Nefarious castle and surrounding areas


The evil one
[This is everywhere, even though the title is nefarious castle i just thought i would name it that since the first events are happening there i'll change the name later, this is actually everywhere.  xD ] 



A place where people are unfamiliar with magic, although it exists simply hidden. People in this world wouldn't believe the supernatural if it hit them in the face. They live their lives stuck to their phones, people do not care for each other. Fantasy is just a genre and villains and heroes is just a play. Yet to experience the need for either nor has either made an impact in their lives. They are familiar with evil, evil in their world is simply currupt ones in power, ignorance, etc. Yet, they seem to know one magic that most worlds do not, love. Hmph, who needs love when you have power? 

What these puny mortals will never realize that the center of evil is gathering is right under their noses.

No one can save them now.

In a subburb somewhere in the east U.S.


-Nefarious: In modern days it is called a 'gothic mansion.' located in the most boring and normal of subburbian areas, sticking out like a sore thumb.  where the neighbors dress the same and unsufferable greetings of each other every morning. The castle itself has many places and many mysteries. Two doors open to mysterious places, and those are never the same. It is a living thing and only one person has managed to tame the castle, that is its owner, by contract the house the house will hear the owners requests but by nature is rebelious. About 4 stories,  the front half of the castle is what appears to  be modern with well furnished kitchen up to date and a modern appearance if one where to simply glance in. However, if one where to go farther inside they will see it is totally different, as if straight out of the gothic era, there are fancy carpets with dragon designs and the wood and furniture a sinister taste of red and black. There is no modern lighting a candle must be used.

The castle appears to be located in the modern world but its doors open up to various dimensions when the castle itself chooses too. 

The neighbors are the roberts a couple of around 27, and the morrisons who are around 55 of age. Further information has not been uncovered in my watchings, but i suspect they have summoned demons before. As, this creature in the morning i wake up to find has left his dark mark on my lawn. They are not what they seem. note.


[Added according to the characters]

[Wicked ~ Emerald City to be Added]

Fantasy Worlds: [A world that is full of wonder to be added]

[Zan ~ The Land Called Rai - Unable to access]

Dream worlds: [Mirror world - undisclosed - Hard access]

[Shadow world/creatures - crosses every dimension - to be revealed]


Every 3 days it will move from morning to afternoon to night. If the rp is going really fast i might unexpectedly change the time up. You can view the time of day and weather here.

October 13th

TIME OF DAY: Evening

WEATHER: Dark, partly cloudy

Season: Fall


Magic constraints: [To be added] in each world characters that gather the elements around them or depend on magic channels will probably find themselves depleted in a world with little magic. Although magic hides in places, if you channel nature your magic might still be strong. If your magic comes from yourself than you are the same. Most of you don't have to worry about this though!

Known Lore: [N/A]


If you recieved a letter than a door opened up for you, either you had the option to go in our you where dragged. Some have been lost and found themselves here in the real world, and only the call of evil brings them together. Others have always lived her, and are from elsewhere. 

Castle/ How they work/ only two open at a time/ Fantasy lands will be unlocked soon/ 

The world is full of us, worlds of grand fantasy and others with naught. Yet, the strange castle nefarious seems to be able to touch all. And an even stranger resident.


Current Events: All who are invited, and all that have heard the castles call are at the castle already or are arriving. Hurry you have until tonight...



  • No god modding
  • No playing others character
  • No text speak.
  • Casual, NOT simple rp. Make a response that is well enough for someone else to respond well. There is no max so write as much as you wish, do know that the barest minimum is 2 and a half lines, as long as the other person can get enough information to post something grand. any less and you will be killed :D  
  • Cussing needs to be put in stars
  • All general rules for rp's, stated by rpnation. 
  • Respect. Except towards the victims, we are villains are we not?
  • Pg 14 everyone
  • Note that the story moves with you with some push from me, flow with each other and we will have smooth sailing ;)
  • All other rules not stated are common sense and will be added as we go! 
  • Have fun!

  • Spoiler

    Those wanting to play Good characters pm me. Or tag me in the ooc to discuss things.

  • -When posting: Be sure to add-




 if these don't make sense look at what i do with my posts

Any questions please refer to the OOC! You may start on the castles large courtyards, already arrived, or on your way... 
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To Evil Ones

You find a letter fly towards you, wherever you are or how difficult you are to reach. It is very difficult to decipher how this came into your reach. Once the letter is opened, specialized to you in particular, a warm invitation with the wishes you desire. A door appears out of nowhere and invites you in. Some are not as lucky, forced into this world as theirs was torn apart. 

