Naruto: Seal Of Fate [Sign-Up]

Hadrian Dark

Junior Member
There are no rules to this sign up. It can be as over-powered as you want it to be. Be as creative as you can while staying in the naruto theme. Tailed-Beasts are available except for four, The 1st Ichibi, The 3rd Sanbi, The 6th Rokubi, and The 8th Hachibi. The rest are yours for the taking. If you want full control over them in the beginning that's your choice. Be as creative as you can and as reasonable as you want to be. The point is to be creative. Having every single jutsu in the world won't make you powerful, it's how and when you use them that count. No Approval will be needed for this role-play, simply make your character sheet and join in on the fun.











The following character sheet will be the villain of the role-play and his abilities will only be briefly described.

Name: Zenaku Uzumaki

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Country: Land Of Whirlpools [uzumaki Clan]

Rank: Unknown

Element: All

Abilities: Zenaku being an elite member of the Uzumaki Clan is very experienced in using seals. Aside from that he is a master in chakra control. His ability to control chakra is so advanced and unique he can do almost anything with the right amount of chakra. He has a wide range of chakra abilites from sensing others to using his chakra as a weapon. His most powerful technique is his Chakra Sealing jutsu which allows him to steal another person's entire chakra pool. This technique takes a full five minutes for him to do, and then he has to wait five more minutes before he can do it again. With this technique he steals others chakra and seals it on his body giving him a vast amount of chakra to use. Once a person's chakra pool is sealed they can never regain the chakra unless they find a way to break the corresponding seal on his body. The chakra pool acts like it would in it's origional person's body, meaning after using the chakra it will regenerate after a set amount of time. Zenaku can only open a few seals at the time because his body wouldn't be able to control all the chakra and it will consume him alive. Some techniques will require him to destroy one of his seals, and if he destroys the seal of someone still alive, they will regain their chakra.



Weapons: He carries a simple broadsword with him for close range combat.

Bio: Zenaku was born and raised in The Land of Whirpools, home of the Uzumaki Clan. He learned all his sealing techniques through the Uzumaki Clan. Zenaku however grew to be a child full of hatred. He did not agree with his clans idea of isolationism which required them to stay out of worldly affairs. He felt that the world deserved to be punished for the selfish acts of warfare they committed and in time even began to feel the same way about his clan. As he grew he became one of the clan's most elite ninja's, corrupt with the thought the world should pay for it's selfishness, he decided he would be god's warrior and punish the world, leaving his village on a mission of redemption.

Name: Hokori, Haseo

Gender: Male


Land of Fire


Earth & Lightning (Gravity element capabilities) & Fire (Glass element capabilities)



Armor of Earth - After performing the correct hand seals, Haseo's whole body hardens, providing a powerful defense from attacks directed at his body. This also strengthens his striking ability, creating more power to damage his enemies with.

Earth Flow River - After performing the correct hand seals, a river of mud appears beneath the enemies feet.

Earth Dragon Projectile - After performing the correct hand seals, a dragon is formed from the river of mud created after using Earth Flow River. Haseo can use the dragon to spew out mud projectile attacks.

Earth Style Split - After performing the right hand seals, Haseo places his hands on the ground and it rises up in front of him and splits down the middle. It stops parting once he lifts his hand up off the ground.

Earthen Rising Spears - After performing the correct hand seals, Haseo makes larges spears of stone rise up from the ground to pierce his enemy.

Mole Hiding Technique - Haseo uses this technique to burrow under ground and travel freely under the earth. A technique that's especially helpful in fleeing from the enemies or springing a surprise attack upon them.

Rising Earth Technique - After performing the correct hand seals, Haseo places his hands on the ground and whatever area he's concetrating on rises up into the sky. It stops rising once he takes his hands off the ground.

Fire Dragon Flame Projectile
- After performing the correct hand seals, Haseo expels a stream of fire from his mouth toward his enemies. He can also use this jutsu to ignite his Earth Dragon Projectiles on fire.

Phoenix Fireball Barrage - After performing the correct hand seals, Haseo expels fire the form of a giant phoenix. The phoenix then begins to let out a barrage of large fireballs at the enemy.

Great Dragon Fireball - After performing the correct hand seals, Haseo can expel a large dragon created of fire toward his enemy.

Lightning Clone - After performing the correct hand seals, Haseo creates a clone made of electricity. The clone operates the same way a Shadow Clone would, but once this particular clone is hit it poofs and electricity spirals around the enemy to damage them.

Lightning Body Spears - After performing the correct hand seals, Haseo can emit spears of lightning from his body that pierce the enemy. Particularly useful in close combat.

Gravitational Weight Multiplier - Without the need of hand seals, Haseo can multiply the weight of anything he touches. This makes it difficult for the opponent to counter attack anything after they've been hit with this jutsu. Clones made are unaffected by this jutsu unless they're hit with it. (Clones made before or after the jutsu strikes the original target)

Gravitation Airspace Destruction - After performing the correct hand seals, Haseo can temporarily decrease the gravity in a space he targets. This creates opportunities where his attacks and jutsu increase exponentially in speed, making it a deadly jutsu to combat. Note: He can also use this jutsu to increase the gravity in a space, to slow down his opponents attacks.

