• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

One x One Neffys Character Corner


The Ashen One
I'm moving over from gaia online and so i'm going to start dumping my characters that are either pre prepped for some of my plots or were made for a roleplay that never truly got going.

Feel free to snoop or message me if one appeals to you. bear in mind some are more fleshed out than others.

Tilda of the Tides
FC: Gemma Ward


  • x◢BASICS
    x【 Tilda Cyan Meer 】 x ❝ Tilly ❞
    ◇ Female x◆ 24 x ◇ Heterosexual x◆ Singer and Song Writerx ◇ Third Floor Apartment

    x ⊱ Seductive x ⊱ Friendly x ⊱ Stubborn x⊱ Nosey x⊱ Passionate

    x ✓ Swimming x ✓ Seafood x ✓ Music x ✓ Languages x ✓ Parties and Celebrations

    x✘ Hot Extremely Sunny Days x✘ Spicy Foods x✘ Judgmental Individuals x✘ Long Silence x✘ History

    x☠ Being discovered by the humans due to continuing to perform even when there is a chance someone will realize she's lived far beyond what a human possibly could.

    x✴ Touching before talking, she knows nothing of personal boundaries.

    x◢TURN IT UP!
    x♫ How To Be A Heart Breaker - Marina and the Diamonds
    x► Young and Beautiful - Lana del Rey
    x♫ After The Moment - Craft Spells

  • x◢LORE
    God of the oceans once loved a human. She sang to him each morning and each night. Till the day her town was captured and pillaged by sea fairing pirates. The woman slain through their savagery. Angered the god cursed the sailors and promised his vengeance. He could no reach land nore touch the mortals with his own hands. He could however create someone who could. Thus mermaids were born to serve their master the god of the oceans , granting him vengeance that he could not take for himself. Their voices smooth as silk like the gods fallen lover. Their duty to lure lusty men into their doom at the bottom of the ocean. The price of mortals set at ten thousand souls in exchange for the beloved long lost. Perhaps the gods most loyal was his first creation the siren Tilda. Born of anger with the face of an angel. Her voice kind and alluring never revealing her intentions till it was too late for the poor soul who listened. She did well and within a few years she had led her mermaid sisters so slaying and drowning a thousand sailors. When their duties were completed the God had grown to forgive but he would never forget.

    His loyal subjects were granted a single wish in return for their service. Tilda chose the chance to see the world of mortals. The god agreed but so that she would never forget from where she came the mermaid would still turn to fin whenever she touched water. Though free of service Tilda sometimes returns to the ocean her true home.

    Hypnosis ▬ the ability to control someones thoughts and actions through song. Can only be used if she has locked eyes with them and their focused upon her. Very temporary and can be broken if the focus is broken.
    Super Hearing ▬ she can hear things from quite a distance a way as well as isolate a single voice out of a crowd. No one stands much of a chance of sneaking up to her.
    Linguistics ▬ able to learn a language through a single kiss. doesn't matter whether the host is male or female.
    Super Strength ▬ When in the element of her maker beneath the water she has strength far greater than any human to rival other mythical beings.
    Water Manipulation ▬ She's able to control water masses and change their shape. She also has the ability to change the temperature from burning hot to ice cold. But this is limited to small amounts of water.

    Extreme Heat ▬ Her skin is pale and fragile too much heat burns it to a crisp and her burns from the sun heal much slower than that of humans.
    High Pitched Noises ▬ She had impeccable hearing and sounds produced in high pitches such as dog whistles can in fact make her ears bleed.
    Water Needs ▬ If she touched water she takes her natural form. She must fully submerge her body once a day in salted water.
    Transformation ▬ Shifting between forms is slow and she must fully be dried off in order to change from fin to legs. However changing from legs to fins is dependent on how much water has hit her legs.

Last edited:
UA Exchange Student - Carina Le Renaud


Name: Carina Le Renaud
Hero Identity: Mirage
Quirk: Mirror Phase
  • Carina can currently only create two mirrors which are twice her wingspan and height.
  • She is unable to create a mirror without touching something reflective
  • Carina can not shift the phase of the mirror without verbally announcing the phase she wants.
Ability Break Down:
  • Portal
    • With two mirrors in play Carina is able to create portal dimensions and stepping through one mirror causes someone to step out of the other mirror.
    • If a link in the set is broken someone is shot out of the remaining mirror at a high speed even if they’ve only managed to step partially through.
  • Illusion
    • The mirror creates an illusion, what is depicted depends upon Carina’s thoughts. Moving images can be seen and sounds vibrate out from the mirrors surface.
    • If Carina becomes distracted the illusion slowly loses its details and effect until its completely gone.
  • Repel
    • The mirrors currently created by Carina are able to repel 100% of ranged attacks or abilities that his the mirror surface, however, if struck with a melee attack it repels 50% of the force back at the attacker before shattering.
    • Once the mirror is broken by a physical attack Carina must touch something with a reflection in order to replace the broken mirror
Bio: (To be Decided)
Personality: (Coming Soon)
Space or Apocalypse Survival
  • x❝ Carina Lynn Swarson❞
    • xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoTHE " Protector "

      x Carina or Rina
      ▌I RESIDED INxJeanau , Alaska
      ▌I'M OBVIOUSLY AxFemale
      ▌I LOOK A LOT LIKExBryden Jenkins
      ▌IF YOU LIFT MEx135 lbs

