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Futuristic NCQuest: Mecha Flavored Action, Queue Rulings and other GM decrees



Two Thousand Club
Hello all, this thread is intended as a supplement to the main OOC thread of NCQuest, my RP about cool mecha stuff. This space is dedicated to my rulebook and my policies as the Game-Master. I will endeavor to do my best to follow this list of rules, and I hope for everyone to keep it in mind as well. I am always open to hearing questions or requests related to the the described policies, preferably in private so as to not clutter this thread.

Thank you for reading.
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Queue Rulings

NCQuest is based around a solid 'posting queue', based on 'firstborn'/primary-character approval seniority. The GM (me) is considered the 'zeroth' player, and starts off every 'loop' of the posting queue. In short, everyone posts based on their first spot in the character sheet storage thread.

The Loops are highly malleable however, and the first addendum to this basic rule is that I, as the Game-Master, reserve the right to respond to any post(s) for any purpose, within reason, and may deign to give people this power if I see fit, temporarily modifying the queue for one loop. Relatedly, I can request people to halt posting to facilitate this (as long as I/whoever receives the power is working as quickly as they can so as to not slow down the pace of the RP).

The second addendum is that anyone can ask to be skipped or may otherwise abstain from posting for whatever reason, and will automatically be skipped if they disappear for a period of time (Such as a full week with no contact whatsoever). I, as the GM, also have this right (because sometimes I simply have nothing to add and I don't want to post dumb filler if at all possible). A related right is that people can switch spots if they agree to do so and notify the Game-Master (me). Alternatively, they can abstain but request to be able to participate in the loop later on in the queue (being bumped to the last spot by default).

The third addendum is that any collaborative post (worked on in private by multiple people) can count as either all involved players' post, or just one of their posts' (preferably the earliest player in the unmodified queue). I, as the GM, would love to be able to monitor collaborative posts, and would like to be invited to observe, but I won't enforce this.

The fourth addendum is that, when multiple plot-streams are occurring (such as multiple in-game military operations with no relationship to one another), the queue will be divided appropriately into smaller, separate queues that can run concurrently.

For now, this is the entirety of the queue rulings. This post will be modified as new addendums are written, with posts made by the Game-Master (me) to notify people that this post has been edited.

Thank you for reading my policies.
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Don't mind the header, I was screwing around with covers and I couldn't figure out how to set it back to the default smh
GM policy on 'speech colors'

As the GM, I do my best to use the principle of coloring in-character speech in certain colors for the purposes of highlighting and identifying the speaker for quick basic perusal. I don't expect everyone to do this, but I hope to be consistent as possible when writing. Please consider this short list of colors and what I intend for them to mean when they're being used.

All colors are based on RPN's stock color picker colors for simplicity.

Purple is for Linkers.

Green is for Terrorist/"terrorist" organizations or affiliates.

Orange is for independent people of interest.

Red is for all "Ruling Power" personnel. (Company or National)

These Two colors are for civilians, non-important and important characters respectively.

Blue is MAVERICK personnel.

The GM will attempt to keep this post updated when new colors are introduced.

Thank you for reading and staying up to date!

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