Gravitation Force Defense - After performing the correct hand seals, Haseo can push anything away that's in his path. This includes jutsu, weapons, and even an oncoming enemy. This particular jutsu tires Haseo out quickly, so he can only use it a few times per battle.

Gravitational Attraction Technique - After performing the correct hand seals, Haseo can draw objects and persons alike toward himself. This makes him much more deadly to unsuspecting enemies, and gives him a bit of an element of surprise.

Glass Kunai Barrage - After performing the correct hand seals, Haseo creates a large glass wall in front of him that expels razor sharp glass kunai at his enemy.

Glass Defense Technique - Without the need of hand seals, Haseo can create an outer exterior of glass on his body that gives off his normal appearance. This outer glass acts as a defense and takes the brunt of an oncoming attack. Upon being striked, the glass shatters into millions of pieces and starts to impale the enemy in the spot that came in contact with the glass.

Glass Spear Technique - After performing the correct handseals, Haseo creates a large glass spear that comes up from under his opponent to pierce them. He can also make the spear come out of his body, rather than the ground, making this a sneaky jutsu in close combat.

Glass Vestige - This is a sensor-type jutsu Haseo created using his glass element manipulation. He spreads a thin, see-through layer of glass around an area he wants, such as all around the outskirts of Konoha; if someone steps on the layer of glass, it immediately alerts Haseo telepathically that someone has entered the area, giving him information about the enemies chakra pool and telling him exactly where they are.

Obsidian Scatter Shot - After performing the correct hand seals, Haseo's left arm transforms into a sleeky black color and large obsidian spikes protrude from it. After the end of the arm, where his hand was, a large circular knob is replaced there, with a large hole in the middle. A spike sinks back into his arm, and he shoots it out of the knob at the end of his left arm, splitting into tiny little pins before making contact with the enemy. These little pins tear at the flesh and go directly for the cells, potentially destroying the targets use of chakra if they hit the right place. Haseo uses this until all of the spikes on his arm are used up, a total of six.

Obsidian Castle Technique - Taking his ability to manipulate the Glass element even further, he forms hand seals to create a large fortification around a space he focuses on made of black Obsidian. This proves to be his strongest defense against attacks, allowing him to defend himself and others inside the fortification. Note: With the use of significantly more chakra, Haseo can fortify large spaces that span the distance of even a village.

Obsidian Flesh Technique - Similar to his Armor of Earth technique, he uses this to protect his body from oncoming attacks, or to make his own hits much more destructive. This technique is much more powerful than his basic Armor of Earth technique, making it highly difficult to take Haseo down when he has this jutsu active. His skin turns to a black obsidian color to signify the change after he performs the hand seals; this gives off a frightful appearance to most enemies, giving him the advantage to possibly lead by fear.

Obsidian Scar - After performing the correct hand seals, Haseo places his hands on the ground and changes the landscape to obsidian rock. Obsidian spikes and crevices form all over the terrain, possibly catching the enemy off guard to get pierced or to fall in a crevice. The terrain gives Haseo a major advantage, as well, because he can touch the obsidian and form weapons out of it. This is also a continuous jutsu where the obsidian spikes continue to spit up from beneath the ground until Haseo cancels the jutsu. This makes it a jutsu Haseo can only rely on in one-on-one battles, otherwise he risks hurting his comrades. A very risky jutsu to use for himself, as well, if he doesn't have Obsidian Flesh activated, otherwise the spikes may kill him too upon impact. ***Note: If the spikes do make impact with Haseo while he has Obsidian Flesh activated, the spikes act as a restoration jutsu to the Obsidian Flesh if it has taken any damage, and making it stronger each time the spikes hit the armor. ***

***Note: Obsidian is a further and more advanced manipulation of the glass element. ***


N/A (Has minor difficulty breaking out of genjutsu~)


Lariat - Haseo stretches out one of his arms, sending chakra to that area, then rushes to his opponent and throws them back with the outstretched arm. The pure destructive power of this technique is enough to even decapitate someone if aimed right for the neck.

Mark of Duality - Focusing most of his chakra to his legs and feet, Haseo increases his speed by a wide margin; also increasing the destructive power of his kicks. He can use the destructive power to his advantage, slamming his foot on the ground, making a crater all around him and sending a powerful shockwave around the terrain to damage his enemy.

Heel Hammer - After focusing chakra to his heels, Haseo gets close to his enemy, spins in the air, and unleashes a combination of blows to the enemy via his heels. Only destructive enough to damage the area where the enemy is hit.

Almighty Fist - Haseo focuses chakra to one of his fists, which he can use to severely damage his enemy with if they're stricken. Powerful enough to stop someone from beathing if hit in the right place.

VERY skilled and talented in close quarters combat. He's a master of the sword, and can use other weapons very well. He has a seal on his left arm, that when released increases the destructive power of his taijutsu. After thirty minutes, he has to reactivate the seal otherwise he'll pass out due to over-exhaustion.


Summoning Jutsu

Haseo has a contract with hawks, allowing him to use them in combat against his enemies. The one he uses most often, which is one of the largest, is named Shotsu - a white hawk, with black markings on it's forehead. All hawks can use wind elemental manipulation - useful in assisting Haseo with creating more powerful fire techniques.



