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Fandom Naruto: The New Age Of Shinobi

Uta Uchiha

Uta was beginning to get annoyed, being shoved out of his circle (Which yes National, I must be in the middle of it for the ability to work), working his way around his opponents, avoiding the two Kunai's by hand flipping back wards and performing a barrel-roll to catch both of the Kunai sent at him with relative ease. Sending one at Soetsu who managed to make his way under Uta whilst he was in mid air, Uta was highly confident about the Kunai hitting his target. Kien managed to wipe out the triangle. One kunai still left in his right hand, he tosses it up and down lightly, keeping both Soetsu and Kien in his sight. Even with Soetsu digging himself under ground, Uta is still able to track him with relative ease despite direct eye contact. Motioning his eyes back to Kien, panting "I was really hoping to enjoy the festivals here.." Using numerous hand-signs "Grudge Rain" the fog began to dissipate into thin air, being replaced by a heavy rain, however this wasn't just any normal rain. This rain was capable of draining the chakra out of people. Although this would usually take numerous other's to preform, Uta was seen doing it himself. His eyes narrowed down at Kien "I'll give you and your friend down-stairs another chance to let me go..Think deeply about where you are and who is around you." pointing at Kien with a wicked grin "Because my next move won't be directed towards either you or the 'One man army' ." Still making sure both Soetsu and Kien were still a fair distance away, after Uta leaped back onto the Jounin facility building.

@National @Isune
Soestu was still underground when the kunai struck his arm. He pulled it out and popped out of the ground when he saw the Uchiha jump onto the jounin facility. Soestu listened to the Uchiha talk about where he was planning to attack next,"That's if you take us all out at once. And I'll warn you now," Soestu said as he began to heal his arm using the mystical palm technique,"I'm not going to play around anymore."

@Sinister Clown @National
Zoku Haishima

Zoku tilted his head from side to side with a slight shrug as if to say 'Maybe, maybe not.' his eyebrow rose for a moment, he rubbed his chin. He knew that he had been a Kage for longer than Rin was, simply because he remembered the long meetings with her father when Zoku was much younger. It was also Rin who took his place as being among the 'youngest' Kage. Which seemed to start becoming a common thing, this was mostly due to the expected life-span of someone in the middle of a war. However this wasn't what was important, this mysterious Uchiha figure was. "So, he told the truth..He's a good liar, but no one can deny their skills..He reacted pretty fast.." looking back to her, he answered her earlier question on whether or not Zoku left him "I didn't let him go, I left him in the capable hands of Soetsu." he said with a slight sigh "I doubt that man would let him get away, besides if Soetsu isn't enough Kien is the fastest Shinobi alive currently..I'm confident that this 'Uta Uchiha' will be kept safely secured." he said with a smug grin, he was very confident in his Shinobi and always has been.

Uta Uchiha

Uta tilted his head, not impressed at the man's reaction in the slightest "Your tough talk is empty." he said with dull eyes. A flare appearing around him, his Sharingan seeming to spin slightly as a displeased expression clouded Uta's face. "You would really risk the lives of so many citizens for me?" snickering "Maybe I was right about you being nothing more than a pack of animals." cracking his index finger and simultaneously an odd structure began forming around Uta. "Susanoo." leaping down, by the time he landed the Susanoo took it's full form, it was clear that Uta had yet to perfect the ability. However it was more than enough to cause the damage he wanted to, and get out. "If you won't move out of my way..I'll force you." Despite Uta actually moving, he paced his hands together and began forming handsigns, watching as his Susanoo bring his arm crashing down at Soetsu's position, Uta continued his hand-signs "Flame Release: Great fireball technique" another large ball began forming and Uta sent it off to the right of him. Aimed randomly towards buildings numerous screams would start to fill the streets numerous civilians were being burnt alive.

Kien grimaces as he stands up. His legs and shoulder were badly injured, and not to mention that, but his chest was heavily scorched. However, his job as a Jounin meant that he has to save the village. And with that, Kien starts to run as he holds up a half tiger sign.

"Swift Release: Roaring Black Winds!"

He disappears, and suddenly, large gusts of wind starts to slam into the fire, calming down the raging fire. Civilians start to disappear and reappear away from the fire, Kien doing his very best to save everyone he can. Once he gets all of the citizens out of there, he looks up at Uta. Grimacing, he pulls up his injured shoulder, and he does his best as he cuts his thumb, and draws a symbol with his blood.

"Summoning Jutsu: King of Monkeys: Wūkong!"

