NBD Academy [Inactive]


Aki of Hearts ♡
@Britt-21 @TwoMoons @King of Imagination @Zachariah el Morgan @Kiro Akira

The NBD Academy at 10:00AM. It's time to switch classes. NBD is not like any other school. It's time to go from regular schoolwork, to fight training.

Here at NBD Academy, students are trained in every fighting style imaginable and can compete in competitions and especially, NBD Beatdown.


As classes change two boys, twins, are heading to the Gym where most of the practicing is taken place.

One had a darkish, red hair, while the other had a light, possible pink, hair. They looked nearly identical but they couldn't be more different.

"Hey baby, you looking fiiinne. Sexy. Visit my dorm room. You and I can do a little something something if you get my drift." The red-haired twin called to a girl.

The girl looked at him in disgust and walked right past him.

"Bah, I didn't like her anyway." He said. His name was Kureiji Subarashi, the older twin.

The girl passed the the other twin, younger named Akihito Subarashi.

"I'm sorry. Please don't be angry, he didn't mean to insult you. He's just...crazy sometimes." Akihito said quietly, apologizing and flashing her a warm smile.

The girl blushed and nodded.

"I-I'll see you later Akihito."

As she walked away she thought How can those two be so...different..

"You have all the luck with the ladies Aki." Kureiji complained.

Akihito quickly caught up to his twin and shook his head.

"It's not luck. It's how you act."

Kureiji shrugged and didn't really care. He spied another good-looking girl. Cute face, nice rack, good legs, amazing butt.

"Hey Ba-"

"Shut it." The girl growled and pushed pass him.

Kureiji froze. He turned and stared at the girl as she walked away. Akihito knew that look. Kureiji got that look when he wanted to fight someone. Or murder someone. Possibly both.

"Hey girlie! What's your name?" Kureiji shouted to her.

She stopped and turned.

"My name is Sarah. What do you want."

"I don't like it when people push pass me. That was pretty rude don't you think." Kureiji sneered.

Akihito was shaking his head at the girl. His face was saying Please don't listen to him. Just ignore..

Sarah looked at Kureiji calmly, then closed her eyes. She re-opened them and on her face was the meanest, killer look that completely destroyed Kureiji's.

Kureiji froze again, this time out of fear.

"H-hey now. Let's not get to hasty. Ah I think we started wrong. My name is Kureiji Subarashi." He pushed Akihito in front of him. "A-and this is my twin. Akihito. You know our names, we know yours. We're friends now right?"

She turned and walked away.

"Damn she is scary." Kureiji muttered and dragged Akihito to the Gym.
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Hana was watching this from afar. She came from behind the wall once the little convo was finished. SHe laughed, following the boys "You really need to calm down on picking up on girls, Kureiji. Why dont you be like your brother sometime?" she asked, making her way passed them "Maybe you'll get a woman that way." she shrugged and headed off to the gym, sliding on her gloves as she made her way. "Lets see how my student take care of you later Today. Maybe kick some sense into that peanut brain of yours." she was like a teenager, even if she was 20. She still acted and looked like she was 18. Some people knew she was a teacher, some people didnt. But it never bugged her in any way.

Aya cought up to the boys insted of her mother "Im sorry about my mom..she's just weird like that." she giggled "She's just the type to never lose and always win and kick some butt!" she then stopped talking and just said "Im Aya. I have a few friends that should be joining me, but arent here yet. So I could hang with you guys. Just dont lay a finger on me." she narrowed her eyes and had a face like so: (-3-)
Kureiji liked Hana. Not only was she pretty sexy, she knew how to fight. He respected her. When her daughter came over however, his face went back to his usual crazy, wild, expression.

"What are you. Ten? You look ten. Not interested." Kureiji said and proceeded to ignore Aya.

Akihito bowed his head slightly in greeting.

"Hello Aya. It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Akihito and this is the infamous Kureiji. We're both happy to make your acquaitance." Akihito said, smiling warmly.
Aya looked at Akihito "Well, its nice to meet you, Akihito." she smiled and then shot a glare at Kureiji "Do you really want to go there you crazy maniac?! I could fight just as good as my mother!" how dare he call her '10'. Her hearing heard her mother down the hall, calling back "Better watch your ass boy! She can kick just as much butt as I can!"
Kureiji continued to ignore her, deciding to occupy himself by judging girls that he passed.

Akihito apologized.