Weapons: He carries a katana on his back that's forged of obsidian rock. This katana is special because he can put his chakra through it to enhance his attack power, or to catch his opponents by surprise with jutsu. He also carries a small scroll attached to his bottom left calf that allows him to summon hundreds of kunai to the battlefield he can use.

Bio: Haseo just recently was elected to be the 11th (J?ichidaime) Hokage of the Hidden Leaf village due to the mysterious disappearance of the 10th Hokage, Takahashi Kimura. He's been missing for a month and therefore presumed dead, causing Konoha to raise their defenses and hurry with an election of a new Kage. Haseo is very talented, coming from a long lineage of powerful shinobi. He's lived all his life serving Konoha, and grew into a considerably skilled shinobi at a very young age, entering the ANBU at the age of 10. Haseo is a mission-first kind of guy, but is always there for those that need him or those that can't protect themselves. He holds a high morale code and dislikes fighting, but knows that sometimes it can't be avoided. He can be strict and harsh when he needs to be, and uses compassion when the situation calls for it. His parents died on the battlefield, and despite the fact that he dislikes fighting, he swore that he'd die the same way, protecting Konoha.
Name: Riyoshi Nihoma

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Country: Konoha

Rank: Jounin

Element: Kekkei Tota= Burning wood release

Earth + Water = Wood + Fire =Burning wood release

Abilities: Ninjutsu, Taijutsu


Name: Doton • Arijigoku [Earth release: Inescapable hell]

Description: After forming the needed hand seal, Riyoshi will create a conical crater below his opponent. This twisting, sinking pit will pull the target below ground to imprison and suffocate them.

Name:Kajuugan no Jutsu [Weighted Rock Technique]

Description: After forming the needed hand seals, Riyoshi will turn an object touching him into stone. This process increases the weight of the object and can also be used against organic material. When he is elevated, the petrifaction process will cause the material to fall away and crash into the floor below.

Name:Doryou Dango [Mausoleum Earth Dumpling]

Description: . After striking the ground with his hands, Riyoshi is able to overturn the earth into a large dumpling shape chunk of earth the size of a mausoleum. Using his immense strength, he can lift up the ball and hurl it at his opponent, flatening all in its path.

Name: Doryuu Heki [Earth Style Wall]

Description: The ninja will do the necessary hand seals and then spew a line of mud onto the ground. The mud will then grow into a large mud wall to help defend against incoming attack.


Name: Baku Suishouha [bursting water collision waves]

Description: After forming the needed handseals, Riyoshi will expel water from his gullet. This will then expand into a large volume of water.

Name: Goshokuzame [Five sharks eating]

Description: Riyoshi will form the needed hand seals and then place his hand to the surface of the water. A shark of condensed water will emerge from each of his fingers to attack his opponent who is in the water below.

Name: Mizurappa [Violent water wave]

Description: After forming the needed handseals, Riyoshi will expel a strong jet of water at his opponent.


Name: Ryuujaka [Dragon fire]

Description: After binding the opponent, the ninja uses a guide wire to unleash a large torrential fire burst onto the target.

Name: Kasumi Enbu [Mist waltz]

Description: The ninja does a string of hand seals and then proceeds to blow a large combustible mist at the target. When the mist hits flame, it will ignite in an explosion of fire.

Name: Karyuu Endan [Fire dragon flame projectile]

Description: The ninja does a string of hand seals and then proceeds to blow a large jet of fire from their mouth.


Name: Daijurin [great forest]

Description: Using his ability to utilize Mokuton (wood release) techniques, Riyoshi will extend a large mass of spikes from his arm. These spikes can act both to impale his target and as a barrier to protect a comrade.

Name:Jukai Koutan - Birth of Dense Woodland

Description: After doing the needed hand seals, a dense growth of forest and branches grows from the ground to entangle his target.

Name: Jubaku Eisou [Tree Restraint Eternal Burial]

Description: Riyoshi will form hand seals to create vines of woods to grow from the ground an entangle his target. These vines will continue to grow into a large tree, further restricting the enemy's movements and preventing their escape. Finally the growth of the gigantic tree will be enough to permanently crush and entomb their body.

Burning wood

Name: Kokuton: Nenshō shushi [black Wood Release: Burning Seeds]

Description: Riyoshi expels several large black globs of wood from his mouth at high velocity towards his target after forming the techniques hand seal. The the black globs ignite whatever they come in contact with intense flames as well as damage the target from their impact alone. The wood will then rapidly grow and branch outwards in its area in a quick burst to entangle and ignite all within its vicinity.

Name: Kokuton: Shinin no yōna eda [black Wood Release: Deathly Branches]

Description: Etsu ejects numerous black roots from her sleeve(s) that rapidly grow and lengthen to such a degree where it can ensnare a small building. In addition Etsu is capable of changing the ends into countless sharp stakes which can be used as piercing weapons. This technique has also been used to break through stone rock walls. If wished, she can even ignite the branches once exiting her sleeve or or whatever they touch, providing a small flaming explosion and severely burning her target. If used in close range she can utilize this technique instantaneously to trap her opponent in surprise.

Name: Kokuton: Ne no baria [black Wood Release: Barrier of Roots]

Description: Etsu calls forth a multiple large black roots from the ground which quickly encases her in a sphere of thick black wood. This technique is perfect for protection purposes as it can ward off powerful attacks, or at least those that are incapable of penetrating 3m thick wood. As a secondary attack however, Etsu can ignite and extend some of the black roots from her barrier towards her opponent in a quick attack.