An invitation attracted to evil, and seeing that in you it calls you over.

Others, not receiving the letter did not need it, for they felt the castles energy calling towards them. The evil that gathered will create disruption in the worlds patterns. 


Status: Wonder

Location: Upper staircase near the window of nefarious castle

With: Alone

Zan waited at the top of the staircase near the window, leaning on to the cool glass. The window pane was surrounded by velvet, something she felt fond of, reaching her hand to touch the glass as she stared out the window into the cool evening. She could see the leaves withering, people walking around with jackets. She felt an odd sort of excitement, an ecstacy inside of her. The sides of her lips curled up in a slight devilish grin. "They should be here shortly," she whispered to herself coarsely. Truly, her eyes where set on what was beyond the grounds. The gates. Zan was not the type to really show her emotions unless it was in short spurts, or intentional shows. She arose from her seat in the window seal and decided she would not keep her guests waiting. She was also a shy person although she would never admit it, going to the window to avoid speaking to the people already there. Not really in the mood, she did what she wanted when she wanted. She was the owner of this strange castle, which at times one could hear breath if they listened carefully. She went down the mideval steps towards the modern day kitchen. Her hands lingered on the walls as she passed reminiscing the past, of how she had gotten here to what was soon to happen. Soon, these stupid mortals will be put in there place, and a place for those of us unwanted, evildoers, will start. Here. Eagerly, she wondered what would happen, what could they accomplish and what magnificent terror? 
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@northofmyworld Castles welcome

"Welcome to my world darling," 

The room opened into what seemed to be pure whiteness, there was no visible ground nor direction as if endless. In the floor ahead, these swirling circles that appeared to have more circles in them just as one would see if they where looking at a graph on elements and how they worked spun. Two of these spun sometimes overlapping each other. A creature as if being created from the ground rose up like paint overlapping itself, the creature was white but distinctive. Seemingly both divine and elemental, a womanly figure emotionless it stood as if a statue when she finished her rise, the paintlike substance seemed to continously flow out of the creature like water. Its galaxy like eyes that where shrouded with blue stare at the boy from behind the circles waiting for signs of movement from the boy in front of her. She knew everything about this person, what he went through, what he will become, an interesting creature filled with both light and dark. Her hands solidated into white porcelain, silently unable to speak she opened her hand reaching towards the boy meters away from him as a welcoming gesture. The porcelain figure waited, still and unmoving, observing the boy whose call was stronger, he would of been lost in the darkness if she had not accepted him into her gate. She waited for his reaction before further mobility, a statue of moving white paint.  

The creature spoke through telepathic means and could not speak for she had no lips.

"Odd.." the creature said after a while of waiting. her eyes moving curiously on the boy. If she had lips one could see a smug grin. 

"You will do," the creature voiced vaguely.
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Status: Curiosity

Location: Megalopolis Suburbia in Eastern U.S.

With: Alone


The hum of the Focus's engine kept Gan company as he traveled down the collector street. He hated the local music in the U.S., all unnatural and overproduced. It was one of the things he missed about his home, along with the dry chill of the winters and the villages ripe for massacre.

It had been years since he had gotten to do something truly evil. Oh, sometimes he wouldn't flush a public toilet or drove twenty mph under the speed limit in the passing lane, but such banal villainy just wasn't enough. He missed the old days, when a raid or battle was just another Tuesday. But he had to think of his health. Of his heart. He wasn't the young killer that he used to be, terrorizing the countryside with his skills. He'd punched the heart out of a public official's chest, once. Now he had to take his time climbing the stairs. Those infernal steps were hell on his knees and left him out of breath. It was often just easier to walk up the rail.

As he drove, he referred to the printed directions that he'd received through email. As he looked back up, he swerved and nearly hit a dog crossing the street. D**n, he thought, I nearly had that one.

This had to be the street. The directions had been clear enough. Turn down the dead end and follow it until it circles back. Sixth house with the thirteenth mailbox. Why everyone else had so many mailboxes was beyond him. It wasn't until he felt the call that he knew he'd gotten to the right place. The online job ad had said they needed a groundskeeper for an evil estate, and this was a bad one, alright. Oh, it looked normal enough, but the outer wall kept people coming out of the dead end from seeing traffic coming from the collector street. That must cause quite a few accidents. Evil.

He hoped the job interview went well.


