Naruto: United Shinobi Federation


Two Thousand Club
Universe information here.


  • No god modding without the other players consent.
  • Language is exactly that, if your mature enough to RP that you killed someone, your mature enough to read profane language. Keep it realistic though.
  • No sexual content over PG-13, Violence can be R.
  • One liners are OK, but, if you post a one liner, and your friend or enemy misinterprets your move and an error is made resulting in an action unfavorable to you, it is your fault. You should of been more descriptive. You've been warned.
  • I'm looking for a good mixture of characters. Having a support role will not leave you left out. Myself and Kaine are going to try to incorporate actual teams based on everyone's sheets.
  • We are not going to enforce a strict posting order. If you feel left out, just jump in. Everyone has different schedules, we will try to leave story open ended. so it doesn't feel so linear.
  • We are going to be strict on character sheets. Grammar is a must. Feel free to use any style to post your template; wall of text, tabs or spoiler tags. don't overly flesh your character, hopefully that will be done mostly in-character.
  • Thats all for now.


Because of the Universe structure we have established, canon characters do not have the same acheivements they do in the manga. Canon characters will be a part of our story, but they will be in different roles. but the rules are still the same. You may not play a canon character as your own.

Also we are not going for a pure battle based RP like most naruto RP's. Random sparring is unacceptable. Also your character can be a new recruit to USF or a loyal activist of the USF. Feel free to explore with your character and we will let you know whats acceptable and what isnt :)

We reserve the right to add to the character sheet. I think we covered all basis, but incase we realize we didnt, you'll need to update it if we see fit.

Everything in blue needs to be deleted from your final sheet.



Name: [Last, First]

Nickname: [if one]



Country Of Origin: [use canon or make your own, within the realm of the cannon. Time of peace means many villages have emerged.]

Element: [Can only have three if the third is a bloodline element.]

Jutsu Speciality: [Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Fuinjutsu, Bukijutsu, Doujutsu; put these in order of how your character would use them. More for idea of strength, then actual stronger than someone else stats. You can also add your specific character trait if you wish, like if your a sensor, or backup or medical etc. Also for Bukijutsu feel free to put the specific type of jutsu for the weapon you use. Kenjutsu would be swords as example.]

Rank: [Chuunin -low/medium/high, Jounin - low/medium/high, Special Jounin - means you were part of a specialty squad like ANBU or ROOT or something else you can create, Sannin - your kage level but you had to of done something significant to achieve this. also your character should be older. Please explain as a section in your bio labeled “Sannin” You will need to be original and fit into the timeline we’ve established to have a chance at this title.

Kekkei Genkai: [May use canon bloodlines with a few exceptions.]

Abilities & Techniques:

- Kekkei Genkai

- Ninjutsu

- Taijutsu

- Genjutsu

- Bukijutsu

- Fuinjutsu

Items & Specials:


This needs to display what your character thinks, believes, acts and life as a younger child, young shinobi, and how they are now. If you wish title of sannin it needs to be original, fit time line and added here. You dont need a wall of text, just explain enough to give your character flesh. so others can have a little basis of how your character thinks and acts.]


Kekkei genkai: You may choose eternal sharingan but their are rules to it. First and foremost; your character better be AWESOMELY original. From what i have observed in canon, Madaras eternal susanoo is physical, head strong based, where as Sasukes is seems to be more ninjutsu, and stealth. This is simply by observing designs, techniques and how each character used it. Sasuke uses Amaterasu in unique ways other than just “BURN BIATCH BURN!” If you want a uchiha character sheet with eternal you better put A LOT of thought into it.

Secondly, Your brother, or sister, had to willingly give their eyes. Giving you their eyes does not mean they die and also the sibling does not make them blind. What you see is what they see. The technique binds the siblings souls together. This means, when you take damage they feel your pain. The death and violence you see and feel, is what they see and feel. It is not an easy life for someone chosen to have the eternal sharingan or for the sibling who willing chose to strengthen their other. If the shinobi dies, it is like experiencing death itself. if the sibling dies, the shinobi suffers as well, not death, but intense grief.