"I'm sorry. He'll be like this until you prove it to him that you are strong.. He's a bit stubborn about that.."
Aya looked at Akihito "Akihito, you cant keep saying sorry for him.." she sighed "Dont worry, i'll prove him wrong. Then he'll know better then to call me a 10 year old. I have seen people my hight that were older then me. He shouldnt judge so quickly.." she pouted "Just cause I act childish doesnt mean I am." she didnt like it when people did that to her, it was quite annoying. Plus, Akihito is so kind and has to do the sorries for his brother because he is a big pain in the butt!

(we wait nao :3)
Izumi walked through the academy's hallway. In his mind, he was reviewing all the information the teachers had dumped on the hapless student population that morning and storing it in his mind palace. As he was doing so, he absentmindedly ran into an unfortunate girl, knocking her books and papers onto the cold ground. "Oh! My sincerest apologies. I seemed to have momentarily forgotten myself. Are you alright?" Izumi asked with a warm, friendly smile as he swiftly collected the girl's belongings and deposited them in her arms. "N-N-No, I'm f-f-fine. Thank you, I-I-Izumi." the girl managed to stutter out before rushing away with her friends, squealing all the while. With a sigh, Izumi got ready to continue on his way when a teacher who was locking his classroom spoke up. "A gentleman, as always. Of course, I'd expect nothing less from you. Top of the class this term, again. I'll see you tomorrow." The teacher then ambled off. The constant praise from teachers and the inane behavior of most of the female population of the school did get irritating, but it was not in Izumi's nature to be hateful. Still, he was a bit exasperated, and the real school day had only just begun.
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Hana stopped walking once she came up to Izumi "Come on, we got work to do kid." she said, putting her hand on his shoulder, while the other had a glove on holding her other glove "Normal teachers leave. Now, its time for us teachers to get in and have a bit of fun, eh?" the redhead always said hi to her students and other's students. "Well, Izumi?"
Izumi smiled warmly at the teacher. Hana looked young, a trait that she'd somehow passed on to her adopted daughter, but she was a very skilled fighter, also a trait she'd passed on to her daughter. "Oh, Ms. Kiminari, I didn't see you there. You know, technically speaking, I am still a student here. But, I suppose you're right. There's no time to waste before the Beatdown." Ah, the Beatdown. NBD Academy's famous fighting tournament. For the winner, the title opened doors that most only dreamed of. And no family was more synonymous with winning the Beatdown than the Kuwarimisas. Of course, Izumi had been disqualified from the Beatdown this year, not that he minded. Still, it was a bit difficult to walk past all the trophies and plaques bearing the names of earlier Kuwarimisas that had achieved fame in these halls. And none more so than Izumi's father, the man who'd TKO'd every single one of his opponents on his way to becoming the victor of the Beatdown during his time at NBD Academy. He glanced back at Hana. She was one of the few who knew the real reason he was banned from the Beatdown; most others, the students included, believed that he was too weak, and that his influential donor family had called in some favors to get him exempted.
"And thats why we're going to toughen you up." she said with a grin on her face as she dragged Izumi with her to the one of many gyms. Each gym was each type of fighting. Wrestling, boxing, you name it! "This year, I managed to get you back in and-" she looked at him "We added rules to the beatdown to keep people from getting seriously injured." her face went serious as she walked "I know Mixed martial arts isnt your thing. But i'll pump you up before you go to your other classes. At NBD Academy, you Never Back Down. Thats where the term NBD came from." she slid her other glove on "You need to be ready for the unexpected, got it?"
Mitsuko's eyes glanced back and forth from her passing peers to the hallway in front of her. It wasn't as if she were to make any attempt to spark a conversation with any of her fellow classmates, her eyes just got very easily bored, and at times they were the most active part of her body, often flying around her current setting. Many think that she's never really paying attention, which is often partly true. However, it was mostly because Mitsuko is quite easily bored, and finding that she can't do anything except observe her surroundings, which she has made into a common pastime for her. She made her way towards the Gym, noticing Hana and a few others she had aquainted herself with in the halls as well. Still, she made no attempt to be all buddy-buddy merely knowing one's name didn't make Mitsuko want to talk in the slightest.
Laughing, Izumi allowed himself to be dragged to the gym by the eager teacher. However, when he heard that she'd somehow gotten him back into the Beatdown, a part of him felt, surprisingly, saddened. Perhaps it was due to his pacifistic nature, but there was a voice in his head that protested. Yet, somewhere even deeper down, in a more primal part of his being, there was a yearning to prove himself as the prodigy of the great Kuwarimisa family. "I'm very greatful that you managed to qualify me for the Beatdown, and I'm sure the new regulations are sufficient. However, I'm not quite sure if I myself am capable of holding back in that sort of a situation. I am aware of the meaning behind this academy's acronymic name. Still, I don't think it's a good idea for me to practice with you. If it's about warming up, there's nothing to fear. I mostly practice according to my own methods while the teacher instructs the others." As he spoke, he smiled weakly, somewhat apologetically. His hand rubbed the back of his head in nervousness. It was ironic really; Izumi, who was perhaps the student most against fighting, was the student who was most dangerous to his peers. Naturally, this made him averse to any such tournament as the Beatdown.
"You're backing down kid." she shook her head and looked at the door as some of her students spilled in. "You can hold yourself back. If you cant, you're getting socked in the face pretty hard. I'll probably K.O. you." she set up the gym, putting the punching bags out and the large mat. "Maybe I could drag Mitsuko in here and pair you up with her to see what you got." shrugging, she grabbed the other materials, setting them up "I'll only let you pratice this once. But if you fight out of this school, you are no longer allowed in my class. I do not train so you can go and fight outside thinking you're all big and bad." she looked towards the door and called out "Mitsuko! Get in here!" she was gonna take some students from the other classes because she wanted to see what potental they got. Especially facing her.

