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Fandom Naruto: The New Age Of Shinobi

@Isune @National @Sinister Clown

Senki Tazuya. Kaigangakure.

Senki continued listening calmly to the conversation, jumping slightly at Soetsu's outburst. Though, what Uta was saying didn't exactly add up fully. Why would a village risk sending a spy if they planned to go to war? Especially one that was a terrible liar. Eh, whatever. Senki wasn't a genius nor was she aware how major villages did things. Though she couldn't help but find something..off..about his story she found no reason not to believe him partially. He could just be incredibly bad at lying like he said.
That tone...that horrible tone! It angered Soestu to no end. When the man gave Soestu the chance to take him down Soetu considered it for a brief moment. He shook his head as he continued to eye this "spy","Listen, I know you're lying. There's no point in starting a war. You're gonna have to try much harder than that to actually convince me. I don't care if you come from this or that village, I know for sure that there is going to be no war. Now I'm going to tell you this once...and only once, telling me the truth...now!"

@Mitchs98 @National @Sinister Clown
Uta Uchiha

He chuckled, he believed that the gag was up and it was time to have a little fun "Are you sure about that? I mean about the war." he stared at the man intently "Believe me when I say this, there will be a war" sitting back he bit his lip for a moment, Uta knew he could never pull of a lie, not with the appearance he had. Despite being a good infiltrator he was simply not given enough time, they were persistent "When his war rocks up to your doorstep, blood is going to run through the streets and screams will fill the night like flames and it will all happen right under your noses." he said with a grin "You want to know the truth? I'm not your friend, or enemy. I'm the man who likes meddling in affairs he shouldn't be" standing up from his chair and leaning forward to Soetsu "So instead of attempting to intimidate me, if you are really up to get started early, I'll definitely comply." he said, these men didn't scare him in the slightest. Being a Jashinist had certainly had it's perks.



There was the truth. Soestu only stared at the man as he continued his constant rambling about war but once he leaned over towards Soestu he only shook his head,"No, not yet at least." He then stood up from his own seat and stared blankly at the man. Who would have guessed that bringing someone into interrogation would lead to false claims of war brewing. Soestu was practically furious by this point, one more little thing would set him off.

@Sinister Clown @Mitchs98 @National
Uta Uchiha

Uta sat back down, seeming rather agitated himself, blowing away his bang which seemed to cover up one of his eyes. Surprisingly Uta didn't try anything consisting the use of Sharingan, he could have made this a lot easier by doing so but Uta never liked the easy way. "I have nothing else more to say about it, I've told you everything." gazing off for a moment outside "Just remember, when the time comes..I'll be the one who laughs at your arrogance to heed my words." this time, his last comment showed no sign of any lies and this was simply because he was telling the truth, just not the truth they thought it would be.




(Just to lesson confusion, my last post and this one are both referring to a completely different war than what you guys are probably thinking of, of course it's kinda hard to even tell that but once the time comes it'll be a bit of a shocker that the whole time Uta was telling the truth
xD )
Soestu only shook his head,"Well, if that time ever comes we have a military force at the ready." Soestu then muttered something among the lines of "Who the hell do some of these people think they are? Coming into the village like they're above everyone." Soestu then sat back down after the man did. He then tried to put this whole war thing behind himself as he said through clenched teeth,"Okay...so now onto the subject of the body. You said you acted in self defense? What happened?"

@Sinister Clown @National @Mitchs98
Uta Uchiha

"Does that even matter now? The man is dead now that's what matters, you won't believe a word I say so why say anything at all?" he asked with expression of curiosity and tilting his head ever so slightly "Like you, that man also found out about us..We tried to calm him down but things quickly got out of control...That seems to be a fairly re-occurring thing here in Kagiangakure you know?" making a few hand-gestures, looking out the window he saw many other Shinobi walk around the Village, he knew that Soetsu wasn't happy with any of his responses but Uta could care less "Trust me, your military will not stand a chance, even your mighty Kage will be under the foot before long." he said with a grin, everything he said was actually true in some manner, although minor details were left out.

@Isune @Mitchs98 @National

Soestu bit his tongue for a moment, he had to watch what he said here because he was at lest talking. Ugh, where was the Kagainkage where you needed him most (Wink-wink)? Regardless, Soestu listened closely to the statement and nodded slightly,"And do you have anyone who could vouch for you? Because you even said it yourself, you're a terrible liar." In the back of Soestu's mind, he was thinking of the first place he would strike. How dare this moron insult the kind people of Kagainkage! Soestu was so close to tearing this fool apart piece by piece.

@Sinister Clown @National @Mitchs98
Kien senses Soestu's anger, and Kien outs his hand gently on the mans shoulder.

"Don't fret too much. I knew that this would be a hard case to break down. I only do have one question for you, Uchiha. You said that Hagengakure is your home. When did the Uchiha's move in there, if I may ask?"