Thirdly Forcefully taking eyes results in a death warrant by your own clan. they will hunt you to the ends of the earth. The old ways are old. this is how its currently done. There will only be 1 maybe 2 eternal uchiha shinobi and acceptance of such will be solely up to Backlash and Kaine’s discretion. If you plan on having just 3 tomos, that is fine, but i don’t want to see 13123 uchiha characters. Also you must follow bloodline statistics.

If you have any questions feel free to post them.
Placeholder Post La De Da De Da 

  • Stature: Muscular

    Height: 6' 4"

    Natural Weight: 247 lbs.

    - Sealed Weight: 741 lbs.

    - 1/2 Released: 371 lbs

    Clothing: All in the picture is exactly the same except for a few things. He only possesses two katana. His USF head protector is actually a belt buckle. He has a standard issue, black kumogakure flak jacket. The one sided ones. While being from konoha, this type of jacket benefits him better with taijutsu and sword play. He wears heavy duty boots instead of standard issue ninja sandals. The wraps on his right arm serve no purpose and the gauntlet on his opposite arm is a special item. Obviously, his hair is black with black eyes.

Name: Riyoshi Sarutobi


Gender: Male

Age: 25

Country Of Origin: Konoha

Element: Fire, Earth, Lightning

Jutsu Speciality: Black chakra augments his elements.

1. Ninjutsu

2. Taijutsu

3. Genjutsu

4. Fuinjutsu

Rank: Special Jounin- high level, member of the ambush squad.

Kekkei Genkai: Black Chakra/elemental augmentaions.

Abilities & Techniques:

- Kekkei Genkai

Black Chakra/elemental augmentaions.

- Ninjutsu

- Taijutsu

- Genjutsu

- Fuinjutsu

Items & Specials:


This needs to display what your character thinks, believes, acts and life as a younger child, young shinobi, and how they are now. If you wish title of sannin it needs to be original, fit time line and added here. You dont need a wall of text, just explain enough to give your character flesh. so others can have a little basis of how your character thinks and acts.]

Riyoshi was an ordinary child born into a gifted family. His birth name was that of legends. The Sarutobi clan was one of the few clans that could stand on par with the Legendary Uchiha and Senju clans. His early years were that of nobility and prosperity. He was one of the many in his generation to witness the thriving era of peace. Through his younger years, he was adopted into the United Shinobi federation in the young shinobi training program. This program would train their skills greatly and team them up with other shinobi. Although the other shinobi did not have the same skill set some times, they did have the skills to make a balanced team. Through his years in the academy, Riyoshi soon found himself love struck with one of his team mates. She was the cutest person that he had seen, and with this fascination of her, soon got himself thrown out of the squad. Realizing that his 'feelings’ for her were unnecessary, he began to buckle down and get back into the training program. Through the next couple of years, his skills began to elevate in one group’s direction. The newest squad he would be part of was the Ambush squad.

With the last of the years in the academy, Riyoshi would be promoted into Jounin and begin to lead his own team. His actions from when he was younger were not ignored, but studied and learned from. He sought to improve himself, even if it was from a complete failure.

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Name: Akira Jun

Nickname: Aki

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Country Of Origin: Small town between the land of fire and the land of rain

Element: Earth & water

Jutsu Speciality: Funijutsu, Genjutsu, Ninjutsu, Bokujutsu, Taijutsu (in order of strongest to weakest)

Rank: Chuunin-High

Kekkei Genkai: Has extremely "strong/dense Chakra" which allows him to perform excessively dangerous sealing techniques with immensely reduced personal risk.

Abilities & Techniques:

Most powerful:

(custom) Iron chain, sealing jutsu - Biju-level sealing Jutsu, works similar to how Kushina's chains held down the Kyuubi during Naruto's taming of the beast, however Akira's version penetrates the best, holding them to the ground.