Status: Focused

Location: At my estate working on designing drafts

With: Alone

Lethora is hovered over the table trying to fix a drafted drawing of a new designer dress, she is struggling a lot but it's almost completed, she takes a small break to take a sip of her green colored martini. As soon as she does she then gets a new idea for the dress. She quickly puts her drink down and turns on her "thinking song" which is basically a classical remix of a famous 1930s original "over the rainbow". She then quickly does a little erasing, as soon as she goes to mark the added feature the pencil lead breaks off. "D**nit to h*ll" she cried out, she throws the pencil down and places her hands on her forehead, she then downs the rest of the martini when all of a sudden *bling!* It was her computer, she got a email. She walks over to check it, she usually skims over this type of stuff but she noticed a few key words that interested her, "great fashion", "meet to discuss business". She then writes down the directions and calls her driver. After this she then goes and puts on her business looking outfit with the green knee length dress, her black over coat, her black fedora, and black heeled boots, and her red hair in a cute kinda messy bun. She hears the car pull up and the car door shut, this was her driver getting ready to open the doors for her. She then puts on her black gloves, and grabs her clutch along with the directions. She walks out the front door to see her driver with the back door open awaiting her to enter so he can close it. She walks to the car, the sound of her heels sounds confident. She hands the driver the sticky note with the directions and says "either get me here as quick as you can, or your the next platter at dinner!" She then gets in the car. The driver, a little scared, closes the door and gets in front and pulls off. As they pull away she senses a werid feeling about the whole situation. Was it a magical ora? She quickly shrugged it off but it lingered in the back of her mind as she sit back and went along for the ride.
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Status: Wonder

With: A white creature and his own shadows

Theo frowned at the strange creature in front of him that was reaching out. He only feared few things so naturally, he found the creature fascinating. Finding himself lost in awe, he did not realize he was staring back at it with a gleaming coldness. 

 Motionless, a strange smile spread across his face, "hello..." he spoke slowly. He was not sure if the voice that he had heard in his ears was internal or external but now wondered if it belonged to the being in front of him. His temples began to pulse with a harsh pain. Though Theo did not understand what he was experiencing himself, this was completely normal for first-timers who experience telepathic speech. 

 "What is this place? Where am I?" He asked it aloud, brushing his hair out of his face with one sweep of a hand. He was conflicted about what stood in front of him but as long as his shadows were near him, he would always feel safe. 

 Raising an eyebrow for a second, he wondered if it was even capable of speech- let alone English... "...Can you speak?"
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Status: Confused and hungry

Location: Front entrance of Nefarious castle

With: alone

All Max wanted to do was watch some youtube, eat his strawberry poptart, and take a nap but instead he's dragged through a blackhole to some random castle in the middle of God knows where. He stands up and looks out the window, touching the cold glass and see a fountain surrounded by large and dead trees. The area patch of grass around the fountain itself is covered in leaves, and what little grass he can see is mostly yellow and dying. A path leads to a large, black and gothic gate which begins to open, letting people into the castle. The path itself is lined with black roses and dead shurby. Max continues to look out the window wondering if this place has any food. He walks away from the window and begins to search for a kitchen. "This place better have some free grub or else I'm gonna shut down the power."
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letter to the fearsomest of villains, Mr. Boogey..


Dear Mr. Boogey,

I admire your work, frightening indeed, there is no villain with as much evil as you. Perhaps you could show us a thing or two? Come with us for your devishly evil talents are greatly admired. An organization of evil wouldn't be complete without the most evilist of all, the cause of great fear to all children, the man who lives behind the closet and amidst fear.  The organization of evil begins today, please humble us with your presence. Don't tell others but i am a fan of you, and all the evil you do. None of us compare to you, you devilish man. But we could use your presence to learn from, and to create greater fear together. That is what you wish isn't it? For all to recognize you and fear you for what you rightfully are, an evil not to be forgotton? Feared forever by humans not just children?   Let our wishes come true, mayhem is at our grasps. And only with the most fearsome villain of all will it come to pass.

Sincerely Zan, humble villain and resident of nefarious castle. 


Letter to the wicked of witches. 


