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Fandom Naruto: Extinction


Just Relaxing

Naruto: Extinction









Only one year after the devastating attack on Konoha from the forces of Sungakure and Otogakure, a new power rises to the forefront of the shinobi world. Loyal ninja and rogue shinobi alike amass under a new banner, a criminal organization promising not only equality for all shinobi, but the destruction of kekkei genkai all over the five great nations. Vicious attacks on the different villages and the prominent clans residing in them has forced the hand of each Kage, meeting together for the first time since the previous war. The very real threat the terrorist cell possesses finally pushes each village to collaborate, forming a elite task force of Jounin and Anbu from the Five Great Villages. The sole purpose of the Task force is to find and eliminate the mysterious head of the terrorist organization, before further damage befalls the clans and villages.

Little is known about the structure of the terrorist organization or the details of their plans, but rumors of a shinobi possessing enough power to rival any of the Gokage resonates fear throughout the world. The crazed group actively seeks out those with bloodlines and brutalizes them. Going so far as to even make examples out of those who harbor or advocate a mixing of bloods with the different clans. The Land of Water imparticular has suffered much at the hands of this group, though Konoha seems to be the current target of the criminals. With pressures at an all time high between the villages, it's only a matter of time before one of the Kage's opt to take more aggressive approaches in dealing with the threat. The only surefire route to securing the continued peace between all of the villages is to eliminate the terrorist cell's leadership quickly, before an irreversible tragedy transpires.
1. One year after Orochimaru attacked the Village Hidden in the Leaves, the Land of Wave's Great Naruto Bridge and the Wave Village are massacred. The bridge and Wave Village are utterly destroyed, but only Shinobi were hurt within the area. This action solidifies the rumor of a cult, the name of Nirida Ungoru are spread around with ferocity across all five great nations. Not to mention petty murder, robberies, and threats begin with only one similarity between them all; crimes are done to Shinobi only, no women, children, or elders are targeted. The cult still maintain a presence, going as far to claim the Wave Village their headquarters and territory.

2. Not a week after, Hashirama's and Madara's statues at the Valley of the End are destroyed. Villages and settlements to the North are also destroyed, but again only Shinobi are targeted. These settlements are essential, as they house main trade routes throughout the Land of Fire. On one of these trade routes, the Daiymo was targeted for an assassination. The cult was pushed back, but still maintain a presence on the many trade routes and use guerrilla tactics to end all economic activities in the Land of Fire.

3. And shortly after this, the Land of Wind's Hidden Sand Village have been cut off from the outside world. Cult members have been attacking those who leave or enter the village, but vanishing before anyone can attempt to stop them. While the attacks started as threats and pestering, when Shinobi of the village got involved the attacks became lethal.

With all of these attacks happening under the same organization, Nirida Ungoru, the five great nations elected shinobi to go after the cult members and eventually take down the leaders. Now they meet in Village Hidden in Hot Water, well known for the peaceful community and invigorating hot springs, to discuss which crisis should be handled first and how to go about it. No information beyond what the members have researched on their own is available, or that they were briefed on. A restaurant has been set aside, completely closed off with completely reliable guards waiting at every entrance. Inside the restaurant has been converted to an HQ. Weapons, armor, and all sorts of equipment are readily available for any use needed by the newly named 'Allied Nations Task Force'. Once again, this is the time for the members to discuss their abilities, strengths, weaknesses, exchange data, and decide on which area to strike first. Their only guidance will come from one of the village's most revered shinobi, but it seems they haven't arrived yet.
Shinado Hyuuga, "Kitsune"

Shinado stared through the slits in his fox mask from the top of a two-story building. He was staring at the closed off restaurant that was supposed to be used as an HQ for the Task Force he had been assigned to. He hadn't seen anyone enter in the past couple of minutes he had been watching from the rooftop, and he began to wonder if there was anyone inside other than the guards at the entrances. He decided it was time for him to go. He silently closed his eyes and tilted his head down. From this moment on, he thought to himself, my name is Kitsune.

With a brief puff of smoke, Kitsune was in an alley at the base of the building. He walked out of the alley and began to walk down the street to the restaurant. He got a couple of looks, as most Anbu don't casually walk through the streets, let alone a Konoha Anbu walking through the streets of the Village Hidden in Hot Water. He paid no attention to the people who looked at him. His eyes were glued to the restaurant, his body at a steady pace. He approached the main entrance of the restaurant, and the guard stopped him. Before Kitsune could confirm his identity, another guard poked out from the entrance and waved him on. The first guard nodded, and Kitsune entered the restaurant.

