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Fandom Naruto: Shinsekaichitsujo (open, currently accepting)


Santeru Ishumari "The Crimson moon"
Santeru slid through the backstreets making his way past the civilians of the village eventually making his way to the outskirts, earlier he noticed that white haired individual from the office run through here but didn't pay much mind to it. Now as he walked he began to ponder what exciting things could be happening behind the scenes or in a place somewhere in the world. He let his mind wander as he walked through the final few buildings entering the dense forest following the path to an unknown destination. But he also couldn't help shake the feeling he was being watched and would frequently glance over his own shoulder, Santeru was never one to be paranoid but something to him seemed very off.

He stopped as the breeze rolled through the trees letting the sunlight dance along the path, something felt very wrong and out of place. Perhaps not in front of him but somewhere in the world an action or a thought just occurred to someone that will bring about change. The chill that went up his spine made him realize that things were going to get a lot more interesting and this only made him smile like a mad man, his nearly crimson eyes dance with joy as a hearty and full laugh echoed deep throughout the woods.

@Sinister Clown (Mentioned)


Suzukage; Land of Fire;
Suzukage inhaled deeply, his scarlet eyes seemed heavy lidded and he turned his gaze towards Tremki, a seemimgly vacant expression on his face. Time seemed to slow down momentarily and Suzukage exhaled deeply, and when doing so shifted the focus of his chakra to the heels of his feet, the smoke tendrils formed whispy tentacles in the air and his jet black hair seemed to float around his face as he swung his body backwards, Tremki's foot coming within inches from the tip of his nose.

Suzukage found himself hanging from the underside of the branch and, seizing the opportunity while Tremki was still unable to manuveur effectively, leapt down towards the lower branches.

Who could this be?

Someone had obviously gotten wind of his brief appearance in Konoha- there was no other reasonable explaination for the situation. He hadn't blown anyone to pieces since the Land of Water and this one certainly didn't feel like a Hidden Mist shinobi. This guy was in a whole nother league.

His right hand moved quickly, forming a rapid succession of hand seals and, as the fingers of his right hand formed a mock gun the tip of which was raised in Tremki's direction, the chakra building up in his index and middle fingers began to crackle loudly.

A smile spread slowly across Suzukages face, his eyes brimming with excitement.


The concerntrated chakra fired from the tip of his finger, burning the surrounding foliage as it formed a straight line in Tremki's direction- the result of which would be a large hole throught the intended target.

@Sinister Clown

Shishido Hatake || Fearsome Feline Of iwagakure

Location: Outside of the kage tower

The Pursuit of suzukage begins!


The female tsuchikage of iwagakure had realized that this meeting was coming to a closing, and seeing the raikage leaving the building he wasn’t so happy about this, and had a little of the same vibe as she did regarding to the target, as it wasn’t their business rather it being the hokage, and the hidden mist business. If he was that worried about a terrorist attack that happened in the hidden mist he would have sent a few anbu squad’s to go, and investigate the matter.

Shishido would soon take her leave, as well seeing that tremki was. He had said a few words regarding the request of teamwork, but not surprised he declined, and made few other comments that rang her bell. “You’re certainly right, we may get into each other's way. But then again I like this offer as much as you do, so let’s have a competition. See who’ll catch him first” She says as she slightly licked her tongue like a cat would do after finishing a meal.

Shishido followed tremki out the tower, and noticed that he was already gone, she notice that he had used a unique jutsu, something that an anbu would use for stealth purposes. Shishido had an idea in mind “Since I’m assuming suzukage would be out of konoha, heading to who know’s what. I’ll just contact my assistant, see if she can get the job done.” she says, as a big smoke emerges, and there she goes back into her cat form, and would find the fastest way towards the woods rather than having to go in the busy streets of konoha.

[ @Sinister Clown @Seireitei ]

Sosuke Fumetsu

Location: Hidden Leaf village main gate @femjapanriceball

Sosuke had been waiting at the gate for the others for some time now. He was growing impatient when his attention was drawn to something else. He watched as a white haired masked ninja leapt down from the village wall and ran into the forest."Ive got a feeling Suzukages messed up." Sosuke said then released chakra from his hands reveling a chakra string heading in the same direction as the white hair man.

Sosuke turned to Kiari his face emotionless, " go and find the others in the village and gather them at the main gate. If you must leave and head out towards the sand Village in the land of wind." Sosuke ordered then with out another word focused all his chakra into his feet and leapt high into the air. As Sosuke was mid lift in air he cut his finger and began making hand signs. He then pushed his hand down into the air and a huge cloud of smoke exploded around him.

