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Fantasy Neko Academy

Bio was a bit confused as to what was actually going on since she didn't know too much about most things. She was too secluded from the world most of the time before...

Her gaze travelled to the different people around her, scanning them as if to test if they were ok to be around.
"Well of course we know where the dorms are. It would be pretty weird if we didn't." Luke said laughing a bit "well maybe you can fence with me then Jeanette? I believe that would be pretty interesting." He said wondering if she was good at fencing. "But yeah, let's leave the hallways. It seems like the hallways are getting even more crowded." He said wrapping his arms back around Avery leaning into him, playing a bit with his Snow White hair.

@LilyannaGaming @MyrnaCat13 @dragonsfire
A glance was sent towards the boy that spoke about moving out of the hallways, and she motioned for the outside lawn of the school.

However, Bio's expression of confusion deepened as she looked at the first boy wrapped his arms around the one next to him.

Is that what friendship is supposed to be like...? I really would rather not be smothered...
JayKuro said:
"Well of course we know where the dorms are. It would be pretty weird if we didn't." Luke said laughing a bit "well maybe you can fence with me then Jeanette? I believe that would be pretty interesting." He said wondering if she was good at fencing. "But yeah, let's leave the hallways. It seems like the hallways are getting even more crowded." He said wrapping his arms back around Avery leaning into him, playing a bit with his Snow White hair.

@LilyannaGaming @MyrnaCat13 @dragonsfire
"Yea. They are this way. " She said walking a bit further. "I beat you anyday Luke. " She said laughing. She smiled. "Come on. Lets go get everyone settled in shall we?" She said. She motioned dramatically for them to follow.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, keep saying that." He said as he and Avery started following after Jeanette. He looked back towards Bio "oh yeah, honestly I have no idea if I've said this already or not, but my name's Luke. And this is my little brother Avery." "Nice to meet you." Aver said glancing back at Bil waving a bit, before looking back ahead of him having a,most walked into Jeanette.

@LilyannaGaming @MyrnaCat13
Bio starred for a moment before shyly hugging her big fluffy grey tail, hiding a bit of her face in the fur.


Her voice was very solf and a bit low pitched, but more than anything, it was quiet. She didn't want to say too much before getting to know these people.
JayKuro said:

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, keep saying that." He said as he and Avery started following after Jeanette. He looked back towards Bio "oh yeah, honestly I have no idea if I've said this already or not, but my name's Luke. And this is my little brother Avery." "Nice to meet you." Aver said glancing back at Bil waving a bit, before looking back ahead of him having a,most walked into Jeanette.

@LilyannaGaming @MyrnaCat13

Second Year

She stepped out of the way so Avery didn't trip over her. She gave him a warm smile. "Luke, have you even fenced before?" She said. She watched as every introduced themselves. "I am Jeanette. I am the more mature person of the bunch." She said giving a pointed glare at Luke. She smiled and turned and started walking again with a laugh.

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"nope don't even know the rules. And at least I'm more mature than Avery." "No your not." "Says the one who still sleeps with a nightlight." "..." Lu,e laughed as he left his brother completely speechless. "Hey there's no need to be so shy, I Only bite one person and don't worry because that person isn't you." He said looking back at Bio for a moment before looking back at Avery leaning his head into his shoulder. "Luke your squishing my tail..." "My bad.." Avery unwrapped his tail from his waist and moved it so Luke wouldn't squish it anymore.

@LilyannaGaming @MyrnaCat13
Bio stood there, burying her face in her tail for a moment before looking back at the three of them; however, her glance soon fell to the ground like it normally did and she only took a small step forwards.

"Hmm...N-Nice to meet y-you all..."

She looked back up a bit, still holding the fur to her face.


"Rolando slow down" Daniel begged as he tried to keep up with his masters fast paced walking. "It's already bad enough that we have different classes, but you don't need to be instigating people on the first day." Despite Daniel's superior athleticism he always had trouble keeping up with Rolando. It was most likely cause if offered to carry both of their stuff since, but even still he was clueless on how he couldn't keep up


"Come now Daniel you know I want to meet all the fun people of this school, and like I said you won't be following me everywhere as you need to make more friends" Rolando said slamming open the doors in school. He didn't mean to slam them open he just thought it would have taken much more force. He ended up swiping his stuff from Daniel and began to rush off "don't worry I'll be fine" as he ran around the corner of the crowded hallways in hopes of meeting new people

@ Anyone
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Kalli opens the door to her dorm and walks in, after closing the door she sets her bags against an empty wall, planning on putting her things away later. She takes a quick tour of the dorm room and mumbles to herself "at least its better then home." Strolling over to the window she look out for awhile in silence. After some time she turns around with a smile on her face and heads out of the dorms. She works her way around the school ground to make a mental map.

Miyu walks onto the school grounds with a sigh, she wasn't to thrilled about the idea of coming to the school. She would prefer being at the clinic helping the family with patients. Adjusting the book bag on her shoulders, she makes her way to the office to pick up her dorm key and schedule. After dropping her thing off in her dorm she heads back to the school yard and finds a tree to climb and sit in.
In the shadows was a wooden bench, and on that bench sat a small boy. A neko, dressed so darkly and being so silent that if you didn't look closely it was like he blended in with the background. Minx liked it this way, it meant less people would see him, and less people would be able to bother him.

His nimble fingers clicked away at incredible speeds on the keyboard, his laptop cradled in criss-crossed legs and making his thighs warm from the battery heating up. Green coding letters flew by on the black screen, struggling to keep up with the typing. Minx moved one hand away to pick up his can of coffee with milk, sipping the caffeine filled drink before replacing it in the same spot neatly and returning his hand to the keyboard.


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