Entering the restaurant, the Anbu noticed he was the first to arrive. He took a couple of steps in and looked around, acquainting himself to the area around him. He walked over to where the weapons were and grabbed a sword right his right hand, inspecting it closely. He drew his own sword with his left hand, and inspected it as well. After a couple of seconds, he put the other sword back in its original place and slid his back into its sheath.

Kitsune walked over to the counter of the restaurant and sat down on a chair. He grabbed his mask and turned it backwards so the mask itself was on the back of his head. The shinobi that could come in after him would be fighting alongside him for the forseeable future. Not only that, but they were the chosen from the Kage. He had no need to hide his true face from them. He rested his elbows on the counter and interlocked his fingers. His back arched slightly and his head tilted down to rest on his hands, his eyes closing. With his eyes closed, Kitsune listened to the sounds that passed him. With his mask turned backwards like it was, one might mistake him as a person contorted unnaturally sitting backwards on a seat. Kitsune smiled at that thought, what a humorous moment that would be. He took a deep breath and the smile faded, leaving behind a calm, nearly sleep-like facial expression. He would wait here for others to join.
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Dara Wakahisa, "Kuro"

A figure dressed in dark clothing complete with a black wolf mask, kneeled across the alley positioned diagonal from the restaurant of where he was to meet up with the others of this Task Force. The gaze from his eyes staring out into the streets.... Scanning each and every spot, crevice and clearing of the village. A habit that had yet to cease over the years. The eyes hidden but clearly could see and remained watchful, after awhile of staying in place Kuro noticed a figure appear and enter the restaurant. "Hmm.... It appears I am not the first after all," He thought and motioned for the door in following of the figure. "Good... I was hoping to avoid being the first one here." Kuro continued taking a pause in his steps upon reaching the guards.

He turned his head to the second guard then returned his gaze to the first,pondering wether or not to remove his mask or perhaps leave it for better chance of recognizing him or atleast by appearance. A moment had passed each one looking toward Kuro before waving him through, Kuro giving a nod of his head in reply and walking through he doors and entered the room.

First Kuro had noticed the weapons and armor along with other equipment then his gaze turned toward the figure from before. Though the way he appeared to be sitting was.... Different. Kuro began to walk around keeping his eye toward the man noticing he was in fact wearing his Anbu mask backwards, while displaying a sleep like expression seemingly in wait for Kuro and the others to arrive. " So your apart of this as well?" Kuro asked though was certain of the answer already, but chose to ask anyway to break the ice. He then took a seat, his sword visible at the back of one shoulder with his Kusarigama at his waist. A question looming in his mind,still pondering of wether or not to remove his mask like his fellow Anbu and reveal his face or keep his identity a secret. "
Reito would be the third person to show up, she wore standard hunter-nin attire however with a travelling cloak over it all she chose not to wear her headband that would have given her away to other Kiri natives. You could never be too careful when you didn't know who your foes is an is a friend .She would have moved with purpose weaving through any crowds she passed by, stopping as she stood in front of the restaurant. She was soothing her mind and preparing it for who she might find inside she silently mentions to herself why she was doing this, to be honest, she wasn't sure if she was first or the last one hoping that she wasn't the latter of her choices.

Being waved in by the guards at the door she would enter the room with the others, her eyes first set on Kuro to which she knew his mask at least but not the man behind it. He was at least a native from her country and a skill Anbu none the less after that vague information it got cloudy,it wasn't like she knew who was coming and who wasn't the purpose of being vague was to keep their movements shrouded from the enemy rather than give them a opening to penetrate the task forces ranks she reason.Her gaze then scoped out the tool table full of weapons such, though she had all she needed; however,she would go over taking senbons these tools would be useful with her wind release along with it not having too much stopping power.Namely because she had all the intentions of capturing as of these thugs to interrogate so to get as much intel as she could.

After collecting a decent supply of senbons , she would note the man with his masked twisted to the back of his head.This nearly causes her to laugh at this brave man, the gall he had to risk showing his face however his sleepy expression shows something Reito couldn't grasp. Perhaps this man didn't fear being found out, or maybe it was he was showing respect to his new comrades. To show that he trusted them out the gate, nodding her head lightly this was a good tactic he had a slight air of a leader as she would take off her own mask holding it in one hand. Her eyes had some lines of exhaustion from someone who hadn't slept for a day or two or just didn't sleep enough.she spoke then it was only polite to introduce yourself before you ask for your company to return the favor,"I'm a Hunter-Nin from the Kirigakure, Codename Oni I look forward to working with you two..and the others once they get here ".Her focus was on the man who had sat down giving him a slight bow than a slight bow to the wolf masked man. Before she would replace her hunter -nin mask stalking back to the weapon table examining more tools that she may use, wires would hurt she reason shoving the present of the two men into the back of her mind for now.