      • Rina and her family had always been close to the edge of the world held up in Alaska. Though in a remote state the family had stayed within the capital of Jeanau until things became a bit too unsettled. Tempers were rising alongside the temperature and soon even alaska turned into what someone might call a hot spot. Out of desperation many headed north trying to escape the burning temperatures brought about by the end of earth as some would call it. It soon became clear that keeping a distance between themselves and others was the safer bet. Her father could continue working alongside his fellow scientists remotely skyping in only when needed. He had no intentions of putting his family at greater risk. For as things got worse and ideas for solution began to dwindle those attempting to be saviors would be the ones to receive the greatest punishment. But as the years rolled by even he was beginning to lose hope.

        So when the discovery of the new planet worked its ways through the network he was quick to request his own child considered. Due to her fathers merits the council considered the girl for the program. But as the trials took place to test her own skills they were sorely disappointed as he knowledge of the sciences both soft and hard we nothing to awe at. They were about to sign her off as undesirable when the fire alarm went off and caused a lock down of the facility. Carina had been left alone while the deliberation took place. The room had gone dark with only a red light to provide her with vision and the hall outside was silent. Unaware that there wasn't any true danger Rina's usual peaceful disposition turned to one of focus upon survival. The pen once use for writing was torn apart. The body broken and the piece remaining with her hand sharpened into a point by her rubbing it along the side of the table. The creation of weaponry was only halted as she heard foot steps through the siren sounding above. She silently raised from her seat and slid up against the wall. A girl seemed to turn to animal when the handle went down and the door opened. She cut the hand that reached out for her and kicked the supposed assailant in the back of the leg to bring them down. Carina had full intent to continue until the foe was slain. But when she saw the face of the person cowering beneath her as she held the makeshift blade against their neck the young girl hesitated. As she was pulled of the test administrator she thought to herself that she'd certainly thrown away the opportunity her father had offered her.

        But it turned out the survivalist display had actually sealed her place upon the roster of the new generation. After they'd cleaned the blood off of her hands they introduced her to her mentor. Who only shook his head insisting they had to have someone better with all the parents throwing their teens into the list of considerable in hopes of saving them from a horrible future. However after a quick private viewing of the security footage from the testing room the mentor began to understand what everyone else had seen. Carina had the instinct to be harnessed and the appearance to give her the element of surprise and the desperation to succeed. It seemed that her father sitting her in front of all those survival shows in the case that he didn't make it was worth it after all. Especially since the constant reminder of what was to come got the girl real invested. He'd gotten her to believe that the fate of the family rested upon her shoulder and in some ways it did. Needless to say the teen was determined to put up a good fight when things got down to the wire.

        Of course no matter how much she'd seen and tried Carina wasn't ready for the training ahead. When they said specialist they certainly meant it and they really had to start from ground zero as Carina hadn't exactly applied to be a combat/weapons specialist. Her mentor constantly reiterated that the element of surprise would take her far but not far enough when nearly everyone else would be dependent on her for protection. Things started simple enough with theoretical combat. Which weapon for which situation as well as formation. Then it came to body preparation with rigorous food regimines as well as physical strength training to make sure her body could even handle the kind of combat simulations that would follow. Theory and Body prep took four years while the remaining three were devoted to combat simulation and weapon utilization. Hundreds of times she got beat down and built back up again. Drowned and told to fight a man two heads taller. After dislocating a shoulder during a spar she'd be told to avoid getting pelted with paint bullets. It was surprising anything was left of the Carina who went in to the program the day they were set to leave. Luckily the spirited girl had always been able to keep mission separate for the person. Though her exterior had hardened a sweet hopeful soul remained tucked inside. As her mother had taught the girl one thing of importance, the spirit of humanity was just so important as the physical form. Her mission was to succeed but her desire was to live on and love the new family they'd all been given. She now had the tools and she intended to use it in whatever way she could in order to give humanity another chance. Chances are that she won't be the star of the survival show but Carina hoped to at least keep everyone glued together as she knew a group divided would be the quickest way to fail.

        x To lose someone due to her hesitations.
        ▌HOBBIESx Singing any type of music, carving things out of wood, riddles, sketching her surroundings or things from her dreams.
        ▌LIKEx Animals
        ▌LIKEx Electro Swing & Lo Fi Hip Hop Music Best but enjoys all music
        ▌LIKEx Swimming
        ▌DISLIKEx Sushi
        ▌DISLIKEx People who can't take things seriously
        ▌DISLIKEx Injuries that take long to heal

