The engineers didn't call Unit--03 by a name other than Unit--03, that she knew off. "You need some of that bear spray then." Sol informed Alan. "If you go to a national park. It's all fun and games until someone gets mauled by a bear." She delivered the line with a firmly straight face.

It was an impromptu test of humor. Sol peered at him, waiting to see if he passed.

The compliment blindsided her. Sol fumbled on the correct way to accept those. "Oh, Unit--03 can be a handful when it wants to." Sol said quickly. "But thank you." She might have said more, but it seemed like the right amount of humble-brag ratio to leave things there. "Unit--04's pretty cool. I mean, it'd be pretty scary to have to face an angel all alone out there."

Sol nodded solemnly. She didn't delve into the mechanics of chocolate's nefarious ability to sneak into books. She shoved all of the packaged candy aside with her arm and took a seat opposite Alan. Sol perched cross-legged, leaning in the chair a way the manufacturer probably hadn't intended. "I'll just leave the stash here for us for later then." Sol decided.

"So, what are you reading?" She asked.

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“Now that you mention it-” Alan said. He had taken her words at face value, not realising it was a joke. Putting down his copy of “Crime and Punishment” on the table he slid it towards Sol.“-a man in Canada was a casualty to a bear attack on the tenth of march this year.” Retrieving his smartphone from his pants pocket, he unlocked the lock screen, the image of a two year younger Alan and a middle aged women replaced by the phone’s native theme. He navigated his panel, opened his browser and googled “Bear attacks national parks”. The first result showed a wikipedia page of bear attacks in north America. “...Seventeen cases of fatal encounters in the last five years, thrice in Yellowstone national park.” He couldn’t help but pull at his collar and gulp at the realisation. “I kinda wanted to go there too...” Alan mentioned as he put down his phone on the table. He silently vowed there and then that he’d never to forget bear spray when visiting a national park. “That is pretty thoughtful of you though. I take it you’ve been to a national park before then? How was it?”

The song playing on the radio had once again ended, and was followed up by a particular ear grating song. He stood up once again and dialed the radio to another frequency, catching the tail end of an old rock song. It was thereafter followed up by a very involving acoustic piece, that had him momentarily forget he wasn’t the only person in the room. “Ah! I’m sorry for just switching the radio. I wasn’t thinking!” He said bashfully, realising what he did was pretty rude and inconsiderate.

Alan hummed in assent. “Yeah, i don’t even want to think about going at it alone. And definitely not with just a progressive knife.” He wasn’t eager to combat an angel at close combat, much rather fighting one from a safe distance with the Type MM-99 instead. And if he really had to, he much prefered the Smash-hawk over the knife. “Whatever happens, i’ll do my best assisting you when an angel shows up. You can count on that.”

Sol. R. Reigns

Sol's face did a thing at hearing Alan's book was Crime and Punishment. Her reaction somewhere between but why, and being genuinely impressed. The bear spray conversation didn't go like she expected. It went better as Alan took it completely seriously. Sol nodded, and gained some knowledge about the epidemic of bear attacks in the United States. "No problem." She said. "Evangelion pilots need to look after each other, you know?" From Angels and bears, apparently. "I haven't been though. We should make NERV take us. They totally owe us some vacation time."

"Mm. If you'd turned it sooner, we could have gotten to listen to the rest of Carry on My Wayward Son." Sol said. She wet her index finger to unstuck one page of her book and flip the next over. The phone she owned had been a gift from NERV Sol checked it for the time. Vaguely sure they were supposed to be somewhere, sometime soon. Sol realized she didn't have anything to mark her page in the book with. She tried to commit pg. 74 to memory. Sol closed it, abandoned the novel on the table.

"I'm going to go to the briefing room. Maybe check out when our next sync test is." Sol pressed her hands into her pocket. Alan was welcome to come with, but she thought that was obvious without saying so. Sol squinted outside in the hallway. Once again confronted with her lousy sense of direction.

Sol eventually changed her way upon the briefing room. She waited outside to be noticed. A security guard nodded in her direction. He had been part of the Rummy game. Once she gained admittance inside, Sol went. She picked at her cubicles. The Colonel was an intimidating guy.

@GIO @NecroKnight
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No sooner, did that happen - that the form of the aged Colonel Archibald appeared in the room as well. Unlike their Commander-in-Chief, who perfered video-conference and not being much around to talk to them in person. Except, when they were first accepted into NERV.

