Naruto Ninjas Unleashed

Willow Blackthorn

C.o.D Girl
Come join the next generation of ninja. Application is as follows




Village origin:

Village currently residing in:

Ninja level: (only genin and chuunin)

Ninja specialty: (genjitsu, ninjutsu etc..)

Physical appearance: (described or photo accepted, described preferred.)

Short Bio:

My character is as follows

Name: Sunkuno Baka

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Village origin: Sand

Village currently residing in: Sand

Ninja level: Chuunin

Ninja specialty: ninjutsu

Physical appearance: Sunkuno short for her age, only reaching approx. 5 feet 4 inches tall.

She is round of stomach, with blue eyes that shine with a deep and innate intelligence. Her hair is a dark brown. It is cut shorter in the back to keep it off her neck and kept longer in the front, so as to frame her face. Her hair is thick and straight, with a soft texture.

She has a round face with oval eyes, a small nose and plump lips. She has smooth, creamy skin the color of ivory.

She wears mid thigh length black shorts, a black t-shirt, and the typical shoes of a ninja in her village. She has no piercings, and she wears no jewelery. On her hands she wears black fingerless, fishnet gloves. She has a single tattoo on the inside of her right wrist. It is the symbol of tranquility.

Small Bio: Aside from becoming a ninja, nothing of much interest has happened in her rather dull life, She lived with her parents until she became a chuunin and she was able to support herself. She now lives on her own and has chosen not to teach students as she doesn't particularly like most children. She accepts most upper ranked mission and enjoys her peace.
Name: Masaru Kurokawa

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Village origin:He thinks it Sunagakure. (Sand)

Village currently residing in: Sunagakure (Sand)

Ninja level: Chunin

Ninja specialty: Ninjutsu

Physical appearance: Masaru is of medium height for his age at about 5'9.

He has long hair that is half green and half white, dark, heavy-lidded eyes that give him the appearance of being very tired and a purple mark in the shape of a diamond on the right side of his face set around his right eye. He wears a long sleeved V-neck outfit with bandages underneath and carried a fairly long sword strapped to his back.

Short Bio: He had always lived alone with no parents in the village to support him, he doesn't even know where his village of origin is but he hopes its Sunakure as that is the village he had spent all his life in. Aside from becoming a Ninja nothing much has happened to him he has had his bumps and scrapes from missions here and there but never anything too serious or life threatening. He has been thinking about taking on some students but for that he needs to become a Jonin which he has been putting off lately because of all the extra work it would have.
Name: Katsuro Uchiha

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Village Origin: Konohagakure

Village currently residing in: Konohagakure

Ninja level: Chūnin

Ninja specialty: Ninjutsu

Physical Appearance: Katsuro stands about 5'7" feet tall. He has pale skin and and piercing blue eyes, only when his Sharingan isn't activated. He has long black hair, and bangs that naturally fall into a middle-parted, curtain-type style, which is long enough to graze his shoulders. Katsuro's usual attire consists on a simple black shirt that dons the Uchiha Clan symbol on the back and tannish shorts with a shuriken pouch on the back. He wears simple sandals on his feet and has cloth wrappings around his hands.

Short Bio: Katsuro was born into the Uchiha Clan in Konohagakure. Long before then, his mother died, leaving Katsuro with his father and two siblings. Katsuro was the middle child, and possibly was the most responsible. When Katsuro was a genin, he was the best student in the Academy. He always got the best scores and was the top of the class. Katsuro often practiced in his free time, allowing him to get better. But Katsuro was known for being able to use his Clan's own justu, Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique, at genin level. Ever since he turned into a chūnin, Katsuro travels on his own, practicing new jutsus. At one point in his life, Katsuro has awakened the Sharingan, his own Clan's kekkei genkai.

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