Dear Lethora, a woman of wickedly good fashions

Darling, you are the most fashionable villain I have ever come across, with such splendid use of economics dominating all competition and exploiting the working poor so craftilly. especially among those of us who practice the dark practices. I love your work darling. I admire your ability to deal with these common people, and their inferiority to those like ourselves. Both striving in power and fashion, an extrordinary person like yourself and your undeniable sense of wardrobe have impressed me. I have something for you as you have something for me, I would like to strike a deal with you. There is more to this world than people know and i believe you are aware of this. More like you exist here, An organization of enlightenment that you have been seperated from but very much would feel worthy of you, or perhaps they need to be worthy of you? Come join us for a "wicked" time. We can discuss further.

 Sincerely the owners of the nefarious castle.



A note with little words written, merely a fancy looking sheet of paper fell on his lap, with the words "oops," 





Don't scream :)



Sincerely - Oops! 

before the man had the chance to read the letter and comprehend it a black hole dragged him from where he was and dropped him inside the gates of the Nefarious castle
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Status: Feeling wicked

Location: Driving to Zan's estate 

With: alone

As Lethora's driver is rushing to the estate they see the gates and proceed to enter. "Lovely place but not as much as mine" she mumbled to herself the driver pulls around in the driveway to the point where her door was lined up with the front door. She felt the magical ora increase as she was arriving and it is very strong at this point. Her driver exits the car trying to hurry before upsetting her. He runs up the steps to knock on the door, and or ring a doorbell, while Lethora waits in the car. As she is waiting she pulls out some pink lip gloss from her clutch and pulls down a retractable mirror in the backseat she puts it on, making sure everything looks nice. She the closes the mirror and puts on her sunglasses and waits. While she is doing this she also pulls put a small hand sized leather book. This is where she writes notes, ideas, stories, and current events. She pulls out a small pin I'm the shape of a quill, and begins writing. "What an alluring place, but it definitely needs a touch up." She then closes her book and puts everything back into her clutch and proceeds to wait .

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Status: Excitement.

Location: Timothy's room.

With: Alone.

Mr. Boogey had been headed cross-country for a few days now, guided purely by intuition. He didn't know precisely what it was, it was only a vague pull, a kind of ever present yearning in a general direction. He'd been feeling it for some time, and, out of curiosity, had been trekking in it's direction. He had abstained from using his nexus as he had a nagging suspicion that doing so would cause the feeling to dissipate. One can get a mite peckish traveling like that, and so he was stopped at a house in some suburbs or another when the letter reached him. He had been waiting under the child's bed when it shot up from between the floorboards, soundlessly striking the underside of the bed before landing in front of him. Curiosity overriding caution, he tore open the envelope, an impossibly wide grin splitting his face as he read it's contents. This Zan, whoever they were, was obviously an individual of great power and warped morals, and a person of good character too, considering their fondness for him. In short, they were easily the most likable person he had heard of in a long time. And he hadn't even met them! He had become so eager and distracted that the creaks and groans above as the child got into bed actually surprised him. Hunger came first, but afterward, he would use his nexus, risk or no! Besides, with the letter in hand, he had a feeling he wouldn't be able to lose Zan, who he now thought the guide was. One of the child's legs was hanging off the side of the bed, he supposed the little one was asleep, and slowly, carefully, the Boogeyman reached for it...
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"castle, open the gates..."

A low wind seered into the atmosphere, blowing the leaves in the lawn in a swirling tumble, with a slight shake the gates struggled, until suddenly a latch was heard and slowly the opened seemingly as if on its own. A great fountain with an intimidating statue represented the center, it was subtle in some ways not to exclude the dead shrubbery and some weeds that grew in a beautiully dead way. Black roses scattered the lawn, and silently the front doors slanted open in the magnificent air of dark gothicness came from within. 

The air seems to be luring you towards it, welcoming you, but that is impossible? The air can't be alive?




[Will get to other responses later tonight! Homework and midterms!]

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Lucius had walked through the door and landed face first in the courtyard. He mumbled angrily and sat up, it seemed like the door had opened horizontally so he practically walked into the ground, whoever opened the door for him was a jerk.......he should have expected that. He stood up and stared at the mansion while mumbled again "Not only do they send me face first into the ground but then they make me walk the rest of the way" He began walking to the mansion anyways with his letter in his hand.


Castle's Welcome


The creature was not very responsive at first, seeming for a moment as if it had returned to a lifeless statue, it lightly shook its head no she did not speak she attempted to open the hole that was her mouth, but it merely drooled white paint, closing her mouth showing slight forms of embarresment before being stone face once more. "I think," said the creature through his mind, seemingly unconcerned at the pain he was evidently having from her voice, she was too ancient to feel empathy, for she knew in time he would become used to such speaks. Neither evil nor good, she could relate to this boy more than he knew. "You called me," she said, in a curious thoughtful tone.


