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Fandom Naruto

kira blackthorn

Four Thousand Club
At the beginning it will be their days at the academy. After graduating that will change. If you have any ideas please post them ooc.
Neji awoke on what was to be his last day at the academy. He was excited to finally be moving on to genin level, well only off he could complete the final test at the academy. Neji was on top of the class like his father sasuke was, so he was not worried about it at all. Neji got out of bed and showered he got dressed and headed downstairs for breakfast where his father sasuke and mother Sakura were. They were both jonins and very important shinobis in the village. Neji wanted to be just like his parents, but he also had another dream Neji wants to be hokage one day. Neji said good morning to his parents and sat down for breakfast. They had to hurry and finish as they had to report to the hokage. They both says goodbye and goodluck with his final test. Neji smiled and finished his breakfast. He made his way through the village stopping and talking to some of the villagers as he made his way to the academy. Neji like usual was the first student there. Neji took his seat and waited for the rest to arrive.
Geigas had been practicing all night, and he wasn't tired. He was used to it by now, he had practiced a lot. He would be training in his own way, punching a hanging sack of rice, using makeshift training swords and his fists. Geigas caught the sun in his gaze, realizing that it was time to get to the academy for the final test. He quickly dropped his sword, waved back at his parents who were silently eating on a bench, and walked off.

The first person he saw when he made it to the academy was Neji, and he took a seat next to him, stretching afterwards. Geigas was relaxed, and he was sure he'd pass, but he was wondering what would happen afterwards.

Geigas then glanced at Neji, wondering if he knew what his gender was. Most people assumed he was probably a girl, but it was quite the opposite. Geigas sighed, and then fully looked at Neji. He did something that he didn't usually do, and he assumed not many people would be there to see it anyways.

He spoke.

"Go..Good luck, Neji, not like you'll need it..."

Kin twirled looking at himself in the mirror. Today was graduation day which meant he would become an adult in his families eyes and thus be ready to take over the pack. Stopping he worried his bottom lip as he tried to calm his nerves. He knew his father will wait until he's ready to hand the title down but that doesn't mean he isn't nervous about it. After today everything will be different.

Noticing the time he took a deep breath and grabbing his back left his room. Shiru greeted him at the front door leaping onto his shoulder and nuzzling his face. Giggling Kin patted his head as he began to walk to school.

He soon made it and was of course one of the first people there. Smiling at the others he sat in front of them."Hey guys."
Raiko was wife awake when his parents called him from his room. E bad a really bad nightmare about his parents. He went to his parents and stared at them for a second, them starig back. He finally said good morning and got his breakfast. He had a small talk with his parents and they told him stories of when their graduation day came. He listened intently an took mental notes. When he finally was ready to go his family said goodbye and good luck and he left. He walked through te town getting hi's and good luck's from villagers knowing it was his graduation day. He was very excited even if it didnt show. When he finally got to the academy, he sat behind his friends, Neji, Geigas, and Kin. He said to them, "Hi! Good luck guys!"
"Sora! It's time to get up! It's graduation day!" Her mother barged into her room and opened all the blinds. "Mooom" She groaned and pulled her sheets over her head. There was a hard tug and Ino ripped the sheets off of her. "If you don't get up now you're going to be late." With that she turned and left her room. Sighing Sora got up out of bed. Her long blond hair down her back. Rubbing her eyes she got up and got dressed and brushed her hair out. After finishing breakfast she grabbed a sketch book and a pen and started heading out. "Good lukc on your exam! And also good luck talking to Neji." Ino called out. Sora glared at her mother. Being Sakura's best friend she had brought Sora over to their place a few times and she saw how her daughter looked at him. It usually never showed on her face but because of the years she has been with Sai, she knew.

It only took her a few minutes to get to the academy. Good. I'm not late. Even though she was pretty young Sora had a knack for sensing chakra. She could sense the chakra of the people who were already there before opening the door. She spotted Neji but her eyesquickly moved to look at someone else. "Good morning everyone." Her voice was low. She took a seat next to Kin. "I hope everyone does well on their exam."
Standing high above the academy, Riyoshi and Ryuu looked upon the students gathering and taking their seats. This two were the first ones there and they did not want to let the kids know of their presence. They just wanted to observe the kids and see how they responded to each other. The two jounin stood upon the edge of the building and discussed their plans.

