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Fandom Naruto The Next Generation - The Fallen Shinobi

Th3 Jok3r

Are you serious?
The threat of a new Akatsuki has risen among the chatter in the villages. This group of elite shinobi is wanting to destroy the way of the shinobi, and will not rest until they have risen the infamous ten-tailed beast. Ever since the death of the Eighth Hokage, the Hidden Leaf village has been questioning what they should do, should they try to seal beast within humans again, or allow them to roam free? Two of the tailed-beasts have been sealed away, and other villages are already making decisions.

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Starter Post
It had been three days since the death of the Eighth Hokage, and everything was calm around the village of Konahagakue. The birds were still chirping and as Ketsueki rose from bed, the sun had finally begun to rise. Ketsueki groaned as he stretched, he knew that all the Jounin were supposed to meet at the Hokage’s office to finalize who would take over the position of Hokage, this was something that he was dreading. The Eighth Hokage was like a father to Ketsueki, and him being gone felt surreal. Ketsueki turned his eyes to the clock that sat upon the table next to his bed, it read 6:02 A.M. Ketsueki was always up at the crack of dawn, well that was the way he was trained.

Getting dress never took Ketsueki long, he knew what he would wear the night before in his head so he didn’t have to think about it when he first woke up. “Please let today go over well,” he mumbled to himself as he walked out of his apartment in a slow tired motion. He knew that he was bound to run into fellow jounin, but he wasn’t sure who would be up already. He walked into a dinner to grab some eggs for breakfast, he needed some protein as he was on a diet – he was always on a diet. As the waitress approached him, he heard her say. “You want your usual Ketsueki?” he thought about it for a moment. “No, you know what get me some pancakes and toast, and a tall glass of milk,” he said to her surprise. Ketsueki decided that it would be best to get something that tasted amazing because of the important day.

Black Jade Black Jade Twenty-Fifth Baam Twenty-Fifth Baam , Cynthiera Cynthiera , @Hunter JJ, [USER=48808]@Han JiHyo[/USER]

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