"You, with your own power brought yourself here, i merely guided you. Remember that. There is a purpose for everything," the creature thought, opening up to the boy that lay before her. She noticed how he seemed to cling to the shadows, a vigilant creature, he had no idea of his true power. The white creature tilted its surreal head as if analyzing the boy in curiosity "Come," its hand still extended in welcome, the boys eyes where cold but the white creature understood. She stepped towards the boy with slow and elegant steps, her feet where solid but her dress was part of the ground wavily melting back in with it. younger than expected , this boy opened the portal on his own... She stopped near him, expressionless as she was, than turned to the circle that swirled to the right, waving her hand over it, she nudged with her hand for the boy to come to her, she needed him to see it.


"Here? Merely everywhere, this is the place that touches all places, the gate of gates,"  she responded, lately. Her fingers lingered like a ballod over the circle, her countenance welcoming and intimadating towards the boy as she did so, wanting him to come to her, to stand of his own. 


"You don't understand..." she said slowly, "But you will," her thoughts entered his, as her galaxy like eyes glanced at him, shifting planets seemed to cross them. Her hair fluid like a goddesses. An image appeared on the circle that sat before them, it was a swirling ying and yang. "You," she said reverting to her lack of tone, thoughtful of the boys mind. pointing at the circle with her long fingers. 


"Do not fear what is to come," an image of strange people gathered at the gates appeared, than in a circular room, scary frightening people. the white fluid creature did not need to look at the boy, but she did so for his sake. She waited for the boy to ask questions, to linger on what she had said. She waved her other hand. Then put her hand on the boys head, "You are better," she said, afraid the boy would believe she is doing something wrong to him, her words where vague and did not make sense at the time. A feeling of mischiouve entered the odd creature, the pleasure of giving her 'friend' an obstacle... 


Before he could ask any further questions, the space looked as if it was falling apart. Shattering into pieces, until all that remained was the galaxy eyes staring at the boy. 


[you can either fall inside the mansion itself if you want, or into a bedroom] 

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Status: Anticipation.

Location: Zan's Mansion.

He was here, and right on time too. Evening, with all it's splendid lightlessness, had set in on the sleepy suburb he had arrived in. A wink, and he had been transported beneath a rusted out bed frame. Loud snores could be heard from the homeless man using it's husk as a semi-comfortable shelter for the night. A quick glance around confirmed what the smell had already caused him to suspect. The place was a dump. No, seriously, it was literally the town dump. Heaps of trash took up a space of around half a square mile, rusted out cars and towers of washing machines the only inhibitors to an otherwise uninterrupted view of the town's waste history for the last few months. As he extricated himself from the hobo's resting place, a struggling began beneath his coat. Standing now, he looked down into the fear-filled eyes of Timothy Glowchester. A faint but sharp whiff of urine confirmed his guess that the boy had wet himself. The only thing stopping the boy from screaming was the clawed hand pressed against his mouth, it's unnaturally long fingers laced behind his head. Tiny fists beat against Mr. Boogey's hand, and Timothy's legs kicked at his abdomen. Staring at the boy, Boogey was struck with an idea, and quickly pinched little Timothy's nose with his left hand. The boy's eyes widened and rolled in their sockets at his sudden inability to breathe. Mr. Boogey's grin widened as the child's struggles grew momentarily stronger with desperation, then weakened into nothing. Neither made any noise throughout the entire ordeal, and the homeless man slept peacefully. Taking the now unconscious child into his left hand by the back of his footie pajamas, Mr. Boogey began to walk in the direction of the mansion.

The house, and he sensed it was more than just a house, didn't radiate evil exactly. It was more a sense of...wrongness. As if the house didn't belong, and not in the way most people would think. It was like a dead bird at the end of a fishing line, or a single door in a long hall. It spoke of terrible intent and unpredictable harm, but only just. He liked it. In front of the open gates a car was parked, a strange sight considering the juxtaposition of the ancient-looking, Gothic structure and the modern automobile. Remembering Zan's words about an evil alliance, he waved to the car, the child still being carried like a briefcase. He thought there were two likely resulting scenarios. Either the car would speed away (maybe trying to run him down in the process), or someone would exit the car and greet him. Either way, it was bound to be interesting.
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Status: Impatient

