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Naruto: Genin Times


cUsToM TitLe
Great job, you've just passed the Academy graduation test, but wait.. the worst is yet to come. Graduating is merely the first step.
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Kanuhabi leaned back on the tree he was sitting in, a long sigh escaping his lips as he waited. He wondered again why he decided to take up a genin team, before remembering that it wasn't his choice. He was forced to, by his father no less.

He disagreed with his father about a lot of things, but this one took the cake. His father had decided that he should pass on his skills with the youth of Konoha, but Kanuhabi thought it was a loud of bull. After all, his dad had never in his entire shinobi career took on a squad.

"Hypocrite," He snarled and punched the tree behind him. The bark exploded on contact and caused a huge hole on the tree. He sighed again and stuffed his hands in his pocket.

He slumped back down on the grass and scowled, the genin were supposed to meet him here by nine.

It was currently eight fifty-four. The genin better not be late if they knew what was good for them.

@SoraHikari, @SerenityAngel, @FennikKun

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Kamutabi-sensei smiled at the large group of students in the classroom. He knew everyone of them by name. He was practically their parents.

"I cannot express how proud I am of you," He paused and stared at each of them, "For four years you've came here each and every day, ready to learn and become shinobi."

He paused and paced around the room, "You've acheived you're first step, but now their is a whole staircase more to complete. Congratulations, and I am honored to have been you're sensei."

He cruised to his desk and grabbed a scroll. He unrolled it and cleared his throat, "I will now begin calling out teams, and meeting places."

"Team Four - Serenity Uzumaki, Kentaro Takayumi, and Fennik Kussen."

He smiled rolled up his scroll and the rest was history.
Serenity was swelling with pride in herself. She hadn't been held back like her father was. She was actually very good at taking direction and caught on pretty quickly and that helped her a lot in her lessons. Not only that but her father had helped her to study and learn more jutsus from her father, especially her specialty, the shadow clone. When she heard her team number and her team mates names. She hurried out of the class room to go meet her team mates and their Jonin. She was just so excited to get training right away that she didn't want to wait and hurried right to the spot where they were supposed to meet five minutes early but saw that their instructor was already there. She smiled and adjusted her headband a little and made sure the two hair clips in her hair were secure so that she could make a good impression on her sensei. "Good morning Sensei!" she called and trotted up to him with a smile on her lips, "Serenity Uzumaki, reporting in. It's nice to meet you."
Kanahabi was dozing off when the first genin came. It was his reflexes and years of being a shinobi that woke him up. As soon as the genin was about ten feet away from him, his eyes flung open and he sat up.

His narrowed at a young girl as she approached him. He instantly realized she was a genin, and not only that an Uzumaki. Her blonde hair, blue eyes, and thin whisker marks instantly identified her as the Hokages daughter.

He scowled as she introduced herself and outstreched a hand.

"Yeah, yeah. Put your hand down and wait for your friends, gaki." He glared at her, "And keep your mouth shut."

@SerenityAngel, @FennikKun, @SoraHikari
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Serenity was taken aback by the abrupt rudeness of the guy that was supposed to be teaching her. She took her hand back and glared at him with a bit of anger for his attitude. She didn't even know what she did wrong to piss him off. "Oookay....one, their not my friends, and two, you're rude." she told him and crossed her arms over her chest and waited for her team mates. She didn't really socialize with the other students as she was busy with her studies and he fact that she is a chinchuriki the other kids didn't want to be around her for one reason or another, plus being the daughter of the hokage didn't give her too many social points. Kids were either jealous of her strength because the fox, making her stronger, told not to socialize because of the nine tails fox spirit inside her, or they would think that because she's the hokage's daughter she would be a bit of a snob or a whining baby but she wasn't. She is just like everyone else with a few special gifts, that's all.
Kanahabi arched an eyebrow at the girls remark, she had guts. He stood up, stretched, and leisurely ambled up to her, his face set in a bored expression.

He stopped when they stood eye to eye, or actually eye to hip in Serenity's perspective, due to him completely towering over her.

"What did you say to me?" He kneeled to her height and moved his head to where their noses almost touched.

"I'm not here to be your friend, little girl. This is real life, and I am your jonin sensei. If I wanted to you'd be back in the academy by now." He paused and studied her whiskered face. "Your lucky I'm in a good mood."

With that he pivoted around and went back to his spot next to the tree.
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"I don't believe I stuttered." she watched him walk up to her and kneel down to her height so that they could see eachother's eyes. She was not afraid of him at all. She didn't fear anyone and him least of all. "I said, you're rude. Sensei or not, jonin or not you should have some sense of manners. I was only saying good morning to let you know I was here out of some respect, but with your attitude maybe I shouldn't have given you any kind of respect." she was not backing down at all. She didn't have any fear of going back to the academy. Not from this lazy jerk of a teacher. "I didn't expect you to be a friend. I expected you to be a halfway decent teacher with some common courtesy for others, even genin like me. I'm not afraid of going back to the academy, least of all from someone like you, sensei." She watched him go back to his spot under the tree. She sighed and decided to get a bit more comfortable as she waited for her team mates and jumped up into the tree and rested on a tree branch.
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Kanahabi sighed at the girls aggravated remarks, she was just like her father, in looks and in personality. He knew he their was no choice he could win the fight, so he snorted and went to back to twirling his kunai. It was currently eight-fifty five, and the rest of his genin students were nowhere to be seen.