@Shadowborn Omen @Saru
Emi had taken her time getting to The Village of Hot Water. Despite her reputation Emi didn't usually travel alone. Being a medic she usually traveled with at least one other person and because of the lack of back up she wanted to take precaution on getting to the place she would meet with her new 'teammates'. Emi was currently wearing a typical traveling cloak so people wouldn't automatically see who she was or where she was form. She didn't know who her enemies or allies were and didn't want to just put her self out there.

Entering the crowded city, Emi maneuvered around all the citizens, looking for the rendezvous point, and it soon came up on her right. She honestly didn't think it was really that secret of a place with the guards all around it. Shrugging it off she walked up to the front and waited to be waved in. She hoped to Kami that she wasn't the last person, she was running a little late after all. After getting waved through she entered the restaurant. Her first thought was that it did not look like one from the inside with all the weapons along the wall. As she looked around the place she pulled her hood down, her leaf head band still hidden underneath it. Her eyes eventually fell on the three other shinobi in the room. She felt kind of agitated at the sight of the Konoha Anbu, not even paying attention to the fact that his mask was on the back of his head. Emi kind of wished that the Hokage sent them together but in the back of her mind she knew that that wouldn't have been a good idea. Emi now took the time to look over the other two shinobi. One she couldn't really tell who it was with his face facing away from her and the fact he was in all black. The other was also in a traveling cloak like herself. Emi was hesitant on saying anything but knew she probably should. "I'm not late am I?" She said her voice was soft but still loud enough to be heard.
"Shinado Hyuuga, "Kitsune"

Kitsune's momentary relaxation was just that: Momentary. Within no more than thirty seconds of closing his eyes, he heard the entrance of the second person. His eyes did not open, he only listened. The person walked slowly into the room, likely observing it much like Kitsune did. After a couple of seconds, they spoke up and Kitsune identified him as a male. "So, you're part of this as well?" the man asked before sitting down next to Kitsune.

The moment before Kitsune opened his mouth to respond, a second unknown figure entered the restaurant. Instead of responding to the question asked by the first man, he waiting on the new figure to make themselves known. "I'm a Hunter-Nin from the Kirigakure, Codename Oni. I look forward to working with you two, and the others, once they get here," the woman, as Kitsune identified, informed. It was at this point Kitsune's eyes opened just a crack, despite being a Hyuuga his eyes weren't all white. Well, normally they were, but he had a special jutsu to conceal them. Currently his eyes were a brilliant green. He saw the man out of the corner of his eye, he was an Anbu as well, though he seemed to be from Kirigakure, like the Hunter-Nin.

"You may call me Kitsune. I am an Anbu from the Leaf. I am also pleased to be working with you. An Anbu as well as a Hunter-Nin, I'm glad to see the Mizukage is taking this matter as seriously as the Hokage," he said, the last word barely exiting his mouth before another figure entered the restaurant. Without turning his head, his eyes flickered over to see the female. He couldn't make out where she came from, as the hood of her travel cloak was covering the better part her headband. While not being able to identify where this shinobi came from put Kitsune on edge, his head turned and showed a warm smile in response to her question.

"No, you're not late. In fact, we're still waiting on some others," he answered, grabbing the fox mask off of the back of his head and placing it on the table. "Though, if they don't get here soon we should begin discussing our abilities in combat. That way we can form effective combat strategies, instead of running around like headless chicken."
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She had left early. Extremely early. Like, hours before schedule early. And yet she was now just arriving at the decided location.

The night before leaving her village, Mitsu had considered whether she should arrive fashionably late, or to be a late, showy idiot. After all, she was probably going to be close to being one of the youngest members of the group; if not the youngest overall. So, her options for first impressions were pretty limitless. However, in the end, the girl decided to not make a fool out of herself and those she was representing. And yet here she was, just barely making it on time.