@Isune @Sinister Clown @Mitchs98
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Soestu felt the arm on his shoulder and only nodded at Kien before backing up to allow the man to begin asking his questions. When he brought up the Uchihas Soestu suddenly realized he hadn't heard about Uchihas in that village. Then again, Soestu hadn't really been keeping up with events in other villages. He silently waited for an answer from the bastard who Soestu was so close to strangling.

@National @Sinister Clown
Musashi was simply at a loss, she had come along to lunch hoping in some twisted way, to find a reason to dislike the Kage but all and all it did the opposite.She felt some passive admiration for Kage Rin, this did, however, throw yet another monkey wrench in her clan independence plan. If not halted it all together if the Kage was to treat them like equals, at least, there was no point for needless bloodshed, at least, Musashi would remain a loyal vassal for Kage Rin and instruct her own clan to follow suit,she glanced around the table as she got up brushing off her pants."I appreciate inviting me, but I feel sorta out of place among so many friends. I'll go file my patrol report, I hope I'm summoned when the discussion about the threatening Rogue ninjas come up". And with that Musashi gave a bow before, moving to abandon her spot at the table she always out of sink with the native ninja. She began to head for the exit, recovering her composer as she walked her admiration stopped at the Kage thus meaning she still had a standoffish feeling toward others. A low growl of defiance did echo from her stomach ,she regretted not eating while she was in so much thought.

@Mitchs98 @Galen Ardila (And anyone else at the Korea BBQ place))

It was just another day in the village. Natsune was finishing up some paper work his advisors had given him, and he was just waiting for the chance to race on over to the hot springs and relax with the numerous villagers and travellers who enjoy them. He was getting a bit thirsty, so he poured himself a cup of tea from the huge kettle on his back. He breathed a sigh of relief, his breath rising out of his mouth like steam, but it always did that. He was finally done with his work, so he started towards the springs.
@Kinzu Hekmatyar @djinnamon @Defective Kitten @Galen Ardila @Robyn Banks

Rin Hagane. Haganegakure

Rin nodded, "I see. Well, good work. No rush on the mission report, get to it when you can." She told him. She'd expected everyone to be a bit more lively, but she guessed most of them were tired and hungry so she didn't hold anything against them. She frowned sightly when Musashi stated she was leaving. It was understandable, not everyone trusted her clan as well as Rin, and she could understand feeling awkward around people she didn't know. And she wouldn't exactly force the girl to stay. "I'll make sure to invite you and there's honestly no rush on the report. That aside are you sure you're not hungry?" She replied.
Musashi tilted her head to the side, as she would take a moment to take it in. The Korean style bbq she wonder if history change could this all have been hers, she blinked a few times gazing at the kage,"Please do not think of me ill here Kage, I'm just but a servant for this village. Servants don't share the table with lords and warrior".She would give another bow before moving out the door in a way Musashi was protecting the Kage image, she simply couldn't bring herself to get close to the other. Leaving the building she let out a sigh, watching the movement of the village natives. She would then move toward the Kage building, to get down to work she would begin to set up futures patrols along with began to work on a guard roster for the upcoming exam. Sometimes she reasons this was the best place for her, to work behind the scenes as the spotlight just was too much for her at times.

@djinnamon @Defective Kitten @Galen Ardila @Robyn Banks @Mitchs98
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Ailee watched the woman leave, still remaining quiet as she looked back down on her empty plate. She was stuffed and couldn't bring herself to take another bite. She decided to focus more on the chunin exams to make sure that she'll pass since majority of the students fail each year and She couldn't even think about what will happen to her if she didn't succeed. "Talking about chunin exams.I should probably make my way to the library to study more. I heard that the first test was a written test. I usually don't study but this will be the exception."

@Mitchs98 @Defective Kitten @Galen Ardila @djinnamon
@Robyn Banks @djinnamon @Galen Ardila @Defective Kitten

Rin Hagane. Haganegakure

Rin nodded to Ailee, "Yeah, that would probably be best. And as much as I hate to say it I should probably get back to my office and finish up the paperwork for the exams." She told her, sighing. "And as for the exams, Misaki still needs a team. I'm not sure if Ailee has one yet either. You three can work that out." She told them, smiling at Misaki and the rest before standing and placing enough money for everyones' meal on the table. "We'll have to all go out again later when we aren't so busy. I'll be sure to cheer you guys on in the exams." She told them, bowing slightly as Musashi did before making her way out of the building and down the street at a leisurely pace. "I wonder if Misaki will actually remember to participate this year.." She mumbled thinking out-loud, grinning slightly at the thought of her panic should she miss them again.