        x She was always the sort to try things for herself. Perhaps it was her lack of ability to think in depth that caused her to attempt stunts others shook their heads at. Even as she grew to have a better understanding of risk Carina didn't fail to push the limits she knew were instated.
        ▌PASSIONATEx She is invested in the mission just as much as anyone else. But she's always attached her emotions to her goals which was one thing her mentor was concerned about. As it could breed a strong motivation but an even stronger fall if failure occurred.
        ▌CREATIVEx She is a little macguyver when it comes to the use materials. Someone sees the standard where as her head is running the possibilities of other applications. The girl also isn't half bad when it comes to sketching and using her pictorial mind for non survivalist methods.
        ▌INEXPERIENCEDx She might have gotten a good education by P.E. didn't feature much about hand to hand combat or weapons manufacturing. She did receive the five years of training but simulation on earth likely pales in comparison to what awaits her on the new uncharted planet. She believes she is ready for anything but the training wheels have just come off.
        ▌CURIOUSx Although she got to see a good amount in her early years after age ten Carina was confined to the cabin and the area surrounding it leaving little new things to be discovered. So the new planet is likely to be her new playground.
        ▌DIRECTx It was all she ever received from her parents as having trust within the family was incredibly important. With most other humans a hundred miles away they depended on each other. Her father was also always a stickler for saving time and talking in circles to make the delivery of news a bit gentler was not something he condoned.
        ▌GENUINEx Her lack of experience with other people her age has kept her from realizing that lying can sometimes make ones life easier when it comes to being accepted. As such she is always genuine and honest about what she says. The quality may be endearing of off putting she'll learn it soon enough.​
Harry Potter Oc x Cannon or Oc x Oc
Two characters , both of them can be tweaked including their ages.

  • NAME Aurora Beatrice Morris

    AGE 15

    GENDER Female

    SEXUALITY Heterosexual

    User Image

  • SCHOOL Durmstrang

    - sympathetic awareness or tolerance.
    + OUTGOING - friendly and socially confident.
    + OPTIMISTIC - hopeful and confident about the future.
    - IMPULSIVE - acting or done without forethought.
    - PASSIVE - accepting or allowing what happens or what others do, without active response or resistance.
    - IGNORANT - lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated.
    BLURB - Aurora B. Morris, The Daughter or Annaliese and Mathew Morris. Although her mother was previously known as Annaliese von Steinkamf whose pureblood line traces all the way back to beginning of the hit wizards. A dark history the woman didn't like but still very much became a part of. She had the grades and potential to be far more and avoid adding to the list but alas like many others she believed family knew best. She upheld the steinkampf name after graduating Durmstrang. All was going well and her family was proud until a chase led her to the muggle world. She found herself in greenland atop a tall mountain. The woman lost track of her prey but found someone else. That freezing day she found the love of her life. Her daughter ended up being named after the mountain range where they met and the beautiful northern lights they observed together that evening.

    Although aurora followed her mother in appearance she shared more with her father in demeanor. A gentle soul who looked beyond the surface and saw the beauty beyond. Even when frustrated the girl always had a tinge of a smile on her face. As such Anna Morris didn't want Rora having any kind of ties to her family and possibly risking that the girl join a long list of killers. But when the letter came and Rora turned twelve Rora's mother couldn't bring herself to rob the girl of a chance to get in touch with her magical roots. Up until that time Rora's mother had kept the Steinkampf family history a secret.Needless to say both father and child were surprised when a letter was dropped at the door step mentioning a wizarding school. The morris family ended up having a different kind of talk as mother morris explained her second life. Rora was excited but father morris was worried. It was stressful enough to worry about a wife chasing down magical criminals the thought of having a daughter go to school and her possibly learn how to do the same thing wasn't exactly an easy pill to swallow. Especially since it seemed the Steinkampf family were pushing Rora right toward it. Even with both parents nail biting the girl decided she wouldn't miss out and ran off to Durmstrang.

    It wasn't the smoothest transition from a tiny high school in greenland but the girl has managed to remain upbeat even when it seems like she's probably the least suitable recruit for the school. For the first year she kept her head down and plastered herself in text books. But when flying lessons came around and flying a broom was no different than riding a wild horse the girl thought she finally found something to help her connect better with her fellow witches and wizards. She was light as a feather and quick on her broom but Rora found herself practicing falling way more than scoring at first. Dodging flying objects was a lot harder than she imagined. But a broken tail bone and a couple black eyes later she's now the official seeker on the team and wondering if maybe she should keep up with the sport after school. She knows for sure her father would approve but isn't so sure her mother would like her throwing out the natural casting talent the Steinkampfs posses. Rora is excited about the tournament and looking forward to getting to see broaden her horizons when it comes to the other wizarding schools. Although she sometimes jokes that her school might just leave her behind on the return trip if she isn't careful. However she refuses to think there isn't a single person who isn't the slightest bit pleased to have someone like her around.