The Colonel himself looked, indimitating to say the least - he looked like someone, who should be lounging in a suburb, not being a military commander still. Albeit, his form, attitude and stance still gave the impression - that he was a guy, who if need be, could likely mop the floor with them or any of the guards stationed in NERV. More so, was his attitude - it felt like he was pulled from a military recruitment ad, the no-bars drill sergeant.

He did have a habit, of treating the rest of the staff, them included - like they were part of a military unit, which in theoretical terms, they kinda were. But, he kept the line, from them being trained as some child-soldiers. He was gruff, loud, you couldn't bullshit with him nor could you complain around him either, as he always found a way. Albeit, nobody could call him unfair, unlike the Commander - many staff, had still called him a fair man. He was old, demanding and yet he didn't give them anything overly hard - dull, yes but never enough to break somebody.

Their off-duty rooster, was calm whenever it was school or non-NERV activities. Colonel Archibald also substituted as the gym teacher, whenever need be. His so-called Colonel-mode was whenever, it came to combat and Angel-readyness - in those cases, it was simply listen-understand-yes sir-and following orders. Nothing overly hard, but with teenagers, it was always a juggling sense of balance between disobedience and simply teenage angst.

"Hello, Sol. Where is Alan?" spoke Archibald, carrying a stack of documents underneath his arm. His voice wasn't hard at that, so it was likely a briefing moment, this time around.


Alan had completely forgotten that he had an appointment with the colonel today, and followed right behind Sol as they walked out into the wall. He wasn’t paying much attention, so he almost kept on walking the wrong direction as Sol turned the other way. Eventually having reached the Colonel’s room, he slipped right in after Sol as the colonel wondered where he was. “Right here, Colonel!” He hastily said. The man had a way of making Alan feel significantly dumber than he already felt. The boy stood rather stiffly in his office, waiting attentively for whatever the colonel wished to share with the two of them.


"Good of you two to arrive," started Archibald - producing a few files for them to read. "Read these. It contains some new data, we've discovered about the angels."

"From what little we have managed to learn, from the first two encounters. The Science Division, believed that these monsters or Angels - as they like to call them, might get worse, the later they come," he stated, opening the same copy of the document to page one.

"From our initial report, with Angel 1 - it would seem, it didn't go beyond mere instinct. Hence, why it acted like some dog, who just charged and attack. Now Angel 2, while it was the same - its core energy read-out was almost 250% higher, than that of Angel 1," spoke Archibald.

"What has this, got to do with you, you could ask? Well, its the obvious factor - a more powerful core-reading, would state, that its powering some stronger weaponry," he added. "Not only to that, it might have tougher skin and defensive capabilities aka AT-Field. It sadly also means, the Angels might get stronger, faster than we can upgrade you EVA's - as such, it is adviced, by me and most of the Tactical Division. That any encounter with the EVA's, be coded Black. To your terms, it means - if I say jump, you jump. If I say bail-out of that burning, molten wreckage you do that."

"I honestly find the idea, bad as it is. The war-machines might be piloted by you - but having a giant mech under your control, doesn't make you a soldier. As it is, with such a threat - the Science Division, has developed the H.E.L.P System or the Human-Evacuation-Light-Pulse," he spoke, turning to another page. "Its a special device, being installed underneath your pilot' seat. Should structural integrity be compromised - you can evacuate your EVA, before it could any permanent harm. The device, is also able to be activated from remote-command. So, if things get bad enough that your knocked down - we won't leave you hanging inside."

"Any questions?"
Mulling over the information the Colonel had just given them, it took Alan a bit before he could figure out what he wanted to ask. He looked at the thick stack of files the colonel had handed them. He briefly fancied the idea of skimming through it, but he just knew the Colonel wouldn’t appreciate it, so he would wait till an opportunity would present itself. “Colonel? Does that mean that eventually an angel will show up that's kinda smart?” He hoped not. He didn’t like that implication. As of yet, angels have only attacked independently. What if they got it in their head too just gang up on them? He could only grimace at that thought. Do angels even have brains? He shaked his head, no time to get sidetracked.“Do you know how many angels there are, Colonel?”


Sol R. Reigns

Her heart pounded once traitorously as Sol grabbed the packet. Her blood strained in her temple, either not enough or too much going to her head. "The Angels," Sol repeated. Her gaze trailed along the lines of the packet. She was anxious to consume the information, but perhaps too jittery for it to all stick. "They get stronger as they go on." It made sense in its way. Except for how it was so. The Angels were potent beings of unending complexity. There were a lot of questions she had about them without answers. "Thank you, Colonel." Sol said quickly. Her fingers curled into the packet.

