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Fandom Naruto

Kin nodded beaming at Neji happily. He had done it! He had graduated! "Let's do our best to be the best team this village has ever seen and make our parents proud. Alright?"

Reaching up he tied his head band around his neck. It would be his new choker.
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Sora smiled widley. She may not have been place with her sister but she expected that to happen. "I'm happy to be apart of this team." She looked over at her sister who was frowning. Ignoring her sister she tied Jr headband around her forehead

Sachi wanted to be placed with her sister. For as long as she could remember they always trained together. "Oh well"

Sachi walled over to her team, tying her headband around her neck. "Hey guys. Looks like it's going to be us together."
Raiko smiled hen his team was called. He thought that he was the only boy so he was a little bit excited. He could show off to some girls and they would tell their girly friends as then he would be as cool as Neji. He had already devised his master plan in his mind. He went over to his team after getting his headband and he tied it around his waist to wear as a belt. He would probably change that later. He said to his team, "Hey guys. Congratulations! I'm excited to be in your team." He smiled at them.
Ryuu was happy to watch all the students preform all of their own jutsu. She was able to get a good grasp upon each of the students’ abilities. She was able to gather quite a bit of information on how they were able to handle themselves with Taijutsu, and even within the ninjutsu and genjutsu range. As the academy teacher graduated the students, they were placed within teams.

Going on through the list, the students were called and placed within her team and she could not help but just point and snicker at Riyoshi.

“I told you that I would end up with the Uchiha.” Ryuu said just loud enough so Riyoshi could hear her.

Turning and glancing at Ryuu, Riyoshi took in a breath and shook his head.

“Its not about the individual shinobi on the team, its how they work together.” Riyoshi replied as his team gathered in close.

Seeing his team come closer, he spoke out to all of them.

“You all ready to get down to team practice?” Riyoshi asked them as he awaited the answer.

Ryuu on the other hand was going to take the more stern approach.

“Get ready maggots. We are going to get our training on.” She spoke out forcefully towards the group.

Placing her hand upon the kids, Ryuu placed a marker upon their skin. After each kid was marked, she vanished in a puff of smoke. As the smoke cleared, each kid was then summoned to her location. The kids were transported to her location instantly. Their location was not that of Konoha, but of a wide open, rocky field.

“All right kids. You ready for this?” Ryuu spoke out as she looked upon the kids with and angered expression.
Raiko was still sitting down watching the others disappear and he waited for instructions from his sensei. He sighed and started to get bored so he decided to make some shapes in the earth using his jutsu.
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Sora felt marker on her skin. When she arrived at the new location, she was confused at first and then got angry. Of course she would get stuck with an abnormal sensei. Sora sighed she would have to deal with it. Her sensei's facial expression didn't help what she was feeling. In fact it scared her a little. She took out her notebook and ink. "Ready." Her voice was more or less a squeak.

Sachi started laughing as she watched her sister and her team disappeared. "Suckers." She put her hands behind her head and looked at her sensei. "Yes sirr!"
@Kiotaro your sensai is riyoshi not Ryuu so you are still at the academy.

Neji stood there with a cool demeanor as he looked at his new teammates sora and kin. Neji smiled and thought to him self that these toe can hold their own and the 3 of them should be a pretty complete team. He then turned to their sensai Ryuu Hatake he had heard stories about her. She was the daughter of one of the greatest shinobi of all time in kakashi Hatake and she had been trained very well as she is one of the too jonin in the village. "well let's get this started then shall we."
(The teams are Neji, sora and kin with Ryuu and then raikuo sachi and geigas with riyoshi)
(( *COUGH* RAIKO *COUGH* I was looking at the teams backlash made, not the ones you did, sorry. I'll fix.))
(Sorry I misspelled it again lol and yea when we added the other girl character I changed up the teams it's all good.)
Geigas nodded at his new leader, ready for team training. He had never been one to socialize with others, and had never been one to work with others either, but he viewed everyone else like chess pieces. If Geigas used them right then they'd all win the battle. Geigas' logical fortitude and power made him an attractive choice for a leader, as he would do whatever it would take to win, and at the same time he'd know when to run.