Her silvery braid flew behind her as she ran as fast as she could to the restaurant. Mitsu had taken the precaution of wearing a cloak in order to conceal herself as a mere traveler; but was almost at the point of ripping it off because of how much it slowed her down. Which, honestly wasn't that much. But, at the moment, time was everything. And wind resistance was not a factor that she needed right now.

As she got steadily closer to the appointed meeting spot, the teenager slowed to a walk. The butterflies were starting up in her stomach, and they refused to be merciful. What if something bad happened right when she walked in? What if she got sent back right away because the others thought she wasn't skilled enough for the job? What if it was a trap and they all got killed the second the last person showed up? What if she was the last person to show up!? As sad as it was, the last what if scared her the most. Taking a deep breath, she tried to calm her nerves a bit before officially walking into the meeting.

After being allowed in by the guards, Mitsu slipped through the entrance. She looked around at the others, and took note of their appearances and mannerisms. Well, from what she could see at that moment, anyways. The girl wanted to say something like 'sup?' or 'howdy' or something of the like that would immediately portray her as confident. But she didn't know anything about these people, and it kind of freaked her out. So, instead, she just stayed silent.
A moment after sitting down and turning his gaze toward Kitsune, to see his response to the question and not only hear the reply. Another figure entered the room only moments after his own arrival too. "Hmm...... Were not far from one another in arrivals to the meeting." He thought and noted her appearance, " A hunter nin..." Kuro recalled the attire being from a special team within the Kirigakure Anbu. He wasn't certain wether or not he had met her before and upon her introduction and speaking of her code name 'Oni' while confirming of her village allegiance. Kuro couldn't quite be certain if he had met her personally or not, code names were unique to their assigned agent of the village. But the thought of wether or not they had met or worked together in the past was mute. She was of Kirigakure and by her station no doubt a skilled one, the Hunter nin were advanced level shinobi with impressive skill sets and the fact she was chosen for this task force by the lady Mizukage was only all the more reason to believe her skill. Then shortly after her introduction and speaking of how she looked forward to working with them all, the original arrival had spoken. He began to introduce himself and speak with them.

"Kitsune... An Anbu from the leaf." Kuro thought keeping the name in mind. "Of course, these are difficult times and action is required with all certainty and no doubt in mind. A serious and swift direction, is the only path we or our leaders can take." Kuro responded to the latter of the mans introduction and reply to them, first, " But I am pleased to represent my village and be given the chance to work with you two and all who will be apart of this task force." He replied in full and slowly reached for his mask, removing it from his face and acting as a sign to show more trust in his new comrades. "My name for all purposes here.. Is Kuro." He Spoke introducing himself more openly then he normally would, even if the phrasing and free of emotion in his tone didn't quite show it. " It's odd to remove what has been my identity for some time. Codename or true, the mask was my identity." He thought pondering that opinion, while moving the mask down, it brushed past the white fur of his collar before being held still in front of his black flak jacket.

Kuro turned upon the arrival of another, " Truly only moments apart," he thought noting her appearance as well, her hood was pulled down yet no trace of her allegiance was clear. He remained silent allowing Kitsune to speak in response to the ladies question. He then nodded quietly in agreement to his suggestion before speaking again, Kuro placed his mask down before him on the table.

" A pleasure.... Considering the times its a well met, meeting." He began seeming to lead into something as he paused. " I agree. The point of this task force was to end this newly begun reign. A true meeting and forming of a effective strategy would be only the start of executing that goal." Kuro replied showing a desire to get underway as he spoke and engaged all present.

He gave a nod of his head, seemingly in a bow fashion to each and noticing another arrival appear in the room among them. At first surprised by her age or the age she appeared to be, but soon was accepting of it. If this young shinobi was chosen by her Kage and sent here as a representative of her village. Then Kuro was fine with it, after all he had heard of and seen plenty of young shinobi more capable then they might appear. She must have been skilled and that was what counted not the age atleast in his mind.... This was a time for ability and action nothing else was important enough to overshadow that.

He sat quietly for now, before speaking any further at the moment. He instead observed the room, each representative present and the door expecting based on the timing so far, for another arrival.
She would also note the youth who had entered the building next, though hide her own mix feelings with just a sideways glance. Wrapping trip wires around both her hands as she would test the strength of it, however, she wonders why such a child would be sent on such a risk mission. Children was a village future after all for all that village know this task force could be wiped out, such shadowy thing aren't for children she, thought. She would slowly unfurl the trip wires she had been testing,w ith a silent sigh.But if a kage selected the child they must be fairly powerful in some regards, maybe not skill or that train but children are usually easily molded. Taking the wire as she would now stalk over to the other female know as Emi another leaf jounin , Reito figure from the way she seems to look at the man name Kitsune like she knew him maybe.

