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Fandom Naruto The Sixth War

Sadly, Ume was napping when her dear student introduced himself. She chuckled and patted his head playfully, "Sho, is it? Well let me ask you, have you seen your other two teammates? And is it just me or have those bells gone?" Ume covers her eyes a little to block some of the sunight. She surveys the area. "Sho, this is what i was instructed, our team has a dog, an Uchiha, and a cross. Now Sho, which one might you be?" And come with me lets find our other two teammates shall we?"
Ume looks at him rather impressed, "I haven't seen an Uchiha in a very, very long time. Tell me, where is the rest of your clan, and might you have a name?"
Sho nods at Ume-sensei and gathers his chakra at his feet and appears to vanish. Sho knew he was alot faster than your average genin and quickly surveys the surrounding area. "Ume-sensei I couldn't find anybody in the area. Maybe they returned to the town."
Zabemaru drew a circle in the dirt, and sat in the center of it. Not moving one inch, even his breathing was silent. ".........." from miles away his charkra made a small pond float up, and land infront of him.
aki made a water fall far away and then he made a tree right under zabe "let me explain some thing i am in this clan that uses both earth and water chakra styles and manages to combine the true nature types..... do not compare my water style to yours" 
"hi my name is raiden and the only uchiha i have ever met was my dad, his name was sasuke uchiha"
Ahh yes Raiden is it? Sauske was other than Madara the most famous Uchiha I think there ever was. Do you hope to carry the type of fame those two have? If so you have some mighty big shoes to fill now don't you. I say we round up our last teammate and start training." She smiles at her two pupils, and motions them to follow her, looking for the completed group so she may begin.
"well what is it then " ~raiden~ "i don't care about fame i only have one goal" riaden got a more serious look "i want to avenge the team that was taken away from me i will avenge them no matter what happens!!!!!!"

Zabe stood on a high wall "silent homocide technique...." a mist slowly closes around the cloud ninja. "............" with swift action he makes a second clone to tackle the cloud ninja.
aki jumps up summons a wood spear and then stabs the cloud ninja "that was easy" the cloud ninja turns into a clode of smoke "damn it a clone"
You idiot!!....you ruined my kiling technique you stupid idiot!!" He comedicly hits his partner with the blunt end of his blade.
"he was a clone to begin with" aki uses his earth energy to send his chakra to the earth and picks up the ninja "found him follow me " disapears
aki summons a wooden tomb and traps the ninja inside "well that was really easy i'll give you the privalages to kill him if you want
Whatever..." he brings the executioners blade down appearing infront of the tomb. "Die~.." inside the tomb leaked out blood from its cracks.
Hehe...im not that soft" he stood on top of the tome, and punches it so hard it shatters ontop of the ninja and crushes him completly.

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