“If he makes it out of this alive, i call dibs upon the uchiha.” Ryuu spoke out to Riyoshi.

“I figured that you would call him first, that is why i chose to go with a subtle approach. I will choose Sora Yamanaka.” Riyoshi replied to Ryuu.

With a huff, Ryuu turned and just stared Riyoshi down.

“You are such a softy. Taking a ‘subtle’ approach?” Ryuu said as she quoted with her fingers.

“Then i will go ahead and go with Kin. I have a thing with dogs so she should do fine with me.”
Ryuu said as she turned her gaze back down towards the students.

“All right then, I will go ahead and go with Geigas. This child might be quiet and secluded now, but i will teach him to be a great shinobi.” Riyoshi replied as he kept his gaze upon the kids.

“Then that just leaves one, Raiko. I will adopt him into my group and teach him well.” Ryuu said as she smiled upon her newly created team.

Nodding at her choice, Riyoshi reached over and smacked her on her bottom and leaped from his spot.

“See you down there love.” Riyoshi spoke out as he left the roof top and headed for the meeting place housing all the kids.

Her face blushed for a second before her mood changed to a bit of anger. She was not going to lose to this man, not after gaining the upper hand with teams. Leaping from the roof, She landed right behind Riyoshi and as he passed through the gate and headed towards the kids, she punched him right in the shoulder.

“Hello there everyone. We are here to overlook the graduation ceremony and wish you all good luck.” Riyoshi spoke out after being punched in the back of his right shoulder.
Neji smiled at all of his friends as he said hi and good luck to them. Next thing he knew 2 jonin were standing in front of the now full class room. Neji listened intently as they spoke of why there were there and then they gave their good luck. Next their teacher came in and smiled at his class.

"Well Goodmorning class I want to wish you all good luck today on your final exams, I believe you all will pass, but if you should not then you will spend another year here at the academy. Now the test will have 3 parts you must demonstrate your ninjutsu, taijutsu and there will be a written part. So first we will do the written part then the taijutsu and finally end with ninjutsu."

The teacher came around and handed out the written test. "You all have one hour to complete this test. And begin."

With that Neji picked up a pencil and began to answer questions. Neji was taught well by his parents so this test was pretty easy. He was done in about 15 minutes. He walked up and handed the teacher his test.
(Just wanted to let you all know. I'm heading home from school and the drive takes me four hours, so I won't be able to respond after this till I get home)

Sora could sense the join ' Chakra right before they showed up so she wasn't too surprised when she saw them. Her eyes narrowed in concentration as the test was put in front of here. Picking up.her pen she started scribbling answers down. Hearing Neri get up only 15 minutes into the exam she inwardly cursed. ~of course he's already done. Lives up to the Uchiha name that's for sure.~ She looked down at her test and was only half way done. It took her another 10 minutes to finish the test before she got up and handed it to their teacher. She knew that she would be fine at the ninjutsu part of the test but she wasn't really good at taijutsu.
Kin wasn't startled at all by the appearance of the Jenin. He had smelled them the moment he entered. He quietly listened to the speech then began the test quickly. It wasnt hard at all and in fact seemed rather pointless to him. Yet he knew if he looked around he would see some of his peers struggling. They smelt anxious. He finished soon after Neji and quietly handed his test in before taking his seat again. Then he waited.
Geigas stretched when he received his test, peering at the their two teachers. He was staring at them strangely, for a good while, and afterwards he began to start on his test. As he was nearly done he saw that he had finished around the same time as Sora. He handed it right after her, keeping his eyes on the two whilst he walked away.

He was trying to guess their teams, doing the calculations of possibility in his head as he was doing his test, which slowed him down, of course. Geigas then decided that he would be paired with Sora, and the rest would be on the other team. He didn't decide which teacher would choose which, but he figured Riyoshi would be the one to pick him considering him, or at least he hoped so. Geigas liked Riyoshi as a teacher, rather then Ryuu, but she wasn't bad either.

