Nathan Fox (Greed)


-Nathan Fox-


(Ignore the cards, skull and cup)


Says he's 19 but is in fact much older.


Nathan is a narcissistic snob that doesn't particularly like anybody that's below him, and considering how he can create practically anything that usually means he doesn't really like most people he sees. He refuses to do hard work or things that would get him dirty and so he usually sits back and lets other people do work for him. He also likes to trick or bribe people into doing things for him so that he won't have to do a lot.




110 pounds


Nathan wasn't always a member of the Seven Sins. He used to live in England with a wealthy family, way back in the 1800s. His parents always spoilt him, making Nathan only want more and more as he grew. Nobody enjoyed being around him as he would constantly whine and boast about his possessions and as such Nathan never had any actual friends. His closest companion was his prized pet, Narcamosa. The times you saw Nathan he would always have Narcamosa perched on his shoulder no matter what he was doing.

Eventually his parents grew tired of Nathan's constant needs and threw him out. By that time the family had already lost a lot of their fortune just to please their only son and knew that he was just a pest in the household. Nathan was furious with this and in his rage he set the house alight, burning it all down along with everybody inside. Everybody assumed that Nathan was dead but amazingly he had survived the flames he created. Nobody knows what happened to him afterwards, but he somehow became the Greed of the Seven Sins.


27th February



-||For Sins||-




Nathan's magic allows him to create anything he wants as long as it isn't living or uses more energy than he has at the moment. He can make weapons, furniture or even money at a cost of uses the same amount of energy it would take to pick it up and put it back down again. As such he can't make houses out of thin air unless he wants to be in a coma for a couple days.

||True Name||

Xaros Peccatum Avaritia

||True Sin||

In this form Nathan changes into a demon where his arm turn into black wings along with his legs turning into bird feet with sharp claws on the end of them. His entire head changes shape so that it becomes bone white with a broken beak and red, beady eyes. Whilst in this form Nathan doesn't realise what is happening and so prefers to not turn into his true form, but when he does it is usually for a good reason. He gains incredible agility and speed along with being able to fly and have eyesight similar to a hawk. His skin also becomes like a leather armour and cannot be taken down with arrows.

(something like this)



Has a black and white raven that stays on his shoulder called Narcamosa but frequently calls her 'Nara'.

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