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Fantasy Necropolis, City of Fallen Angels.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c3855994e_ScreenShot2015-07-25at9.11.17AM.png.5a388304f2b175459e30db6aa7d7b60d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="63923" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c3855994e_ScreenShot2015-07-25at9.11.17AM.png.5a388304f2b175459e30db6aa7d7b60d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Necropolis is a city that is full of mages, elementals and apprentices, magical mystery, silly romance, and evil that all comes together to make a diverse, plot twist packed adventure role play.....

Things are great and amazing, people and the creatures of this amazing place are happy and nothing could get in your way! But that was only yesterday. The Fallen~Angels are angered that they are well.... fallen!

So now Necropolis is slowly starting to crumble and fall.. Due to not having an economy that can support it and it's people have began to go crazy due to the fallen angels working together and playing tricks on them, getting them to go insane and see the unbelievable.. The people have fallen for it and are tearing things down, it has no ruler or government to help it anymore and the government gave up Necropolis 10 years ago, there is no currency, it is all trade now but people are running out of things to trade. They want money and happiness, but that is no more. There is also no jail.. Slowly people are beginning to kill the crazy people only to become crazy themselves.

Necropolis has had no crimes or issues until now.. The Angels have started to get out of control now so it's all up to the elemental's and everyone else who is still sane to keep this place from falling completely. To rebuild what was once home to some and just somewhere to stay for the night to others.

But even after they do this, there still must be a cure for the crazy. If there has to be a cure then what is the issue you say? That is for you to find out.. Can you keep your characters from going crazy? Can you prevent the issues of this falling city?

(This is also a reboot of an existing RP from a different RP site and on here but with my twists and add ons.)

(Please don't post here until we start, go to the OOC. Keep it clean. CHECK THE OVERVIEW BEFORE JOINING.)



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Evelyn was spinning and dancing happily in the blades of grass in her air Sylph form, making little circles in the grass from where she landed and spun in a small place of the tree filled forest, thinking and singing happily to herself. Eve crossed her arms for a moment before looking around quickly, figuring she was alone since she saw no one over the blades of grass she was carefully hidden from, she flew up and danced across the air slightly before floating back down in her human form to begin her adventures across the land..

(I must go but I hope this starter post was alright to begin with.)

@Rose Baker @Shadowfallen9570
Lina lingered a the edge of a forest, watching some grass moving around. Must be one of those Sylphs, she thought, as she stayed in the shadows. She was currently in her child form, as usual.
Evelyn cocked her head slightly, she felt someone was watching her from a brief distance "Hello?" she smiled slightly and went over to a tree, hugging it slightly as the Sylph began looking around, not all sure where the being was.. or if there was one "Is someone here?" she said softly.
Klein had fallen asleep somewhere unusual yet again. He woke up falling from the sky. With a splat he hit the ground and slowly reformed into a slime. He preferred that form. Checking his surroundings, he noticed two girls not far away chatting. He made his way over and introduced himself. "Hello persons, I'm Azure Klein, please refer to me as Klein. As you can see I'm a slime." He attempted to bow but only jiggled. "It's a pleasure to meet the both of you."
Find pulled himself out of his charcoal filled pit and yawned "where am I again? oh right I don't know." He pulls his backpack out of the hole and brushed off the charcoal and looked around. He shakes his coat and lets out a little fire "So.... Which way am I heading?" He straps on his bag and starts walking. 20mins into the walk he hears multiple voices "What was that?" Find drops behind a rock and peaked at where the sound was "Three figures, two girls and a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-ah blob?" Creeping slowly he moves closer "Are they friend or foe?" The thought kept him on his toes "I need to find out who, and what they are." Stopping behind a tree, Find grabs a small bundle or roots out of his bag and crushed it in his hands, a small amount of gas escapes and he breathes it in. Find's hearing and sight starts to get stronger "what are they saying?" Find could hear then, but his hearing kept cutting out "Hell.... Azure..... To me... Slime." Find got annoyed "not enough Monks root to effectively help."

Alecx Ross

Alecx liked the field. It was quiet. Not many people went here to appreciate the scenery, well, not in her experiences so far, at least. Here, she could relax and not be disturbed. It felt like one of those moments in the book where the character would start at... or die in. She breathe in deeply, feeling a soft breeze pass by. She felt at ease.

She took out a book and started reading it. It didn't take long for her to be immersed in it, her mind no longer in the real world. Instead, it was in the setting of the book. It was a story about knights and princesses. Cliche, but she didn't mind. A little romance was good to change the ambiance of the world she was in. She took out a piece of paper and her beloved pen. The events of the book played in her mind and she attempted to draw one of the scenes. After her little sketching, the images came to life, reenacting the scene exactly as she had imagined it. A knight, vowing to win the jousting tournament to be with his beloved princess. Her ears perked at a distant sound. There were people here? This was the first time people came while she was here. The figures quickly disappeared. She didn't wish for any unwanted attention so it was best to stay low. She returned to reading her book quietly under her favorite tree.

Evelyn smiled and jumped up happily onto her toes as the blob popped into view, introducing himself. "Ohh! Hi Lina and Klein, I'm Evelyn but you can call me Eve if you like." she walked up slowly and poked the blob, gently, trying to figure out what type of creature he may be. After a moment of studying the character Eve turned to look at Lina, curiosity in her eyes as she cocked her head slightly, looking around as her hands waved beside her "Hmm.. There are more here, it's in the air." she cooed slightly after her words and looked around at the surrounding trees. "Do you see anyone?" she asked softly as if they were like animals, for some reason not want to scare them off if she were too loud. Slowly Evelyn began walking towards the trees to explore the edge and see if someone was there.
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Find searched through his bag to see if he had more monks root but sadly had none "more here.... in... air... see anyon..." Find could make out faint words but not everything the group was saying. The smell of one of the things were getting stronger "they might know I'm here?" Thinking to himself, he decided to come out from the tree but with a small bottle of something that had a strange black fluid. Find puts on his mask and walks around the tree "Who goes there?" He tried to keep a steed tone but his voice shacked with some words "Crap! Now if there foe I'm done for, the know I'm a scared... Or maybe they don't, I don't know" He couldn't keep his thoughts together. His nerves were getting the better of him and the fact that there was a beautiful girl ahead of him stumped him as well "There's no girls like here in the temple. What does that make her?"