(Custom) Ebony spike, Sealing Jutsu - sealing jutsu using secial 5 inch long spikes which after piercing an enemy, bause the enemy's body to go numb by sucking their chakra into the spikes, and connecting themselves to the enemy's body, making them incredibly difficult if not impossible or the victim to remove it. however to perform this Jutsu Akira must also burry the "control spike" in the victim, be in contact with it and then peform the jutsu, channeling the enemy's chakra into himself, where his Gekkei Genkei compresses the Chakra into his own's dense form, allowing him to store much more than a normal Shinobi.

(custom) Mud-slide - causes earth and water to mix, causing deep bogs or sloppy landslides, which Akira can harden at any time, leaving enemies burried, crushed and traped.

(Canon) water prison.

(Canon) infusing chakra into weapons.

- Kekkei Genkai

- Ninjutsu

- Taijutsu

- Genjutsu

- Bukijutsu

- Fuinjutsu

Items & Specials:

1 Katana (since his taijutsu is so weak, uses chakra to increase weapon's length ad sharpness.



12 "special spikes" (used in "Ebony Spike Sealing jutsu"

Various Summoning scrolls.

1 "control spike"


Born and raised in a small town of only 200 people barely 1km over the border in the Fire nation, Akira's father was a miner and his mother worked on a farm, in this villiage he was regularly visited by traveling Jounin who would train him in exchange for a place to stay for a few nights, after the discovery of his Gekkei Genkai the Jounin reccomended his father to mnie out some ebony since it was plentiful in the mine, and create tools for Akira's Jutsu, so his father made 13 spikes since he lacked the skill to forge them into proper weapons, another Jounin carved symbols into each of them,allowing Akira to use them to seal Chakra using them, Over the ext 5 ears, Akira became very good at sealing chakra using those spikes, and leaned the chain sealing technique from a Sannin in the hidden leaf village. On his 19th birthday, one of the chakra creatures attacked the village, there most of the town, including Akira's parents were killed before Akira and a small squad of visiting shinobi (the jounin of the group wanted to stop by and check Akira's progress) were able to fore the creature down and Akira was able to seal the creature away using a combination of Genjutsu his chain sealing technique and his Ebony Spikes.He has now moved to Konoha, in the hopes of joining the fight against those creatures in earnest, he has the jutsu skills of a Jounin howeve his lack of taijutsu skills has kept him from attaining that rank.
I apologize for not posting these last few days. I have been in the process of moving between houses. When I get home, I will try to get some more information posted about the universe. And I will also look at your character sheet bettsy. Might have to change a couple of things, but I will know more later.
What do you mean reserve a character? And of course, you can post a character later. We are needing more characters as of right now.
I mean claim a canon character so that no one can snatch him while I'm doing other things.
I would rather you make an original character since the canon from Kaine and my rp is going to differ from the manga.
I know but I don't care. There are some things I make original characters for, Naruto isn't one of them, so can I claim a character?
you can make a character 
As it stands, here is the list of Kage within the villages.








Appearance: para taringa HD/ginalshort_hairswordweapon.jpg

Name: Atemomu Amaru

Nickname: None

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Country Of Origin: Kirigakure

Element: Water

Jutsu Speciality:

Rank: Just starting, and hasn't been given a rank yet, so whatever the start out rank is.

Kekkei Genkai:

Abilities & Techniques:

Items & Specials:

Her outfit that she has in the picture, along with the sword that is in the picture, is all that she has as of right now. The bird is something that has followed her around since childhood, always watching her, despite her mother's attempts at shooing it off. Amaru has named the bird Keto, and makes sure it is well. She has tried to feed it on occasion, but it always refuses, and she assumes it must fly off elsewhere to eat.

Biography: Serious and to the point, Amaru doesn't really like to play around. That's what her past has basically done to her. She was raised with parents that were only halfway there, then at the age of ten, they both died. No one would ever explain to her how they died, even though she knows she was there at their death. She cannot remember how it happened, though she knows she must have seen it.

She has always been great at fighting, excelling without even really trying, and has recently decided to join the USF, however she has yet to take any tests. Amaru hopes to get into a higher up level, bypassing the lower peon levels, but will be satisfied with anything. She knows about the monster threat of course, but doesn't really care one way or the other about it. She wants to join for her own personal reasons.

