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Fandom Naruto Seiten

Konohagakure[/URL]. They specialise in mind related techniques, and they own and run a flower shop in the village. The members of this clan specialise in mind-centred techniques which makes them experts at intelligence gathering, espionage and ultimately interrogation. They have also displayed sensory abilities and their techniques include transferring consciousness, reading minds and communicating telepathically. The flower symbol of this clan is the bush clover which symbolises a "positive love".[1] Most members of the Yamanaka clan wear their hair in a long ponytail, which appears to be traditional.

Rank: Genin

Chakra Nature: Fire







For the most part Haruto is the average fifteen year old, curious, innocent, and as happy as can be. The child is always on the roam, looking for new things to see and new people to meet. While new things carry a level of caution for most, Haruto charges head first into new experiences with a true love for the feeling. At most times Haruto is pleasant, a person who looks around and sees good in almost every person, place, or thing.

The only time Haruto isn't his loving self, well, bring up his ninja prowess or his bloodline and you'll see. When something turns Haruto temper sour, which happens due to the many buttons that can be pushed, he turns into a cocky debater to rebut every insult thrown his way. While he is in no way rude, Haruto can be seen as confident to the extreme.

All in all Haruto is a kind individual, the first to comment on how nice the day is or comment on your new hairstyle that no one else has noticed. He is also curious, naive, and innocent to a fault. When he is not sweet Haruto, Haruto is cocky and confident; expressing his powers in words and actions.




Theme Song:




Common Ninja Tools:

1. Shuriken and Kunai

2. Explosive Tags

3. Smoke Bombs


1. Studded Knuckles- With the "Gentle Fist" being the primary fighting technique of the Hyuga clan, it would be assumed that Haruto would know this as well. Sadly, with the distance between the Hyuga Clan and his family, Haruto had to learn his own version. This would become known to him as "Destructive Fist", where the studded knuckles on his gloves are an amplifier of his attacks at chakra points.



Ample at Close, Medium, and Long Range Attacks.

Can be used in many different situations, very versatile.

Part of two prestigious clans


Naive, innocent, and curious, all to a point that could get him in danger

Bloodline and short temper make him an easy target to anger

No practical training with his two bloodlines, leading to a lacking of use in his hidden jutsus


Special Traits:

Can use both the Byakugan and Yamanaka's mind jutsus

Has own form of "Gentle Fist"

High levels of chakra, but little jutsus known


Kekkei Genkai:



Traits/Abilities of Kekkei Genkai:

The Byakugan gives the user a near 360º field of vision, except for one blind spot at the back of the neck above the first thoracic vertabrae. The range of this vision varies between users and in fact can be improved with training. Its vision can penetrate through most solid objects and obstructions, though certain barriers may distort the Byakugan's perception somewhat. The Byakugan is also able to more effectively follow high-speed movements to better react to them. In the anime, the Byakugan is shown magnifying in on small targets and seeing infared to detect a target's body heat.


Canon Jutsu:

Mind Body Transmissions Technique-

While this technique is applicable to any degree of ninja, it varies in effectiveness. Haruto can only use it with one to two people with ease, or three without causing any injury on himself. Distance also plays a factor, but it varies depending on how many people being affected and at the distance with all of them.

Mind Body Transmission Technique

Palm Bottom

Palm Bottom





Character Sheet


"Have you ever seen such a wondrous ninja as us!? I think not, as we are the best!"


Name: Isaka Hao Rasa

Nickname/Alias: Isa or Hao

Gender: Male/Female

Age and date of birth: 14/ June 1st

Age Appearance: 12 to 14

Sexuality: Pansexual

Parents: Irutomi Rasa and Omatu Rasa

Length and build: 5'6" or 1.65 Meters, Lean

Weight: 100 Pounds

Favorite weather and season:

"Oh, how we love the Spring showers! It makes our clothes stick, our hair wet, and our metal shiny. It's quite the sight that we love!"


Village: Konogakure

Birthplace: Konogakure

Organization: Shinobi Forces


A lineage started after the famous third Kazekage and fourth Kazekage's ability of Magnet Release. None of the members are related to either Kazekage's, but the eldest members witnessed the prowess of the third Kazekage, and the now elder of the clan saw the beauty and strength of the fourth; it was this gold that solidified the clan following to have aspirations to find another ninja with affinity for the Magnet Release. Sadly, after years of not being able to find a child with this power, they turned to experimentation.