Name: Kokuton: Shinseina Kuroki [black Wood Release: Sacred Black Tree]

Description: This technique allows Etsu to call forth dozens of black roots around a target that quickly overlaps themselves to form a large black tree while trapping her target. Avoiding this technique is rather difficult as the roots are grown in a considerable distance in focal point of the target, making evasion a futile attempt to save themselves. Once bound within the tree, Etsu will ignite the tree in a miraculous explosion, incinerating everything around the tree ans surely everything within.

Name: Kokuton: Nakazora no edanami [black Wood Release: Wave of Hollow Branches]

Description: Riyoshi places both his hands on the ground and crosses her fingers in a net-like fashion. A torrent of countless flaming black roots is called forth from the ground, forming an amazing 15m x 20m wave as they rise and rush towards their target. The branches slither and coat the field in their mass and flames, incinerating everything within their path. Because of the large formation, evading the roots is nigh impossible and the wave itself can even serve as a forward moving shield.

Name: Kokuton: Bunshin [black Wood Release: Clone]

Description: This technique allows Riyoshi to create a clone of himself by modeling his black roots into a humanoid figure. The clone has the ability to merge with plants, trees and even fire, which makes it great for combat and reconnaissance missions. They also have the ability to travel far distances from Riyoshi and can telepathically communicate with him. They appear to be great physical fighters with skills identical to Riyoshi, capable of holding their own against most enemies. When being dealt a great amount of damage, the clone deforms into a mesh of wood that quickly explodes into flaming brances that can impale and burn anyone close to them. Because of this useful ability the clones can even be used as a replacement for the substitution technique if the attack is anticipated by Riyoshi. Riyoshi is capable of creating a maximum of four clones with a single use of this technique.

Name: Kokuton: Moete shi no sōdaina mori [black Wood Release: Majestic Forest of Burning Death]

Description: A extremely powerful technique known by Riyoshi which allows him to call forth black trees on any surface that can easily create a dark forest anywhere they choose. This technique is so powerful that it can drastically alter the landscaping of any battlefield into a forest and bind any number of individuals within its body. After two posts when the forest is complete, Riyoshi repeats three kanji and performing a long series of hand seals, then he will ignite the forest into a valley of vicious flames, turning everything within it into cinder and ash with only the black wood remaining.

Taijutsu: Supreme discipline in advanced taijutsu keeps Riyoshi out of harms way while his senju blood allows for increased power. His offensive power is unmatched by any ninja in the same rank, only to be outmatched by the pure blood of the Senju.

Bijuu mode:

think of this as the 5 tails mode:


This attack shoots out in a staight direction. It is super concentrated in a 15 ft diameter, with no splash damage. Anything that is outside this range, it unharmed.


the basics, Kunai, scrolls, shuriken, makabishi, exploding notes.

Bio: Being born of half Senju allows Riyoshi the full force of the wood element. But the draw back to that, is he is not known within the ranks of Konoha's famous Senju clan. They only think of him as a disgrace and had stolen his gift. His mother was from the famous Nihoma clan from Iwagakure. Before his birth, Riyoshi was taken to Iwagakure. He was born and raised there. As he grew older, he obtained every bit of knowledge of his earth element. As he graduated to chuunin, he awakened another element, this one being water. Setting off, he and his mother traveled to the Kirigakure. Smiling at the scene that was unfolding in front of him, Riyoshi hurried on towards his adventure. Taking on his first sensei within walls of Kirigakure, he set aside his earth jutsu and focused primarily upon the water styles. Having a harder time mastering this compared to earth, Riyoshi finally grasped his water jutsu. At the age of 16, Riyoshi soon mastered his abilities in the water jutsu and set off back home. Arriving back at Iwagakure, Riyoshi was welcomed back be his mother, whom had gone back 2 years prior. After reinstating himself into the ranks of Iwa, he set off to grow in strength and show his power to the senju clan. At 18, Riyoshi graduated to jounin and once again found himself in a bind. Though, this time it was an internal conflict. On one of his missions, he was able to generate the power of wood element. Without that, he would have surely died. For the next 2 years, Riyoshi concentrated on his new found power. Upon his 21st birthday, Riyoshi left the Iwa and headed for Konoha. Arriving at the village, he set forth to become one of the hokage's guards. For the next 4 years, Riyoshi trained in his different elemental affinities. Since his arrival in Konoha, he was able to awaken the fire element and enlarging his chakra pool. At 24, Riyohsi was able to advance his wood elemental kekkei genkai into the kekkei tota. Combining his elements, he formed the Kokuton.

Riyoshi is the host of the kyuubi, but as of this day, is not in full control of it. He is only been able to control about 50% of its power. He is able to awaken 5 tails, and after that, has lost control and had to be resealed again.

There is more to come, this is a WiP.

more to be added about obtaining the kyuubi's power.

Name: Suiken

Gender: Male


Country: Land of Earth




Poison specialist

Spider contracts

Some kind of wire ability?

Insert something about webs here <-

Some kind of 4-tails lava-something goes here I guess...


View attachment 1079

Weapons: Many long razor sharp wires with small hook shaped knives attached to the ends

Bio: He's a spider user who rose to the ranks of Kage, after taking and subduing the 4-tailed beast in one of his legendary spiderweb traps.