    FACT#1 - Her favorite movie is Dodge ball, she believes it is her lifes story in Quidditch as half the reason she is a good seeker is because she manages to dodge everything thrown her way.
    FACT#2 - She's always got some form of camera around. Sometimes she even has her phone on her during quidditch matches, she hates missing a good shot.
    FACT#3 - Rora is the cook back home. Her mother and father are constantly out and about for work so she taught herself to cook because she got sick of frozen dinners. Also one of the few channels they get on T.V. Does a billion reruns of Iron Chef. So she's become quite the foodie.
    FACT#5 - Before she found out she was going to be a wizard Rora was working toward being a linguist and knows quite a few languages already. There wasn't much entertainment offered in her home town but one thing she always had access to was dictionaries in multiple languages.
    FACT#6 - Rora is an only child and she envies those who have siblings. She has always believed her childhood would have been much more fun that way.
    FACT#7 - Her wand has a dragon heartstring core and her mother cringed when she picked it out.
    FACT#8 - Rora has considered transferring to another wizarding school. Not only does she want to in order to make her parents worry less about her possible future decisions but she has also always had the feeling she isn't well suited for durmstrang.
    FACT#9 - Her patronus is a humming bird, she believes it suits her since it's small, quick, and full of energy
    FACT#10 - She's been more worried about her mother since the rumors about the Inferi have begun to circle. She knows if it's really bad then her mother is going to be one of the people hunting the person responsible.

I also have a very clever Ravenclaw who just has a reputation for laziness but the reality is it's simply that she doesn't like repeating what's already been done she would much rather experiment for herself and make new discoveries. She could work for the missing student mystery or the romance plot. She can also be edited if needed.

Minka Everly

AGE 16


SEXUALITY Heterosexual

User Image

SCHOOL Hogwarts

- having the ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties.
+ DARING - adventurous or audaciously bold.
+ ARTISTIC - having or revealing natural creative skill.
- STUBBORN - having or showing dogged determination not to change one's attitude or position on something, especially in spite of good arguments or reasons to do so.
- BLUNT - uncompromisingly forthright.
- FIERY - having a passionate, quick-tempered nature.
BLURB - Constantly refered to as the laziest Ravenclaw in history. Soon after she began attending school rumors began circling that Minka was different from her older sisters. Unlike them she was hardly ever seen in the library and she also failed to appear at study hall. The rumors all kicked off with everyone claiming she hadn't done a single homework assignment since the first day. Which happens to be one of the few rumors that is true. Just about everyone attributes it to laziness but it is in fact rather because she finds no purpose in mindlessly repeating what she already learned during the class session when she could and believes she should instead be experimenting with her own theories to create new discoveries. She has full respect for those who came before her and established what she learns in classes today but she's far more fixed at being the one referenced by the students who follow behind her.

So far there have been some letters sent to her parents but they haven't intervened with her methods. After all even without her doing her own homework she has managed to ace every examination she was presented with. It turns out paying attention in class and taking notes is more than enough. There only real concern is how she is managing to feed herself when all her lunch money goes toward paying other students to do the silly busy work homework. But what they don't realize is that she tutors her fellow students who struggle with the very things that bore her. Although Minka doesn't spend much time in the library she reads before bed each evening. Having sisters who are a herbalist and historian now that they've completed their education at the wizarding school offers interesting reading materials as well as her fathers private collection back home. She tends to have a minimum of three books stashed by her bed side at all times. During the day however she's testing out new spell combinations or training with her fellow team mates for the quidditch games. She started as a chaser but found herself to be better suited as a beater as it helps her gets those little feisty outbursts out of her system on the field and less in the hallways. Although when someone confronts her about the tiny temper she has the girl always reassures them she's simply passionate and trying to make a point.

Minka is hoping to be selected as the champion because she believes winning the tournament might help to prove she might actually be the smartest ravenclaw in history and not the laziest one. Usually she doesn't let what other people think bother her but lately it has been getting on her nerves. Especially with the occasional pure blood snob claiming the reason she's such a sorry excuse for a ravenclaw is due to her mother. Calling her own honor into question is one thing but her family is out of the question. Although the challenge of proving to everyone the laziest ravenclaw is a complete farce has kept her busy Minka hasn't failed to notice the darkness brewing about and it has her worried. She hopes everyone is just over reacting and it's nothing, but in the past ignoring such ominous signs hasn't exactly turned out all too well. However for the time being the competition has taken center stage. That won't keep her from asking the students from the other schools that they think of it all.
FACT#1 - Minka's father is the supervisor at the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures and her mother is a Chemist in the muggle world.
FACT#2 - The Everly family has always been involved with the study and breeding of mythical creatures. As such it is no surprise that Minka's Owl pidge comes from a long line of owls that's only been owned by her family and is impeccably well trained.
FACT#3 - Making fun of her muggle mother for being the only muggle in the family is a quick ticket to the top of her guinea pig for new spells list.
FACT#4 - Her Patronus is a Thestral and she's been warned a few times by her father not to show it too frequently due to the ominous beliefs attatched to the real beast.
FACT#5 - She is the youngest of three, none of the Everly Siblings attended Hogwarts at the same time however they talk of their personal experiences quite frequently.
FACT#6 - Defense against the dark arts is Minka's worst Subject matter. She is forever worried that she's the sort to become so vested in the subject that one day darkness might consume her. As such she avoids studying it as best as she can. It didn't help when her patronus ended up being something associated with dark and dreary.
FACT#7 - She's allergic to seafood and won't go near the stuff or she'll break out in hives.
FACT#8 - Rats make her cringe and she does her best to hide it. But she's learning to overcome that phobia since there are so many around at school.
FACT#9 - Minka loves painting and believes its a great way to balance out her sometimes harsher hard side people are offput by.
FACT#10 - Every time Minka goes home for the break she attempts to sneak her pets into the dorm with her. Unfortunately most of them are too big to hide for long so she only gets to see them on vacation. She's glad at least Pidge gets to keep her company.
From a previous group , murder mystery small town roleplay
Can be adjusted and tweaked.