This girl lacked a mask of any sorts, so she wasn't anbu so that must likely label her to be a jounin of some regards. Though was it really wise for the leaf to release another useful ninja to this side of the ninja world after they were attacked by the village of Sound and Wind .Though deep down the scars of the bloody mist made Reito cackle mentally, as she would set a reminder if anyone of the task force dies it would be in her interest to take what knowledge she could from their corpse and pass it on to the Kirigakure intel corps.Snapping back to reality as she walked past Emi instead of talking, she seems to be scoping out the room as her mind processed the comment Kuro said. He was the representative of the Kirigakure so he was indeed powerful and likely mentally capable in many regards,s he could live with taking orders from him she reasoned . She would stop in front of the Mitsu tilting her head to the side, the hunter-nin mask hiding any expression behind it,"How old are you..its just that you seem much too young for such shadowy things...you can't be much more than maybe 13 or 16 maybe". her tone had slow developed a level of concern as she spoke to the Chunin.

@Aridis @Ch3rryBlossom28 @Saru
Emi nodded at what the leaf Anbu and the other man had to say. They should start figuring out who was capable of what and what a good formation would be. She was just about to introduce her self when someone had entered the door. She turned a little to be able to get a look at the person. She looked young, really young. Emi had to agree with who she now realized looked like a hunter-nin from Kiri. She couldn't believe that her Kage would send her out on a mission like this. Emi may only be 18 but a three year difference is a lot in the shinobi world. Even with those thoughts she kept her mouth shut. She hoped the conversation about the girl's age would end soon for, even though she agreed the girl was young, she just wanted to get started on the mission.

Emi moved and took a seat next to the leaf anbu for her feet were killing her from traveling. She could just send healing chakra through them but decided not too for her feet will be fine after a short rest. She went and reached into her pouch for her small canteen of water and started to drink some of it. As she did so, leaf symbol on her headband peaked out. It wasn't like Emi was purposely hiding what village she was from it just wasn't the first thought on her mind and she tended to forget that her headband stayed hidden when wearing the traveling cloak.
Shinado Hyuuga, "Kitsune"

Kitsune fell silent again upon the next entrant. The Hunter-Nin began to question the new arrival about her age, stating she was too young for things this dark, concern above all else was evident in her voice. The softly spoken one who entered before her seemed to have agreement in her eyes, Kitsune noted, before walking over and sitting down next to him. She reached for something in her pouch. Upon reaching, the Anbu caught a glimpse of the sign on her headband. His muscles relaxed. Not only could he now identify where this shinobi was from, but she was also from Konoha just like him. His head tilted downwards and flashed a slight smile; there were enough of them here for now, he could start. Their leader hadn't shown up, so he figured he would lead the planning until the leader did show up.

Kitsune twisted around on his seat and stood up, his shoulders raised in a sense of authority. Technically, they were all equals, and Kitsune planned to treat them as such. However, until their leader showed up someone had to act the part to ensure there was no conflict within the group.

"Please. let us not dwell on the young shinobi's age any longer. While she may be young, that's not what matters. If her Kage chose her, there is a reason. Inside that young body I have no doubt is power equal to all of our own," he began, attempting to eliminate further speech about the questionable age of the newest arrival.

"For those of you who arrived after my introduction, I am Kitsune, an Anbu of the Leaf. We were all sent here for the same reason: to eliminate the extremist group mounting attacks against shinobi in all five great nations. The most important thing that we have to understand at this point in time is that we are expected to work together as a group to complete this mission. Age, gender, allegiance, none of that matters from this point until the end of our mission. We must trust each other as we would a shinobi from our own land. That may be hard for some of you, but it is not for me. You were all chosen for a reason, you must be trustworthy and powerful. Now, our first step in completing this mission is to learn about the skills and abilities of one another, our strengths, weaknesses, and anything else that may effect our combat," the words seemed to come naturally, almost like they were rehearsed. There was a pause, then a slight flicker of knowledge in Kitsune's eyes as he asked the first question:

"Now, does anyone here have a Kekkei Genkai?"
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Awesome. Perfect. She hadn't even said anything yet and she was already starting to make a fool out of herself. Honestly? Mitsu kind of froze. She had been hoping that her elders would ignore her completely, but a question had been shot in her direction the moment she showed her face. The girl had tried to think of some way to express her age in a not-so-annoyingly-timid way. After all, there were kids out there, somewhere in the world, who were much younger than her and stronger than anyone she had ever met. Or...something along those lines.