NERV was still coming up with ways to keep them from dying. All the upgrades in the world wouldn't help them mid-battle if the Angel really wanted them dead, Sol thought but didn't say. She turned the page, nodded, and memorized some of the upgrades. The concept of being ordered around while in the EVA didn't appeal to her either. But then, it never had.

Sol pulled at a loose steam in her jean shorts. "Um," Losing her train of thought was 1000x worse while in the presence of the Colonel. Sol quickly continued, "If we do get ejected mid-battle... what do we do?" She asked.

Die probably.

Sol glanced at Alan, registering his question. She turned toward the Colonel, eager for an answer but not expecting a clear-cut one.

@GIO @NecroKnight
"To answer your questions - we aren't certain. We are however, certain - that there even is an energy-roof, or in translation, there is also a limit to how large and Angel' core can be. Before it'd be too big, to contain its AT-Field and simply explode. However, while we do know, a roof on their power - we aren't certain, how many of these could appear. If going by a 200% energy increase per Angel - we might be looking at seven or fifteen angels around that," explained Archibald.

"And I am not sure, if they are smart, intelligent, sapient or not. That is for the science department to find out, after we kill the giant man-killing creatures that seem to like to, blast us with plasma and raw energy."

"And in terms, if the Angel gives you a suprise attack and shears your EVA's down to their plating - if risk of compromise or injury is present, we'll deploy H.E.L.P and N2-bombard the area. The system is built like en ejection-chair - it has a built in escape trajectory and location to which, your escape pod will be ejected to. Once that happens, we will come get you. The EVA's aren't the priority - keeping the pilots save is."
Chandni sat nestled between her family on the plane heading to New NERV USA, and she would rather be anywhere else. She had been accepted for the NERV branch of India for piloting simulations a few years ago, and had shown enough promise (and synchronization) to be a capable Eva pilot.

Her parents wouldn't stop talking about it. About how she was so smart it was no wonder she got the job. How even though she may be helping humanity, she should still be a doctor. How this was, even if it was cool, only a phase and she really needed to stop being into this sort of stuff, it wasn't normal.

Yeah, her parents were weirded out by it, but apparently international recognitions was enough for them to accompany her to her new apartment so she could start operations for NERV.

She had her headphones in to block out the noise, and occupied herself with her younger brother Krishna, a 9 year old who couldn't keep his hands still and just always needed to fiddle with something. Chandni entertained him whilst scanning her official Pilot handbook, something she held so closely As a devout with their religious text.

As she walked down the isle to request some water, she noticed a boy on the flight a couple isles down from her, who appeared to also have an Eva Pilots guide. She thought of making contact, but then faultered quickly and skittered back to her seat.

The flight landed within the NERV Military Airport, and her parents, along with her luggage, were brought to the concrete flightstrip as they awaited for the NERV agents to arrive, and for the final departure from their daughter.
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Lev Hsi

Lost in thought, lost in dreams which he would no doubt forgotten once his eyes were open, one had to guess how could he be in such a state in a plane with childs crying and whining just a few seats ahead, two chattering and giggling women right next to him and more than he hadn't even noticed. The flight attendant herself was taken for the sight for a few seconds before giving the boy a gentle shook on his shoulder.

Traveling by himself, no trace of a companion by his side, Lev was finally awakened, jolting from his seat violently as he did so. He slipped the sleep mask on his eyes to identify the source responsible for putting an abrupt end to his slumber, staring at the female with the eyes of a scared animal. Somewhat bewildered herself, she spoke to him in English, as to which the boy could but assimilate but a few words, albeit enough to realize the reason for her approach. At long last, he had reached his destination.

Picking up a large briefcase, he dragged his feet out of the flying vessel, a yawn here and there, expressing how much of a toll a ten hour flight could have on his body. One could argue that this was nothing compared to eight months of sychronization and simulation tests...it wasn't. But that did not mean it was not draining nonetheless! Lev felt frustration building up inside him little by little, as the prospect of being crippled by his current state was not conventional in the least. Coffee. Ge needed coffee.

Clutching his EVA Pilot Guide in his free hand, Lev made his way through the large sized airport, exiting along with other several passengers. Unlike them, however, no relatives or friends awaited him. His arrival was instead expected by two NERV agents. While one fought his way through crowds of people to approach a family a few meters away from him - as to Lev quickly came to the realization that he was not the only pilot joining the USA branch - the other approached him. "Lev Hsi?" He would simply give the man a silent nod, showing him an ID card he had gotten prior to his flight. "Follow me."

