Naruto: United Shinobi Federation


Two Thousand Club
In the meeting of the Hall of Greats, All of the Kage discussed the situation at hand.

Ay: “This problem has lasted to long! We need to get the troops and obliterate this before it gets any worse.” Ay spoke out with a demanding tone.

Itachi: “There needs to be another way to solve this situation besides brute force.” Itachi spoke out as he placed his hand up to his mouth soon in thought.

Oonoki: “I will have to side with the Raikage on this situation. This situation needs to be ended before it gets any worse. We will need to gets our force together and attack this head on.” Oonoki spoke out as he sat forward in his chair.

Kazekage: “We must figure something out. We have to protect what we cherish the most.” The kazekage spoke out as he looked around at all the other Kage.

Mei: “I will have to disagree with you two, have to side with the kazekage on this one. We must protect the villages and all of the citizens. We must protect everything that we stand for.” Mei spoke as she looked at the Kazekage.

Minato: “I will have to agree with Itachi on this one. We must try this without brute force. Hire a team of shinobi that have been under careful training from each of the villages and create us a united team of shinobi. Since our villages are all in peace, we have been training shonobi in the thought of protection of that peace. We as Kage’s can select whom we think will serve great in a unified team.” Minato spoke out as he stood behind Itachi.

Ay: “Of course that is the action that you would take. You may be the fastest shinobi alive, but that does not mean that you can just call the shots here! I still say that we must throw this up for a vote!” Ay replied as he stood up and slammed his hand into the table.

Itachi: “That will be enough Raikage. I know that you and Minato do not have the clearest of friendships, but what he says is the truth. Lets make a team, a united team between all of us and dispatch them to the area. With this, I have a couple of Shinobi in mind that will prove to be a great asset to the team.” Itachi spoke out as he merely glanced over at the Raikage.

With a grunt, the Raikage folded his arms over his chest and looked away from the two Hokage.The Kazekage smiled as he brought his hand to his chin. He proceeded to think of the shinobi that would best suit the team.


Meanwhile in Konoha


Riyoshi sat in the local bar with one of his best friends. Granted it was midday and they had not yet started their missions, but they had all day for that.

“Oh man, this sucks. I have to travel off towards Suna for my mission. I do not really want to go into the desert.” Riyoshi said to his friend as he slammed his glass back onto the bar.


“Shuna?” Ichirou asked unsoberly. “That shucks. I gotta go to freakin middle of no where to check out some activity in the forests far south from here.”

“Bah!” Quit reminding me of this bullshit! Drink more if you can still talk!”

Ichirou slammed back another large glass of sake.


Riyoshi looked over at his friend that just downed another large glass. With a smile upon his face, lifted up another glass and downed it with Ichirou. As he leaned back in the chair to finish the last of the sake in his glass, he fell from his seat. Landing upon the ground, his eyes were closed and he looked as if he was asleep.
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"The fah... Wow dude. No more drinking for you."

Ichirou leaned down coughing over his friend. After chuckling he slapped him a few times. With that not working he splashed a glass of water on his face.

"WAKE UP!!!"
Riyoshi was awake with the first slap, but was so stunned that he was looking up towards the ceiling, he did not react. It was not till Ichirou splashed water on him that his blood boiled and he reacted. His fiery temper sparked and the water seemed to evaporate from his skin as he sat upright and pushed Ichirou out of the way.

"I've got to get going." Riyoshi spoke out as he proceeded to get up from the ground.


Minato placed his hand upon itachi's shoulder, and with a nod, he was gone from the Hall of the greats.


Minato arrived at the bar that Riyoshi and Ichirou were in, and with the slight shake of his head in disappointment, He looked at his two shinobi.

"In the middle of the day? Are you serious!" Minato spoke out in a scolding like tone.
Ichirou fell over on his butt as he was pushed. OK maybe he had gone a bit far but the booze were making them both be dumb.

Minato appeared from no where in the bar.

"Dafuq did you come from?" he asked rudely. not really thinking about the fact he was addressing the Hokage. He looked at Riyoshi, then back at Minato confused.
Minato shot an angered expression at Ichirou.

"Are you serious!" Minato yelled out at Ichirou.

Riyoshi looked upon Minato and with the recognition of whom was there, he stood up straight and saluted him.

"Excuse ush sir." Riyoshi spoke out with a slight slur.