These reasons are mostly boredom, but also she wants to figure out what happened to her parents, if possible. There is also a certain curiosity pulling her into it, she doesn't know why, but feels like it is what she should do, and is content enough with that. Get past her serious outer shell, and you will see the sweet and fragile girl underneath.

((Anything that's blank, I need help with. Basically I know nothing... But I am interested in the Rp, and with help will make a cool Character! :3 ))
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bettsyboy, can you explain your chakra, and being dense? 
Country of origin, you can choose anything.

Konoha- hidden leaf village

Kumo- Hidden cloud village

Suna- Hidden sand village

Iwa- hidden stone village

Kiri- hidden mist village
I think it would be great to have you in the rp. Character looks good so far so let's post some info for you. Krigakure is mist village and sometimes because of this it influences your element. So water could be your main. Though you do have to be creative for it to be used offensively.

Next is specialty. Ninjutsu is technique based attacks using chakra. This can be basic elemental techs or ones that use your specialty bloodline.

Kenkei genkai is your bloodline. Examples of this would be haku's ice element. Mix of wind and water.

Nara's clan ability to use their shadow. inos ability of mind control. Kibas contract and jitsu with dogs.

Rank. Gen in is student academy. Chunnin a semi skills ninja. Special jounin is kind of a specialized ninja can range in strength. Jounin in are not as strong as a Kage but are Kage candidates. Sannin are Kage leave or almost Kage level. You need a good backstory to have sannin title.

Abilities would be passive techs based on training or special seal you may have that are constantly active.

Techniques would be your techniques that are jutsus. Elemental techs or special techs like my characters sword techs. Ask any specific questions you want and backlash and I will answer. :)
bettsyboy, can you explain your chakra, and being dense?
Hmm, i'm not very sure how to explain it...

well, you know how when Naruto was learning to tame the 9 tails and he met his mother? she said that when she was younger she was kidnapped because she had quote "special chakra"

Akira's chakra is special, and it is "dense" as in, you know how the bodies of shinobi can only hold so much Chakra? well, Akira's body can hold several times the amount that a normal human can with ease because it is "compressed"

imagine if the human body is a hard drive, and chakra are files.

you might be able to store say, 10,000 files on the hard drive, then you run out of space... but then, if you compress those files, you can fit even more data in... its sorta like that, except instead of a hard drive, it's Akira's body, and instead of data, it's chakra.

This bloodline ability comes into play with his sealing techniques, he doesn't need anything external to contain vast amounts of Chakra, he can seal it in himself for his own use.

I understand this concept very well. There is a way, since you are sealing this 'outside' chakra's inside you....Is to have sealing tattoos upon your body condensing this chakra's to a certain point. Secondly, when unleashing said chakra, your element and chakra behavior would change, at least in my opinion. But this is only my outlook upon this. What do you think?

Name: Senju Namina


Gender: Female


Country Of Origin: Kirigakure

Element: Water,Earth,and Wood Release

Jutsu Specialty: Ninjutsu,Taijutsu,Genjutsu,Fuinjutsu


Rank: Jounin - High

Kekkei Genkai:Wood-release and Longer life span

Abilities & Techniques:

- Kekkei Genkai


Increased Life-Span

Hiding in the Mist

Water Release: Tearing Torrent

Water Prison

Water Release: Exploding Water Colliding Wave

Water Release: Rising Water Slicer

Water Release: Water Bullet

Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet

Earth Release: Shadow Clone

Earth Release: Bedrock Coffin

Earth Release: Earth Flow River

Earth Release: Earth Spear

Wood Clone

Multiple Wood Release Clone

Wood Release: Nativity of a World of Trees

Wood Release: Advent of a World of Flowering Trees

Wood Release: Cutting Technique

Wood Release: Four-Pillar House

Wood Release: Four-Pillar Prison

Wood Release: Smothering Binding

Wood Release: Hotei

Wood Release: Tree Bind Flourishing Burial

Wood Release: Wood Locking Wall

Wood Release: Great Forest


Summoning: Griffon

Summoning: Inugami

Summoning: Ninken

Water Release: Whirlpool- Namina creates a whirlpool directly on the target's body,or in front of herself.If she creates it in front of herself,she will then launch it at the opponent,with incredible speed.

