Need a partner, for some romance


One Thousand Club
I will probably be on once a day at least if not more than that. I'd like to do a romance, preferably with someone who likes to write a lot, at least a paragraph per response. We can work out the details if you're interested! ;)
Awesome! Do you have a preferance as to what type of romance? I'd like to be the guy if that's alright with you, I haven't done male roles in a while
Ive never rped as a girl before so I may suck at it but Im up for it... I don't really care what kinda rp it is as long as its not a fandom
Hi! I'd be interested in role playing with you (If you're still interested)...
@ Aidan Rowtag sounds good, do you want to do like an outcastxpopular or um, something like I dunno, something different. I don't really have many ideas right now :P

@ Valentine2013 if you'd like to do a 1x1 romance with me too, that'd be cool! Do you have a preferance for character or what type of romance you want to do? ;)
Um...what do you mean "preference for character?" Is that gender?
@ Adian Rowtag I don't mind who is who, you can decide

@ Valentine2013 yes, I meant gender, sorry about that! Do you have a romance in mind you want to do?
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Oh, okay....I want to play a girl...if that's okay...and um...I have been craving like a good girl-bad boy one...
Woah awesome my name is Adrian now xD um Hpw bout Im the unpopular girl and youre the popular guy..?
@Aidan Rowtag Sorry about that! That's good with me! So I'm assuming it'll be a high school setting? As far as character background do you want to specify hobbies and family life/personal life or just jump right in?

@ Valentine2013 That also sounds fine with me, I don't mind being the guy :P do you mind starting that one?

@ Hanabusa Aidou Do you have any idea of what you want to do? I'm down to do another one!

I'll be sure to respond as much as I can! As I said before at least once a day, just so everyone's aware - and I love to write so I'll respond as much as I can with what you give me ;)
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I dunno, I prefer something a bit sci-fi or fantasy though if it's interesting I'm good with slice of life. Did you have any role-play ideas you've been wanting to do? If so I'd be happy to do that or we can throw some ideas around.
@ Hanabusa Aidou I'm most comfortable with Fantasy or Slice Of Life but occasionally I do Sci-Fi - at the moment I don't have a specific RP I want to do so throwing ideas out is good with me, I'm open to just about anything! Is there anything you want to do in particular?
Hmm I've got a few pairings rattling around in my head right now, they would be:



PrisonerxPrisoner (like maybe one of them was unjustly thrown in prison and the other for a minor offense, I feel like this one would be more medieval prison than modern day)

Mad ScientistxLab Assisntant

Funny GuyxQuiet Girl

Any kind of forbidden love (What can I say, I'm a sucker for it xD )

So would you be interested in any of those? If not you could throw some ideas back at me
I don't mind...but, do you like profiles? Pictures? (Does it matter the kind of picture?) and thread of PM?
So nothing permanent like if you need to change the time period or anything please let me know or tell me what you would like changed so I can revamp the plot.

So, my first idea is this we start in a modern setting like 2013. Our characters volunteer for a clinic that says you will “save the world, get lots of money!” We get experimented on, gain powers, grow extra bits, and become a furry humanoid and more. What they don't tell our characters is that they are from the future, a future in which we are at war with mother Gaia.

Gaia started rapidly evolving; overgrown giant scaled beasts walk the earth. Now what I love about this idea is it’s literally a clashing of worlds; there is everything from fantasy to furries, dinosaurs (rawr!), mechs, everything! So any particular thing you’re craving, well, throw it in! Eventually after all the experimentation, our characters gain powers and my character gains said power of teleportation and accidentally send us to the future.

My second idea is straight futuristic. Okay, so let’s say Russia, Germany, and China all become allies and create zombies/skeletons. Our characters are cave exploring while they’re invading the world. Our characters find bracelets that inject them with something. That, again, causes our characters to change: gain powers, grow extra bits, and become furryish. We come back and see the world in flames, our character’s people slaughtered, the dead walk the earth. Our characters are

My third idea: Ok, so we start in a future setting, but not too far into the future, like 2070. Our characters fall through a vortex, transporting us to a distant future where humans are at war with aliens. They are taking people and trying to create an army of super humans. Our characters escape and want revenge.

Ok, so the fourth idea is neat. Either our characters fight aliens or fight a corporation.