He was led to a car discreetly parked just outside the flightstrip, giving the luggage he had brought with him to the man in order to set it on the back of the vehicle. He was able to capture a faint surprise as he was handed them, probably as to how light-weighted them were. Lev had not brought much with him, after all. Essentials, a few books, a MP3 music player,...
Less trouble. He shuggred at the agent before taking a seat, slapping his cheeks in an effort to pull himself from his groggy state.
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Seven or fifteen. A rather broad estimation Alan thought. Not only that, it isn’t even confirmed; merely conjecture, but conjecture was better than nothing. In anyway, the colonel wanted them to simply focus on defeating the angels, something much easier said than done. All other things came after. While Alan didn’t feel very assured- least of all by the escape pod- he appreciated the fact that it wasn’t all unknown. If he had to describe it, he’d compare it too being in a pitch black basement, while your eyes slowly adjusted to the dark, instead of entering it, after coming right out of a well lit room. Sure, you can barely see beyond a foot in front of you, and you aren’t sure if that silhouette is just a tall lamp or or something much more sinister. However, you at least know it’s there and you can prepare accordingly.

Alan looked at the stack of paper in his hand again. It irked him how much he wanted to read through it. He rubbed at the corner of his collar, pinching it between his thumb and index finger absentmindedly. “Colonel, was there anything else you had to share?” The boy asked. If not, he planned to go to his room, read through the stack, and study his, by NERV provided, pilot books until he could barely force his eyes to stay open.


"No, that is all, dismissed," he said, saluting the two pilots - almost about to leave, before he remembred something. "Oh, I almost forgot. We will have a few, new pilots coming in. While, they around the age as you - you have had the experience of fighting two angels, for the moment. So, as of this moment - when we are deploying more than you two. You'll be acting as the senior pilots on the field - that means extra pay, as of this moment, but also that you look up, articles related to Squad and Teamwork. Dismissed."






Both of the newest pilots, would have agents taking them to the NERV HQ - since most of the housing and studying would up be done on the ground. There, they would be met by the Colonel - who would process them in, and give their assignments.

(Sorry, about being small - its basically a taxi trip to NERV)
After her parents and brother gave her a cheery yet tearful goodbye, Chandni headed over to where there she had been directed to be before the flight, anxiously clutching her ID given to her before the flight. A NERV agent stood discretely in the corner, and approached her, asking "Chandni Grewal, I presume?" Chandni nodded her head, her eyes keeping to the ground least to avoid eye contact.

"Your luggage and anemities can be dropped off here," he agent said, motioning to a luggage drop-off station, "And you can keep your essentials with you while we transport you and the other pilot." Chandni perked up at the possibility of another pilot being new with her, perhaps she wouldn't have to be so alone in this! She had a simple, pastel coloured backpack with a few charms and good luck tokens of various types tied on, and made sure to keep that with her, as well as taking a small blanket and stuffed cat with her before they departed.

Before exciting, both her and the NERV agent got a cup of complimentary tea and coffee respectively, as a thanks from the Military Lounge. They strode out, right on time with no moment to spare, and Chandni slipped into the open side of the car, side eying her other passenger. He appeared sleepy, and his cheeks were red. She gazed at him, and asked softly "Hello there, are you another Eva pilot as well?"

Sol. R. Reigns

Sol's eyebrows shot up. The knowledge of more pilots as potent as any physical blow. Her curiosity got the best of her, Sol was anxious to meet them. Then the Colonel ruined it by saying they--her and Alan--were expected to be examples now. "Oh," Sol said, skeptical she was capable of leading anyone. "Yes, of course." She said. It sounded monstrously lame, but maybe she did need to research teamwork and squad articles online. She peered at Alan for a moment, gauging if he too felt weird about their new senior piloting status. How could any 14 year old be considered a veteran at fighting Angels?

"Well, hopefully we get to meet them soon." Sol said. Once the Colonel dismissed them, she headed out the door. Sol smacked the packet into her palm as she walked. Not really noticing she was doing it. She meandered in the hallway. A different security guard stood outside than when they went in. One she didn't recognize. Sol naturally caught up with Alan. Compelled to discuss what just occurred.

"So, we're getting other teammates." Sol said. Her thumbs flipped and bent the packet containing their new EVA information and procedures. "I wonder when we get to meet them." She said.