Geigas found the test easy, as the others hopefully did. However, he was worried he'd somehow fluke on the taijutsu and ninjutsu. He had studied well, though, so he should just repeat what he did in the morning.
Raiko cracked his knuckles when he got his test and started to answer the questions slowly. He finished about 5 minutes after Sora and Geigas. He was sure he got one hundred percent. He he stood up and put his gloves on and started to stretch. He yawned and sat back down.
Sachi was dashing across the rooftops. I can't believe mom woke Sora up but forgot to wake me up! She tsked and picked up her pace. She didn't want to be anymore late then she already was. It only took her a few minutes to reach the academy. Before opening the door to the classroom she quickly fixed her hair so that it was all over the place and walked in. "Sorry I'm late sensei!" The teacher just sighed and handed her the test. It didn't take her that long to complete it but since she was late she was the last person to turn it in. She felt she did ok. Not the best though.
Now that everyone was done the test, their teacher up front stood up and said to the class. "Good job on the written exam everyone these will be graded as we go out and start our taijutsu part of the exam everyone follow me."

Neji got up out of his chair and followed their teacher to the training field. The teacher turned around and looked at the class. "Okay class we will now be doing the taijutsu part of your final exam. For this we will need you to spar with one of the Chunin teachers only using your taijutsu skill. First up is Neji Uchiha

Neji walked over to the area as he got ready to spar. Nejis sparing partner was a 15 year old Chunin. Neji took a deep breath as they began their sparring. The match went on for about 15 minutes as they went back and forth with each other. In the end it was decided that Neji had won the sparring match. Most students are just expected to hold their own but Neji won his fight.

The teacher smiled. "Good job Neji you pass this part with flying colors."
"Kin your next." The teacher said beckoning him forward. Kin nodded coming forward to face his opponent. A 16 year old Chunin. Getting into position he took a deep breath to steady himself as they began sparring. The match went on for about 20 minutes as they went back and forth with each other. In the end Kin won after knocking his opponent out with a kick to the face.

The teacher nodded at him a smile on his face."Nice job." Kin nodded rejoining the group.
"Sora Yamanaka" Sora nodded and walked forward. Her partner was a arge male. It was obvious he had the advantage here. Sora took a defensive stance. Since taijutsu wasn't her strong point she would just wait for his attack. Closing her eyes she focused on his chakra when he lunged at her she dodged. Most of her battle consisted of that. Sh did land a few hits in and had received a few. "I was expecting more attacks Sora, but I guess since you didn't get overwhelmed I'll pass you." Sora sighed in relief. She passed but just barley.

"Sachi Yamanaka." Sachi took her stance in fron't of the same chunin. Unlike her sister she took an offensive stance and making the first move. "See sis!" She landed a punch on the man. "You have to be more offensive." Sachi kept landing hits before the teacher said they were done. She had passed as well. Sora just crossed her arms at her sisters comment. It's not her fault that she just wasn't that good offensively.
Geigas fought against a girl, a tall one. The two smiled at each other as the match began. Geigas was quick, landing many blows on his opponent. At some periods of time he would go on the defense, while during other times he would switch into offense.

The time limit of these periods were unpredictable, leading to his win in 16 minutes. Geigas walked over to his opponent, and helped her up. The woman smiled at Geigas and waved as he walked off.

"I guess I owe you food later!", she yelled at Geigas. He was nice, most trainees were rather grumpy and mean towards her.
Riyoshi and Ryuu both looked upon the students as they began the second test.

"I remember this test. I finished faster then the Uchiha kid, by about two minutes." Ryuu spoke out as she could not help but smile.

“If memory serves me right, I remember that fight as well. You broke my rib during that fight.” Riyoshi replied as they watched the fights continue.

Seeing Geigas fight, Riyoshi thought about different training methods for this boy. He pondered since there was now six students, the teams would have to be thought out once again. Looking over at Ryuu, he seen her leaning against the rail and watching the fight.

“You know, since there was another student we did not account for earlier, we will have to revise the teams.” Riyoshi spoke out as he placed his right hand upon her back.

“I know. It is just, now that there are two from the same clan, should we keep them together, or separate them?” Ryuu spoke out as she also thought about redoing the teams.