Meh, I'll come up with more defined abilities and bio later...
Name: Raiden Arashi

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Country: Land Of Lightning/Hidden Cloud Village

Rank: Raikage

Lightning + Water = Storm


Arashi Clan Jutsu:

Vortex Tornado: After doing several handseals, Raiden exhales a great tornado that sucks in almost anything in it's path. Once sucked into the tornado whoever or whatever is inside is struck with constant bolts of lightning.

Great Hurricane: After doing handseals, Raiden created a hurricane above the battlefield which causes strong winds, tornado's, and constant bolts of lightning. Not only does it act as an offensive attack, it provides water and lightning that Raiden can use without depleting his chakra.

Hurricane Punch: A simple technique which surrounds one or both of Raiden's fists in a storm/tornado like substance, making his punch much stronger than usual and gives the target a slight shock on contact.

Storm Tremor Jutsu: A simple jutsu where Raiden does several handseals, after the handseals are complete a surge of storm like chakra bursts out of his body throwing back anything around him as a defensive jutsu.

Storm Cloud Protection Jutsu: A powerful defensive technique which summons a ring of white clouds around Raiden. The jutsu shocks anyone that gets close and the clouds will even form into other shapes for better protection. The clouds seem like they can be penetrated but in reality the clouds are solid, rubber-like balls that can't be broken through. The clouds can however be destroyed with a powerful jutsu.

Lightning Jutsu

Banquet Of Lightning: Raiden brings his hands together and an electrical energy will begin to crackle around him. He will then slam his hands to the ground to send an electric current racing through the earth. When the current approaches its target, it can split into multiple tendrils to attack separate targets individually.

Lightning Clone: Raiden creates a clone of himself using lightning chakra, iof the clone is defeated it will burst into lightning shocking the enemy.

A lightning jutsu that is concentrated in the user's palm and thrusted toward the opponent at high speed.

Chidori Thunderclap: Technique where Raiden creates the chidori in both hands and instead of thrusting the attack at the target he claps his hands together creating a powerful tremor of electricity around the battlefield.

Lightning Armor: Typical Raikage jutsu which surrounds Raiden in lightning chakra making him stronger, faster, and gives slight protection.

Thunder God Smash: Technique Raiden uses in very heavy situations. It summons thunder from the sky to bring the thunder god down from the heavens to attack his target.

Water Jutsu

Water Fang Bullet: Raiiden user gathers water in his mouth and then shoots out multiple spherical projectiles.

Chakra Senseing Rain: A sensing jutsu which Raiden uses to detect other ninja. After doing several handseals he will create a slight storm above a certain area. If the rain touches anything with chakra, Raiden will know it's location as well as it's strength.

Water Destruction Torrent: Water vortex created in the palm of Raiden's hand that can then be blasted forward creating a spiralling wall of water that can be used to attack or defend.

Water Dragon Whip:
This jutsu creates an orb of water from which several sharp whips of water emerge that can be directed towards and impale a target or multiple targets.

Hard Water Spike: The user generates a huge, highly condensed spike of water around their arm that drills opponents into the ground



Weapons: None.

Bio: Raiden is the son of the previose Raikage. He trained well with the Arashi Clan and was at an elite level by the age of 13. He was named Raikage at the age of 24, just before his father died from a deadly genjutsu used on him by the current Akatsuki leader. During his term as KAge, Raiden has maintained a good relationship with all villages especially The Hidden Leaf.
Name: ​ Kasumi Terumi

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Country: Kirikagure

Rank: Mizukage

Element: Fire Earth Water


Boil Release: Skilled Mist Technique

Description: Kasumi creates a cloud of mist which she releases from her mouth. This mist has corrosive properties, capable of even melting the bones of the Susanoo , he technique has an inherent disadvantage in that its effects are indiscriminate, limiting its usage to areas that do not presently contain allies until the attack is completed. In the event that the mist escapes the containment area, thus putting others in danger, the user can sufficiently manipulate its acidic qualities to safer levels by adjusting the the the PH levels of the mist.

Name: Hidden Mist Technique

Description: This displacement technique is a speciality of the ninja from Kirikagure where one causes a mist to spring forth by lifting up some water, then goes in and out of sight at will from within the pearly-white realm. The mist's thickness is controlled by the amount of chakra kneaded into it. It can't fool the Byakugan but, due to the mist being created with the user's chakra, any Sharingan-user will see the mist coloured by their opponent's chakra, which will effectively hide the user from the attacker.

Name: Lava Release: Lava Globs

Description: The user releases several globs of lava of various sizes at the target. The technique can also be manipulated to block doors and narrow exits using the hardening process of lava to prevent a target from escaping.

Name: Lava Release: Lava Geyser

Description: This technique creates a lava geyser that emerges from the soil, and advances directly against the opponent. A strong Water Release technique can extinguish the lava pods.

Name: Lava Release: Melting Apparition Technique

Description: The user releases a large amount of lava from their mouth, which spreads into a broad, thin sheet as it travels through the air. Since the lava is shot upwards in an arc, so as to descend onto the targets from above, it prevents the intended individuals from jumping up to avoid the attack. A great deal of steam is created afterwards by the effects of the lava, so should the targets still be alive, a follow-up attack can be conducted while their vision remains obscured.

