naruto: the new generation


Two Thousand Club
This is going to be an alternate story. It will be a completely different story then what took place in the manga. It will have all the normal characters but with a slight twist. The first would be that the village of konoha recognized Madara. This would eliminate the need for power and keep the rage of the uchiha down. The next would be that none of the bijuu were used as weapons but merely roamed free within the world. Now, since none of the events containing the bijuu occurred, all of the characters lived a long and prosperous life. Now I am not saying that all of the people lived since the wars still raged, but the bijuu was not the reason.

Let me know what you guys think.
Ok. I'm not sure if I want any cannon characters to be played or not. I'm leaning towards only allowing the oc's to be played.
WE had the idea before like Backlash put in alother post. Changing the past regarding Hashirama and Madara that leads to a truly original Roleplay. Sometimes there are canons in it who died that are no loner dead. People can use different powers that may have been prohibitied. So on so forth. You would probably be able to join in the planning if ya joined.
Yea I'll join so are we saying that madara was the hokage abd hashirama or just that madara was aloud to stay in the village but hashirama was still hokage
we have to flesh it out some more but pretty much. Then without all the wars usually it changes some characters and the history. Then you can focus plot more on Bijuu and bad guys than just war over and over again.
exactly. If we can focus upon plot and not countless wars, we can make it into a really great story. We can develop some great characters and a great environment. And if anything, we can develop some rivals for ourselves.
We will start with changing some events that dictated the major story of Naruto.

First, im thinking about changing the first event that led to the downfall of mankind. The choosing between the sages two sons. With the elimination of choosing one son over the other, this eliminates the hatred between the two sons. 
This would lead down the line of generations of trusting and depending upon one another. Without the constant hatred of one clan to another, all of the clans grew and prospered. When Madara and Hashirama grew older, they united their clans into forming one of the greatest villages known to this day. They were crowned the leaders of the village and were known as the first and second Hokage. With the two as Hokage, they kept each other in check so neither of them could pull more authority then the other. When the time came, the next villages Kages were paired up together as being Tobirama and Izuna. 
@Timv9 @Kaine Let me know what you think so far





Team #:

Kekkei Genkai:

Chakra nature:


There is probably more that I should put, but for now @Kaine and @Timv9 can make up a rough character sheet. 
Name: Riyoshi Uchiha

Age: 16


Village: konoha

Rank: chuunin

Team #: 8

Kekkei Genkai: sharingan

Chakra nature: none

Bio: coming later.
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Naruto: Search for the Past.

In the beginning there was war, but two bloodlines, offspring of the Great Sage brought upon their lands a great peace. With this Peace there was much prosperity and advancement.

Even though there were no wars, there were always battle. For every good, there is evil, and where evil lurks, there needs to be defenders. Having unlocked the Great Sage Powers within themselves, Hashirama and Madara sought to do what the Original had not.

Using the power of Spirit, Madara forged great relics. These relics could contain the powers of the individual Bijuu. Hashirama using the Power of Creation, gave each of the Bijuu a solid body. With both of these, each of the Bijuu set off to inhabit their own land and live in peace for eternity, able to defend themselves and the places they call home.

However all of these are just bed time stories. After 400 years, the Bijuu have long since disappeared. Many go hunting for them and their artifacts, many come home empty handed and some don’t make it at all. Shinobi are still used for all kinds of reasons but with open boarders and and freedom to travel. Many people seek wealth in other lands.

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