Necromancy Spells


I only saw 1 spell in the Spells section here and though I would try to get people to post a few more.  My personal Interest is in some non-combat Necromancy.  The description says that it can be used for lots of "good" things and gives some examples, but no spells.  

I have the chance for my Eclipse to learn Necromancy, but unless I can put it to use other then killing people in very messy ways, I may pass on the opportunity.  I have not used Sorcery or Necromancy before in the game so I am unfamiliar with some of the intricacies, and the various inconsistencies.  (There are inconsistent rules here also are there?) I like the one that lets me open a portal to the Labarynth, and was thinking that there must be a higher level one that would open a portal to anywere in the Underworld.  I would also like a spell that works similar to some of the Abyssal Charms that deal with Spirits and heal.  That way I don't have to learn most of a Charm tree for the 1 Charm I want.

Could I just copy the Charms I want to duplicate as a Spell?
uteck said:
Could I just copy the Charms I want to duplicate as a Spell?
That's entirely up to your ST, but I see no reason why not. The Essence/Willpower cost might need to be changed.

Ideas for Necromancy spells that do that don't involve carnage might include other types of life-force manipulation. Healing seems out of Necro's scope, as it's constructive, rather than destructive... but what about a spell that lets you place a living thing into stasis? I can imagine a number of scenarios where that would be useful.

Personally I love the destroy everything charms...  But most of the Necromancy charms seem to be fairly mild in my opinion.  The Shadowlands Circle Charms really seem to be mostly against Ghosts and the dead/undead.  I have Book of Bone and Ebony and the Abyssal books and also the 3 Circles and Savant and Sorcerer (love the cover on that one) and it seems like Necromancy is severely limited compared to the other Circles...  Especially Shadowlands Circle.  Labyrinth is a little better but still fairly mild and Void Circle is extremely limited.  A lot of the charms require the Necromancer to kill himself or to take days to prepare.  In the heat of battle, one cannot stop and start a several hour/day charm...  

  I love playing Necromancers and Abyssals just to balance out the party since most run regular characters and a couple of regular sorcerers.  I have learned the few offensive Necromancy Charms and a couple of the others but have to resort to learning Terrestrial and Celestial Circle Charms to be able to survive. There are a lot more destructive Charms in the “Regularâ€
Special effect has a lot to do in a game.  If you want more Necromancy spells, change the visible effect of existing spells to a necro theme.  Instead of 'Obsidian Butterflies', make it 'Bone Shards' or something along those lines.

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