Misaki Yamaguchi

Haganegakure - Genin

As everyone began to slowly leave, first starting with Musashi and than not too soon afterwards the Kage, taking her leave after mentioning Misaki's lake of a team to the remaining group. "Bye Kage Rin!" Waving as she left the building with a cheery grin, turning back to Ailee as she recalled her saying something about studying for the exam and a look of dread and disgust covered her face. Of corse she knew that there was bound to be a written portion of the test but she'd always overlook it and hoped that she just misheard and it was actually 'kitten portion' as in they'd be catching cats or of the sort. "D-d-d-d-d-do you h-have a team Ailee?" Misaki stuttered as she talked due to the amount of tears welling up in her eyes from the thought of the written section.


@Kinzu Hekmatyar

@Robyn Banks


@Galen Ardila

(Isn't Setsuna a Chunin already? Why does he need a squad?)

Ailee shrugged not really looking at misaki."No not really. I was hoping to find a team he-" she turned her head towards the girl only to be startled to see tears sweeling up Misaki eyes. She paused for a bit raising her eyebrow at her. Was it something she said? Is it because she knew Ailee stole a bit of her food?"umm... Are you ok?"

@Defective Kitten @djinnamon @Mitchs98 @Galen Ardila
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Uta Uchiha

Uta smiled at the two, the Jounin 'Black Tiger' decided to give Uta a question. Of course he would have to be familiar for when they moved there but the truth was, the Uchiha Clan was dying and every generation they were becoming a more rare sight. "Being what I am, I don't spend much time at Haganegakure myself, but when I did live there I was among the few Uchiha's in the Village..I came from a different family so when I arrived, there were already a few Uchiha's settled in." his said with a monotoned expression, he was getting tired of all these questions.

@Isune @National


(I'll make Zoku's reply now)
Zoku Haishami

Seeming to bounce from one building to another, it didn't take Zoku long to reach his destination "The Jounin Facility, what a dump." he said slightly disappointed, taking a deep breath he started walking towards the building. Opening the door and entering he made his way to where Uta was being held in the meeting room, Soetsu & Kein had been sitting beside each other and he was sure he heard a bit of yelling earlier. He had his sword with him, like always and he leaned his body against the door frame which was used to enter the room "He doesn't have one bruise? I'm shocked." his arms appeared crossed at the time, leaning himself back off the door frame he took a few further steps in, recognizing another had been in the room he slightly bowed his head "Hello, I don't think we've met." he said casually facing towards the girl at the side of the room. He took a chair and position it near the table and took a seat himself, glaring at the man they took in. He was fairly slim but still defined, this man was obviously a Shinobi despite the casual attire. He seemed fairly 'dark' in the sense of his appearance, covered in tattoo's he had off lettering on his neck which must have translated to something. Several piercings on his face and ears. His hair was also in a rather odd fashion and his eyes were the most out of place thing of them all. However he remained silent, he gave this job to the Jounin and he would allow them to continue on with that.

@Mitchs98 @Isune @National
@National @Isune @Sinister Clown

Senki Tazuya. Kaigangakure

Senki had heard of the name Uchiha before, but really only the name and the fact they were supposed to be sort of famous or well known, or something. She didn't really know of their abilities, so the fact of him being a Uchiha wasn't known to her until it was mentioned. Senki pretty much felt like a little kid in a candy store at that point. Not only was she going to join a major village, but she also indirectly met a member of a famous clan. All thoughts about the current discussion at hand went out of the window, she'd be sure to talk to this guy by herself later.

Soon after someone else entered the room, he was clearly a shinobi by the way he carried himself but she wasn't exactly sure if he should be here or not. She didn't say anything for the sole fact neither of the rest seemed to try forcing him out, little did she know he was the Kage. "I'm Senki. I just made it here today so that'd be why we haven't met before. And you are?" She told him, the same kind smile on her face.
Soestu shook his head at the answer. This guy knew what he was talking about. He stared at the man for a brief moment before realizing the Kagainkage was now with them. Soestu turned round to face the Kagainkage and shook his head,"Lord Kagainkage, this man is speaking of war between villages. He claims to be a spy from Haganegakure who speaks of war brewing. However, those claims seem to be lacking sufficient evidence. On the subject of the body, the man claims that it was purely in self defense. However, do to the massive claw marks on the neck I'd say otherwise."

@Sinister Clown @National @Mitchs98

Misaki Yamaguchi

Haganegakure - Genin

Looking down at Ailee with her teary eyes still, nodding her head as if doing that would make up for her disheartened expression. "Y-yes, I'm okay." Saying with a shaky voice, it was obviously she was't but she still continued, "I-I just don't like the written portion.. I thought it was kitten portion." Remembering the one of the reasons why she never took the exams was because of this particular reason. Actually, I'm sure it'll be easy since I've had so much experience on the field! I think I'll do just fine! Motivating herself as she 'sucked' her tears back into her eyes, a motivated and excited expression now on her face within an instant and her eyes sparked with hope.​


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