Lava Release: Quicklime Congealing Technique

Description: The user expels a large quantity of quicklime from their mouth, which is capable of inflicting damage to an opponent. This ability can also be manipulated in order to restrict the intended target's movements, as after the initial blast the remnants of the substance can act in a similar manner to quick-drying cement. However, the technique requires the subsequent addition of water to set off the necessary reaction to make the substance harden. This can be easily achieved through the subsequent use of a water release technique which can also serve to increase the area covered by the substance, thus further increasing the potential range of the technique.

Earth Release: Swamp of the Underworld

Description: By changing the surface of an object beneath an enemy into mud and creating a swamp, the user can sink his enemy into the mud. The adhesive, chakra-infused mud ensnares the enemy's body, making it almost impossible to recover one's strength and escape from the swamp. The size and depth of the created swamp depends on the user's skill and the amount of chakra used, but if the user is an expert in this technique, it will always be possible to make a fair-sized swamp which is extremely effective against a great number of enemies or when having to face gigantic creatures.

Name: Earth Release: Moving Earth Core

Description: The user lowers or raises the ground in the surrounding area at high speeds, allowing them to create giant holes in the ground or avoid attacks. The size of the affected area as well as the depths that it is lowered to is also up to the user. Other than being moved below ground — relative to the surrounding surface — the terrain is not altered as plant life and people retain their same positions

Name: Earth Release Resurrection Technique: Corpse Soil

Description: This technique is called the "ultimate earth-element resurrection technique". It seemingly continuously resurrects a large number of slain people as zombies, but with none of their rationality, physical prowess, or technique at their disposal. They are fairly easy to destroy. If the technique is deactivated either by the user or if the user is killed, the zombies will immediately turn to dust.

Name: Fire Release: Running Fire

Description: This jutsu will create a stream of fire that can be manipulated into several forms (so far, rings of fire that runs on the ground or a circle of fire flying through the air) before striking the target.

Name: Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique

Description: This technique creates a volley of small fireballs, which are sent flying in an unpredictable manner assaulting the enemy. In addition, the flames are controlled one by one with chakra, so avoiding them all is extremely difficult. Shuriken can also be concealed within the flames, creating an unexpected secondary surprise attack. Like the flames, the shuriken can be controlled with chakra. For the most part, however, this technique is used as a distraction.


Weapons: She carries a simple broadsword with her for close range combat.

Bio: Sixth Mizukage , daughter of the Fifth Mizukage , Mei Terumi , has recently become Mizukage after her mother's death . Even if the village elders find her very capable of , she doesn't think she's prepared to be Kage . Chunin at the age of 12 , Jounin at the age of 15 and member of the Special Ops since she was 17 , she was remarked as an incredible Lava and taijutsu user.
Name:Hyokki uchiha



Country:land of fire


Element:lightning,fire,and water


name:Chidori Sharp Spear

This technique uses Shape Transformation to form the original Chidori into a spear or blade-shape, adapting it for mid-range attacks with a maximum range of about five metres.[2] Although it's less powerful than the Chidori, its increased range means there is less of a risk to the user. It also has the advantage of being able to be used for surprise attacks and capturing.

When the enemy's body is pierced, the user can alter the spear's shape into multiple additional blades, increasing the number of wounds. The blade can also be swung in order to cut things as well as cause fatal injuries.

Name:Sensatsu Suisho (Thousand Flying Water Needles of Death)

This jutsu freezes water into the shape of sharp needles, which then home in on the opponent, crushing them in a sphere of points and ripping their body to shreds. To perform this Jutsu, the user must be near a body of water.

name:Suiton: Suijinheki (Water Release: Water Encampment Wall)

This jutsu creates a water barrier to protect the user from fire and water attacks.

name:Suiton: Suikodan no Jutsu (Water Release: Water Shark Bullet Technique)

This jutsu utilizes water to attack the enemy with strong water bursts.

name:Storm Release: Laser Circus

Storm Release is an advanced nature kekkei genkai that combines lightning- and water-based chakra to create energy beams that can be guided towards the enemy.

name:Chidori: Thunderclap

Chidori while in mid-air and then releases all the lighting chakra to create a giant lightning bolt

name:Chidori: Raku

He moves extremely fast in a zig-zag pattern, such that he leaves after-images. He attacks the opponent with only one strike. This technique, combined with Sasuke's speed, makes it extremely difficult, if not impossible to avoid.

name:Lightning Release: Lightning Rod

After coming into physical contact with the opponent, the user raises their arm into the air, generating a powerful bolt of electricity which will travel through their body into the body of the opponent.

name:Lightning Release: Black Panther

This technique creates a substantial amount of Black Lightning which takes the form of a panther-like creature that seems to emanate from the user's own body. It can be used to affect multiple victims at once by electrocuting them. Like various other Lightning Release techniques, the potency of this ability can be increased through the application of water.

name:LIGHTNING RELEASE: Black Lightning

Black Lightning is a unique form of Lightning Release. As the name suggests, the lightning produced by this ability's techniques is black in colour. The ability to utilise black electricity was possessed by the Third Raikage.

name:Lightning Release: Electromagnetic Murder

This technique allows the user to create a wave of electricity from their hands. The user can vary its power from a small surge to shock an opponent to a powerful stream of lightning capable of ripping through solid rock. It is ideal to use in conjunction with a water technique.

name:Lightning Strike Armour

The intense electric field protects him by electrocuting anyone who makes contact with it, but only works for one attack.