Minato quickly formed several hand signs before placing his had upon the chests of Riyoshi and Ichirou. With this jutsu, it would quickly remove all traces of alcohol.
Ichirou felt as the alcohol was pulled from his blood and instantly nuetralized with Minatos chakra.

"Seriously Namikaze? Bastard. That was like 35 Ryo worth of booze you just drained from me." The man sat down on a stool behind him. "You will reimburst me."

Minato interrupted, "Nonsence, your next mission will pay for it, in honor and reputation." The man smirked with that conniving face that had plans well thought into the future for the two men in from of him.
Riyoshi looked upon Minato with the clearity of being sober.

"Next mission? The one that we were sent to do today?" Riyoshi asked out as he looked upon the Hokage.

"You idiot, those missions have been taken care of since you two were here slacking off." Minato spoke out firmly.

Snapping up and standing up straight, Riyoshi took in a deep breath and smiled at the man.

"I apologize sir. It was all my fault that we had not left for our missions." Riyoshi spoke out as he slouched ever so slightly.
"Good I didn't wanna do that damn mission anyways." Ichirou smirked.

He leaned back throwing an elbow on the bar. "What brings you out here, 'oh great leader of Konoha?'"
Minato's brows sunk slightly, and his expression covered with anger as he looked and listened to the man known as Ichirou. With s slight twist of his ankle, he appeared behind Ichirou, and leaning in close, he spoke quietly.

"If you do not coll your jets and start to respect me as a superior, then not even the great Itachi can save you." Minato spoke out quietly to Ichirou.

Looking past Ichirou and towards Riyoshi, he seen him sulking.

"Listen here Riyoshi. This mission I spoke about is not for everyone. We will have to leave here at once." Minato said as he walked around Ichirou and to the center of the group.
Ichirou was scared to the bone. He played the badass but really he just enjoyed smarting off. The man just turned ghost white and sulked.

"Yes sir, Sorry Sir."

He wondered what was so important that the mission required Minato to directly speak to them, and threaten them.
Placing his hand upon the two men, they vanished from the bar and appeared in the meeting hall within the hall of the greats.

"Now boys, welcome to 'the meeting'." Minato spoke out as he leaped from the center of the room and landed behind Itachi.

"You two are here for one reason, and one reason alone." Itachi spoke out as he looked upon Ichirou and Riyoshi.

Riyoshi as astonished at the place that they stood. They were in the middle of all the Kage. It was such an honor, that Riyoshi didn't know if he should smile and accept it or just break down with tears of joy, but he was soon caught off guard with another voice. Looking back at the voice, it was Itachi, the co-hokage.
Ichirou blinked and missed it all. Now he was in the hall of kages. Of all places, why here.

"What the hell are you..." He turned around and saw all of the kage. Grabbing Riyoshi by the neck, he spun him around and brought him down on one kneed, bowing while he did the same.

Whispering a yell at Riyoshi, "See this always fucking happens when im with you!!! This is why i swore not to drink with you but noooo. Now we are gonna be sacrificed at the hands of the other kages to maintain peace! I told you those conspiracies are true!!!"
Riyoshi was soon rushed to bow on one knee as he was soon forced to listen to the rant of Ichirou. But at this point in time, it seemed more relevant. It was not just mindless ranting about how unfair things were, but it just seemed to fall into place.

" are right...." Riyoshi said as he slightly glanced around the room looking at the kage.

From behind them, the tsuchikage spoke up.

"You know youngsters, you are not as quiet as you think you are." The tsuchikage said as he hovered above his chair, just looking at the two knelt down upon the ground.
Ichirou slowly stood up with Riyoshi. He put his hand on his blade.

"I refused to be sacrificed on a whim of the higher ups!"

The Raikage interrupted fiercely, "This is the best you bring Minato? Blasphemous, These are nothing but children. Why do you bring such disgrace among us!"

Itachi leaned back in his chair and put his fingertips together. "Hold your tongue Raikage. You could also be quick to judge based on your actions."

"BULLSHIT!" The raikage stood up and flipped his section of the table, sending it up into the air.

Ichirou Clicked the shealth of his sword, readying to attack. With a flash, Minato appeared angrily and pushed Ichirou's blade back down.