Whether it be exposing the womb to metal, placing the ninja in solitude with metal as their only friend, or intense physical, emotional, and mental torture to make them awaken their "divine power". By the fifth Kazekage's rein, the group's test had finally reached ears of the village. They were stopped, but not before one of their test had been a success. Now the clan, not bloodline in any sense, is just a bad memory in the village's history.

Rank: Genin

Chakra Nature:




((I'll probably update this later, rushed version.))

Isaka is confused, in a good way of course. Often referred to as weird, crazy, or both, Isaka is generally looked down upon for their off-the-wall personality. In all honesty Isaka is crazy, but in a harmless way for the most part. They're ridiculously confident, always boasting of their abilities and ninja prowess. And, if it isn't apparent, Isaka refers to themselves as "we" or "us" in a way that is a bit weird, but cute once you get used to it.

All in all Isaka is a person you'll never truly understand, whether it be why their so confident or how their mood can swing so quickly, but they're still a person many people find some fun within.



After the disbanding of the "Magnet Followers", Isaka was left to their own devices at a young age. The torture, which wasn't necessary as they was born with Magnet Release that they overlooked, left Isaka believing it was not a he/she, but a we. The power within them so sought after that the abuse left them believing it was another entity to be cherished inside her. While it possesses no special powers as if to be different from any other, the torture left her believing differently.

But again, the disbanding of the "Magnet Followers" left Isaka with many bad memories and no home. Thus, the Kazekage sent them to Konogakure to live until they were ready to return home. Sadly they found this village to their liking and deciding to stay away from the horrifying memories.

Theme Song:




Common Ninja Tools-

1. Shuriken and Kunai

2. Pouches of different metals



Varied Ninjutsu user

Unpredictable in and out of combat

Unorthodox methods of combat

Great fighter at Close to Medium


Special Traits

Mental prowess is very strained

Highly sensitive to their history

Long Range Combat is weak


Kekkei Genkai:


Traits/Abilities of Kekkei Genkai:

Magnet Release (磁遁, Jiton, Viz: Magnet Style) is a combined nature transformation kekkei genkai suggested to be made up of techniques that mix wind and earth-based chakra to create magnetic forces in different properties and usages. Shinobi of Sunagakure, Kumogakure and Ishigakure have possessed this kekkei genkai.



((I'll make these up if voted on!))


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Rentition said:
ISAKA!!! always go for traps. though thats probably not good to say, being a shinobi.
Oh my god...*shakes head in shame*

Like this*

Night everyone! See you all on the morrow. *Hugs Renti-chan* night lady ^_^ we'll play more games tomorrow.
Okay can someone give me the overview and/or a link to where this vote is? Since I'm apparently in the vote I should start by figuring out what it actually is.
I believe I'm finished. Please feel free to instruct me of any change :)

Also I vote for Haruto xD

oh and one more thing, will we be given the opportunity to learn techniques? I'm hoping to RP as my character to learn some new justus and skills.
[QUOTE="Dai tenshi]Well in the long run we aren't accepting your character.

...Sensei? (:'()
What I mean is that we aren't the one who decides to accept your character or not. The decision isn't ours. Sorry about the way I worded that.

Also I am not sure my character will be your character's sensei
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[QUOTE="Dai tenshi]What I mean is that we aren't the one who decides to except your character or not. The decision isn't ours. Sorry about the way I worded that.
Also I am not sure my character will be your character'set sensei

Ok ok, that really scared me. That was the first thing I saw this morning and I was like "WHAT!? xc"

And I know what you mean about that. I sure hope they will, but I've been a little late on the characters. I think she might make an exception given that two Hyugas on one team would be a little excessive, but who knows?

How is everyone's morning?
Sorry I didn't mean to do that to you. It was a typo. When I typed that I was half asleep as well. Well I think my team will be given a hyuga and the other on another team. I can't say for sure though.

Plus mate I don't have gm powers. All I do is tell team 13 what missions we have and help the genin grow stronger. All the other complicated gm stuff is onewayouts.
Just realized the votes evened out, so I'm just waiting for TAC and One.


Hellkite said:
How long do we all think it'll be until we can get this rp on the road? :D
It should be soon, since there are enough characters to start with two teams; which was the goal.

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