Kirin is an extremely powerful, one-shot, lightning technique.He draws lightning directly from thunder clouds to supplement the power of his strike and controls it with chakra. Due to the technique using natural lightning, which Zetsu says reaches the ground in 1/1000th of a second, it is one of the most powerful lightning techniques. However, the preparation time required also decreases the technique's efficiency; if there are no active thunder clouds the user must create them by using fire techniques to produce the necessary storm conditions.

Once a lightning source has been acquired, shaping and guiding the lightning to the target requires very little chakra. In addition, usage seems to destroy the thunder clouds as the sky cleared up of clouds after use. As such, this technique can only be used once in a fight. The technique can completely annihilate a mountain.

name:Water Release: A Thousand Feeding Sharks

A much more powerful version of the Water Release: Five Feeding Sharks, the user creates one thousand sharks out of water, and they enter a wall formation, raining down to attack the opponent.

Name:Fire Release: Great Flame Rasengan

variation of the Rasengan. Jiraiya creates a normal Rasengan, then spews fire onto it, causing it to turn black and be surrounded by a ring of flames. He then hits the opponent, causing a blazing maelstrom of fire, reducing the victim to ashes.



Bio:Hyokki grew up inside of the uchiha clan and became a shinobi of the leaf village.After years of doing dirty work for the village he desided to leave and abandon the village.after a few years of training on his own he came out of hiding and formed the idea the the hiden leaf village was the cause of all the evil in the world and it needed to be destroyed

Name: Aitaki, Asayo

Gender: Female

Age: 25

Country: Hidden Rain Village (Amegakure)

Rank: Amekage

Element: Water & Lightning (Acid element capabilities)



Rain Storm Detection - This is Asayo's most used jutsu, being active nearly all the time, noticeable in the constant rain storm of Amegakure. After performing the correct hand seals, a rain storm appears above the area she focuses on. It's a sensor-type jutsu, allowing Asayo to pin-point an enemies location when they're hit by the rain. It's also a useful jutsu in the sense that it'll alert her when a comrade has fallen to death's hands.

Rain Dance - After performing the correct hand seals, if there's a rain storm present (natural or via jutsu - see above), Asayo focuses on an area in the storm to make the droplets crash down forty times as fast in a spear shape. The tiny rain droplets will tear away at the enemies' flesh due to the pressure.

Water Pistol Technique - Without the need of forming hand seals, Asayo focuses chakra to her finger-tips after pointing at the enemy with her index finger. She then shoots a fast-moving, dart-shaped stream of water out of her finger toward her enemy. Enough pressure to pierce them right through the body.

Bursting Water Collision Waves - After performing the correct hand seals, Asayo expels a large jet of water out of her mouth. The water then expands into a large volume, enough to change the entire land scape to Asayo's advantage. At the cost of using up more chakra, Asayo can control the waves with her hand to attack her opponent with.

Water Dragon Technique - After performing the correct hand seals, Asayo can make a large column of water rise up in the form of a dragon to strike her opponent with. She can only use this technique near a body of water.

Water Bullet Technique - After performing the correct hand seals, Asayo expels a large projectile of water at her enemy in the form of a sphere.

Great Wave Tremor - After performing the correct hand seals, Asayo stomps her foot in the water to send a large wave flying toward her opponent. If hit with it, not only is the enemy damaged, but it drags them down under the water, as well.

Great Waterfall Technique - After performing the right hand seals, Asayo creates a large body of water out of nowhere that comes crashing down on her opponent from above, in the form of a waterfall.

Water Trident Decapitation - After performing the correct hand seals, Asayo creates columns of water in the form of tridents, to rise up all around her enemy. The tridents are fast moving, and she directs them straight toward the enemies neck.

Water Prison Technique - After performing the correct hand seals, Asayo creates a large sphere of water which she traps her enemy inside. Despite being made of water, it's as hard as steel, making it nearly impossible to break through, and the density of the water keeps the enemy from moving inside it. The only drawback is that Asayo has to keep one hand on the sphere, otherwise the technique ends; this makes it difficult when trapping one enemy and having to combat another at the same time. She can use this technique on herself, as well, as a means for defense against her opponent.

Lightning Drive - After performing the correct hand seals, a small sphere of lightning appears in each of Asayo's palms. As she stretches out her arms, she expels the stream of lightning from both hands toward her enemy in a zig-zag pattern. She can combine this technique with others, such as her Water Trident Decapitation, to make them more powerful.

Static Shock - After performing the correct hand seals, Asayo expels a large, blinding flash of lightning from her mouth that swallows the area.

Acid Drop - This is a jutsu utilizing Asayo's ability to use acid element manipulation. A follow-up jutsu; after creating a rain storm via her Rain Storm Detection (or if there's a natural storm present), Asayo performs the correct hand seals to turn the rain falling down on her enemy to acid. The acid falls down quick in the form of small pins and is powerful enough to burn right through most metals, so contact with the skin can prove highly dangerous for the enemy. The acid eats away at the cells, making it nearly impossible to heal naturally where you're hit.