━ † Magdalena Soren McBen
  • [ ✖ ] NICKNAME » Magda , Mags, and Maggie

    [ ✖ ] AGE » 19

    [ ✖ ] GENDER » Female

    [ ✖ ] SEXUALITY »

    [ ✖ ] BIRTHDAY » April 3rd

    [ ✖ ] FAMILY NAME » McBen

  • A P P E A R A N C E

    [ ✖ ] WEIGHT » 120 lbs

    [ ✖ ] EYE COLOR » Blue/Green

    [ ✖ ] HAIR COLOR » Dark Brown/Black

    [ ✖ ] HEIGHT » 5'9"

    [ ✖ ] SCARS » she's got one on her knee from falling off a bunk bed at camp once.

    [ ✖ ] TATTOOS » None Yet

    [ ✖ ] PIERCINGS » Considering getting a few

↳ Magda's always been the outspoken sort, even when sometimes what she has to say isn't exactly what people want to hear. So that's gotten her the title of the pusher on numerous occasions as she's smart enough to know what buttons to push and sometimes seemingly takes advantage of that. Her well-tuned mind can be her enemy when emotions get mixed in. On the flip side she's also not known for dressing like a preparatory school nun and she knows that gives people the wrong idea from time to time but fashion is about pushing boundaries and finding a personal style. Hers just happens to be a little more suggestive than others.

↳ Leaning toward the world of science rather than religion has kept the girl from closing doors just because she's unfamiliar with the category. She's more likely to request a detailed explanation or break down than to slowly back away whispering weirdo if someones doing things in a different manner. Of course, this drove her parents nuts when she was a kid because she stayed in the 'Why?' phase a good chunk longer than her siblings.

↳ Some believe its because she's on a spectrum where the trade-off is social likeability for mental prowess and others think its because she's always been more of a nose to book girl rather than eyes to screen young lady. Regardless she hardly ever lacks at least a scrap of knowledge when it comes to colloquial subjects and tends to pick up new material rather easily.

↳ She can get pretty set in her ways. Magda habitually acts as a live-action example that humans are creatures of habit. The girl does love trying new things but there are certain comforts and beliefs she just refuses to go against unless you drop a mile-high stack of evidence papers on her desk that suggests she's wrong. Luckily she never got into that smoking business otherwise she probably would have ended up with one in her mouth right before she croaked and fell into her casket.

↳ With an open mind there are endless possibilities on how to approach a challenge and Magda prides herself in always having fives solutions in mind when the problem before her only requires one. Part of why she loves fashion and clothing design is because there's no one right outcome and there's always a new fabric, cut, or angle to approach the next new design from.

↳ Part of why she's so stubborn is because she's got a whole lot of heart and ends up putting it into the majority of things she works on. So it often feels like a personal hit when she's got to rework her plans or rewire what she believed in her mind. But the good part is it makes her one hell of a devoted friend. In some scenarios, she might be quick to anger and argue but she never cuts the phone line. She's always got one open ear even if she's gritting her teeth into dust.

[ ✖ ] BRAZEN
↳ she feels she's got nothing to be ashamed of and thus she's always bold and vocal about her feelings and intentions. Magda thinks the people who can't express themselves should be the one everyone worries about. Rather than those who lay their cards on the table and tell it how it is.

↳ While she loved both mom and dad she had a special bond with her father. Playing with her siblings growing up was a daily delight but she most looked forward to family movie nights and fought for a spot next to dad. A personal favourite was the Jurrasic park series. She habitually weaselled books of all kinds from his study and instead of swapping them out for the ones best read at her young age he helped her sound out the challenging words. Telling her he expected nothing less from his clever girl than to seek out challenges.

↳ From the beginning, she lost her patience for the friends that were happily playing the same ole same ole duck duck goose which always ended the same way. She much prefered something without an obvious ending and so leaned toward the older kids who could teach her to play cards and strain her brain to earn the win instead of having it fall into her hands by chance. Of course, deep down the real motivation was to make her parents proud, with three other siblings ahead of her she always worried that she'd be overlooked as the youngest bringing up the rear. Which was all the motivation she needed to make a habit of going above and beyond what was expected for her age.

↳ She managed to become the summa cum laude of her class even when the life she knew had crumbled into tiny pieces during her senior year. The stubborn strain in her DNA had paid off and resentment toward the father that left her behind in the dark had pushed her to excel. In her young mind, the reason he'd left without a word was that he didn't think her smart enough or mature enough to understand what was going on. But the youngest McBen thought otherwise and so it'd become a personal mission to prove it. With the extra title tacked on to her high school diploma she felt a sense of relief. That even though her father had lost some faith in her she was able to prove him wrong and she'd always been and will be the clever girl.