"Erm. I'm...I'm 15." She finally breathed. It wasn't the most confident way to say it, but the information had been given and that's all that really mattered at this point. Mitsu wasn't sure if everyone had heard it, due to the accidental softness of her voice. However, even if that was the case, she was more or less saved from repeating it. One of the other members had spoken up soon after she had; and more or less got rid of further questioning. Hopefully.

And he just continued from there; taking on a seemingly authoritative tone along with the explanation he gave. Overall, it made sense. Instead of just running into battle blindly, it would be a smart decision to at least have a clue of what kind of help the others could offer. Or, what kind of negative effects could pop up. All of that amazing teamwork and team building beauty. Then came the question about Kekkei Genki's, and her answer to it was a pretty easy one; as well as a sort of hard one.

Nirida Ungoru was after people with bloodline jutsus...Or at least that was what she had heard. So, not that it was extremely likely or anything, but it was possible for the organization to have slipped a spy into the newly formed group. Or they maybe could've hypnotized someone, or placed seals on certain memories in order to get someone on the inside to do their bidding...Eventually. Generally, any Kekkei Genki users were pretty much already targets of the group. However, openly admitting to having one was just about the equivalent of having a flashing neon sign above your head that says "Come kill me" in fancy cursive letters. But, at the same time, they needed to trust each other in order to assure that the mission was successful...

A bit hesitant to take action, the girl raised her hand in response.
She would consider speaking out against a fifteen-year-old, joining this but was easily overruled. By the atmosphere in the room, it was enough that no one openly agreed with her than the leaf anbu know as Kitsune put it to rest with his opening speech. Though now with his comment about just opening up to the other made her eye twitch behind the mask, just how much would be exchanged here and just how much will she have to give out to foreign ninjas. She would step away from the young girl as she raised her hand that at least meant Mitsu, seeing as this faction was out for her blood personality. Reito would have likely been out to kill her years back, during the Kekkei Genkai scars in the Kirigakure were most of these special bloodlines were seen as weapons rather than human. And was treated with serve hostility, at least for now she went silent eyeing Kitsune as he took charge. Reito took a seat tho sitting in the chair backward as she observe about what was going on now .

For now she would respect everyone until she was provided with a reason to not to though she took stock of most of those inside the room personality. The kid seems timid if not totally green behind the ears while her fellow Anbu ranked comrades seem to be a bit more composed maybe with some veterans. Kitsune seems like a leader of sorts while Wolf seems a bit more tight lip though that wasn't too surprising coming from the Kirigakure, the last girl know as Emi she didn't know what to make of her just yet.
Kuro sat quietly observing each present and as they spoke, Kuro remained without expression keeping rather neutral for a time. He noticed the door had yet to be entered once more like he had a feeling it would and pondered how many exactly were apart of this task force? He couldn't recall a exact number mentioned to him or if there was even a known amount to this task force just yet. After hearing everyone speak and state their peace in the matter, Kuro turned his gaze toward the young girl who softly spoke of her age, he was rather in agreement with Kitsune about questioning her any further about the matter. He did not see her age as an issue and kept in mind how strong such young shinobi could potentially be when allowed the opporuntiy or forced into difficult situations. What did catch his eye or his attention rather,was the seeming lack of confidence about this girl or atleast in her response to them so far. He couldn't be certain if he was correct or not but it did cause him to wonder. Thoughts ran through his mind in short and gave a nod of his head." Allow your confidence to show.... And eliminate your doubt." He spoke suddenly in attempt to help her, that was if he was correct in his line of thinking. It was a kept short attempt, but it did have its meaning.

He noted everyone's position and saw Oni move away from the girl upon the latter raising her hand in response to Kitsune's question. He almost understood it, Hunter nin would know well of Kiri's past when concerning Kekkei Genkai in fact many old enough would and others who were young would soon learn of it. In truth he did understand if that motion away was to mean anything or perhaps it was a simple move away to sit down.