Corrosive Discharge Projectile - After performing the correct hand seals, Asayo will shoot small globs of acid out of her mouth toward the enemy.

Acid Jet Stream Technique - After performing the correct hand seals, Asayo will expel a large stream of acid out of her mouth. She spits it into the air and over the enemy, to make it difficult to dodge the attack.

Arch of Acidity - After performing the correct hand seals, Asayo expels a large volume of acid out of her mouth into the air. The acid spreads out over herself and her enemy, closing them in a dome. This prevents her opponent from escaping, or from someone interfering with the battle.

Acid Clone - Asayo creates a clone created out of acid that acts the same as a Shadow Clone. If the clone is hit by any attack, it will burst apart, spewing acid all over the place.

Corrosion's Crawl - After performing the correct hand seals, Asayo places her hands on the ground and a thin stream of acid forms that shoots across the ground toward her enemy. A perfect jutsu to immbolizing someone, due to the fact that their feet would corode from the acid hitting them.

Chakra Release: Great Orb Devastation - A special type of ninjutsu Asayo can use. Without the need of hand seals, Asayo throws her arms in front of her and forces her chakra to her outstretched palms. After gathering enough chakra, a large, purple chakra orb appears in front of her, which she thrusts toward her enemy. Once it makes contact with something, a large purple explosion appears, aiming in the direction in which she thrust the orb.

Chakra Release: Safeguard Surge - Without the need of handseals, Asayo focuses her chakra to the core of her body; then quickly expels it out, a purple sphere appearing around here momentarily. She uses this to push an enemy, or enemy attack, away from her as to avoid being damaged from them.

Chakra Release: Senbon Projectile - Without the need of hand seals, Asayo forces chakra to one of her hands; she then forms these tiny, purple senbon needles that she shoots at her enemy.

***NOTE: Chakra Release jutsu are some of her more destructive jutsu and thus cost more chakra than normal ninjutsu. Repeated use of them will tire her out quickly. I high-lighted those jutsu in purple because that's the color of her chakra.***


No signature taijutsu, but is quite formidable in hand-to-hand combat. Deadly with a kunai in her hand.


N/A (Highly skilled at breaking herself out of a genjutsu)

Summoning Jutsu

Asayo has a contract with crabs and can use them in combat. Her crabs can perform powerful water jutsu, and make up for her lack of use of genjutsu as well. The crab she uses most is a giant one named Oki.


Weapons: Kunai and wire.

Bio: Asayo grew up to no shinobi background whatsoever, despite living in a village that was always the center of battles between other countries. At the age of 5 she lost both her parents as the Rock and Grass villages invaded, and used Amegakure as a battlefield. The Hidden Waterfall village eventually entered the battle, taking control of the Hidden Grass Village. Survivors of the battle on the side of the Hidden Grass Village joined forces with the Hidden Rock Village to combat the Waterfall Village, making the battlefield at Amegakure even more dangerous. Asayo, who was horrified by her parents deaths, took it upon herself to bring peace back to Amegakure. She trained to become an amazing shinobi, and even inspired those around her to try harder. Fifteen years after the start of the war, Amegakure finally took back their freedom and drove back the forces from the Waterfall Village and the combined Rock & Grass Villages. Asayo, who led the long awaited for comeback, with her newfound friends, thus became the undisputed leader of the Hidden Rain Village, becoming the Amekage - although not recognized as part of the Five Great Countries. To this day, Asayo strives to keep the peace in Amegakure, keeping all of her people united; and protected from random threats from the Hidden Waterfall Village. Asayo is very kind and loyal to her people, but not trusting of outsiders. She's very cautious and calculative in her decisions, making her a great leader. However, she has a dark and depressing side due to the long war she endured her entirely life, often times falling into the pits of agony in her mind, wandering through the darkness; this causes her to sometimes react harshly to someone when she's in such a deep mood. She'll do anything for her friends and village, and strives to make the Five Great Countries recognize Amegakure.
(this is only meant to be treated as a temporary sheet until we get another kazekage in here. And if no kazekage sheets are submitted, i suggest leaving this one?)

Name: Tao

Gender: Male




Wind / Lightning

Abilities: Taijutsu, Ninjutsu


Weapons: himself >B}

Taijutsu-Strong fist style.

Tends to get up in your face and deliver a world of hurt before you know what hit you. He aims to injure the body and make his opponent give up.

Ninjutsu- Body coverage techniques.

Utilizing his moderately-strong ties with kumogakure, he has learned to harness the elemental chakra cloak known famously by the raikage's. Though, he is not as proficient as the Raikage's, his elemental cloak does increase his speed, and power.

Bio: Growing up in an elite family of ninja proved very useful for Tao. He was considered a prodigy at a young age by his peers and fellow clansmen. Ascending through the ranks, Tao found himself maxed out for his age limit. Suna put an age restriction on the ranking system for him alone for his skills in taijutsu and ninjutsu were far beyond what a normal person his age should know or be able to preform. At the age of 18, Tao graduated from chuunin, skipping past jounin and making his seat in the kazekage office. Throughout his 10 year reign over Suna, Tao has brought riches and prosperity to the desolate wasteland. Suna has been changed from some dust storm village to a thriving paradise in the middle of the dessert.

WIP!! Will finish soon. for the most part, it should be ready.

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