Upon the smokes clearing Sosuke could feel something solid beneath his feet and smiled."It's been a long time since I've summoned you friend. How have things been." He said to the giant bird beneath his feet. The bird only replied with a loud screech. Sosuke laughed, " yes, yes I know it can be quite boring for you in your world can't it. Anyways," Sosuke said in a serious voice and pointed out the chakra string to the bird."Follow this chakra string to its source." Sosuke ordered and the bird flew at incredible speed towards the chakra strings source.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Garuda_Anime.png.e92ae276588ca356fb1726ca5c049978.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121948" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Garuda_Anime.png.e92ae276588ca356fb1726ca5c049978.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sosuke closed his eyes and took in a deep breath as they flew through the skies. It had been a long time since he'd used a summoning, not since he'd fought the so called mysterious man Erito. But God did he miss it, this feeling of flying in the sky far above everyone, like a god! It was empowering, and the air whiping around his face made it feel even better. It wasnt long before They had made it to the area where the chakra string ended floating a good distance above it so as not to be seen. Then Sosuke caught sight of the white haired man, along with Suzukage and they seemed to be fighting. Sosuke debated about whether he should join or watch, eventually deciding he couldn't risk Suzukage being captured or killed. Sure Suzukage was strong, but Sosuke got a strange feeling from the white haired man. So Sosuke leapt down from the bird aiming a drop kick for the white haired man. If it hit the man would be sent flying, and Sosuke would land on the branch he previously stood upon. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_n4nbpfK8EN1tpso7yo1_500.gif.63bbe83e456b05c16fc4e6d93f38961e.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121949" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_n4nbpfK8EN1tpso7yo1_500.gif.63bbe83e456b05c16fc4e6d93f38961e.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Santeru Ishumari "The Crimson moon"
Santeru regained his usual composure calming down from the laughing fit, raising a hand up to his face he rubbed both his eyes for a moment his usual afternoon exhaustion was setting in. He looked up to the trees watching the leaves dance in the sunlight causing the shadows to look like a restless sea of black, the breeze grew stronger as he began to walk again.

A few minutes later he sighed feeling the elevated level of chakra in a concentrated area only meant some poor individuals were getting violent with each other and for a moment Santeru contemplated stepping in but with the distance between him and that group whatever damage was going to be done would happen without him being able to stop it. Then a voice stirred from inside Santeru itching in the back of his mind. Matatabi awoke feeling the disturbance in chakra as well "Listen Santeru I know you're not one to do something out of the kindness of your heart but they did request your assistance and this might be what it's about." Santeru took off his hat running a hand through his long black hair, he had to admit he was curious and to null that desire he would have to go "Yeah you're right, but I might need you for this." A grunt was heard from within him as blue chakra burned around his feet the increased speed it game him was extraordinary he began his sprint leaping from tree to tree leaving burned boot marks on the trunks and before he knew it he was directly in the middle of the group that was fighting, he appeared seemingly out of the air itself.

@Sinister Clown

@Solemn Jester


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HatsuharuxSuzukage; undisclosed location
The blackened and charred remains of many tree's littered the area, the leaves on some still burned slightly, sending whispy trails of smoke trailing through the air.

The usually noisy forest was near silent, the only sounds being heard were the ragged, somewhat strained breathing of the two.

The immediate area itself was near destroyed; the once solid ground was split and cracked and much of the once dense forest had been levelled- the remnants of a battle between shinobi.

She drew in a ragged breath, blood oozed from the deep laceration on her lip and dripped down her chin and on to the scattered stones of the ruined battlefield. Explosion release was hard to deal with, and being mostly close combat, Hatsuharu was at a bit of a disadvantage and it showed. She raised the back of her left hand to her mouth, wiping the blood from her chin before raising herself back to her feet. Her usually immaculate white and red kimono had been torn and singed in some parts, exposing the black crop she wore underneath.

He was definitely powerful, that much was obvious but she wasn't about to go down with out a fight.

His laugh seemed to echo in the small woodland area, stones clattered noisily against each other as his hand reached up and grabbed the root of a fallen tree pulling himself into an upright position. He'd temporarily lost the use of his right eye, the blood running down his face from the large cut on his head had more or less sealed it shut- not that it mattered. His normally jet black hair sat dishevelled and dusty upon his head and he flicked a small pebble out between his thumb and middle finger.

He hadn't expected this to be so difficult; not that he expected it to be particularily easy though it was hard to ascertain the limits of the Kaguya girl. He'd been provided with all the available data when he took up the contract, and all that really told him was that they didn't know much about her at all. Seems like the Hidden Mists former Kage did an excellent job of keeping secrets.

His blood red vest had become ironically, covered in blood wether it was his own or his opponents he couldnt be sure and even now he was sure she wasnt dead- he could still feel the coldness of her vivid green eyes watching him.

Getting to his feet, Suzukage unsheathed the two wakizashi strapped to his back.

The blades were distinctive, both being curved with the left one having an additional "tooth", a small blade that resembled just that that stuck out just below the tip of the blade- the rights located just above the hilt. The string of beads, greatly resembling prayer beads rattled noisily against each other and the lightning imbued blade began to "sing" loudly, the imbued lightning chakra reacting with his own nature transformation.

He'd hoped the clones he'd left behind were serving as ample distraction for the one who was tracking him and he'd taken extra precaution to attach Sosukes chakra string to one of his clones. His interruptions werent necessary, this job was his in the end. A grin formed on Suzukages face, there was a certain elation in battle with a reasonably skilled foe and focusing the chakra in his feet, took off at speed towards Haru, the Kiba poised to attack.