↳ When her father vanished she found herself feeling betrayed which left her teeny heart broken and confused. Her broken down mother offered little guidance. Say for the quick realization of Magda that she'd rather be angry than so sad she was paralyzed under the weight of her depression. Her mother's demeanour also motivated the teen to have thoughts of getting out quick. Simply because she worried sticking around might cause her to lose the ability to look forward instead of hanging back and letting grief get to her. She never mentioned her plans to leave to anyone within the family knowing they'd think it wasn't for the best. Magda also worried that they'd feel betrayed by her in the same way she'd felt betrayed by their father.

↳ The discovery of her father's body didn't change how betrayed the young woman felt but it did enhance the level of confusion. He'd left them all in the dark about something that had cost him his life. Part of her wanted to get to the bottom of it and part of her feared that she was being pulled right back in. If she didn't find any answers she knew she'd be disappointed and likely end up angry with herself. While her mind told her to resist the efforts of her sisters made it hard to turn a completely blind eye. So she's allowed herself to help them out when they think they've got something. But she's still stubborn when it comes to keeping hope that they'll find out what really happened and finally be able to forgive her father. There's a wall between her and the real issues she's got and anyone who tends to reach for pulling out a brick has a mean stink eye heading their way.

↳ While she completed high school with flying colours she still couldn't quite decide whether she wanted to hit the road or keep close to the home front till everyone was back to how they'd been. So she decided to take a year off from academics and looked for a job. That job ended up being at the jagged line where she works as a receptionist and occasional hand-holder/chat buddy for those who struggle with the process of permanently inking their skin. When the shops quiet and she's all caught up most often she's sprawled in her chair sketching a new design. A year off from classes didn't mean she was willing to lose all her skills. So book reading and stitching as still two big-time fillers even if she's not graded on the finished product. Its been good to get out of the house more often during the day and she's found her time away gives her a lot more patience for her siblings who are still hard-pressed to keep themselves entangled in the past. Magda's also a big fan about not constantly being lectured at work about how being one of the wild ones will be the biggest mistake she'll ever make.


  • E X T R A S

    [ ✖ ] LIKES

    • › Reading, novels, articles, or even text books
      › Sketching, for herself and clients, even if sometimes it means going through five versions to get it just right.
      › Sewing pieces, especially from a new pattern or for a new client
      › Fruity Teas, raspberry being a favourite followed closely by lychee
      › Parties, especially with good music, strangely she adores both the classical well-written pieces so much as she does the multilayered electronic music that's hip today.
      › Gettig to hang with a more mature crowd, it broadens her horizons and she's a big fan of pushing boundaries.
      › Her Bike, it was one of her first big buys after getting a job. it gets her around saving gas and gives her a chance to feel the wind in her hair. All around something she's glad to have.

  • [ ✖ ] DISLIKES

    • › Cats, she stepped on one of their tails and there's been mutual hissing ever since
      › Sci-fi Movies, at least the ones with too many jokes meshed up with romance and not enough actual science
      › Talking about her Father, it's a soft spot and she knows everyone else has one too but just like them she tried to keep people away from hers.
      › Liars, shes always kept an open mind and thus she's never understood why someone is afraid to tell her the truth.
      › Silk, costs a lot if it's good quality and is a pain to work with.
      › Church, She's only ever been seen there on holidays, the good books just a little too controlling and rigid for her liking.
Slice of life of maybe a band rp
A photographer with a different view

ɴɪᴄᴋɴᴀᴍᴇ ▌▌ Bow - short for Rainbow
ᴀɢᴇ ▌▌ Twenty Three
ʜᴇɪɢʜᴛ ▌▌ 5'9"
ᴡᴇɪɢʜᴛ ▌▌ Weight
sᴇxᴜᴀʟɪᴛʏ ▌▌ Heterosexual - though she's dabbled elsewhere in the past
ᴇʏᴇ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ ▌▌ Grey
ʜᴀɪʀ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ ▌▌ Multi
ᴛᴀᴛᴛᴏᴏs ▌▌ Couple small ones on her fingers
ᴘɪᴇʀᴄɪɴɢs ▌▌ Nipps and Ears
sᴄᴀʀs ▌▌ None yet ...
ᴜɴɪǫᴜᴇ ᴛʀᴀɪᴛs ▌▌ None she's noticed

Honest ▌▌ Impulsive
Provocative ▌▌ Impatient
Creative ▌▌ Direct
Realistic ▌▌ Touchy
Passionate ▌▌ Stubborn

  • ▌▌ Skadi was named after the goddess of hunt and so soon as she learned the origin of her name she took it quite literally. The young woman was on the hunt for a new version of the industry her family had been a part of for as long as she could remember. After her first year of high school was barely completed back home she got struck with the idea. Why not allow the subjects of the news to photograph what they saw through their eyes while she offered the words? A picture was said to be worth a thousand words already so the small addition of some buzz words should be enough for readers to put their feet into the shoes of those the article was about. It started off locally with weekend trips to different neighbourhoods near home. The elite needed to see the struggles of those less privileged and the struggling needed to know that money didn't resolve all problems. Her inspiration being the duality of her own family having adopted someone from a different walk of life. Her territory for work expanded the minute she got her high school diploma and the local paper maiden happily accepted her graduation gift of a trip around the world.