He turned to the Uzumaki and scowled, "Where the hell is your teammates, gaki. Its almost nine, and I sure as hell don't want to wait any longer."

He put the kunai he was playing with back in is hip pouch and sighed for what seemed like the umpteenth time in the day.
"The graduation just finished up. They're probably being congratulated for passing still. Calm down and relax. They'll get here soon." she said then smirked as she glanced down at him with her calm, bright blue eyes, "Why? Are you in a hurry to be somewhere? The Hokage doesn't have any missions for anyone at the moment so I know that's not it. Unless it's a previously scheduled date, I don't see what could make someone so impatient. By that knowledge, you have nothing better to do than to teach us genin, no matter how much of a drag it is. Even Shikamaru-sensei would have been more patient and he hates to waist time and energy. Hm! That gives me an idea! Want to play a game of shoji? It will at least distract you a little bit and may even soften that chip on your shoulder for a minute or two." she suggested but wasn't going to get her hopes up for this guy.
Kanahabi snorted at the little Uzumaki, "As if, you're merely a waste of my time."

He turned and folded his arms against his chest. "As I've said countless timed today, I am not your friend, gaki. And you'd be wise to watch your tongue."

He paused and examined her, "Even if you don't respect me, I am still your sensei."
"You only said it once, moron, and I know you're not my friend. It was just an offer, you could have simply said no and cut the attitude. Some sensei. You don't even respect your charges enough to give a proper greeting so why should I give you any respect when you don't give me the same courtesy?" she asked him, looking down at him from her perch in the tree. Her long golden hair was picked up and gently swayed in the blowing wind. Her bright blue eyes were clear and strong. She had a bit more intelligence than her father at her age and she seemed a bit more calm as well even if she had her father's stubbornness, but her mother being Hinata she also inherited her calmness and some of her skills. "So, when you show me some respect, I will show you respect. That's the deal, otherwise, we're gonna keep butting heads. Up to you, Sensei." the last word she spoke was dripping with sarcasm as she smirked at him. She was not one to be rude in the first place but the way he spoke to her and treated her he was earning this attitude from her.
Kanahabi stood up, before disappearing in a swift shunshin. He appeared a few seconds later behind Serenity and with a kunai against her neck.

"Let this be my first lesson to you. Do not provoke someone who is stronger than you when you know that that person is stronger than you."

He pressed the kunai harder against her skin, "Even if I am rude, I am still your sensei and I expect your respect. This is not a joke."

His eyes flashed red, before quickly returning to its normal onyx black.


Serenity didn't show any fear even as Kanahabi disappeared and reappeared behind her. She felt the blade at her neck and her eyes turned to look at hi without moving her head but she wasn't scared at all. She glared at him as he pressed the blade harder against her, almost breaking skin. "Respect is not given, it is earned and you have done nothing to earn my respect." she told him quite calmly and even kicking her feet a little in a very relaxed manner. "You do not frighten me. I've seen worse than the red eyes of an Uchiha. I haven't done anything to warrant violence from you, yet you threaten me anyway for your own lack of respect. I've answered your questions, I greeted you properly and only reacted the way you have reacted to me. It is you who is at fault for the lack of respect you expect from anyone. So tell me, is this how a Jonin should behave? Kakashi-sensei would be very disappointed. Even he showed his students some respect in their first meeting." She then waited for his next response.
Kanahabi sighed, "I can't change your mind, huh? You'll understand when your older, anyway."

He shrugged, and put the kunai in his holster. The girl had spunk, true to her namesake.

He hopped down from the tree and grabbed a small scroll from his hip pouch. He unsealed it and out popped a shoji board.

"We might as well play, until the others come, now come along." Kanahabu wasn't one to apologize, but this was as close it got.

"Oh I understand, I just don't care about age or status. Respect is respect and should be earned either way. That's all. I tried to give you respect at first but you didn't give me any so why bother? That's all I'm saying." she told him to make him see her side even as he put away his kunai away and she gave a small smile to him. She was surprised though when he summoned a shoji board and it made her smile even more. She hopped down rather gracefully and took a seat on the other side of him. She got that it was his way of apologizing as she knew someone else that had the same issues as him and they still got along after a while. "I'm not as good as Shikamaru-sensei, and he lets me win from time to time when he thinks I don't realize it. Though he says I give him a good work out once in a while so I hope I can entertain you a little." she was showing him a little respect and he better not waist it or mention it or he may not get it back for a while. "Do you want to be white or black?"
Kanahabi's lips quirked up a bit as the girl jumped down from the tree, he laid the game board down and sat down criss-cross, after getting settled he patted the patch of grass in front of him, signalling for her to sit.