Haru had been a personal guard to two Kages now, and although she'd taken more of a beating than usual, it would take a little more than that to take her down. She lowered her body into a stance resembling that of the Hyuuga's gentle fist, many of the previous months had been spent in training at the Hyuuga compound in Konoha in order to learn their taijutsu techniques and she'd converted much of what she learnt to fit her own style.

As Suzukage neared, Haru dipped to the left, the first of the Kiba's blades sailing straight past her, her right hand slipped the chisa from its hilt and as she ducked underneath, the brilliant white blade flashed out and hooked underneath the tooth of the Kiba rendering the blade useless for the moment. Following up, Haru flattened her palm, using her Kekkai Genkai to solidify the bones in her hand and focusing her chakra, she slammed her palm into Suzukages midriff- generating enough force to send him flying , shattering the tree trunk he happened to make contact with.

As she did so, Suzukage brought the right blade of the Kiba around, grimacing at the pain surfacing in his abdomen, the blade's tooth caught Haru on the right thigh, slicing through and causing her to audibly scream as lightning coursed through her body.

She dropped to one knee, her breath coming in short, ragged gasps as she fought the electrical currents that coursed through her body.

This would have to be finished soon, she was running low on chakra having not rested herself in several days. She'd not even been able to take the day Ryou had granted her off.

One, two, definitely three ribs broken.

This was turning out to be more troublesome than Suzukage initially anticipated. She seemed to be worth the price paid for her. It would be so much easier to take her in dead, however his client specified that he was to bring her in while she was still breathing and he didnt really care to find out the consequences. She hadnt had the time to prepare like he'd had however and it was obvious that the girl was running low of chakra- she was running on borrowed time.

Suzukage got to his feet once more, spitting thenblood from his mouth, the blades of the Kiba twirling in his hands as he began to walk back towards her, his scarlet eyes shining dangerously in the moonlight

(@Seireitei and I co-wrote this sequence)​

@Solemn Jester @Sinister Clown


Tremki Kaguya, The Angel Of Bones; Konohagakure Village

There was no time to react, being almost certain that Suzukage wouldn't notice Tremki coming his way turned out to be exactly what happened and within what felt like time slowing down, but was really done within a matter of moments Suzukage appeared on a branch below the current one he was one. Using Tremki's position mid-air to his advantage, Tremki could only look down as he heard the words 'Bang' slip from Suzukage's mouth - Tremki had already heard about Suzukage before and knew all about the Shinobi's explosion release. So when he heard such a thing, Tremki's first reaction was to get in the most defensive position he possibly could to withstand the blast shooting out at him.

Bringing his arms up to his chest in a cross like fashion as he ducked his head in with his legs, almost going into a small ball as the explosion blasts seemingly right passed Tremki - the shot was practically at point blank and any evasion was impossible for Tremki at the time, and as a result Tremki was sent flying in the air. Once exiting the smoke created from the explosion, his defensive position was also slightly accomponied by several bone plated spikes retracting out of his skin, the bone let off some smoke as black stains appeared on the surface. Tremki's mask had a slight crack in it but wasn't that overly damaged. Tremki's clothing however became singed at the edges and he knew that after everything was over some of the money Tremki would earn would go towards getting his attire patched up nicely. The wind at his back felt rather cool compared to the burning sensation that was present on his torso at and arms. It was a good thing that Tremki was who he was, and had a thick plating of bone underneath his actual skin for occassions like these. In most normal conditions Tremki would believe that attack could have been possibly fatal at such a close range.

Attempting to do handsigns, it was to no avail when suddenly a giant bird cast it's shadow over the forest and a man jumping down aiming for a drop kick towards Tremki. Although he was able to notice this time, being in the position he was there was very little Tremki could do to get himself out of this one while in mid air and facing the wrong way.
'Another? I was never told about another shinobi?" he thought to himself a mere second before Sosuke came close enough to kick Tremki down. Only to find bones retracting out from him back at random intervals, although Tremki planned on using his Shikutsumyaku as only a last resort, the fact another Shinobi had made it into the midst of things only made matters more troubling. Since Sosuke and Tremki were both in mid air, there was little either could do to manuver their position or get out of the way of any incoming attacks. This made Tremki confident that the bones coming from his back and spine would be enough to either counter the Shinobi's attack - or even better impale right through the shinobi. It was at this time, Tremki continued to perform hand-signs until he noticed someone in the distance fighting off Suzukage. Tremki never noticed any other's earlier but after a bit of examination the woman came into view and it was clearly Haru. 'Why would she got right towards the man who wants to kidnap her?' he thought to himself as if believing the woman made a stupid move. Finishing his hand-signs he spoke "Shadow Clone Jutsu~" he let out with a montoned voice as a group of ten clones of Tremki appeared in sequence - all ten of them aiming to aid Haru in her fight and attempted to help Haru take down Suzukage through surroundings the Shinobi and attempting to strike at random intervals.