And with that, a large cloud of smoke poofs up, before revealing the monkey king. Waking grins as he swings his staff around.

"Ya must be pretty desperate to summon me, Kien. That Suusanoo, haven't seen one in a while."

The monkey king jumps up, and swings his staff at Susanoo. The staff starts to increase more and more in size, until it was about the size of a giant tree going straight for the skeleton giant.

@Sinister Clown @Isune
Soestu watched as everything unfolded. It was terrifying to watch people being burned. Soestu snapped. His seal began to glow a bright purple and black lines began to cover his entire body. Soestu had his eyes closed through the entire process but suddenly opened them as he shouted,"I won't let you get away with this you bastard!" He suddenly jumped, creating a small crater on the ground, and launched directly at the Susanoo with his hand glowing a light blue as he got ready to punch the figure protecting the Uchiha.

@National @Sinister Clown
Uta Uchiha


Uta's eyes widened when seeing a large monkey being summoned onto the field, taking a massive staff and bringing it crashing down on Uta's susanoo, in reaction the susanoo lifted it's arms in attempt to grab the large staff and hold it in place before making direct contact, seeming to struggle slightly at this feat Uta clearly saw Soetsu making his way towards the susanoo, clearly angered. With a slight smirk, Uta leaped out from the protection of the Susanoo and right in front of Soetsu, in attempts to take the hit on himself instead of the Susanoo.

@National @Isune
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Soestu was about to smash to Susanoo, but instead when he struck it hit Uta. The punch alone had the power to send Uta flying into a building. Soestu landed as he felt the hit connect. Soestu then began running, a lot faster than he normally was able to. He quickly picked up speed and bolted towards Uta, he was going to finish this...now!

@Sinister Clown @National
Uta Uchiha


Uta's body was sent flying back hard into the building, he saw the man dart forward towards him. Getting up although seemingly injured from the last punch he grinned and rushed right back towards Soetsu "Is that really all you can do?" he said, doing his best to place a grin on his face as he ran straight for Soetsu again. The Susanoo however had a mind of it's own but was focused on the Monkey king, after holding the staff in place it shifted it's body to the right, letting the staff come crashing down beside him. Pulling it's arm back the Susanoo charged it's fist towards the large ape which had been summoned.

@National @Isune
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Soestu continued his furious assault as he hit the Uchiha with a clothesline. Before he was all the way down Soestu's hand lit up with Chakra again as he slammed his fist into the Uchiha and powered him into the ground, creating a small crater. Soestu pushed even harder and made the crater even bigger. He then got ready for the Uchiha to attempt his attack again.

@Sinister Clown @National
@Sinister Clown @National @Isune

Senki Tazuya

Senki just..kinda shimmied off to the side once the fighting got started. Once it started moving further into the village she ran after them, making sure to keep a safe distance away. Lucky for them she could heal from a range, so she could be of some use even if she couldn't fight well. Once she caught up she set to work performing the nessacary hand seals once noticing Kien was heavily injured, "
Yin Release: Wide Healing!" She shouted. Soon after a soft green glow surrounded Kien and Soetsu, setting to work healing their injuries as Senki concentrated. Kien was more injured than Soetsu by far so soon the glow faded from him and intensified around Kien.

Soon enough Kien would find his shoulder in working order and most of his bleeding wounds closing up as well as his burns mostly healed. Releasing the Jutsu Senki sighed, she wished she could help fight but she assumed that'd be useful, at least. She jumped into a nearby tree and readied herself to fire senbon at Uta when the opportunity presented itself.
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Uta Uchiha

Uta was hit, and hard blood coming from his mouth as he went falling back into the ground. Feeling another hit which got him directly in his torso, crashing into the ground hard as a larger crater formed from Soetsu's pressure. Blood leaking from Uta's mouth. However he still managed to get up, taking out a kunai from it's pouch and holding it firm in his hand, using a few hand seals "Steam release, Steam body" Chakra surroundings his body and stretching out towards Soetsu to grab a hold of his arms. This was to give a clear opening, even if it was only a second to allow Uta to swoop through and cut across Soetsu's torso. After finishing, the jutsu ended and the steam cloak faded. Uta placing his hands together and slamming them down, creating a perfect circular tunnel for himself as he quickly travelled underground, Only to pop up back in the protection of his Susanoo which was now remaining still. It's hollow glare aiming towards the Monkey king.