The Kazekage stood up and caught the table with his gold sand. A few other kage's stood up as Itachi watched patiently. The room was about to erupt into violence.
Riyoshi turned slightly as Ichirou was about to withdraw his blade. Forming a hand seal, Riyoshi placed his palm upon the back of Ichirou.

"ultimate weighted rock jutsu." Riyoshi called out as Ichirou would soon feel extremely heavy and have to kneel down.

"I am sorry Raikage, he did not mean anything by his words." Riyoshi spoke out as he knelt down beside Ichirou.

The Tsuchikage was hovering above the table as he had his dust element charged up, readying to fire it upon the jounin.

Mei sat back in her chair as she looked upon the two jounin.

They are some cute guys. Mei thought to herself as she watched the conflict of shinobi.
"Damn you Riyoshi!!" Ichirou dropped to one knee and the ground cracked in a bullseye pattern when he hit.

Yahiko stood up, furious. "God Damnit... ENOUGH!!!" He shouted. His voice startling the other Kage. Konan and Nagato just stood at his side.

"We have more pressing issues than to bicker like children and fight amongst ourselves. There are things out there destroying lives and villages. We need to do this now and find out who is behind this."

He started straight at Ichirou and Riyoshi. "Since you too are the first here, we will tell you what you have been selected for. We are forming an international shinobi team to seek and destroy these threats. They are a threat to everyone and your team does not work for one sole Kage. You work for the group know as the Shinobi Federation that has maintained peace for centuries."
Riyoshi snapped into a straight posture and looked at Yahiko. Each of the kage looked at Yahiko and each of them quieted down. The Raikage crossed his arms across his large chest and glared over his table at Yahiko.

"You brought the two of us here for a special mission? You want us to destroy the creatures that are threatening our safety. I understand." Riyoshi replied to Yahiko.

A grunt came from the Raikage as he looked away from Yahiko and over to Minato.

"So, how many people are we going to have in this United team of ours?" Riyoshi asked out as he looked over towards the Hokages.

"There will be 5 shinobi. Since 2 were chosen from konoha, The remaining kage will decide among themselves and pick the remaining shinobi." Minato spoke out as he peered over at the Raikage.

"You have to be kidding me. I am not going to sacrifice one of my shinobi for what might be a lost cause." The Raikage said with a snooty attitude.
Ichirou wasn't too happen. He felt like they had just been upgraded to Anbu, which he despised. They did all the dirty work of the villages.

"I wont sit here and be your bitch! Why should we help. Just send out some ANBU and exterminate them..."

Yahiko glared at the ignorant shinobi. "Don't you think we've tried this. The fiends are organizing and attack in size with formation and skill. What your about to learn is top secret. Yesterday The fiends attacked the capital of the Sea Country on Haha island. The entire village and all its citizens were slaughtered." He leaned forward and placed both hands on the table.

"Do you think they'll stop there? NO. How long will we sit on our hands and do nothing until it's too late." He sat down and leaned back with his arms on the chair. "Yes this is a dangerous mission, but its a dire one for the sake of the world."

A few of the Kage gasped. Even they did not know the extent of that. Yahiko spoke one last time.

"Bring a list of the last shinobi and we will decide, Together, on who the last members are." He offered to the rest of the Kage.
Riyoshi elbowed Ichirou right in the ribs as he continued to mouth off to the Kages.

"We accept that you chose us for this mission. We will go and investigate and eliminate the threat where needed for the sake of peace." Riyoshi replied as he bowed in respect.

"All right everyone, you all heard from the Kage of the hidden rain village, now think of some of the shinobi from your village and write them down. We will decide whom gets to join these two on this mission." Itachi spoke out as he looked towards the other Kage.

Riyoshi stood up and looked towards Minato whom waved the two of them over. As Riyoshi approached him, he had a curious look upon his face.

"It may seem weird as to why you two were chosen, but from what information we have gathered, you two would be a great fit." Minato spoke out with a reassuring tone.

"But what I dont get, is why don't the Kage go since they are the strongest?" Riyoshi asked as he looked towards the other kage begore looking back at Minato.

"We may e the strongest, but we are here to look after the village. Lets say we all go to investigate this mess, while we are gone, the fiends decide to show up. Who will protect while the other Jounin are off doing missions?" Minato spoke out as he looked at Ichirou.

"I understand Hokage sama. That is a good point." Riyoshi replied as he nodded his head slightly.