This was done in order to try keep Suzukage busy with Haru and his clones while Tremki dealt with the Shinobi who had just arrived from the sky. Turning his head back behind him - whether or not Tremki landed the first blow when Sosuke attempted to jump down and drop kick Tremki and instead getting hit or impaled by the bones instead Tremki knew that the Shinobi would still be in a condition to fight on - especially if they were in league with Tremki's current target. Once setting his empty gaze towards Sosuke, his facial expressions being covered by his now cracked wolf mask he asked Sosuke while raising his left hand up slightly "And just who are you..?" his tone was rather dark and seemed to be purposefully different from normal, his voice seemed deeper and much more chaotic than normal. This was all apart of the wolf mask get up however, Tremki knew that a voice was often a good way to identify the identifiable so altering his voice was the safest option to go with.

@Seireitei @Solemn Jester @Mezzaluna @Santeru Ishumari @Hanjizoe

Sosuke rebounded off of Tremki unfortunately getting stabbed through the leg by the sharp objects protruding from Tremkis body.He looked at his injury for a bit then it slowly began to heal. His cold calculating eyes pierced into Tremki as he landed on a branch just opposite of him."How can this be...you...I....the Kaguya are suppose to be all dead." Sosuke said slightly bewildered. Then he look his head slightly before speaking again in a clear voice, ignoring the shadow clones."So how are you alive, and why are you working with the leaf?" Sosuke asked his gaze fixed on Tremki. @Sinister Clown
Ryu had.....completely fallen asleep. Xe had really tried not to this time, though, really! But there was just something about mangoes that could put xir into a food coma. Probably because they tasted great. Anyways, when xe woke up, xe realized something; xe had to meet up with Sosuke. Now.

".....CRAP!" Ryu screamed, hitting xir head on a branch (xe had been lounging in a tree for the past hour). Xe let out a small squeak of pain, then scampered over to the gates of Hidden Leaf and out into the forest. Only to see that Sosuke was battling someone. A.....Kaguya....? Aren't they supposed to be dead?! Ryu blinked then stepped back a bit, hiding behind a tree. Xe wasn't going to get involved in this. Unless xe would get something good out of it. Xe only yawned and took a bite out of xir mango, watching this fight as though it were a particularly interesting play.

@Solemn Jester @Sinister Clown
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Kiari followed Sosuke as they he headed towards the main gate. They were meant to wait for the rest of their members and head to the sand. The kinoichi didn't know what for and she didn't particularly care. She was thinking and planning her next move. Sadly the young woman didn't have a lot of options right now. The best she could do was stick with this group for the moment.

Her train of thought broke when she noticed a white haired man, carrying a mask in his hand. He was a peculiar one. He was pale like those you see from the mist village. Sosuke seemed to have noticed him too. He told Kiari to get the other members and head for the sand without him. She glared at him but nodded. He then used a summoning to travel and Kiari watched him fly off into the distance. The kinoichi then headed back into the Leaf to search for her comrades.


Santeru Ishumari "The Crimson Moon"
Santeru stood up straight looking around for a moment as small whips of smoke came off his boots and the ground he had landed on so many events just happened at once it was taking him a moment to register what had just happened. Noticing that the intended target of this entire calamity was merely a few feet away from him he sighed realizing he had just gotten involved without meaning to "Perhaps I over shot the landing just a bit.." He smirked.

He stood in-between all members of the current fighting group and he promptly placed his hands inside his pockets taking a relaxing stance, and attempting to act as though he didn't just appear. Very slowly he shuffled towards the edge of this triangle and his hopes were to just walk away but then a dissatisfied grunt game from within and Santeru knew Matatabi wasn't going to just let this one go if he walked.

He raised his head as so the rest could see his face and smiled confidently at the group "Alright lads, let's see if we can slow this down a bit." he said attempting to keep his low voice in a friendly tone but from the looks of the damage done this fight was getting very serious very quickly. "Perhaps we should establish a greeting with one another? Go around and say your name and occupation?" This was fool-hearty but he just wanted to gather some information before either assisting or leaving.


Suzukage; Forests of Konoha
"Tch. What's with all the interruptions?"

Suzukage's eyes narrowed as he scanned the surrounding group of clones that had appeared in the midst of his battle with the girl; the situation was no longer amusing to say the least and not worth quite as much trouble as previously thought.

The right blade of the Kiba flashed as he twirled it between his fingers, the blade easily sliding back into its hilt strapped to his lower back before he slid his now free hand into his hair- scratching furiously a look of obvious annoyance on his face.

Leaving that particular clone behind had taken a lot of effort on his part- a jutsu currently under his development, it allowed him to create a clone who acted as an exact body double. By transferring his own chakra into the earth clone, he was capable of making a clone almost indistinguishable from his physical self. This of course required a huge amount of chakra on his part, most of which went straight into the clone itself and as such, he'd been fighting with half his strength up until now.

He took a moment to examine his person; his vest was torn and soaked in blood, exposing his right shoulder and he was yet to regain the use of his right eye. If you added in the three ribs he'd suspected he'd broken and the possibility of something internal, the prospects of this working in his favour seemed slim.