He already began assessing his other team mates, guessing how they'd fight, and how he should approach and work with them. If they were all mature, hopefully none were very childish, then this should be a breeze for them.

Geigas stretched, getting ready.
Ryuu smiled at her team. Her sadistic side shown through her expression. Taking in a deep breath, she brought her hands up in an offensive manner.

“You will have to work together to take me down. If you do not, then you will all fail and you will be placed back into the academy.” Ryuu said as she glared upon each of the kids.


Riyoshi smiled at the response of his students.

“All right all. Let us get going to our meeting.” Riyoshi spoke out as he formed six quick hand seals.

In an instant, the team was lifted off the ground and they headed south. Their destination was that of a giant desert with a huge 200 foot wide hot spring in the middle.

“All right team, your test is as follows. You will all need to work together to complete the objective.” Riyoshi spoke out as his team and himself landed upon the ground.

“The objective is in the middle of that hot spring. But lets not let the hot water fool you, it is 2 thousand degrees. If you get caught in that water, you will burn to death. Their will be no saving you.” Riyoshi spoke out as he pointed to the water.

Turning his attention to the students, he spoke out.

“Your move, Tell me what the first thing is you would do to get the object?” Riyoshi asked his students.
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Neji listened to their Sensai speak and he smiled and thought to him self. This will be the perfect opportunity for me to impress her. Neji activated his sharnigan that already in his young age had 2 tomoe activated. He turned to sora and kin. "Guys we need to come up with a plan of attack if we are going to stand any chance of taking her down and I don't know about you too but I'm not going back to the academy. I want you two to follow my lead okay. We all need to attach at full strength no holding back okay."

And just like that Neji was off he ran at Ryuu and then jumped in the sir he threw down 4 kunai knives with paper bombs on all 4 sides of her. He then was in the air above her, he made hand signs. "Fireball jutsu." Neji shot off a giant fireball jutsu down at where Ryuu was standing.
Kin nodded at Neji determined and watched as he ran toward their sensei.

He followed him and jumping up above her shouts. "Blade of wind."

He emits chakra from his right hands fingertips and materialises it into an near invisible weapon that headed toward their sensei. It combined with Nejis fireball making it larger and more lethal with a cutting affect as it sped toward her.
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Geigas thought for a second, and then lifted a notepad that he had written in. Geigas had a habit of not talking, because he found a rather burning sensation when he spoke. The writing read...

I would use my body manipulation technique to turn myself into stone and carry the others across. If I'm correct then the stone shouldn't be at it's melting point due to the heat, as it is a few hundred degrees lower then required. However, that would defeat the purpose of the others, so it wouldn't be correct...

Geigas smiled as he flashed his sensei the writing. He personally was still thinking, but he wondered if his peers had come up with anything.
Since Sora was a ranged fighter she stayed back. "Ninja Art: Super Beasts Scroll!" Once the ink hit the pad her hand moved at a rapid pace and lions shot out out one by one un til five in total were charging towards their sensei.

Sachi inwardly cursed. And I thought we got the normal one. "Normally we would use our chakra by putting it to our feet and walking across it...but it's too hot to do that." Is he trying to kill us? Sachi was a close combat and, as much as she hates admitting, she isn't the brightest either. Not like Neji, thats for sure.
Raiko said, "I don't know, I could make a bridge with my jutsu. Or maybe make a hole in the middle of the hot spring to let the water drain and then walk around the hole." He smiled.
Ryuu smiled at her team. They were taking the offensive tactic against her, but they knew nothing of working together. The smile grew into her sadistic grin before she formed hand seals. Her hand began to light up with pure chakra before it compressed to just the outer layer of her skin. It soon crackled with lightning as she began to spin around. She seen the kunai with the bomb tags upon them and as they hit the ground, she swiped her hand across them and cut the paper. She knew that the tags were no good unless the seal upon them was intact.