Im trying to get eveyone involved O.o its surprisingly easy xD
Mitsuko turned her head at the mention of her name by Hana, wondering what in the world she would have to do now. It was only logical that she wouldn't be able to train in peace. She slinked along the hallway towards Hana and Izumi as she was told to. She was still lost on what Hana wanted her to do, but she was sure that she would be told soon. "Yes Hana? What is it?" she said, tilting her head slightly. He rfingers played with the hem of her shirt, another habit she did to distract herself.
Izumi's rational mind was fighting his urge to fight, and so far, as it had in the past, it was winning. "I assure you, I'm not backing down. I just prefer to fight my own caliber of opponents. I promise, I do actually practice when I'm at home. Anyways, I'd really rather not fight Mitsuko. She's an amazing fighter, especially for her stature, and it would be anyone's mistake to understimate her. But, forgive my arrogance, but I don't want to hurt her or myself." When the teacher insinuated that he'd fight outside of school, Izumi's emotions ran a bit rampant, which was simply a testament to his policy of pacifism. "Ms. Kiminari! I can't believe you'd think that I would fight outside of school when I seldom fight in school! Remember, I'm not your student here. It's not in my nature to hurt others; that's not what I fight for." he said vehemently.
"Be a smartass again and you're getting hit." she snapped before looking at Mitsuko "Get your gloves, take off your shoes, get ready to face Izumi here." she looked at the boy "You are fighting her, Izumi. Even if she is a girl. There are girls that could kick your ass. Someone like me. So I suggest listening to what I have to say right about now." her eyes narrowed "Now get a pair of gloves, take your shoes off, and get ready. I'll see what your teachers have been showing you." she crossed her arms over her chest "Go ahead and hate me if you want to, But im helping you."
Mitsuko nodded, looking cautiously at the two before going past them to get ready. She slinked into the gym, slipping her shoes off and grabbing her set of gloves. She slipped the gloves on, stretching a little, occasionally eyeing the two at the entrance of the gym. She didn't get the big fuss that those two were making, but that was probably because Mitsuko rarely made a big fuss over anything. She shrugged, thinning her lips as she got ready. She wasn't too pleased to hear them yelling at eachother, as any unpleasant actions outside of fighting physically didn't exactly appeal to Mitsuko, but that was her.
Izumi was quite literally appalled at this teacher's behavior. "I really don't know what you're talking about, but it is absolutely not my intention to be a "smartass", as you put it. If that's how I appear, I am really very sorry. I didn't mean to disrespect a teacher. However, I am a bit irked that you would suggest that I have some sort of gender bias. I believe I've already stated my respect for Mitsuko, and I want to say that my respect for women extends to you too. I would know about strong women; trust me, if the school's trophy case is any evidence, the Kuwarimisa family has its fair share of them. Still, I am not going to do battle with Mitsuko, and that's my choice. No threats from you is going to change that. Although I don't hate you, I am a bit disappointed. I thought you'd be a bit more understanding, but then, not many people share my viewpoint here at this academy. I'll take my leave and let you practice with someone who will actually participate in the Beatdown."