Alecx Ross

The talking started to sound closer to her. Were they coming here? Why do they have to be so curious to the point that they would actually come to look for some random stranger in this place? She heard a thud, accompanied by a rustling of the grass and it made her look up. The tree... a perfect hiding place. She threw her book up, successfully wedging it in between a branch and she followed suit, climbing up. From there, she could see the people she was hearing, along with a man they were approaching.

She simply shrugged and made herself comfortable on the branch she was on. She drew a bird, a nightingale to accompany her. The bird sang beautifully and it created an atmosphere that got her back to reading.

Find stumbled back a bit "Who are you" he kept moving back, then he heard a rustling sound, like trees moving. He turned his head to listen "A bird? No these no life force in it. So what is it?" he kept moving back until he could smell the person "It's a girl, but not a normal one. I need to think quick, one girl or two girls and a blob thing." Find quickly grabbed his bag and ran "One girl is better, much better." Quickly Find ran in the direction of the singular girl "How is there a bird, but no bird? It's there but at the same time, it's not."
"That's odd, I don't believe I give of any smell. Though even if I did I wouldn't be able to sense it. Thank you for the... compliment." Klein wobbled after Evelyn. His perception relied on the water found in the air, land, and life of the world. Focusing his perception he found two other anomalies: a dry spot that seemed void of water and an ambiance of vapor. The dry spot was moving but left a trail of vapor-less air. As for the ambiance, it seemed to have found a comfortable spot in a tree. Turning to Evelyn, Klein asked, "I think we should be careful. Recently, many beings here have lost themselves. I wouldn't want you or Lina to get hurt. New friends are too rare to lose."
Lina smiled and said, "You're welcome." She then followed the two, and heard the part about not getting hurt. The urge to smirk was overwhelming, and she said quickly, "Be right back!" before running off and changing into her true form, where she could properly smirk and be amused. I'm sure as heck not going to get hurt, dear Klein, she thought, leaning against a tree before running back. However, in her hurry, she'd forgotten to change back. Not noticing this, she said, "I'm back!"

@HybridxForce @JadeWuvsCookies

Alecx Ross

She could hear it—footsteps—and there were heavy, as if the person was in a hurry. Such footsteps could only come from a man, unless it was a graceless heavy woman. Why were there so many distractions today? All she wanted was to read her book peacefully. She petted the nightingale that was perched on her shoulder, and it sang in response. If only they could stay with her even without her magic, then she would have their company.

She was a little nervous at the man coming at her. Was he after her? Oh, if she only had her colored pens, she could have made more trees or branches to hide herself. She scooted closer to the tree, bending her knees as she did. The steps were as nearer as ever. Was he acquainted with the other people?
"Please don't hurt me..." she mumbled even though she knew he wouldn't hear her. She peeked through the leaves, watching the man from a distance run towards her.

He staggered forward "No way am I going be in a crowd, na-uh." A quite voice whispered in his ear "Please don't hurt me." He stops and looks around "She's close but where? She must have to do something with the false bird." Find ruffled his coat and let out a little more fire "I gotta find that fake bird." Moving closer, he could hear the sound of breathing "H-hello? I know you're here. I just want to talk."
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Alecx Ross

Just talk? Yet fire emblazons him. Right now, he didn't seem too approachable. Forgive her, but she's weary with people for a reason. "I think you can hear me just fine." she said. If he wanted to talk, they can do it then and there. "What do you want from me?" she asked being a little straightforward with her concern.

Find could hear her voice "Uh, what are you, I mean you have a bird that's not a bird and I know from your smell you're not human. So what are you?" Looking in the trees he could see a foot "Im not here to hurt you, I just want to know how you've made false life. If it makes you more comfortable, im not human either."
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Alecx Ross

The blood from her face drained upon hearing his words and her heart started beating faster. How did he know she was not human? Such people exist in this world, those who can tell the difference? This only gave her more reason not to show herself. She stood up in her place, still trying to keep herself concealed. "How did you know I'm not human?" she asked. He says he's not human either, but she honestly couldn't tell. His mask concealed the features of his face and it didn't really help in making him seem friendly. She knew better than to easily trust a person.

She held the bird in her hand and watched it flutter its wings. How can he tell that there was a bird here? The bird didn't even leave her side. It was as if he could sense the life force in things. She allowed the bird to glide down from the trees and perch on his shoulder, watching him for his reaction.

Slowly he reached towards the bird and ran a finger down its back "Amazing. It feels so real." Find turned his head to The girl in the tree " I am a monk from a temple to the north. For years I have studied Ki energy and you have a "different" type of Ki" Find moves closer to the tree "oh yeah right. Hi, my names Findecano or Find for short"

Alecx Ross

She watched as he gently caressed the bird. She didn't really expect him to be gentle. He listened to what he had to say, surprised that he was saying so much to a person whose face he still haven't seen. And a Monk? She thought monks were bald... or maybe it was a stereotype from books. She had much to learn and experience in the real world.

This man named Find knew where she was all along, seeing him move towards her tree. She stepped back a little, almost slipping at the end of the branch.
"Uhm... If you don't mind, can you remove your mask?" she asked, hoping it wasn't too much of a request.


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