Location: Outside the front door of Zan's Estate 

With: @Buckteeth

As Lethora waited in the car for her driver to get someone to answer the door then to come get her, she notices somthing out of the corner of her eye. She slowly looks over, as well as slowly opening the car door and getting out and slowly lowering her glasses, all while keeping her eyes on the sight. She sees a dark figured man, carrying a small unconscious child like a briefcase in his hand. She at first thought how repulsive, but was overpowered by the next thought D**n he's good. She grabs her clutch from the seat and slams the door. She walks around the back of the car towards the figure while screaming to her driver "You better get someone to open that D**n door or your the next BBQ for the hounds!" She walks over to the beast of a man, with her heels clacking as she walks fearcely and looks him up and down and introduces herself "hello darling!".
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Status: On edge

Location: The courtyard

With: @Shnuydude


Theo's arms flailed in panic as he fell. He did not like heights- let alone the feeling of nothingness beneath his feet. Just as he was about to hit the floor and make a rather awful bloody mess, his shadows rushed under him, cushioning his fall. The world was spinning with adrenaline as sweat formed on his brow but as he collapsed onto the soft grass with relief, he found himself wondering why the creature did not startle him. He replayed in his head how it's white paint-like substance dripped down it's face and body and now thinking about it, his reaction was somewhat strange compared to how he guessed people at his school would react. It didn't matter. He was away from his father and that's all that mattered. 

Looking around in vague wonder, he had never seen a place so beautiful. Though he didn't like remembering his home neighborhood, he knew that where he came from and where he was were polar opposites. Then, catching site of a boy with a very annoyed expression painted onto his face, Theo wondered if he knew his way round. "Hey!" He called out
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Status: Curiosity

Location: Side Gate to the Castle

With: Alone

Gan parallel parked his car and got out, gazing up at the mansion in front of him. Something wasn't quite right about it. Whenever he moved his head, it didn't move correctly, like the image of the mansion was being refracted to look bigger than it had any business of being on this side lot. It was unsettling, to say the least, but he'd seen worse in mirages along the Mongolian Steppe. Of course, that could change when he entered the castle.

The side gate didn't open, so he leapt with a flick of his ankles to the ironwork dragons that topped it. From the top, he spotted several others milling around the front gate. Dropping down to the path that led from the side gate, he admired the black roses that lined the walls, at least until they started grabbing for him. One caught his left wrist and another his right leg.

A flash of light severed the vines clutching at Gan, and he settled into a stork stance with a dao sword in either hand. More vines shot at him, but he slid to the side, slicing stem and leaf along the way.

Finally, he managed to get far enough away that the rose bushes couldn't reach him, so he sheathed his swords into the pockets, which were cut out at the bottom so that he could reach scabbards attached to his legs. While they made movement difficult, he had a hard time bending his knees, even without the scabbards.

Gan walked up to the side entrance, using an ugly gargoyle knocker to summon whomever was on the other side of the wooden door. The boom that resulted was deafening and could be heard from the front.


@The Wicked Witch

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Status: Intrigued.

Location: The gates of the mansion.


His eyes sweep across the woman, taking in her very professional, very human appearance. He chuckles softly to himself at her shouting, curious as to why such a normal looking, if cruel, woman would be invited into such a villainous league. For surely if she were not, she would have opted for option-number-one and sped away. He bows deeply, reaching for one of her hands to plant a kiss on the knuckle with his tepid, inhumanly smooth lips. When he spoke, his voice had a cadence like that of shifting gravel and oozing oil, with a faint echo, as if multiple people were talking at once. "Why, good evening Miss!", he said, straightening and gesturing at the gates, "I was just on my way to an invitation-only gathering, when I saw your car and thought that you might be one of the invited." He paused, then bows again, though not as deeply as the first, tipping his hat as he does so. "Where are my manners, allow me to introduce myself. I'm the one and only Mr. Boogey, and you are?" Distantly he registers a loud tone.

Status: Flattered

With: @Buckteeth

Location: In front of the Estate 

When Lethora reached the man, he bows so mannerly, as well as takes her hand for a kiss. "Well aren't you... sweet" she said. She felt a little pain in her chest when she said this but it went away soon after. "I hope your having a good evening as well", "I am Lethora, but most call me Wicked You should have heard of me, I own a multi billion dollar fashion company. I got invited as well but it doesn't seem they are planning on flattering us by just opening the door. But I believe I got this." She then winks at the man and walks back to the front door passing the car. She grabs a black leather suitcase with a gold EC logo on the side from the trunk and then flicks her wrist which causes the car to disappear in a green ball of smoke. She sent it back home. She then walks up the steps and says "GERALD your useless!!!" She then waves her hand which throws her driver completely past where the car was once parked on to the ground where he lays unconscious. She then stands in front of the door and takes off her gloves and holds her hands out, she attempts to use a force spell to push the doors open profusely. You know, to make a impatient, but cool entrance she thought to herself. She takes a quick glance back over her shoulder at Mr. Boogy then notices out of the corner of her eye a figure going to the side of the building with a slight knocking sound soon after. She then nods towards Mr. Boogy to get his attention over there just in case it was not something friendly. She then proceeds with the front door.

