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Fandom Naruto Life~ CS


Amaya Itami

if you want to be a cannon character that's totally ok but still fill out the sheet as best as you can thanks!



Student or Sensei:

If Sensei, rank:

Appearance (pic preferred but not necessary) :


Negative traits:

short bio/backstory:

jutsu :

reason for applying to the ninja academy:

theme song(if you want):
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Filling out the form................................
Name: Alex Morpshi

Age: 17

Student or Sensei: Student

Appearance (pic preferred but not necessary) : One dark blue eye, the other gold, mahogany hair, orange hoodie (are hoodies allowed?), and jeans (same question, are jeans allowed?)

Personality: Quiet, kind, wEiRd

Negative traits: doesn't like company, dislikes almost everyone, paranoid

short bio/backstory: He was abandoned on the side of the road as a baby. A couple found him and fed him, but when he was older, because he was paranoid, he thought they were going to abandon him, so he ran away. He did this to multiple couples. He did it until he was old enough to make a living.

jutsu : He has the ability to make peoples fears come true. Though, he does not control when this happens.

reason for applying to the ninja academy: Self defense and action

Name: Maria Nanami

Age: 18

Student or Sensei: Student

Appearance (pic preferred but not necessary) :

Personality: not really one for pranks but you'll be sorry if you get on her last nerve because nothing will prepare you for the burns she'll lay down. laid back but sort of devious she get's along well with Naruto. she's generally quiet but welcoming to conversation and interaction

Negative traits: full of herself. automatically assumes anyone who's met her is now in love with her.

short bio/backstory: Her family moved to the Leaf right before she was born. her own village now referred to as the land soaked in blood was apparently destroyed by it's own people when bloodlust took over. Her parents decided to hightail it out of their while they could. bruised and famished they ended up outside the gates of the leaf village. they went through extensive background searches and being watched for years before they were trusted as not spies. and then they had Maria. She grew up in the Leaf and knows mostly everyone in town.

jutsu : Blood jutsu, she can control her own blood if she cuts herself or others if they have a wound that bleeds. (eventually she learns to pull blood from the ground if anyone has died there previously or if it's an old battleground

reason for applying to the ninja academy: want's to learn more about herself and her jutsu, as far as she knows it's rare and she hasn't run into anyone else with it, not even in her family. she's got no idea why.

Theme song:
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