    Her project had been heard of but wasn't one of weekly discussion until the first international excerpt hit the stands. and websites. The girl was all too pleased to find that at least someone else followed her vision. Though her project "Through their eyes" was becoming a hit it wasn't without its controversies. Some hailed it as groundbreaking material while others said the sometimes blurred and miss aimed photos were useless. People ranted about how she'd stolen credit for the work or her subjects and the opposition claimed she'd given a voice to those usually forced silent. At first the usually chipper gal was stumped. She couldn't please everyone, the truth hurt and people had opinions but that didn't remove the sadness that came with a negative response. But eventually after some meditation, while hanging with some monks in Nepal she made the realization that she'd started with her subjects as the focus and it would always be that way. Meaning so long as they remained happy and willing to participate she'd keep the project alive and kicking.

    To date, Skadi's never much addressed the negative or positive feedback received. The young woman's too fixed on the hunt for a story to take out the time she'd need to put out all the fires or accept the praise. She's not sure the neutral stance in the review of her work will ever change. But since the beginning, She picked up dancing. The girl took a spare language in high school and spoke it well but the world has many tongues and clicks so she needed something else to help break the ice and keep the mood at an all-time high. Not to mention everyone can dance even if it isn't well. She decided to gift the world with some footage of her first encounters with the subjects of through their eyes. The segments all over her Instagram with the hashtag Rythm Nation. During the first two years of rhythm nation people described her as looking like a crane having a seizure but slowly but surely she became the crane of crump. Needless to say the nickname stuck even when her skills improved. All in all the dancing does the trick and she's glad its helped her bond with all the wonderful people shes met. While also keeping her chipper demeanour intact even when the hunt for the story leads to some dark places. So even though she's got enough languages to talk her way through a few nations she still lets her moves do the talking plenty of her trips.

    Her life is just as she wished it would be but the more trips she takes the more she sees that isn't something that can be said for everyone. Which has her thinking of shifting things around. But at the moment shes joining some of her fellow golden children of society at the request of her parents. She knows things are going to get weird with so many opinions and people being pushed into living together. But the surprises are a big part of the fun an she's willing to try and navigate the crazy experience while taking some pictures and writing some thoughts. Hopefully, everyone else is up for a good time and new experiences.

ʟɪᴋᴇs ▌▌ Berries of any kind, Dancing, Photography, Cuddling, Spring rain, Vintage Films, Marlene Dietrich Fashion
ᴅɪsʟɪᴋᴇs ▌▌ Blind Arrogance, Overly Spiced food, Excessive Rules, Extreme Burning Heat, Itchy Wool Fabric, Physical Aggression
ғᴇᴀʀs ▌▌ Losing all her readers, Never finding someone to travel with, Losing her inspiration as a writer.
ᴀʟʟᴇʀɢɪᴇs ▌▌ Seafood of any kind unfortunately ....
ᴡᴇᴀᴋɴᴇssᴇs ▌▌ Wanderlust - she can't resist a nice change of scenery, The Truth - she can't ever seem to come up with a convincing lie, Unresolved Issues - They eat her up even if they aren't her own because everything needs an ending whether good or bad.
ᴛᴀʟᴇɴᴛs ▌▌ Linguistic Memorizations - She picks up languages as quickly as one two three. So far she has mastered five including Spanish, Japanese, French, German and English
sᴇᴄʀᴇᴛs ▌▌ She's always been worried that just reporting on the world isn't enough and has considered putting the pen on the back burner to be more directly involved as a diplomat or a united nations member.
ǫᴜɪʀᴋs ▌▌ She's picked up local jargon and slang on her travels and uses them frequently, isn't always observant of someone else's personal space, and occasionally drools when she goes to bed utterly exhausted.
ᴛᴜɴᴇs ▌▌ Stronger - Clean Bandit + Vaycay - Sunny & Gabe + Adventure of a Lifetime - Cold Play
Name: Shinora Haida
Age: 22
Occupation: Blacksmith/Researcher
Eye color: Blue
Haircolor: Chocolate Brown

Facts of life:
Shinora is the second oldest of the three daughters her mother and father had. Her father passed away a few years ago with breathing difficulties. When her older sister exhibited the same it became clear she couldn't be the apprentice beneath her grandfather. otherwise she risked meeting the same father their father did. While Shinora was next in line she had already been promised in an arranged marriage to a merchant family. While Shinora fancied her fiance she wasn't numb to the importance of her families craft. Seeing the lack of interest in her sister she made the difficult decision to relinquish the promised pamper life to become her grandfathers apprentice, thus trading places with her younger sister.

While Shinora enjoys her work as a blacksmith she often wonders if she might have made a mistake to change the path of her life so drastically at a young age. As the decision was made at the age of 16.

