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Fandom Naruto: Shinsekaichitsujo - Lore

Ketsueki Clan

The Ketsueki are a clan of natural born warriors that originated from the Village hidden in the Mist. They have been around for a long time but kept their devices to thereself until needed by their lord. They migrated to Kumogakure after the slaughtering of the Kaguya clan. They feared that a similar fate might befall them, due to their need for battle.

The clans founder was a woman named Ketsueki, meaning blood. She possessed both water style and iron style chakra natures. She eventually grew to develop the blood style technique by control the iron that resides in the blood as wall as its liquid properties. She was the first to use this technique and developed it in more ways before passing it on to her children.

The first and most basic of the blood style technique is called Blood manipulation. This technique allows the user full control of their blood. They can shape it, make it as hard as steel and much more. The most basic and easily used form of this is to have the blood as an enhancement for one body. For example: one can will their blood to form a gauntlet for the arm. Or maybe even boots made for smashing boulders. If the user has mastered this, they can will their blood to form around a sword to increase effectiveness or even create a spear of hardened blood. One can even create an entire being. The possibilities are only limited by imagination. However anything that isn't directly in contact with the user's body are much more draining and causes blood loss. Death is a high possibility if one isn't careful.

The second technique of the blood style is known as Adrenaline Manipulation. By increasing the rate at which blood is pumped from the heart, one can will their adrenaline to sky rocket, increasing, strength, speed, awareness, agility and reflexes. They're are three levels to this technique. The first, x3 gives the user the three times their normal strength. The only drawback is fatigue. The second, x6 gives the user strength that rivals a Jinjuuriki with a 5 tailed cloak. This causes the user to start coughing up blood and experience heavy dizziness as well as fatigue. The final stage allows the user to rival the 8 inner gates. Their are two ways one can die from this. The user's blood vessels get so full of blood that they pop, eventually allowing the weight of the blood to crush his organs and drown him from the inside, or death from a simple heart attack. Either way, death is certain.

The last and final technique of the blood style, is blood contamination. By one's own blood blood come into contact with any other source of blood, one can manipulate that source of blood as well. Even if the blood is old and dried the user's blood can refresh it. This ability takes an extream amount of chakra and concentration. Mastery is near impossible.

They're have been very few who've mastered all three techniques. Only the elit can master two. Ketsueki and her three children were the first ones to master all three. That was long ago. Now there is said to be no one who can master all three techniques. So its said...

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