That last hit would have done him in if it wasn't for the specially crafted midriff protector he wore, the force itself was enough to crack it exterior which was designed to withstand some of his most powerful explosive material.

Was that the Shikotsumyaku?

Suzukage had heard of the Kekkai Genkai that was rumoured to have run through the blood of the Kaguya- however considering that the ability was rare even within the clan and the fact that the Mizukage later had them annihilated- he'd never seen it for himself. Through his observations, Suzukage concluded that she had, so far used none of the feared bone manipulating abilities present within wielders of this impressive bloodline limit.

That theory only applied to what he could see with his eyes, leaving the possibility that she had manipulated the strength of the bones underneath the skin rather than opting for a direct piercing attack.

This new arrival seemed similar to the girl, although upon first look that could have been put down to their similar hair colours. A mask covered his face after all, obscuring any view of the strange assailants face.

Sighing, Suzukage placed a hand on his hip, supporting his weight as he leaned forward, the left blade of Kiba pointing at one of Tremki's clones;

"who are you?"

@Sinister Clown


Ashura Magatama


Ashura had just decided to leave at this point. He was never going to have the chance to speak to his Hokage when the others were just standing around. He wasn't happy but that couldn't be helped. He had to get home for his parents were probably worried for him.

Speaking of which, something was amiss. His parents were retired shinobi but they would have been more than capable to retrieve him were he in trouble. They hadn't come for him...

He made it to the house and gently slid the door open."Oi!" He called out, his parents knew him by voice....no one.

Something in his gut twisted. Dread was taking over his body but they just carried him forward. A distinct coppery smell filled his nostrils and made his eyes burn the closer he got to their bedroom. He swallowed down his fear for the moment, then slid open the door..

Horror filled his senses. Two mangled bodies were in his parent's bed. Limbs torn from them in a brutal manner. He was too shocked to speak, too shocked to move...there they were...his parents...

Gone...taken away from him...

Not knowing what else to do, he shakingly called the emergency center but let it ring, sliding into a sitting position right outside of the bedroom.

'Hello, this is the emergency service..'

When Ashura didn't answer, the phone continued.



'Sending emergency units now, please hold on...'


Where am I? His home

What am I doing? Sitting

How am I feeling? Traumatised

Ooc: Things are going to get a little more real.



Tremki Kaguya, The Angel Of Bones; Konohagakure Village

Tremki only stood there, allowing the wind to keep passing through as he focused his gaze on Sosuke and although Sosuke wouldn't see it, Tremki was grinning underneath the wolf mask he had been wearing. 'This guy...' he thought to himself for a moment, this stranger seemed to have noticed what Tremki was and even more went on to mention them as if he knew something. The shock in his eyes didn't lie either - it was almost sure that this man, whoever he was..Had a hand in the complete annihilation of his Clan. This couldn't be ignored - and as the clones fled to Suzukage's position the area appeared to leave only Tremki & Sosuke in the midst. At the moment, Tremki was too worried about finding out more about the man he completely let down his guard from his surroundings not even noticing the other stranger not far away hiding behind a tree. Tremki slid out his kunai and sliced it across the air making an odd whistling sound through the air as he brang his arm back to his side and got into a fairly low and fighting position.

"I'm the one asking questions.." he said again in the same 'alias' voice as before "What do you know about the Kaguya Clan? That's the only important question and.." switching the way he held his kunai to backhand in almost an instant he also used his free hand to quickly slide back to his pouch taking out a senbon needle and tossing it towards Sosuke's direction, the speed of his hand movements were almost blinding with speed however this came with the expense of it being thrown fairly slow - Tremki was hoping the Senbon's small size would make up for that, although one senbon wouldn't do much on it's own Tremki planned on aiming for the heart - if Sosuke didn't notice it hitting him due to the small pain he'd recieve Tremki could later on use the senbon to his advantage at one point. That was the idea at least "You
might get out of this forest alive." he finished his sentence after making the quick sequence of hand movements hoping Sosuke wouldn't notice them, but whether or not Sosuke realized his question's wouldn't be answered he would soon find out the reality of Tremki's intentions. 'Now I'm trying to hit three birds with one stone..My feeling about today being interesting was right after all.' he thought to himself, finding it hard to hold back a playful chuckle to his amusement of the dire situation he always loved placing himself in.

@femjapanriceball (Mentioned)

~Tremki's Clones Position (In other words, this part is going to be directed towards @Seireitei & @Mezzaluna )~

As the clones gathered in the area, one became isolated as Suzukage pointed towards it - the Clone's head turning and making very little movement and in fact it didn't seem to want to speak at all. "The Golden rule is silence~" the clone said in a dark, chaotic tone which resembled the 'alias' voice which Tremki puts on when going under the identity of his mercenary title 'Night Wolf'. After the clone spoke, it faced itself towards Suzukage - taking out it's wakazashi from it's back and attempting to swoop across Suzukage and slice his stomach.

