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Fantasy Necropolis, City of Fallen Angels.

There are going to be different types of elemental's and mages. You could also be a cross character (A mix between a human and tiger, etc.) or you could be a vampire, let your mind go wild. I will edit your CS to let you know if your accepted and I will also like it. Let your mind go wild on your characters.. But not too wild, please.

There can only be one of each kind for mages and elemental's. In case you don't know a elemental is related to or embodying the powers of nature. A mage is a magician or learned person. Any who~~ Here are the different types of elemental's and mages. I'll post the characters here, all of them that are accepted.

~Keep in mind, the quotes are there to kinda help, though you DO NOT have to follow that and such as the Earth elemental make it a gnome.~

(I also got these from a website but put the info here so it's to your convenience. But if you'd like it here it is. @SpazztastiCat101 [/b]



Air ~ Sylphs

The sylphs are the air spirits. Their element has the highest vibratory rate. They are said to live on the tops of mountains. The leader of the sylphs is a being called Queen Paralda who is said to dwell on the highest mountain of Earth. (Though there is no Queen Paralda in this RP so please do not make one.)

They often assume human form but only for short periods of time and they are said to be the most beautiful of all the elementals. They are usually seen with wings, looking like cherubs or fairies. They are said to leave beautiful green rings in meadows and fields caused by bending the dewy grass caused by their dancing in circles. Because of their connection to air, which is associated with the mental aspect, one of their functions is to help humans receive inspiration. The sylphs are drawn to those who use their minds, particularly those on creative arts.

Sylphs are usually sympathetic of human endeavors and for the most part their actions towards them are kindly and thoughtful. The Sylphs can have a profound and powerful influence on the human mental body and thought, and, they are responsible for being the primary impetus behind both inspirational art and inventions

Elemental- Evelyn Cloud : @Rroda

Mage ~

*****You can make the character to your liking. I just put this descriptions for your convenience and so you didn't have to do any research.

Remember, you can make any type of character as well!*****

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