The Monkey King was starting to twirl his staff on his fingers, and he leaps back up again. Suddenly, three.copies of him appear in the air, and they all swarm at the Susanoo, each of the attacking with different moves. The main Monkey King jumps up, and his staff lengthens until it touches half way across the village, and he brings it crashing down on Uta and his Susanoo.

Suddenly, on the opposite side of the village, a rumbling could be heard, smoke popping up once in a while, the culprit of the rumbling coming closer and closer.

@Sinister Clown @Isune
Soestu was about to finish the bastard off when he felt a slash across his torso. He soon fell and covered it with both arms as he began to heal himself. Once he was able to, he stood up and began after him once again. Running like a flash through the village only to see that the Uchiha had retreated to his susanoo. Soestu was behind and quickly picked up in speed as he suddenly slammed his fist into the backside of a rib. The moment his fist came in contact with it, it began to crack and almost broke. However, Soestu had to back off for a moment and let his arm get engulfed by chakra before charging again and was hoping to completely break the rib and get through to the Uchiha on the other side.

@National @Sinister Clown
Adlet Nara; Yugakure

Adlet did his daily stroll, he would often go into the outskirts of Yugakure in order to reach where he would normally train. Dressed in a charcoal black kimono with his hair tied up at the back in a pony-tail like fashion, wooden sandals and a blade at his side. Rushing through the trees, he cut the trees on each side of them in a quick fashion. Bouncing back and forth between the tree's coupled with numerous flips he cut down branches and the trunks of the tree's as much as he could before reaching the end where he'd skid across the ground and sheathe his sword. "Still no where near as good as that Yugakage.." he said with a rather disappointed sigh. Looking around, the wind blew through the area, and a slight whistle could be heard through the tree's. For a moment Adlet felt at piece, this was interrupted when Adlet attempted several hand-signs to preform a new jutsu he'd be working on. "Wind release, Kaze Bakuhatsu!"(translated to wind explosion) he shouted, trying his hardest to create a small ball, managing some what however once attempting to throw it the ball seemed to dissipate into thin air before doing anything useful. Panting after the maneuver, he was already tiring after his first try "This...is gonna..be a long day..."
~Sayaka Honda~

"Plant Release: Tree Form Jutsu!"
Sayaka focused all her energy on the tree, closing her eyes and focusing. This Jutsu was the hardest, and she had been practicing it all day. However, she was constantly distracted. This time she would do it, she knew so. She stood stiffly, like a tree, hoping that nobody would dare lean on her. The dark-haired Chuunin kept standing still. A gust of wind went through her branches; Sayaka exhaled. So far, so good. She was, for once, completely and totally relaxed. Maybe, after all day, this would work. A bird landed on her branch; Sayaka winced. This was the hard part. Okay, stay calm. Don't. Move. Five minutes, then...

"AHHHHH! STOP PECKING ME! GET OFF, GET OFF, GET OFF!" Sayaka turned back into a human and waved the bird away, slightly embarrassed. Sigh....I'll have to do it again.....
Dru was walking around the village of Hidden Steel in the portion of the village that housed a large portion of the elderly or disabled making this perfect for Dru. He walked along the street his palms covered in gloves and his tail swaying gently side to side as Dru thought. Dru bumped into an elderly man bumping his cane and almost making the man fall but Drus tail shot out and gamely wrapped around the cane to hold it up while Dru rightened the man. "I'm sorry sir I didn't mean to bump into you but I was so deep in thought." The old man squinted at Dru before patting his hand "it's ok young man I just didn't see you. Lately the cataracts have been getting worse and it's been getting harder to see." Dru smiled widely "sir I can help you I am a ninja and an up and coming Doctor mainly for eyes would you like me to work on them for you!" The old man thought for a minute before nodding somewhat reluctantly. Dru touched the mans head while his hands glowed green with chakra and put his thumbs over the mans eyelids, a few minutes later the man opened his eyes and they were good as new. Before the man could thank the random ninja Dru jumped and landed on a roof before walking away happily. While the healing took some chakra from him it surely made him feel better.
Adlet Nara: Yugakure Forest Outskirts

Adlet sighed, he had been trying for a while now and he still hadn't got it. Swiftly sheathing his sword he let out a sigh and looked off towards the gates of Yugakure 'This place always seems so calm and peaceful..' he got lost into his own mind for a moment at the sight of a gate until noticing something was out of place. A rather small figure from this distance seemed to at the gate, at first he wasn't sure if it were some animal or a person but once he was able to get his bearings it was easy to see. Taking it upon himself to 'check it out' he leaped up to a tree and began travelling through the branches which was commonly the fastest way to travel on foot. Within a few minutes he leaped out of a bush and landed swiftly down in front if the girl who fainted. His side was facing her, and he squatted down glaring emptily at her "Why wouldn't you sleep in a bed? Are you retarded?" he asked with a blunt tone, tapping her body a few times to see if he would be able to wake her up.

