Naruto The Sixth War

Nvm from 2-4 I won't be able to. 
Oh haha right. Sorry I'm in Midwest. But I can right now. Lol sorry 
I'm a novice with life so just deal with it xD . So I shall post soon.
*fingers crossed I get accepted, here it goes!*

name: Yamanaka Ume

gender: female

occupation: Team leader (hopefully, or im a really old failure of a wannabe chunin lol)

specialty: mind control (promise no God-modding! tho I cant be held responsible for all my actions ;)

bio: She is a direct descendant from Ino Yamanaka's line and fierce on the battlefield. Her taijutsu is very decent, she can definitely hold her own however, she definitely has holes in her technique. She is excellent at mind control, given her family line its come rather natural for Ume, however she also uses this technique to daydream, which oftentimes makes her aloof.

looks: Long flaxen blonde hair, sky blue eyes, 5'1" in stature and er... curvy like ino??? I would think she would resemble my avatar and be in an outfit clad in violet and mesh. See below for facial idea. Her hair remains down and is fine and flows nicely down to the arch of her back.

age: 24

wishes ooc: I would like to see her grow with her very first team teaching her as much as she could teach them. Though wise, she's still in need of room to grow . I think she would be funny first,but when the time comes she holds her own and can be rather surprising.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/bloom_of_the_elddar_by_graysun_d-d478esg.jpg.665a7ef30c21d58c022ccccb785df17a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="31227" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/bloom_of_the_elddar_by_graysun_d-d478esg.jpg.665a7ef30c21d58c022ccccb785df17a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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[QUOTE="Raiden Hyugga]
Skelly<br />name: Tetsuya Kurosawa <br />gender: Male<br />occupation: Team Leader <br />elemental chakra type: Earth<br />specialty: Various Earth style techniques(I.e Create objects such as; boulders, stone walls, objects out of stone and of course clones made of stone). Also he can create a black swamp with quicksand like properties to slow down and trap opponents. <br />bio: Tetsuya is from the Kurosawa clan. He was just recently giving a position as a team leader. He is also next in line to be the clan leader. <br />looks: Height: 6ft <br />Weight: 175lbs<br />Skin Color: Tan<br />Hair style/color: Dirty blonde messy afro(like mogen from samurai camploo) <br />Eye Color: green<br />age: 21<br />extra: As far as personality he is very calm, especially under pressure. He is a loner by nature but has many friends and he loves a good laugh, even during battle.<br/>

Skelly<br />name: Tetsuya Kurosawa <br />gender: Male<br />occupation: Team Leader <br />elemental chakra type: Earth<br />specialty: Various Earth style techniques(I.e Create objects such as; boulders, stone walls, objects out of stone and of course clones made of stone). Also he can create a black swamp with quicksand like properties to slow down and trap opponents. <br />bio: Tetsuya is from the Kurosawa clan. He was just recently giving a position as a team leader. He is also next in line to be the clan leader. <br />looks: Height: 6ft <br />Weight: 175lbs<br />Skin Color: Tan<br />Hair style/color: Dirty blonde messy afro(like mogen from samurai camploo) <br />Eye Color: green<br />age: 21<br />extra: As far as personality he is very calm, especially under pressure. He is a loner by nature but has many friends and he loves a good laugh, even during battle.<br/> 
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/Mugen.jpg.81da5094cb360774ebdaa35e1c9db73a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="31381" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/Mugen.jpg.81da5094cb360774ebdaa35e1c9db73a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> I figured I'd try this again with a new character. Please bear with me I'm new to RPing


name: Sho


occupation: Student

elemental chakra type: Wind

specialty: Taijutsu and Ninjutsu

bio: Sho is a desenscent of a lost clan of taijutsu users who specialize in using wind to enhance their attacks and mobility. He was left orphaned at a young age and has to teach himself taijutsu to survive. Now that he's 13 he wants to learn how to utilize his wind nature chakra to use ninjutsu and better his taijutsu.

looks:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/Mugen.jpg.81da5094cb360774ebdaa35e1c9db73a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="31381" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/Mugen.jpg.81da5094cb360774ebdaa35e1c9db73a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>think mugen but as a 13 year old boy

age: 13

extra: Though Sho has a tough back story he is very kind and has a strong sense of justice. He likes to joke around and loves to train.



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[QUOTE="Raiden Hyugga]sure you can be in my team (4 people for a team until enough people)

Awesome! This should be fun. Where should start from?
name: zabe momochi

gender: male

occupation: (student team leader ) student

elemental chakra type: water

specialty: (ninjutsu, genjutsu, taijutsu, ect pick only two) ninjutsu and taijutsu

bio: hailing from the momochi clan, he is a child prodigy the last of his clan. Much like his great uncle zabuza, he is given a name, hes called "chibi devi". Though not the most smartest, he has mastered some tough jutsu, as well as holding darkus, the primal 10 tails, a beast literally the rage of the jyubi.


age: (if a student recommend 12 if a leader pick any age) (after chunnin exams there will be a time skip for 4 years) 22

extra: (any thing i missed out on) he weilds a kunai, but holds it like its the executioners blade.

please can i join
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sure and there is a new occupation jonin some one who is just a ninja not part of the team but every one interacts alot they can even train them for a period of time just like jiraya sensie to naruto or something like that 
there can also be anbuu and rogue ninjas if you want to make a new character just make a secondary one, an npc, or kill you current one

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