While that clone did that, the remaining nine clones positioned themselves around Haru in a defensive positon - covering most angles and all having their Katana's out and aiming towards Suzukage, while the clone that was dispatched from the current group and currently swooping in to attack Suzukage the other's remained vigilent in guarding Haru - after all, Tremki's job also included protecting Haru from being captured by Suzukage.

(Clone count: 10/10 - I'm going to use this so we can keep track of how many are left or gone)



Santeru Ishumari "The Crimson Moon"
Santeru sighed his voice seemed to only get carried away into the sea of emotions inside this dense little forest, in-between Tremki and Suzukage he let a exasperated breath leave him as he walked away from the two. Whatever was to happen next didn't need to involve him and he preferred it stayed that way, he had observed Tremki before leaving and far more than a lust for money was within his eyes. The storm of revenge burned inherently deep in him and Santeru didn't intend to be around when he starts to drown.

He moved through the trees attempting to find his way to the edge of this battle ground seeing as he had no intent to remain here, Matatabi didn't appear to resist him this time and seemed to even encourage the departure. Eventually he found the path stepping make onto it he paused letting the wind roll through the trees and move his coat, a perplexed look settled as his expression as it dawned on him that perhaps he was lost. He now had the dilemma of wandering in the wrong direction or sitting around and being bored.

After a few minutes of pondering a squad of looked to be Anbu passed through one taking notice stopped, it was someone from his clan sent to check on his progress and to simply make sure he wasn't wasting time. Instead of conveying words Santeru simply stripped his jacket and dress shirt giving his hat along with the other articles of clothing over to his clansman. The clansman understood taking off with the clothes and leaving Santeru in his casual attire.


He looked back over the treeline where the multiple occasions of violence were taking place, he was now dressed for battle and had no excuse. He returned in-between Tremki and Suzukage his necklaces jingling as he came to a stop he stood up his crimson eyes glossing over them both "Alright, now let's try this again."

@Sinister Clown



Hatsuharu; Forests of Konoha
The ground seemed to be coming in and out of focus, everything seemed to be spinning ever so slightly around her. She'd wasted too much chakra, and she had begun feeling exhausted from the previous days spent travelling. Still down on one knee, she lifted her head to take in the changing situation.

Suzukage had been seperated from her and seemed to be in a confrontation with a masked male- who upon further inspection seemed vaguely familiar.

She herself was also surrounded by further clones, and Haru found herself thankful for the tangle of ivory hair that shielded most of her face from view.

She took a moment to check herself over; her right pant leg had been torn open, exposing the skin of her thigh and the deep gash left behind by Suzukages blade Kiba. Her favourite kimono had been ruined with only the right sleeve remaining, its normally delicate edges singed and smoldering from their battle, her left side was exposed right to her midriff and she was very thankful of the crop she wore underneath her usual attire.

She was unsure as to how this had happened to start off with; she was certain she'd stayed ahead of him making sure to manuevour him in such a way that he ended up chasing his own shadow for a moment.

Yet somehow, he'd seen through and countered all of her plans- he'd been waiting for her here all along.

It was never part of the plan to end up in direct conflict, she hadnt even ascertained what he wanted with her.

It had been years since Haru last me Suzukage; he'd been training under his mentor, the previous Tsuchikage at the time and had yet to make his debut for the Explosive Corps. Haru had still lived with the Mizukages advisors then and as such, to satiate the ego's of their respective villages, the two children were pitted against each other. Suzukage had come a long way since then, and Haru was a dramatically different person to her childhood self.

Seeing as the clones seemed to be there for her protection, Haru set about applying basic medical treatment to the worst of her injuries, uttering a silent thanks to her Kekkai Genkai as she applied the Shikotsumyaku to the various fractures in her skeletal structure she'd acquired through her battle with Suzukage.

Keeping her identity secret seemed to be the least of her concerns.

@Seireitei @Sinister Clown

@Seireitei[/URL] & @Mezzaluna )~

As the clones gathered in the area, one became isolated as Suzukage pointed towards it - the Clone's head turning and making very little movement and in fact it didn't seem to want to speak at all. "The Golden rule is silence~" the clone said in a dark, chaotic tone which resembled the 'alias' voice which Tremki puts on when going under the identity of his mercenary title 'Night Wolf'. After the clone spoke, it faced itself towards Suzukage - taking out it's wakazashi from it's back and attempting to swoop across Suzukage and slice his stomach.

While that clone did that, the remaining nine clones positioned themselves around Haru in a defensive positon - covering most angles and all having their Katana's out and aiming towards Suzukage, while the clone that was dispatched from the current group and currently swooping in to attack Suzukage the other's remained vigilent in guarding Haru - after all, Tremki's job also included protecting Haru from being captured by Suzukage.

(Clone count: 10/10 - I'm going to use this so we can keep track of how many are left or gone)


Suzukage; Forest outskirts of konoha
The left fang of Kiba, the twin blades imbued with lightning and an heirloom of the Hidden Mist, seemed to dance within Suzukages hand; twirling easily between his fingers.