As a blacksmith metal and fire are a constant but as a hobby outside of the workshop she enjoys gardening with flowers. Feeling something soft on her worn hands is a luxury. She also keeps a journal in which she presses flowers that she encounters, when she can she also takes some of the seeds and glues them to the page with tree sap so that she might plant them later.

Her grandfather is still alive and well but he struggles to lift the tools needed to craft himself these days. Thus by now Shinora has taken over most of the work. Soon after making contact with the demon slayer corps Shinora was attacked by a demon. A demon slayer named Maru saved her life but not before the demon was able to pluck out one of her eyes. The demon had been desperate at the time and thus the action was messy. leaving her with cuts around the socket. Thought wounded the duo did not return to Shinora's village, instead the struggled to one near by. She didn't want to risk her family.

Seeing Maru risk his life for her inspired her to agree to work with the demon slayers corp, her only requirement being that they station a unit near her family as payment for her services. She cut her hair and goes by the name of shin to reduce her resemblance to her siblings alongside the mask she wears. To further hide she wears a hat . While she trusts the demon slayers and her family she hasn't removed her mask in the presence of anyone else since she received it. She feels embarrassed by her physical state and feels it is a sign of a mistake she made by not acting more carefully. She is determined to succeed, so that no one must follow after her.
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Name: Tessa Marie Carrington
Artist Name: Mingo
Age: 23
Job: Indie Artist/Content Creator < Contestant on Newbie 2 Pro

Facts of Life:

Tessa is the only contestant that's from overseas, everyone else is from continental Asia. She was only considered for the spot because her grandmother on her fathers side is Korean. While she is close to her family her Korean is broken at best. She understands better than she speaks. Even so ever since getting the call she'd been booked she's been practicing with a small arsenal of language apps and increased calls to her grandmother from once a week to nearly once a day.

Her hair has been pink since her freshman year in high school, her parents said they would only allow her to try it if she'd agree to shave her hair clean off the day she wanted her natural color back. Thus far she's never turned back and the color of her hair has been an inside joke for the family ever since. It is also the inspiration for her artist name. Mingo being short for Flamingo, including one of her trademark poses for pictures being one leg pulled up much like the long legged bird.

She began her journey into the fame game via an open call to be a dancer in a music video. Between takes the bass played taught her a thing or two and sparked an interest in playing instruments. While she has yet to release her own song she has sang in a couple collaborations and continued dancing. Though she plays nearly everything she can get her hands on she hasn't been able to snag any gigs composing just yet which has left her frustrated considering she has found quite a bit of support on her instructional videos on social media.

Tessa is downright terrified of snakes. She doesn't go near them and even discussing the little beasties tends to make her anxious. It all relates to an incident in her youth. Needless to say when she refers to someone as a snake of any kind it isn't a term of endearment.

Snakes may drive her away but sweets reel her in very quickly. The easiest way to bribe her is any form of confectionary. Though she sometimes struggles to start eating the beautiful ones. Her phone case is a nod to this guilty pleasure as it's a decora of all different kings of lovely sweet treats. While she loves them all unfortunately the girl is allergic to cinnamon and thus has to proceed with caution. Something she's forgotten a few times and thus led to her becoming quick friends with the EMTs via hand gestures as her windpipe closed up.

Currently I've been mulling over a plot based on this kind of trope. I came across the image one Facebook and figured the dynamic between these character types could have a lot of layers.


Loose concept I got so far is medieval setting could be fantasy or also without. The woman has been replaced by her noble husband and has been cast out of her home. Her identity as a wife, mother and lady of the manor lost. So she returns to her families estate which was abandoned. Though her husband claimed to have been maintaining it the place is falling apart.

He was in the war which has waged since his youth. But alas the empire was formed and his home kingdom the Victor. With the war over the forces need not be quite so large as they once were. Thus many without title or connection are cast out of the ranks and left to their own devices. Terrifying stories of what some did to survive the conflict makes many turn round to avoid former soldiers. So he too is left with a loss of purpose and where to begin again.

My idea was kind of that they end up coming together to rebuild from scratch. Humbly with her approaching him to help her repair the estate and then maybe they decide after success maybe a business would be to mend all the broken things left behind by a conflict that ravaged the kingdom for 10 years.
Heya , as the title suggests im wondering if you're at all flexible on some things, mainly full cannon rps.
I saw the first season of haikyuu but haven't read the manga or caught up on whats new just yet.
So i have a decent understanding but wouldn't say i'm fully up to date.

In any case i figure the overarching theme of the series is the kind of lovely competitive spirit, brotherhood and overall strive to be the best.
I thought a fun dynamic might actually be going the exchange student route, namely a brazilian gal who doesn't just look different but also plays different as she was primarly used to sand and the beach.
Might even be funny to have an ouran kind of scenario in which they all initially thought she was a guy bringing on the complication that she isn't allowed to play with them afterall. Assuming they bumped into eachother over the summer. My idea would be that the mistake in identity might occur due to height considering she'd be tall for the average gal in japan and then of course also how she dresses and carries herself.
Think it'd be something fun to toy around with ( namely got the idea from my own experience playing volleyball against them)

Just a thought. Totally understand if that's too far off the beaten path for you ^,^ if so take care.

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