So, the corporation half— our characters volunteer for a program; it’s the present year. It’s all a lie, however. They experiment on our characters, trying to turn our characters into the perfect beings; the next Adam and Eve. (or Eve and Eve, whichever we decide)

Our characters gain powers, grow extra parts, transform into something superior to human-kind. My character eventually gains a power that takes our characters to a post-apocalyptic future, where humans are at war with mother earth.

Our characters also find out that the corporation that employed the scientists have been doing what it had been doing to our characters to other people for hundreds of years, trying to create either a perfect weapon to fight or be the next Adam and Eve, to survive in the new world. Because the 1st generation of humans are losing. So, our characters choose to fight mother earth or fight the corporation. Or both.

Okay, the next one is another two parter. The basic idea is our characters are cave exploring, maybe we met at random, or maybe we met at the rock climbing supplier store. This one is set in present time as well. So our characters were exploring, and either A: we find a ship that needs compatible users, it’s been sent to earth to find two people: one male and one female.

Now, what makes this idea so cool is that it’s going to be a long trip to the planet, so the creators made it blank; like nothing is set. Only the outside we create the ship on the inside with what we want and need in pretty much a big space. But be careful; once something starts forming its permanent.

The creators also knew that humans were soft and squishy, easily killed. So the ship causes our characters to grow, gain powers, and become strong enough to fight back, if that's what our characters choose. During their travels, our characters will be trained and taught many important things about the world, the universe, and very life itself.

The race that created the ship is dying, and they need our character’s help. But they aren't dying of natural causes, someone has invaded them. I've got some ideas for what, but I'd love to hear any ideas if you have any. They’re basically being poisoned. This whole race is now infected with a disease and is going to die. But our characters are immune. So are our characters are going to save them, ally with the bad guys, or kill the bad guys and create a new race.

So the other half to this idea is kinda interesting. Our characters were exploring but instead of finding a ship, our characters find ancient bracelets placed there thousands of years ago. Our characters reach for them and they jump, clamping on our character’s wrists, doing two things: injecting them with something that causes them to pass out. It gives them powers, more like magic, like control over the elements like light, dark, fire, earth, wind, water, but don’t think of, like, Storm from X-Men or Avatar.

Imagine the ability to grow it from it, into whatever your characters need as well as blast it and what not. Okay, I said two things. Our characters pass out, like I said before, and are transported into the past to a world of steam-punks. Androids, steam powered machination. So our characters were transported here. I’d like to leave this one open for brainstorming.

Also, I'd love to do a sub-genre of punk, if you are familiar with the many sub-genres of punk.

So, each of the ideas are open for changes and to tweak till they are perfect for you. I'm willing to change if you’re willing to try.

matthew said:
Its from an anime called seikerei big boobed girls fighting using cool powers. I think I spelled it right its a mouthful
So nothing permanent like if you need to change the time period or anything please let me know or tell me what you would like changed so I can revamp the plot.

So, my first idea is this we start in a modern setting like 2013. Our characters volunteer for a clinic that says you will “save the world, get lots of money!” We get experimented on, gain powers, grow extra bits, and become a furry humanoid and more. What they don't tell our characters is that they are from the future, a future in which we are at war with mother Gaia.

Gaia started rapidly evolving; overgrown giant scaled beasts walk the earth. Now what I love about this idea is it’s literally a clashing of worlds; there is everything from fantasy to furries, dinosaurs (rawr!), mechs, everything! So any particular thing you’re craving, well, throw it in! Eventually after all the experimentation, our characters gain powers and my character gains said power of teleportation and accidentally send us to the future.

My second idea is straight futuristic. Okay, so let’s say Russia, Germany, and China all become allies and create zombies/skeletons. Our characters are cave exploring while they’re invading the world. Our characters find bracelets that inject them with something. That, again, causes our characters to change: gain powers, grow extra bits, and become furryish. We come back and see the world in flames, our character’s people slaughtered, the dead walk the earth. Our characters are

My third idea: Ok, so we start in a future setting, but not too far into the future, like 2070. Our characters fall through a vortex, transporting us to a distant future where humans are at war with aliens. They are taking people and trying to create an army of super humans. Our characters escape and want revenge.

Ok, so the fourth idea is neat. Either our characters fight aliens or fight a corporation.

So, the corporation half— our characters volunteer for a program; it’s the present year. It’s all a lie, however. They experiment on our characters, trying to turn our characters into the perfect beings; the next Adam and Eve. (or Eve and Eve, whichever we decide)

Our characters gain powers, grow extra parts, transform into something superior to human-kind. My character eventually gains a power that takes our characters to a post-apocalyptic future, where humans are at war with mother earth.