The blade swung downwards, the razor sharp steel shone eerily in the moonlight in an attempt to catch the clones wakizashi in the tooth of the blade.

The odds were certainly not in his favor; the thought brought a flash of annoyance to his face and he began to contemplate negotiating a peaceful resolution to the situation.

This mission was almost over; all the performers were in place albeit a few more extra's than he'd have liked but that couldnt be helped. Subtlety isnt an option when a mage makes you public enemy no 1.

He flipped backwards, using his free hand in a spring like fashion in order to propel himself away from the attacking clone. His sandals skidded noisily against the rubble strewn earth as he landed approximately eight feet away; suzukage but into the thumb of his right hand, forming the handseals signifying the summoning jutsu before placing said hand on the ground where he stood.

The clone he'd left with the original Tremki emerged from the resulting cloud of smoke; an exact exact physical replica of the original Suzukage, albeit in much better physical condition.

"Tch. How disgraceful, look at the state I'm in"

Suzukage placed his hand on the shoulder of his clone; the clone itself began to disappate as a portion of his originals chakra was absorbed back into him.

Tearing a piece of his ruined clothing, Suzukage used the fabric to wipe the blood caked over his right eye- restoring most of his vision although the eye still struggled after a certain distance.

The boost in chakra had been exactly what he needed; though he could not say for certain that it was enough to take all these clones at once.

"Any chance we could perhaps, not fight each other? Its been a long day see"

@Sinister Clown


Tremki's Clones

After everything was done, the Clones ended up stopping in their position after the smoke occured. It seemed Suzukage had a fail-safe and for a moment the clones appeared to be ready to strike. However this suddenly changed once they noticed Suzukage letting his guard down - although the clones surroundings Haru remained in their original position. The clone which was out of that current group and singled out with Suzukage stood up, sheathing it's blade and acting within Tremki's place "We always give our target's a choice, we won't fight..But you must leave Konohagakure's land first." the clone said, so far these had been the first sentence the clone actually spoke to Suzukage. The other's however were different in that sense as they remained utterly silent and still.

@Mezzaluna @Seireitei

(Since me, Sol & san are working on a post together in PM I'll reply like this for the clones to keep things rolling)



Tremki Kaguya "The Angel Of Bones" & Sosuke Fumetsu

Sosuke tilted his head and gave Tremki a pestered look."Your the one asking questions? If I'm not mistaken you were just trying to attack my comrade. Then I asked you a question. But if you want the answer to what I know about the Kaguya that's fairly simple, I know the basics nothing more." Sosuke lied as he stood prepared to attack the man. If he didn't want to answer Sosuke then Sosuke would give him lies. He quickly blocked the senbon needle with his hand."Hmm that's very annoying you know." he said pulling it out and tossing it to the ground.

Tilting his head back to the other side and, shrugging his shoulder's Tremki was ready to attack Sosuke and replied "It's going to be up to him whether or not he decides to leave or dies, just like you." Tremki knew the man was lying, he wasn't stupid and was could tell by Sosuke's tone and facial expressions - it almost came by as amusing to Tremki however he continued "You know, you're a bad liar..But in your lies you've already given me an insight behind your lies. I have reason to believe you have much more to do with it then just hearing a few stories." the tone of Tremki's voice remained in it's same state and he was about to take another step forward to initiate the fight until beig interupted by the Raikage who seemed to appear seemingly out of no where and between him and Sosuke. His head motioned up towards the Raikage, for a moment he just gazed at the man who stood slightly taller than Tremki. "This is none of your business, I'm doing my job shouldn't you be taking care of your own Village?" he asked, his voice remaining in it's alias - whether or not the Raikage knew if it was Tremki behind the wolf mask or not he intended to hopefully talk the Raikage out of the area - as having a Kage involved cause easily complicate things.

@Santeru Ishumari @Solemn Jester

(Me and Sol worked together to make this post just so everyone knows)



Santeru Ishumari "The Crimson Moon"
Santeru just chuckled at the remark "Yeah perhaps I do, but that doesn't mean I don't get vacation says." he said sarcastically still standing in-between the two of them. Remaining in one spot he swayed side to side beginning to stretch his arms "However my insolence aside it appears that quite a lot of senseless and unnecessary fighting is going on in the region, though I was asked to assist in this issue I didn't make it my priority. However while I'm here I might as well see if I can calm everyone down." He smirked to Tremki before turning his head towards Sosuke the friendly expression on his face remained "Listen, I know you two must be having a lot of fun. But I think it best to pack up and go home for today. This won't be the last time you two meet I'm sure of that, but you will be getting in the way if you stick around."


Hatsuharu and Suzukage
Haru caught sight of three others in the distance, though barely visible being at quite at distance from herself, she was able to distinguish what looked like the original body of the clones that currently surrounded her.

She cursed this turn of events; the frustration evident on her face as she returned her gaze towards Suzukage and the clone that had singled him out.

Something seemed off about the whole situation; Suzukage had gone through the trouble of carefully manipulating her into the area, going to great lengths to keep her here and risking his life- and now he's backed off?