Bowing quickly, Izumi exited the gym. For a moment, he leaned agains the wall outside the gym, letting a sigh escape his lips during this moment of respite. Really, he'd never wanted to fight, and he definitely didn't want to attend this academy. However, once his father had found his latent ability, he'd placed Izumi in the harshest of conditions to hone his skills. It ended up that an extremely young Izumi learned two forms of martial arts that were made only to hurt and kill, a complete antithesis to Izumi's personality. The screams of his opponents when fighting him was something that Izumi tried not to remember, and participating in the Beatdown wouldn't help things at all.
Hana was disappointed "Then go into a different wing of the school where they just write down the moves if you dont want to do them!" she yelled and looked at Mitsuki "Well, looks like you're going up against me." she put her gloves on, took the jacket from her shoulder, put her shoes at the side and she got ready "Just know, this isnt full on fight. Just sparring. If you're in pain, tap out. I'll do the same thing. If you dont tap out, you will get yourself hurt."
Night entered the school quietly and quickly glanced around. He felt shy seeing it was his first day at the school. He hated the thought of new people but also welcomed and enjoyed it. Night sighed softly and looked to his sheet of paper showing him where his classes were. He frowned staring at the sheet that just seemed to blend together. "This seems quite interesting." He said before looking around the school then back to the sheet of paper heading down what he had thought to be the correct path.

Midnight smirked softly pushing one of the kids out of the way and continued down the hall. "Move kid, class should be starting soon and I wouldn't want to be late." He laughed seeing the kid trip up onto the ground and continued to walk opening up the door of a class he had thought to be the correct one. He peered across the class only to slam the door shut and walk down the hall a few doors down entering that class room to make sure it had been the right one. This time it was. Midnight grumbled and moved over to an empty seat near the back and sat down staring off into the distance at almost nothing.
[QUOTE="Britt-21]Aya looked at Akihito "Akihito, you cant keep saying sorry for him.." she sighed "Dont worry, i'll prove him wrong. Then he'll know better then to call me a 10 year old. I have seen people my hight that were older then me. He shouldnt judge so quickly.." she pouted "Just cause I act childish doesnt mean I am." she didnt like it when people did that to her, it was quite annoying. Plus, Akihito is so kind and has to do the sorries for his brother because he is a big pain in the butt!
(we wait nao :3)

Kureiji made it into the Gym and looked around.

"What are you looking at?" He sneered at a guy.

"N-nothing." The boy responded and quickly walked away. Akihito aplogized to the boy as he passed.

"Wooooyeah! Man am I ready. Sooo.... Who wants to fight?" Kureiji called. Everyone around him glanced and shuffled away quickly. No one liked to fight Kureiji because he gets a bit.... crazy. Crazy is a poor word. It's more like bloodthirsty.

"Please don't seriously hurt anyone." Akihito said softly to his twin.

"Yeah yeah..doesn't look like anyone will step up. Bunch of wimps..." Kureiji complained.
Aya grinned and got her gloves "I want to. Then again, you wouldnt want to fight a 'kid'. What a wimp yourself." she crossed her arms with a grin as she looked at him. Waiting for his reply, knowing he would be pissed by being called a wimp
Kureiji sighed loudly.

"Well I guess you're the last resort." He grumbled. "Come one kid. Let's go find a fighting spot."

He walked away, searching for a clear spot to fight. He found a nice large pad, where most fights were conducted, and took one side.

"I chose a nice soft spot so you don't get hurt when I knock ya down."

Akihito followed and and stood at the center.

"I'll referee the fight." He said in his soft voice.
Zak stood surrounded by dummies, with the different pressure points of the chest clearly marked with pressure sensors. He got into his stance, and when he heard the whistle, he became a blur of motion, hitting point after point with deadly accuracy. Within seconds, all of the dummies registered dead or inacapacitated. Zak wiped the sweat from his brow and stepped out of the circle, stretching his arms.

A few minutes later he walked out and saw a fight about to start on a mat. He walked up behind Aki, staying a few feet back, to observe.
Mitsuko nodded, understanding what she had to do. "I understand Ms. Kiminari." she said. Of course, she preferred a real, full-on fight over sparring, but she could wait for the Beat Down for that. She smiled, anticipation building up already. Merely mentioning the Beat Down could make Mitsuko pretty excited, and she couldn't wait to see how she was at the actual event. It was one of the only times she acted slightly happy, which she would be. She rolled her shoulders, setting up for the sparring.

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