Kuro then turned toward Emi, recalling her earlier move to take a drink from her canteen and a peak of her headband was or could be seen. He gave a slight move of his head while turning his attention back to Kitsune who had taken a leadership role until the task force lead would arrive. Meanwhile as everyone present had spoken or would in time. Kuro was in the middle of a self debate on the inner thoughts that passed through his mind. While he agreed that in order for a potential alliance be formed trust would be required. That trust could only aid the alliance when they would come to be truly tested in their loyalties to one another, after all during the heat of battle and emotions boiling to the surface, ready to explode, each of their pasts and the past of their village would come to light. Conflicts, grief, differences and even possibly money and how it has aided wars and its victors.... Or perhaps used to coerce one into betrayal if power was not successful or possible to offer. It would likely play a factor and test them to their core and the core of the alliance. Overall risking all that this task force was aiming to accomplish and the whole reason it had been formed. It would begin and potentially end with, trust.

While on the other hand.... How much Intel was necessary for trust? How far would they need to divulge here and now to achieve a sense of trust or to effectively for a strategy? The platform and reason for this all, Kuro agreed with entirely. But a part of him couldn't help but feel cautious in how much Intel he would need to divulge. Even if the information needed here was his abilities, that would aid in the forming of a proper tactical formula.

"Hmm....?" Kuro thought and would lead himself into breaking his silence. " I agree with you, Kitsune." He spoke his eyes closed for the moment seemingly still in thought even as he talked." But it would pose a risk.... Building trust and raising the sole point of our alliance and our purpose at this point in time of history, still does not shake the question or rather the caution one would apply before answering." He continued speaking of something that would likely have been coming to each of their minds." Expect hesitation.... I believe however that too has crossed our minds as well, perhaps it was not in need for I to mention." He paused and pondered another thought and ultimately shook off the occurrence in his mind." I for one do not possess such a bloodline. I do understand however both the hesitation if others had that come to them and believe I know why the question has been raised. But I ask of how it shall be used in our strategy? For no clear reply is likely and only a common yes or no would be expected." Kuro posed his own question, not exactly in disagreement but more out of curiosity. He had been looking forward to getting underway and tactical assessment and forming was what began to intrigue him most, their foe had been seemingly steps ahead of everyone , every nation throughout their reign of terror across the land. He wanted to begin the process of turning the tide and become the one or ones to be steps ahead of the opposition.

And Kuro being of habit, had not passed any chance to notice and keep his eye on everything and everyone. He never could quite discover how the enemy was doing it and it made him curious. He saw nothing suspicious from anyone yet and was beginning to trust his new comrades were just that, comrades and not ones to suspect. For now and until they gave him reason to other wise... Had his respect.

Kuro quietly came to silence, wondering of the idea Kitsune perhaps had in mind or maybe another may of had in response to the question.
Emi was quiet while everyone was talking. She could barely hear the girl say she was 15. Man she is going to annoying to deal with if she is always going to be that quiet. She thought and then sighed. It was taking a lot for her to keep her mouth shut. If she was at home she would have voice her opinion but she didn't know any of these people and if the were sent to be on this task force she really didn't want to get on their bad side. Though the young one doesn't seem too threatening. Her bright blue eyes looked over the young girl. When the leaf Anbu, Kitsune, started to talk her attention snapped towards him. She was kind of happy that out of all of them he was the one taking charge. Being form the same village she would trust him more than the others. Emi didn't want to divulge information about herself. When it came down to it she would just tell them she was a skilled medical ninja, which was true.

When Kitsune asked them if any of them had a Kekkei Genkai she wasn't too surprised to the young girl raise her hand. She had to have some kind of special abilities to be in this task force at such a young age. But still way to put a target on them. "Oh yes, how smart. Having her here is going to make us more of a target then we will already be." Emi knew there could be perks to having a person with a Kekkei Genkai in the group but something about it still put her off.
Shinado Hyuuga, "Kitsune"

Kitsune's expression didn't change from the moment he asked the question, yet he noted every detail of the response to it. First, the young girl hesitantly raiser her hand, then the Hunter-Nin took a step back from her and sat down. The female shinobi from the Leaf Village commented on how their opponents would target them more since they had a bloodline trait user in their ranks. The Kiri Anbu explained how the shinobi gathered here may be hesitant to share information. After everyone had some input in, whether it be a backstep or an explanation, Kitsune's face bent into a half-smile.