A chill ran up her spine and she shivered, there was an uneasiness in her that just wouldnt settle; something wasnt right.

About to get to her feet, a small hole appeared in the ground between her foot and the knee she had dropped to and was approximately the same size as the head of a thumbtack. This drew her attention away from the battle occuring around her, the appearance of such a thing seemed so peculiar that it was almost comical.

Before she had time to react, the hole suddenly expanded in size, opening up into what seemed like an endless black pit right beneath her- whats more, the wind that came from within seemed to pull the oxygen right out of her, leaving her unable to make even the slightest noise. The aura of this phenomenon appeared to be that of a jutsu- albeit one she'd never seen before.

From the few moments she had to comprehend the situation, she had concluded that it was unlikely that it was Suzukagge that had incited this particular jutsu.

Within seconds, Hatsuharu had disappeared without the slightest trace.

Suzukage raised his hand to his brow, shielding his eyes from the moonlight as he gazed up at the full risen moon. He knew when it was time to quit; this time the stakes were high and luck was not on his side it happened to turn out. He never said he had a deathwish after all.

It was almost time, he'd been judging the progress of things from the position of the moon in the sky and figured that the contract would be fufilled anytime now.

Procuring his pipe from the pouch on his hip, Suzukage refilled the bowl at its tip and, after placing the end between his teeth, promptly lit the contents before inhaling.

"That works for me gentlemen. I'd say my job is just about over now"

The smoke seemed to drift out from between his lips as he spoke, and his scarlet eyes drifted lazily to the side, his eyes closing midway as his attention was drawn to a phenomenon near the girls feet.

The moon was now at its peak, sitting high in the sky above them.

He wondered if anyone else would notice, lazily watching the brief look of shock on her face before she was swallowed by the hole that had expanded beneath her.

In that moment, he almost cared enough to ponder her eventual whereabouts; though the elation he'd felt at the realization of his apparent success far outweighed aby thoughts of her well being.

Having no further reason to antagonise the Leaf, Suzukage sheathed the left blade of Kiba. Taking a moment to observe his surroundings, he leapt into the nearby treeline, pausing to look back at the masked Clone;

"I'm sure we'll meet again"

The grin that spread across his face seemed genuine enough, and he bowed stiffly before disappearing into the treeline.

@Sinister Clown @Seireitei

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Ryouichi Senju

"Konoha's Fury"

Hokage's Office

As everyone began to leave, Ryouichi nodded them farewell as he placed the glass of sake that the Tsuchikage had refused onto the table nearby. Going back to stand by the window, a glass of sake in hand, another guest arrived. "Ah, Rin! Why didn't you tell me you were coming? I would've at least tidied up a bit." He chuckled as he handed the kage a drink of sake. Rin Hagane, kage of Haganegakure, the minor village not too far from the leaf and famous for their steel release techniques. "Make yourself at home we have a lot of catching up t-". It was in that moment that three ANBU nin came barging into the office, slamming the door open as they did so. However, bowing their heads, they stood there in line. Ryouichi could tell almost instantly that these three were the ANBU meant to escort Hatsuharu. Listening to what they had to say caused Ryou to clench his fist, smashing the glass of sake that was in his hand in what seemed to be with incredible ease. "She gave you the slip? You're meant to be ANBU. How could a diplomat give you the slip?". Ryouichi sighed as he then continued. "Find her, follow her chakra signature. She can't of got too far." With that the three ANBU vanished instantly and went about finding Haru, Ryou turned to Rin and smiled as he quickly began to use medical ninjutsu on his hand to get the embedded glass out of it and seal the cuts. "I'm sorry you had to witness that. Now then, where were we?"

As he said that, his mind was in another place. "You better be okay, Haru, otherwise I'll never hear the end of it." He thought. Worry was evident on his face for a moment, but he was quick to mask it.


@Mezzaluna (mentioned)
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Outcast_symbol.jpg.41d218a5dc9f99ca8c639e5af3daf69d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="122156" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Outcast_symbol.jpg.41d218a5dc9f99ca8c639e5af3daf69d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Oops forgot to add the symbol that appears)



  • Outcast_symbol.jpg
    4 KB · Views: 24


Tremki Kaguya "The Angel Of Bones" & Er?to S?gy?-sha "The Mysterious Man"

~Tremki's Clones Location~

With all clones being distracted by focusing all of their attention towards Suzukage, they all seemed to put their guard down once Suzukage seemed to plan on leaving. Little did they know that they had the one thing they needed to look after slip right underneath their noses and it wasn't until it was already too late and Suzukage left the scene that the clones would turn around to notice that Haru was missing and there was no trace of her going anywhere, figuring that Suzukage was the cause only added onto the irratation of the event. After this happened, nine of all ten clones seemed to 'pop' if a puff of smoke, only the original being left behind which in the matter of a few moments used body flicker technique to relocate towards Tremki's actual location..

@Solemn Jester @Alphaius @WrathSama17 @Reminiscent @gogojojo331


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