Sol chewed on her bottom lip. "I wonder what they're like?" Like us? She wanted to say. Or perhaps somehow more. More capable and more than their age. Sol bent the packet into squares mindlessly.

Alan groaned loudly right after leaving the colonel’s office. He had groaned so loud, even he himself was surprised at how audible it had been. “How am I even going to give a good example, when I’m not even a good pilot in the first place?” It was true he and Sol had taken care of the first two angels. They were relatively predictable, and the regular forces had softened them up by the time they got at them, so it wasn’t hard to overpower their AT-fields at the time. He’d barely done anything, less than Sol, he thought. One lucky hit. That’s all.

While Alan was pondering on the situation, the boy heard the repetitive thwacking sound of paper hitting an open palm coming closer and closer. Glancing besides him, he saw Sol who had caught up to him. He cleared his throat, about to say something in response, but stopped, and sighed once more. “Who knows? I’d guess it won’t be until a few days at the least.”

“-See, I’m really glad that we’re getting two new teammates, I really do. I just don’t feel and want to be an example to them when I’m not even cut out for that.” Alan said, worriedly. “And-” He continued, “And my synchronisation rate is pretty low, who’s gonna take me seriously when their synch rate is higher than mine? No one.” He complained as he ran a hand through his hair.

He felt a lump stuck in his throat, and no matter how much he swallowed, it wouldn’t clear.

“I think i’m going to my room and study what we just got from the Colonel.” Alan said as waved the stack of paper in his hands for emphasis. While weighing relatively little, it bore significantly more weight on his mind. “...I guess i’ll see you tomorrow.”

Gabriel Beundo

Gabriel sat closest to the window and listened to video-game soundtracks, which were really the only type of song in his MP3 player. Currently, the music being played was the soothing track "Dire Dire Docks" from Super Mario 64. Outside, he could only see the ocean, which matched the song quite nicely, he thought. Sitting beside him was a middle-aged man wearing a suit, fast asleep since the plane left the ground, and on the aisle seat was a lady seemingly in her early twenties who was also listening to music. With nothing interesting to observe from either of them, he took numerous short naps throughout the journey, occasionally thinking about his new life while gazing through the window.

The two main causes of his curiosity were his future companions and his enemies, the Angels. "Which of the two will be more interesting...?" , he wondered. Being aboard an airplane also prompted him to ask himself if there were Angels capable of flight. "If any of them showed up here and now, I'd be pretty doomed.", smirking lightly while imagining this unfortunate possibility. He received no information regarding his soon-to-be teammates other than that there would be other children fighting alongside him. Being the "Seventh Child", he assumed there were at least six more at one point. Realizing he knew too little at the moment, he chose not to let his imagination run rampant. He'd find all that out soon enough.

Eventually, the plane reached its destination. He left after waiting for most of the other passengers, then made his way to retrieve his luggage. The great amount of people walking in all directions confused him at first, but he was able to find an empty seat and wait until someone from NERV appeared, observing his surroundings. "Gabriel Beundo?" asked a man he saw walking towards him. "Hm?", he replied vaguely while nodding. The man then introduced himself as the NERV agent who would take him to their headquarters. Showing his ID card as confirmation, they walked towards a parked car, placed the luggage on the back, and entered the vehicle.

They arrived after a few minutes of driving, and two agents approached and confirmed their identities. "We'll take these to your room.", one of them said curtly, before taking the luggage and walking into the building. "Colonel Archibald is waiting for the new recruits. I'll show you to the briefing room.", the other one said. Following the agent, he tried to memorize the hallways but realized it wouldn't be that simple, and they reached the door. "Colonel Archibald, the Seventh Child has arrived." the agent said, motioning for him to enter. He stepped inside, trying to act as composed as possible, and introduced himself. "Gabriel Beundo, the Seventh Child, reporting in, sir." Maybe that seemed rather unnatural, but it wasn't the time to think about it. He was there to listen attentively to the debrief, and so he waited for his superior's words.

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"Welcome, Gabriel Beundo, please be seated," replied Colonel Archibald, in kind. The man seemed, old at that - albeit, since he was ranked Colonel, his age would need to be that high too.

Despite that, he still seemed like a man, whom kept in shape - as despite they graying-white hair look, his body still looked like one, who worked out whenever he had time. His tone also carried, a crisp and correct voice - somebody who had seen and beenin the military for a long time. All that combined, meant he was somebody to befriend and not annoy.

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