(Sorry it seems short)
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Status: Lazy, curious

Location: Near door --> unknown

With: Near @The Wicked Witch @Buckteeth @DeadZack

dear evil ones, so this is the day we finally meet... you gather from around the world... from different dimensions.... for the hope of causing chaos? I welcome you. The evil one smiled with grimace, tilting her head slightly in a bit of satisfaction, she had called for the gates to open. They where here, she was at the door ringing the bell for the castle to open, for some reason the castle was delayed strange however all was well and she felt this evil satisfaction inside of her, outside the villains where making aquaintances with each other. She felt the grounds shake, she turned her head abruptly up towards the ceiling, she sensed some rift had been opened, entering into the castle through its dimensional doors. Her intuition said something was off but she shook it off knowing that people would enter through that way, she had sent invitations. To her surprize despite this she had not noticed the person who had been staring out the window next to her, she turned her head slowly with a twitching eyebrow as she watched the man walk away. He was a terrorist and she had not noticed him, unable to recover from her shock from the terrorists unexpected presence before he ran out of site. Breathing a fresh air of blood and rotting plants, she felt that chaos was near. Though she was uncertain what it would be it settled her with pleasure and a smile at what was about to come. Confusion... Death...  

 Debating to herself whether she should go after him and tell him that he was walking straight for a trap door. It was in the direction towards the side entrance where the laundry room and storage room for her snacks where, of course she would place all of her beloved petrified fish where no one could reach it, protected by trapped doors and other mechanisms to those who did not know the castle would fall prey. She felt a sinister laughter on the inside, however, this man was her guest, she glanced at the people who where waiting outside, the door had began to open and she was not in sight. 

At the moment before Zan disappeared a loud knocking vibrated through the castle in the direction of the side doors.


Location: Laundry room near snack storage connected to side door

Status: Annoyed

With: @RatFlail @DeadZack

Rose had been reading in the laundry room, she was previously in the kitchen cabinet but knowing Zan would make her do something in her place such as greeting guests and maybe even leading them to rooms. Though being the outgoing one unlike Zan, she had no interest in helping the woman out. She knew her ocdness would make her take over the duties that Zan was too lazy to do and that she should do. To resist this temptation she as stated before, found herself splayed across the laundry machine reading a book with her long light blonde hair falling over the sides of the machine like a blanket. 

"She treats me like a damn henchmen! And i practically volunteer, damn, atleast she finally has the decency to invite others." she thought hopelessly, angrily turning the pages of the magic book, she in petty rebellion read a book she should not of. She stood up, feeling like something was coming closer, her instincts where connected to the castle as her existence to this realm was, so she could feel disturbances similarly to Zan, but more so than her. Her eyes where locked on the side door, intuitivally as if she where expecting something. is someone supposed to be here?  she wondered to herself, she remembered that the guests should be arriving soon. She began fantasizing that someone had read the memo she had forced Zan to write in advertisement for help. But, what sane person would answer that call? nothing good ever happens, if you want it it doesn't.  Before she knew it her head turned in the other direction foot steps? Wait? Who is it? Those are definetly not zan's steps! 

The disorderliness of the unorganized bodies coming from both directions made her head spin in craziness, she got off of her laundry machine and ran towards the door where she heard the large footsteps, as she opened it she saw a tall man coming towards the trap door that was near the side door. At the very moment she opened her mouth in order to yell stop, behind her another door had with noise, putting her hands to her ears, before she knew it it seemed as if the man had barged through it moments after the loud noise. Unless somewhere Zan had opened it.. she turned her head in slow motion to see the figure that stood at the door way. Her heart stopped, in a dreamy state she did not know what made her do it but she slowly pointed towards where the terrorist was hoping this strange man, please be a henchmen!  would reach him in time. She did not even hear her own voice, if he fell into the trap door her sense of orderly balance in the castle would be destroyed and her ocd would kill if this happened.  Something told her this random man who suddenly seemed to have broken into the laundry room had the ability to prevent Roses deadly OCD breakdown. 




sometime in the midst of the chaos

She quickly ran towards the noise of the loud resinating noise that filled the castle, now she hurried to where she could give the castle the command. People could not see her as she was using space to move, one could see her blurr however. In a rushed attempt to open the door otherwise keep one of her anticipated guests waiting she called through telepathy for the castle to open the doors that rang the castles, inapparant in view.... The doors for ratflail opened as if on their own accord, appearing as if the man had barged in.