~Fireball jutsu.~

That’s when she turned her attention skyward to see Neji launching a large ball of fire in her direction. Leaping backwards, Ryuu formed one hand seal and pointed her left palm in the direction of Sora and her right palm in the direction of Neji and Kin.

These kids are impressive, already devised a skill within their ranks to combine their elements. Ryuu thought as the giant ball of fire hit her.

As the fireball faded, Ryuu stood within a dome of what seemed like hardened light. Her white chakra had protected her from each of the attacks.

“Nicely done you three. But you are leaving yourselves open for counter attacks. Neji, just because you are from the Uchiha, Do not think that you are the greatest weapon and strike head strong first. Both you and Kin had come out swinging, leaving Sora out by herself.” Ryuu spoke as she cleared her jutsu and began to walk over to Neji’s and Kin’s location.

“There is something that I have always wanted to try.” Ryuu said as she approached Neji.


Riyoshi listened to his team and read Geigas’ response.

Interesting approach. Riyoshi thought to himself.

Looking over at Raiko, he took in a breath.

“You can’t just blow a hole in everything. That will not solve every problem.” Riyoshi spoke out as he turned to glance across each kid.

“Is there anything that you can think of to get you across two thousand degree water?” Riyoshi spoke out as he pointed to the hot spring.

Turning to face the hot spring, Riyoshi started to walk as he brought his hand up and waved the kids forward.

“Now I realize that you may think this is not really something you were looking forward to as a team building exercise, but I wanted to throw you in a awkward scenario and see how you were going to handle it. Now, we will begin with the team section of this training.” Riyoshi spoke out as he took his flak jacket off.

“It will be you three versus me. You will need to take me down anyway possible. I will come out swinging my big guns and will be looking to kill each one of you. Come at me when you are ready to die.” Riyoshi spoke out as he adjusted his gloves.
Neji saw his fireball hit Ryuu. He turned and smiled and kin and sora, "guys I think we got her! My fireball it hit her." But then with his sharnigan he could see that Ryuu was fine and when the smoke cleared it was true Ryuu was completely fine. He then listened to what his sensai was saying about their teamwork being off and leaving sora by her self. Neji then perked up when he heard her say that just because he was an uchiha he was not thst great. That got him a little mad as he stood there and watched ryuu approach him.
Sora wasn't surprised when their attacks hadn't hurt her. Listening to what she was saying Sora instantly felt bad. She wasn't a close combat person. "But Ryuu-sensei, Wouldn't it also be better for us to utilize our abilities? Neji and Kin are, from what I see, close combat people. Since I'm not I would be endangering my self as well as my team if I try to fight up close." The lions she made returned to her and started circling around her. "My mother always told me, since she was a medical ninja, it was better for her to stay behind her team, because a team who loses their medic out in the field is a doomed one." One lion stood by her side and she placed her hand on it. "I feel like it is a similar situation. I fight from a distance, but I know enough to defend my self." She felt a blush form on her cheeks. "Sorry if I was babbling. Just saying my thoughts." Sora brought her hands close to her chest as she watched Ryuu walk up to neji.

Sachi walked up to her sensei to hear him better. When she heard that they were about to fight she smiled. Finally. She pulled her hair up into a pony tail. "Well finally." Her hand brushed her kunai pouch, counting to see how many she had in there along with how many paper bombs she had. Even though she wa a close combat fighter she had these just in case. Sachi the crack her knuckles. Her mothers always told her she should wear the gloves she had bought her, but gloves felt so constricting on her.
Raiko smirked at the word 'fight'. He was so ready. He put on his gloves and pounded his fists together. He said, "Well this will be quick." He turned to his teammates and said, "Shall we decide a plan?"

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