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Fandom Naruto The Sixth War

((I was asking Aki to fill me in on my team, I am perched in a tree next to you :) And Reiko's team is taking off nicely bell searching))
~aki says~ " well one can summon a moons cross one can summon a dog and one is an uchiha good luck *aki dis pears and goes to the hokage*
"Yeah, let's go," Suzu agreed, nodding her head. "And, I will use my jutsu again." She clapped her hands together again and threw the particles out in a radius around her, avoiding hitting her friends. A bell chime was heard in the tree to their right. "I heard it, guys!"
raiden was watching them carefully and he forgot to put away his bells from his training the bells rang and every came twords him so we turned into crows and flew away
Shiskate leaps into the tree towards the sound which could have been two but the one he followed led him to crows "Sensei?" he spoke quietly to himself, this worried him. The time to think was no more drawing his sword he swiftly swings it creating a shock wave of chakra to hit the trees in front of him a slight ring could be heard he dashes towards it and walks around the tree and there lays a bell in the tree. He quickly hides the bell muffling the sound as he dashes for his teammates safety.
Suzu watched, wide-eyed as Shiskate disappeared into the trees, only to appear a moment later. "Did you find the bell? You have it with you, right?"
Shiskate keeps his composure but deep inside he felt like sensei Raiko was right behind him, he nods "What to do now?" he makes a cautionary check on the bells.
Raiko stops, half a mile in front of the students. He hides behind a tree for cover. He didnt know how far ahead he was but he could feel them getting closer. He held onto his bell in his hand so it wouldn't jingle when he ran from his students. He stopped to catch his breath.
"Well, I guess we find Raiko," she began cautiously. "However, he would easily grab both bells from us immediately if he knew who was holding them. I say have one person pretend to have a bell and stand at the back. Then, the one, or two, that actually have the bells can be up front, attacking him in full." She frowned, doubting herself. "That's kind of a generic plan, though. He might see through it right away."
Raiko got out his sword and pointed it at Raiden. "Jeez don't scare me like that. I could've taken off your head!" He said lowering his sword. "It's ok. They seem to be lost and its taking them a while." He said rubbing his eyes.
Shiskate smiles "Most likely he is a step a head of all our plans but all we gotta do is surprise him I barely know you or Yumi but I would assume you guys can prove to be more than a simple 'genin' prove me right...please" he hands her a bell muffling the sound. he gestures for her to take lead "Your plan you lead we gotcha back"
"Then Yumi will be the one that we defend," she confirmed, her eyes gleaming as she accepted the bell and put it in her most discreet pocket. "Let's hope this works." She took off in the direction that they heard the other bell chime, often looking behind her to make sure her team mates were still following.
Shiskate tucked away his bell and followed Suzu she seemed rather confident which was good because he had a nostalgic uneasy feeling which made him a little less sure about himself but this was easy to hide long as he had teammates unlike before.
Sho wakes up to the sun's beams blasting his face. He turns and looks at the clock and quickly realizes he's late to meet up with his new sensei and team members. He throws on some clothes, brushes his teeth and rushes off to the meeting spot. Once he arrives he apologizes to Yamanaka sensei and the team and proceeds to introduce himself. "How's it going I'm Sho! Nice to meet ya. I'm 13 and I love to train. I'm pretty easy going so we should get along great [emoji1]"
~aki~ aki gets to the hokage then he asks why he was called "you have been chosen to work for the anbu your teammate will be zabe" said the hokage ~aki's thoughts~ finally i get to murder some people many people did not know that aki had a huge taste hor blood he wanted too keep his thirst for blood a seceret and pretend like the goody two shoes every one knows him to be (mask

......whatever...names zabemaru, call me zabe ...anything i say goes understood" zabe didnt wanna be mean but he didnt wanna be chewed up by this...noob. the anbu leapt away quickly, zooming off.
"dude i've been a jonin for 4 years and i'm not going to follow orders" who does he think he is trying to order him around he has been in over 60 a rank missions 
20 s ranks
Zabemaru looked around. "So whats the genin runts like here?" He knows leaf nin are strong, corse information on his allies isnt a bad strategy.
there not really strong but there is this one uchiha who i want the eyes from" clearley aki is talking about raiden becasue the only uchiha he ever met we raiden then his dad sasuke

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