What once stood the very capital of the thriving Haha island, now stood a pile of ruble and destruction. The once great village was now home to numerous dead villagers and there upon the perimeter of the village, stood the fiends. They were feeding upon the chakra of the few remaining chakra sources. A loud roar was let go by all the fiends that were at the village and it echoed throughout the sky.
Kai walked through Konoha with a bit of a smile on his face. He loved watching the villagers go about their day peacefully...even though it was making him restless. He hadn't had a mission in two weeks and it was killing him. 'I know I'm not the strongest and can't really break out of the whole support role...but I'm not that useless'he thought to himself. Kai was brooding when he walked by an oldwoman who asked him for help. He smiled and helped her with her heavier items before continuing to walk down the street.
Itachi had watched the other Kage as they discussed the situation with their guards, and he stood up and cleared his throat.

"There is one more shinobi that i would like to recommend for this mission. I know this would upset the balance of the team making the team mostly Konoha shinobi, but i feel this would take the place of the Raikage's candidate." Itachi spoke out to the group.

Yahiko stood up and looked at Itachi.

"Ok, bring him here and we will discuss the remaining slots for the team." Yahiko spoke out as he sat back down in his chair.

Nodding his head, Itachi formed a hand seal and vanished from the meeting hall. Appearing behind the younger shinobi, Itachi spoke out clearly for him to hear.

"Kai, I have kept a keen eye upon the shinobi and I recognize your skill. I would like to personally invite you to a mission." Itachi spoke out as he stood behind Kai.
Kai whipped around at the sound of Itachi's voice. "I-Itachi!" Kai was surprised to see him. In Kai's mind Itachi was the strongest Uchiha, even stronger than the legendary Madara. Kai idolized Itachi and wanted nothing more than to surpass him. "a mission? Of course! Right away I'll....what kind of mission?" Kai was suspicious about this mission. While he had the utmost respect for Minato but it always seemed like he gave Kai easy and down right insulting missions. Kai never complained about them, they were for the village.
Listening to the young man, Itahi merely smiled. He like enthusiasm, but he respected order amongst his fellow Uchiha.

"Even though I am also a shinobi like you, you shall have to remember that I am also the CO-hokage. I rank up there with Minato." Itachi spoke out as he looked upon Kai.

Placing his hand upon the shoulder of Kai, he took in a deep breath.

"This mission will be extremely classified." Itachi spoke out as he formed a seal with his free hand.

As they vanished from the center of the road of Konoha, they soon appeared in the center of the other Kage within the great meeting hall. Leaping from his spot, he sat upon his chair and awaited the response of the younger shinobi. Within the meeting hall, the Kage looked upon the young Kai.

"Kai. I would like you to meet the other Kage. As you know, Minato and myself are Kage of the leaf. There is Yahiko, the kage of the rain. Ay, the kage of the cloud. Ohnoki, kage of the rock. Gaara's father, the kage of the sand. Mei, the kage of the mist. And last but not least, there is the leader of the uzumaki clan." Itachi spoke out as he pointed around the room.
Kai crossed both arms across his chest and bowed slightly. "It is an honor to meet those who keep order amongst the shinobi." Kai straightened up and looked around. Kai was a kind person but he had a bad habit of trying to find people's weaknesses.
Ichirou didnt sit well with any of this. He would not betray his friend or his country but he didn't enjoy feeling so disposable. It was of no surprise when another ninja from Konoha appeared when Hokage Itachi and he was introduced so casually.

He spoke up, "We could have straight up 15 shinobi from Konoha. The only difference would be if we all went rogue, the nations would hunt us like dogs."

Standing straight up and walking over, he pushed Minato out of the way. Taking another step he slammed his fist on the desk infront of Yahiko.

"I will go with your plan and be a part of your squad. But mark my words. If you turn on me or my friends. I will hunt and slaughter each and EVERY one of the Kages myself!"

Taking a step back he inhaled deeply through his nostrils and then exhaled through his mouth. The anger released from his eyes and face and he relaxed some.

Finally he turned, walked back next to Riyoshi. Putting his hand on Minato's shoulder and nodded while looking him in the eyes. Minato smiled calmly as Ichirou finally stopped next to Riyoshi, listening to what the Kage had to finish. He stared for a second before realizing Kai was also an Uchiha. Now this would be interesting.

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