Wood Release: Thorn Birth - This jutsu allows Namina to bring forth thorns off all sides,to pierce and\or pin her opponents down to a single area.

Wood Release: Rose Birth - Rose Birth is similar to Thorn Birth,but the only difference is that Namina is able to pick the roses and use them as whips,or make the roses burst,much like a bomb.

Petal Dance:Namina uses the petals to cut her opponents as if they were blades.The petals can multiply,and even reform on top of Thorn Birth.

Wood Release: Rose Mutation - All of the roses or thorns come to life to attack Namina's target.

Wood Release: Clone Bomb - Once Namina has created a wood clone,she either sends them after the opponent or she uses them as substitute,when in close proximity of the opponent,or target, it explodes.The size of the explosion varies depending on how much chakra she puts into it.

Adamantine Power: Acala

Blade of Wind Barrage

Heavenly foot of Pain

Ninja Art: Moonlight Beauty

One Thousand Years of Death

- Genjutsu


Butterfly Needle Fire

Demonic Illusion: Descending Hell

Demonic Illusion: False Surrounding

Demonic Illusion: Double False Surrounding


Genjutsu Mist

- Fuinjutsu

Generic Sealing

Finger Carving Seal

Memory Erasing Seal

Items & Specials:

Scrolls - For keeping weapons and other medical uses with her.Some for summoning.

Basic Pouchs - Kunai,Shuriken,Smoke Bombs,Flash Bombs,Exploding Kunai,Windmill Shuriken

Biography: Namina is the great-granddaughter of the one and only Senju Hashirama.Namina's mother was a love struck idiot.Who would fall in love with any man continuously.Soon Namina's mother met her father who was a bigger fan of love than she.They soon wed with a child on the way.

Namina was placed in the ninja academy as soon as she was able to enter.Many people formed crushes on her,but all of them were shut down,"Sorry,but your PDA is annoying to me and all the people around.Goodbye."Leaving their hearts crushed.Namina soon found out about her wood-release,which only aided in her dream to be a great ninja.Her grades sky-rocketed to new heights,and so did her skills.Namina skipped one year and was place in a group

Since she was placed in the group she noticed that the other two were not careful and/or inconsiderate of each other,leaving each of them to get injured in the process.During practice,which all of this was happening,she would barrat them harshly.While thinking on their behalf,she decided to go learn medical ninjutsu for their sake.

Currently Namina is a Jounin looking forward for the future and what it holds,which she hopes is her improvement of her ninja arts
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I just got to wonder, with the history of your ninja, whom in their right mind would attack the clan of the Senju, since they are the heart of Konoha and the United Shinobi Federation. I know i was not too clear about the entire clan situation, and i do apologize for that.

I would like to update this thread with this little bit of information.......

Every clan is alive to this day, none of them have been wiped out.

With the reign of peace that has been taken, there should be no reason that a family could not travel, or even move to a new village, but you should give a good reason as to why they are moving to said place.

Kaine and I have come to the conclusion that we are going to have to deny a Senju character with 4 elements AND weaponry. We have come to the conclusion, that if you would like to be a Senju, you can either be a wood element user, or a enhanced strength weapon user.
I don't mind pulling back on my character...Mostly because I haven't finished her or reviewed her completely.I thank you for your input and advice,but the history will be a bit a problem,since she is a Senju,but I could think of something.
Oh its no problem,you would have had to because it is your rp,and I must follow your rules.So no harm done,but something improved.
bettsyboy : You are accepted under the pretense that your chakra beast, is not a BIJUU.

kinadra : Are you going to finish off your character sheet?

Mitaku : Are you going to finish off your character sheet?

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