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One x One War of Kingdoms


Man of many faces
Nation Sheet

Nation Name:



Flag: (Optional)

Capital City:

Major Cities:


History of Nation:

Description of Nation:

Character Sheet






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Nation Sheet

Nation Name: Kingdom of Kyandor

Pronounciation: Kee-yan-door

Denonym: Kyandorians, "Dorians"

Flag: (WIP)

Capital City: Holy City of Valen

Major Cities: West Valen, Konthis, Bliss

Territories: Blissful Hills, West Shore, Kavon Province, Haldring Province, Sacredilis

History of Nation: Peoples of the Kyai Isles conquested their newly discovered continent. The native races were of no match against their sophisticated strategies and use of light magic. The Army Commander Gyonthil declared the land he conquered his and made himself king.

Description of Nation:

The people of Kyandor are quite friendly. They stand devoted to their diety Kyan, the God of Light. King Gyonthil has rule over all lands. Supreme Cleric Sadil is the Cleric of the Holy City and thus the Kyandorian leader of the Kyan faith. The King's oldest son, the Crown Prince, is the Commander of the Holy Army.

Character Sheet

Name: Aryathis Raii

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Nationality: Kingdom of Kyandor

Title: Holy Army Officer

Description: Born of nobility, Aryathis was raised from an early age to be a great military leader. He has never been too sure on himself but he is ready to prove he has what it takes to become a legendary warrior of Kyandor.
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Nation Sheet

Nation Name: Acruan

Pronounciation: ah-cruu-aan

Denonym: Acruani

Flag: (WIP)

Capital City: Central City Sharael

Major Cities: Vix'teria, Ep'toria, Gravnel, Terpeiron

Territories: Northern Yevon Plains, Southern Yevon Plains, The Great Mountains

History of Nation: While at first, the Acruani were only cult to the God of Shadows and Silence in the Great Mountain, after repeated incursions from a now dead kingdom from Yevon Plains, they brought war to the kingdom itself. Upon their arrival, however, they quickly understood that the problem was with the kingdom's nobles and its royalty, considering that their people were taken to the Acruani side with little more than a few speeches on how they would taken down the crown. Action they soon took.

Description of Nation: It is a nation of much equality between the people. A land where those with money and power (magical or otherwise) rule, but still have their limitation towards the less favored folk. The land is lead by the Shadow Council, a council composed by the most devout to the Shadow Lord Kass. Cities other than the capital are controlled by various Exarchs.

Side Note: Followers of Kass have varying degrees of using shadow magic, they are specially good at infiltration and assassination, hence why they had been able to take over the kingdom. While the notable user of this magic are far and few in between, the magic itself is widely spread through the kingdom.

Character Sheet

Name: Archene d'Night

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Nationality: Acruani

Title: Exarch of Vix'teria and Keeper of the Western Borders

Description: One of the most devout of Vix'teria and a prodigy in the Shadow Arts, Archene was nomitted Exarch of Vix'teria and Keeper of the Western Borders. A position that would keep him away from the capital making sure that he would never join the Council. Taking upon his missions, he is the responsible for the defense of the western borders of Acruan and the management of Vix'teria.

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