“I think they would be okay with either of us. Let us see how the rest of the students do for this test and then we will decide that.” Riyoshi said as he placed both his hands upon the railing.
Raiko was called up to show off his taijutsu skills. He smiled knowing that he would defeat any of his opponents when it came to taijutsu. He got in trot of everybody and saw that his opponent was just a chunin. He laughed and cracked his knuckles and neck. He made sure not to make any explosions so he put on his protective pair of gloves that would make sure of that. He started off with a lot of dodging and then after a minute he started to throw punches. After 5 more minutes, his sparring buddy was on one knee breathing heavily. Raiko said he was sorry and bowed. He walked away with his hands on the back of his head and elbows out. He smiled, not even breaking a sweat. He sat down and waited for the next test. Ninjutsu. He wasn't as good at ninjutsu as taijutsu but he could manage.
(Just letting everyone know there are more than just is 6 kids in the class it's just obviously were only playing our 6 characters.)

The teacher smiled after every student had gone. "Okay class now we will do the final part of the exams the ninjutsu Portion. Fir this part I will call out different ninjutsu moves fur you to do and then at the end you can do one of your own that you want to do. I will only call out 3 different moves fit you to go and they will be pretty basic moves. So first up will be Neji Uchiha."

Neji smiled as he walked up to the teacher. "I'm ready for whatever your going to throw at me and wait to see what my own ninjutsu move is going to be."

The teacher looked at Neji "okay I want you to perform a transformation jutsua substitution jutsu and since you are a uchiha a fire ball jutsu."

Neji smirked as he stood there and made hand signs, he transformed into their teacher. He then made more hand signs and a log fell out of the sky and on to the ground as he made a substitution jutsu. Neji then walked back over and made more hand signs. He shot a giant fireball at a target completely torching it. Neji smirked as he nailed all three jutsus "okay for my jutsu I will perform an A rank jutsu that besides my self only 2 other shinobis can do." Neji took a deep breathe and looked at his classmates and his teacher. He made hand signs as lighting chakra started to build from his hand. He yelled. "Chidori!" He now had a very powerful lighting style jutsu in his hand and he crashed his hand into the ground making a huge crater. He panted as he looked up at the teacher.

The teacher was in a little bit of shock but smiled. "What else would I expect from an uchiha especially sasukes son. That was incredible very good job Neji you pass this part of the exams. I also just got back all of your written results and Neji you passed them as well so you will be graduating the academy."

Neji smiled as he walked back over to his friends.
"Raiko. You're up next. You will have the same as Neji but instead of the fire ball jutsu, you will perform a simple shadow clone jutsu. Can you handle that?" Raiko laughed and said, "Of course, teach. I got this." Raiko made one hand sign and transformed into his teacher, made another hand sign and a few leaves fell where he stood and he took a few steps out from behind a tree and got ready to do a shadow clone jutsu. He was never comfortable with it. He made a few hand signs and a shadow clone of himself appeared right next to him. Perfectly done. Raiko smiled intensely and released the jutsu. "And for my own jutsu, I shall perform the Landmine Fist. An A rank jutsu. I think I'm the only person who can perform this jutsu." Raiko cracked his knuckles ready to show off and ran to a target and punched it. When he made contact with the target, it disintegrated with he amount of force from the explosion. He turned around panting and smiled. The teacher nodded and said, "Great job. And you will be graduating along with Neji." Raiko did a little victory dance of some punches and spun around to end it. He sat down next to Neji. "Nice job Neji." He said before laying down and staring up at the sky.
"Next will be kin." The teacher called. Kin got up from were he had sat on the ground brusshed himself off before skipping over to the teacher smiling brightly. The teacher blinked startled at the happy smile directed his way slightly unnerved. Shaking his head he cleared his throat before speaking." I want you to perform a transformation jutsu, the substitution jutsu, and the clone technique."

Kin smile widened and he curtsied politely."Of course." Turning he walked back a few feet before turning back to his teacher.

Kin quickly made one hand sign and transformed into his father, made another hand sign and a a log fell out of the sky and on to the ground where he stood and after dropping from a nearby tree he did the handsigns for the clone technique. An exact double appeared next to him and they shared a mischievous wink before he vanished in a cloud of smoke. Skipping back over to the teacher he asked."May I use Shiru for my next one?"

"O...of course." The teacher cleared his throat to cover up his stammering. He was surprised at how quickly he had done that.

Kin smiled and walked away from the others before facing them as Shiru walked next to him. He smiled down at him."Ready Shiru." He wagged his tail in reply making Kin giggle.

Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves (he has only done this once before) he made a few hand signs and a shadow clone of himself appeared right next to him. Perfectly done. Nodding he finished the technique his clone copying him. A large cloud of smoke blew out covering them. When it disappeared the teacher was shocked to find a giant three headed dog in Kins place.

"N..nicely done Kin." He nodded eyeing the dog warily. The dogs heads nodded and another puff of smoke covered them. Kin walked from it with Shinu on his head."Congragulations Kin you will be graduating along side Raiku and Nenji."

Kin giggled doing a little skip and twirl as he walked back to the others. Shiru let out a yip of excitement tail waging furiously on his head.
"Geigas.", The Teacher called. Geigas stretched and walked over, prepared to do any jutsu he needed to. The teacher obviously wanted to test him, so he called out... "Transformation Jutsu, Fireball Jutsu, and a Substitution Jutsu."

Fireball Jutsu? Does he think I'm Neji?

Geigas sighed and began, transformation Jutsu. A few hand signs here and there, and he morphed into a lady version of himself. If anything happened, a few people had gotten nosebleeds. Geigas then transformed back into himself and began more signs, quickly preforming the Fireball Jutsu, however it wasn't as big as Neji's, but it was still a fireball.

Finally, substitution Jutsu. With a few hand signs, he had disappeared in a puff of smoke, somewhat like Kin's. Out walked a completely Iron Geigas, who nodded at the teacher, who simply gave him a thumbs up and told him his team.

Satisfied, Geigas walked back to the others, and smiled for the third time he was at the academy, transforming back into himself as he walked towards them.
"Sora, You're up." Sora held her sketch book close to her chest, slowly walking up to their teacher. "You will be doing transformation Jutsu, Shadow clone, and a form of your ink technique." Sora thought she mine as well start with her ink techniques. Opening her sketch book Sora put her pen to it and started drawing ferociously. When she was done the ink started moving and coming out of the paper. There was roaring noises as two ink tigers jumped out and started circling her. The teacher backed up a little bit as on of the tigers got a little too close to him. In a flash the tiger's melted away. Sora did some hand signs and transformed into her sister. The teacher nodded for her to continue. She poofed back to her normal self and did more hand signs. A clone appeared next to her. "Good job! You pass!" He pointed her to go to where Neji and Kin were. Her face lit up at the team she had.

"Alright Sachi, your turn. Transformation, substitutions and since I know you didn't exactly inherit ink techniques I want you to use a mind technique." Sachi frowned. Their teacher didn't have to point out the fact that her sister got the better end of the deal by being able to use ink techniques. Walking up she transformed into their teacher and then poofed away a log tacking her place. Sora jumped when a hand appeared on her shoulder. "I would like to use my sister for my next jutsu." The teacher nodded and Sachi dragged Sora to the opening. Placing her sister in the middle and moved away. She did some hand signs and brought her hands up to her eyes. "Mind transfer!' She body went limp and fel to the ground. Sora's body also went limp but remained standing. Her eyes started blinking and she looked up. "How was that!" she put her hands on her hips, something Sora didn't do. "Good! You pass as well." He smiled at her. "Release!" Sora gasped and her eyes went wide. "Sachi!" Sora growled. "I told you never to do that on me!" Sachi sighed and flipped hair out of her face. "Oh hush." The teacher pointed her towards Geigas and Raiko. She walked over to them.
The rest of their class went and the teacher tallied up everyone's scores. He then went on and announced who would be graduating. "Now come with me to the front of the building where the graduation ceremony will take place and you will get your headbands and be your who your teams are and who your teacher is."

Neji smiled as they all walked to the front of the building and he was surprised to see the amount of people who were there to see the ceremony including his parents. The ceremony wasn't very long as they got their headbands, the teacher then started going through the teams. "Team 7 will be Neji Uchiha, Kin Inuzuka and Sora Yamanaka. Your jonin sensai will be Ryuu Hatake.

Neji smiled as he walked over to Kin and Sora. "Well guys looks like we are going to be a team."

The teacher went in naming more teams. "And finally team 10 will be raikuo, sachi yamanaka and Geigas Oriha. Your jonin sensai will be Riyoshi Nihoma."

@backlash @Ch3rryBlossom28 @Raggamuffinz @Kiotaro @kira blackthorn

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