[Rat, if i am off sorry let me know XD]


Open Doors'

the doors open into what looks like an unlitted front room, with side halls on both sides. Attached to the living room is a kitchen with open cabinents, the only light is coming from the outside and the windows giving the room a grey feel. However, when the lights are on it appears as if the house is a modern like house, with large mansion-like stairs that lead upstairs past the kitchen. 
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Status: Focused, and Impatient

With: @Buckteeth

As Lethora was using her force of magic to try and open the doors she quickly is stopped by them opening by themselves it seemed like. As she does she catches a quick blur of something move away from the situation. She then has her hand ready for defence with magic if needed be. She takes a quick concerned glance at Mr. Boogy, then slowly walk in through the front door.
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Status: Amused.

Location: Kitchen of the mansion.


Mr. Boogey was growing to like this "Wicked" more and more. Her obvious pride (something he could respect) and her spiteful, but not wasteful, treatment of Gerald all suggested an easily appreciable ally. Would they all be like this? Like him? He sure hoped so. He honestly could not remember the last time he had enjoyed another's company, yet Lethora had managed to make him do just that within a remarkably short amount of time. Needless to say, he followed her readily.

Looking about, the dim lighting having no effect on his vision, his eyes were drawn to the recognizable cabinets of the kitchen, and he was struck with a thought. I've never tried cooking them first before. Licking his lips unconsciously, he turned to Lethora and, hefting the child, said, "I don't know about you, but I'm going to use their facilities to try cooking the child before consumption. I've never thought of it until now." Distantly, he became aware that he also knew almost nothing about cooking in general. "Besides, I'm certain our host will be spending a bit of time befuddling the other guests before assembling us. You're welcome to join me," he had no idea where this came from, he'd never shared anything, much less his food. "I've got more than enough to split, and I don't think you've had child before." He smiled at that, and awaited her reply.
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With: @Buckteeth

Location: Walking into the kitchen area

As Lethora stood in the door way and could hardly see anything for the darkness, she listens to Mr. Boogy on everything he said. She felt a very unwelcoming sense at the moment. "I can't see a d**n thing in here" she said. She heard what Mr. Boogy had to say about the child, in a sense she was a tad grossed out but realized there's nothing wrong with it. "I could cook him for you, if you would like?" She stated. "I just need help locating where to go in here". She then gently grabs on to Mr. Boogy's arm so he could lead her through to the kitchen. As she did this she could not help the overwhelming sense of magic and it was very dark magic. In a way she wanted to know what it was, but she also wanted it for herself ALL of it. She still had her hand at the ready with her clutch tucked under her arm. She waved her hand to light up the kitchen light as sorta of a "light at the end of the tunnel" metaphor. She used it to help guide her and Mr. Boogy towards the kitchen.

Status: Alarm

Location: Inside side hallway

With: Zan @Unknown1

Gan felt the door open as he tried to use the knocker again, which tugged him inside the castle without warning. Gan stumbled into the side hallway, wobbling back-and-forth until he regained his feet. This really was an evil castle, but also an annoying one. He briefly considered just leaving right there, but spotted the Evil Queen in front of him.

Trying to recover his dignity, Gan stood up straight and nodded to Zan. "Greetings. I believe I have a meeting with someone named Queen Zan about a groundskeeper position here at the castle.

Status: obvious

Location: near trap door

With: Rose @Unknown1

As Max continued to find something to eat, he came across a door. Something about this door drew him to it. Max didn't know if this was his hunger or curiosity, but he felt like he needed to open this door. He reached for the handle only to fall into a hole leading to a floor of spikes. After a brief moment of fear and his life flashing before his eyes, he remembers this isn't the first he's experienced this situation and pulls out a knife jamming it into the side of the hole and is now hanging a few feet from the spike. "Of course this place is booby trapped. Hehe.....booby." max laughed at his immature joke while hanging.

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