"Pineapple head is impossibly smart, it's pretty hard to beat him, heck its even hard to hold your own against him," He let a small smile grace his lips, "I want black, and your move first."

He gathered his peices and set them up, "It's your go." He was about to say something before he paused and reached for his pouch again.

Again he brought out a scroll and unsealed, but this time instead of a shoji board popping into existence, this time a tea set appeared.

The tea seemed to be premade and steaming, so he just poured it into two cups and gave the Uzumaki one.
Serenity covered her mouth to keep herself from bursting out laughing but her shoulders trembled as she laughed quietly. She strained so mightily to keep from laughing as she spoke, "I've....-snicker snicker-...never heard....-giggle-...Shikamaru-sensei....-takes deep breath and snickers again-...called a pineapple head before....that is too funny..." she said and struggled with herself to keep from falling over with laughter. She bit her lower lip hard in order to calm down. Once she regained her composure she giggled one last time before she took the pawn in front of her bishop and moved it forward one space and to the right one space, clearing the way or the bishop to move freely. Her fingers were graceful and strong as she moved the piece with practiced hands. She was a little taken off guard when her sensei summoned a tea set and poured them both a cup but she gratefully accepted it and smiled, "Thank you, sensei." she said before sipping it and she felt calmer now and with a clear head she could take this guy down in the game of Shoji.
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Kanahabi sipped on his cup of hid tea, as he watched the girl make her move. As soon as the girl made it, he smirked. He had already won the game over, she had let bishop move freely but forgot about her defense. She really was Naruto's daughter, headstrong.

He made a Bishob move to the right, ready to intercept and take her peice.

Serenity smirked as well when she glanced up and saw that Kanahabi smirked as well. Her intention to leave herself open in defense was a strategy she learned from Shikamaru as he had used this move on her many times before and she always lost to it. The openings leaving her static rook where the offense is supported by the rook in its original position, and ranging rook opening. She moves her other rook to the center of the board to support an attack there, typically with the idea of allowing the opponent to attack while arranging a better defense and aiming for a counterattack. However, as the most powerful piece on the board, the rook invites attack, and in most cases, especially for weaker players as she believed herself to be, it was a good idea to keep the king well away from the rook. This opening attack involved advancing a silver, and ideally a pawn, along a file protected by the rook. This is the climbing silver attack she had often fallen pray to against Shikamaru and she would see how someone else dealt with it for once instead of getting her but kicked with it most of the time.
After the graduation ceremony was over, unlike the other students that were congratulated by their parents and showered with praise, he stood among those at the farthest back of the group and looked on with a somber expression.

"I wish you two were here to see me graduate," he said to himself with a sad smile. He started to notice that the kids were slowly dispersing and he looked at his clock on his watch and realized that he had to be at the meeting place really soon.

"Ah crap! I gotta go!" he said. But as he dashed off to where he was going to meet his team. He saw a little old lady struggling with pushing her grocery cart. He knew he had somewhere to be but he just couldn't turn a blind eye to people that were in need of help. Despite knowing he would be getting a reprimand for it later, he chose to help the old lady push her cart all the way home. The lady thought the act was very sweet and kind and gave him an apple before he went on his way. He looked at his watch again and nearly blanched.

"Oh man, i'm in so much trouble," he said nervously "I am so late."

However, he had somewhere to be and he had a team and sensei to meet. He was kind of interested as to what his team would be like. He knew about Serenity. Everyone knew Serenity Uzumaki. Well at least about her and her family. But, she seemed kind of like a loner. She hardly spoke to anyone and he often heard the girls gossip about her behind her back. But none of those girls passed anyway. The girl was pretty and resembled her father a lot. On the surface at least. Kentaro, someone not coming from a noble or distinguished clan, was kind of curious as to what it was like to have a father as Hokage. Then there was Fennik Kussen. Another kind of odd ball. He was a bit of a slacker. Not as much as Shikamaru-sensei but the tendencies they shared were almost frightening. He didn't really know much about him. And of course there was his sensei. Kentaro had had fantasized about having a super awesome sensei that totally owned in the last war but the chances of that happening seemed slim. Still, a guy could dream right?

When he finally arrived where he needed to be he found Serenity and an older looking man, whom he had assumed was their sensei playing shogi together. They had both turned to look at him when he arrived. He had a slight pant despite practically sprinting to get to where they were but otherwise wasn't overly tired. He bowed and gave a sincere apology.

"Sensei, please forgive my lateness. There was a civilian in need and as a freshly graduated Genin and official shinobi, I had an obligation to assist them."

Well, that was the excuse he gave at least.

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