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Fantasy Ravencrest Academy


Horrible and Adorable

The Kingdoms

Aria - Aria is the third largest kingdom. It is home to the mountain people who dwell along the mountain ranges. They are kind but stern people who believe in hard work. It's current rulers are King Isian and Queen Victoria. The main products of this kingdom are gems and precious metals due to it's mining culture

Terra - Terra is the largest kingdom. It is home to the Dragon Riders and the free spirited peoples who ride them. These people look rough around the edges and are often referred to as nomads, due to the fact that most families move around constantly. King Ellies and Queen Glorinia rule this relm

Chrono - Chrono is the smallest kingdom and home to the magick people. These people are mostly trained witches and wizards, as well as medicine men and women. These people are known for being quiet and speaking on when necessary. Chrono is run by a council of women known as the Fates

Brecken - Brecken is the poorest and most dangerous kingdom. Queen Elereth rules from her black throne. Brecken is home to the most notorious criminals the kingdoms have ever seen.

Gillis - Gillis is the ocean domain. King Florie helps this peaceful nation. The people of this nation value brains over strength

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