Our characters also find out that the corporation that employed the scientists have been doing what it had been doing to our characters to other people for hundreds of years, trying to create either a perfect weapon to fight or be the next Adam and Eve, to survive in the new world. Because the 1st generation of humans are losing. So, our characters choose to fight mother earth or fight the corporation. Or both.

Okay, the next one is another two parter. The basic idea is our characters are cave exploring, maybe we met at random, or maybe we met at the rock climbing supplier store. This one is set in present time as well. So our characters were exploring, and either A: we find a ship that needs compatible users, it’s been sent to earth to find two people: one male and one female.

Now, what makes this idea so cool is that it’s going to be a long trip to the planet, so the creators made it blank; like nothing is set. Only the outside we create the ship on the inside with what we want and need in pretty much a big space. But be careful; once something starts forming its permanent.

The creators also knew that humans were soft and squishy, easily killed. So the ship causes our characters to grow, gain powers, and become strong enough to fight back, if that's what our characters choose. During their travels, our characters will be trained and taught many important things about the world, the universe, and very life itself.

The race that created the ship is dying, and they need our character’s help. But they aren't dying of natural causes, someone has invaded them. I've got some ideas for what, but I'd love to hear any ideas if you have any. They’re basically being poisoned. This whole race is now infected with a disease and is going to die. But our characters are immune. So are our characters are going to save them, ally with the bad guys, or kill the bad guys and create a new race.

So the other half to this idea is kinda interesting. Our characters were exploring but instead of finding a ship, our characters find ancient bracelets placed there thousands of years ago. Our characters reach for them and they jump, clamping on our character’s wrists, doing two things: injecting them with something that causes them to pass out. It gives them powers, more like magic, like control over the elements like light, dark, fire, earth, wind, water, but don’t think of, like, Storm from X-Men or Avatar.

Imagine the ability to grow it from it, into whatever your characters need as well as blast it and what not. Okay, I said two things. Our characters pass out, like I said before, and are transported into the past to a world of steam-punks. Androids, steam powered machination. So our characters were transported here. I’d like to leave this one open for brainstorming.

Also, I'd love to do a sub-genre of punk, if you are familiar with the many sub-genres of punk.

So, each of the ideas are open for changes and to tweak till they are perfect for you. I'm willing to change if you’re willing to try.
@ Valentine2013 It just came to mind that we should maybe give a little background on our characters so we're on the same page. Just as far as name, looks, attitude, and maybe a little background on personal life (i.e. where they live, rich or poor, siblings, hobbies, etc)

@Hanabusa Aidou I really like the AssassinxTarget one - I don't have experience with that but it sort of reminds me of a book called "Dualed" that's really good if you're in to assassin kind of stuff. If we did do AssassinxTarget I'd be more comfortable being the target and I think we could have fun with the setting and the reasons he or she is being hunted like maybe both assassin and target are being trained to be government assassins and one of them goes rogue for one reason or another, becoming the target that another trainee has to hunt and kill so their work isn't compromised. I dunno, like they both could vaguely know each other and for whatever reason the assassin is having trouble eliminating the target because of how she or he is acting or why they left the group or something. Haha sorry if it's a little confusing, my ideas are clashing at the moment :P it's late for me

If it doesn't sound like something you're interested in or would work for you, that's fine! I'd rather you be interested than bored and only half paying attention xD I'm always up for Forbidden Love as well if you'd rather do that ;)
I think your ideas sound interesting, I like 'em! xD Well if one is a rouge assassin then technically their love would be forbidden, or in any case an assassin falling for their victim is forbidden since they have to kill them so I guess it's still forbidden love in a sense xD But yeah you being the target is totally fine with me!
I was thinking that too! Awesome! So I'm not sure what sort of group they can be working for but the first thing I thought of was a government type, official assassins kind of thing. Maybe the leader is trying to eliminate all other opponents for a higher job, drunk on the idea of more power and that's why the assassin who becomes target would walk off. It would also be highly jeopardizing to leave because government agencies know their families and such. These could be teenagers even, or in their 20's - they can be pretty young and impulsive.
Yes, teens and their impulses. (I'm a teen and pretty impulsive at times xD ).. I like the sound of that idea, a power-drunk leader is always fun. Shall we continue this in PM so we don't clog up your forum?

Also I just realized, you joined RPN on my birthday! :o
I'd be interested in a roleplay, that is, if you're still looking. xD I'm so late to these kinds of things. e-e

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