@Chara Angel of Death
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Ayumu Arima

~ Jinchuuriki ~

Ayumu didn't know how long she was out, but she heard a voice, which prodded her consciousness. She slowly opened her gentle, weak eyes, staring shakily at the man above her. She wanted to move, she wanted to cry at his tone, but she had so little energy she just tried to abide by his wishes. She brought two hands under her, and tried to move, but she ended up falling on her side, and finally her back, exposing her starving state. She completely passed out, thinkng that was it, she'd die there...

@Sinister Clown
Adlet Nara; Yugakure Main Entrance

Adlet let out a sigh after seeing that she was in bad condition. He often got stuck with this job, rubbing the back of his head with a some what agitated look on his face "What a bother.." he mumbled to himself before picking the girl up in arms, he couldn't help but notice some black marks on her stomach. 'Does that mean she could be one of them?' he thought to himself in wonder for a moment and shaking his head. "I guess I'll take her to the Yugakage." leaping up he used the roofs of the buildings until making his way to the Kage building. Where he entered and went to address the Kage inside his office formally. When entering he bowed his head and placed the girls body in a chair "Greeting Lord kage..I found this girl at the entrance, she seems to be in a pretty bad state and probably hasn't eaten for a while." he said as if asking what he should do.

@Chara Angel of Death
Drying himself off from his bath, he looked at the girl, eyeing her very carefully. Finally he takes the up off his enormous kettle and pours her a cup of tea, but not just any tea. This would spike her chakra reserves in a matter of minutes. He says " Bring her to the Great Bath and let the water heal her injuries. Onice shes healed up get her some btand new clothes and bring her to me." @Chara Angel of Death
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Kaito arrived to the borders of the Hidden coast village saying "Ah finally some peace and quiet" when he saw a gigantic fire in the village and what apparently was a fight. As he was getting closer he saw that one of the people that were fighting was Rin Hagane, Haganegakure's Kage. " I must help!" As Kaito moved on his platform of iron powder he was analyzing the situation but he got amazed when he saw a half Susanoo. When Kaito arrived to the village he said "Kage Rin are you ok!"@Mitchs98 @Sinister Clown @National

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Uta Uchiha

Lifting the blade which he used to recently cut Soetsu, his Sharingan spun and glowed slightly once it set. Licking the end of the blade of Soetsu's blood, the Susanoo sustained the damage from The Monkey King, only just. Topped with Soetsu's punch towards the ribs of the Susanoo, they were able to break through however Soetsu would only find himself heading towards a fist in his face. His strength and speed seemed to have multiplied in an instant, an overflowing amount of chakra coming from his body. A black diamond mark appeared on his head, it would soon be clear. That Uta had copied Soetsu's technique by means he probably wouldn't figure out until Uta told him...Or someone else with knowledge of the man did. After that he continued to strike Soetsu ruthlessly, kicking, jabbing and using unorthodox movements to make it more unpredictable. To finish off a clear 'hammer' like object appeared in his hand when leaping up. It appeared to be red and made from aura, which Uta quickly made it come crashing down on top of Soetsu. "Fools.." taking another leap up, using numerous hand signs "Steam release: Fog expand." the fog now began thickening and covering the village. Panting slightly he set his sights on the monkey King "I never thought you would go as far to bring him here Kien." he kept a monotoned expression, and for once addressed him by his name. He now appeared ontop of a different and slightly taller building than his susanoo. Looking to Soetsu's direction, after using the jutsu he wasn't sure what his condition would be.


Soestu was taken by absolute surprise when he received the flurry of blows. He managed to catch of a glimpse of the Uchiha. He copied his mark? Impossible! Soestu coughed blood as he hit the ground but still got up before healing himself again. His chakra reserves were starting to run low. He would have to reseal his mark soon. Soestu quickly took care of his injuries using his healing technique and took a deep breath,"Man, it's been a while since I've fought a copycat ninja. It must take some hard work to copy my mark, but nothing can beat the original." Soestu then watched as the fog seemed to grow much thicker and seemed to be preparing hand-signs for a upcoming justu.


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