Literature Need help with a story


King of Transformers
Is this start of an idea soemthing that would interest you? Or should I simply write my own story?


The people, the dwo, are people of another world. A more advanced world that has machines and writing as us, but better. Their ability to transmutate materials comes in handy. A portal resides in their world. A sphere that the current people don’t understand, but know where it leads: Earth. Many have traveled through, both humans and Dwo alike. The two cultures began to grow together, weaving into one another. The humans had began to change over the century, gaining abilities to absorb elements through touch. The elements humans absorb can be melded by their own thoughts. Mysterious things have began to happen lately. Reports of people becoming missing with no clues as to how or why. A mysterious new ability among the people and a dark force.
It's... okay. Maybe a bit too heavy on a confused identity, and some trope parts.
Not sure what a casual would think about it though.
It seems fine to me but I'm one of those aforementioned casuals so what do I know? xD

Maybe one thing that's missing is a hook. There's a setting and there's something going on but I can't quite see how the characters you and a possible writing partner figure into this.

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