"Of course, I did expect hesitation. The question itself wasn't solely to find who had a bloodline trait, but rather it had three purposes," Kitsune began, "the first reason being trust. By asking, I determined how much you not only trust me, but each other. The young one seems to trust us enough to share she has a Kekkei Genkai, while it seems no one else is saying they do. Shortly put... I believe you all. However, I picked up on everyone's reactions to her sharing this," he turned his head toward the other Leaf shinobi, "As I'm sure you all know, the organization we are tasked with eliminating is targeting only shinobi. More specifically, shinobi with Kekkei Genkai. However, since we know this information, and we have a Kekkei Genkai user with us, we can use this information to lure our enemies into traps. It'd also personally appreciate no bad mouthing about Kekkei Genkai, because after all, I possess one too," Kitsune added with a slight bit of a humorous tone and a smile, but neither of those took away from the seriousness of his statement.

Kitsune then shifted his gaze over to the Hunter-nin. "I know Hunter-nins' past with bloodline trait users hasn't exactly been peaceful, but you have to put that behind you now, whether she uses a Kekkei Genkai or not matters not, she's part of your team," Kitsune didn't like to put people in the spotlight, but he felt as though this issue should be addressed, and he knew the Hunter-nin could handle being pointed out.

"The second reason I asked the question was to find who had unique abilities. Since the abilities Kekkei Genkai users possess can't be replicated, it's important to note things that these people can do better than those who don't have the unique abilities," Kitsune continued. He decided that point need not be explained any further, so he continued onto the third: "The third and final reason for this question was to find whom our opponents will be likely to target more viciously. As it seems out of those here only me and her have Kekkei Genkai, the rest of you will likely be targeted less in the field," Kitsune finished, looking at the others to make sure they understood that his asking of this question wasn't just for the information he asked.

Kitsune paused for a moment to make sure everyone had fully process the information, then he continued. "Now we need to discuss abilities and combat preference. As I sense come resistance within most of you, I'm not going to ask for specific jutsu. Everyone, simply tell me what combat style you're good at. Are you a front-line fighter? A medical ninja? Do you like to stay back and fight from a distance? If there are jutsu you think it would benefit us if we knew about them, don't be afraid to tell us about them."
Mentally she would cackle to herself, this man did his homework after all well at least in some regards.Though she wouldn't let this put her down after all the nickname of the Hunter-nin were corpse processing teams, so by all means she used to be seen in poor light. Being old enough to have been in involved purging the berserk bone users know as the Kaguya clan, age , gender meant little to her once a foe made their present know.Though she would have been smiling in some sense of delight, she had though this task force was going to be so dull but Kitsune made this exciting and ever-evolving. She did, however, shoot a glance at the young kekkei genkai user, then back at the man who had cast the light on her. He was another one of the users of a Kekkei Genkai though to her he had more worth than bait naturally if the need arises use the child for it. Her moral code had been broken once the child was accepted to their unit, she was no longer a child but a ninja now. Maybe that old blood Kirigakure creeping back into her mind she would only nod as the man spoke of trust this and that, then his desire for them to at least tell where they would fall in formations.

Though before that she would glance over at the girl who she figure was from the Leaf know as Emi, She observed her in silence she agree about the child at least in some regards but it was too late in Reito book the Mitsu was in the folds of the squads now they couldn't send her away now .Mitsu knew too much now to be simple release free and now with the risk of her kekkei Genkai being found out, this bait wasn't going anywhere if Reito had anything to do with besides with the traitorous actions of the Tragedy of Yosuga pass still irked Reito. So Reito had no intentions of being too gentle with this Rock village native, along with her seeming to be the weakest link this may just play into an accident happening. Adjusting her mask thanking its present to keep most of her devious ideas hidden, she was snapped back to the present when Kitsune question about formation sunk into her mind. She spoke as she raised her hand, tilting her head,"I'm a Chakra flow Kenjutsu user, Frontline preference ".

She would play along for now she figure as of now she should seem like a team player,s he after all had some respect on Kitsune knowledge on Hunter-Nin .She couldn't show her true devious nature just yet though she did wonder what wolf thought of all this would he go along with her if she had to start plan B on liquidations of the task force if they were compromised.Though only her eyes glance at Wolf from behind her mask the squinted eyes would make anyone looking at her have some difficult to see where she was looking though one thing did bug her why did he simply to let the Leaf Anbu take charge. After all this was a problem of their village wouldn't it make more sense if a Kirigakure ninja took charge rather than a Leaf ninja,b ut she didn't care much enough to call out her disdain at least for now. Once she was finished talking she would observe the others ,at least now she knew Emi wasn't timid like Mitsu there was still much to learn from her new comrades.
Apparently she was an absolute boss at first impressions... In some other life.

So far, no one really seemed too bad. From what she had seen, they appeared to be pretty reliable. Mitsu wasn't sure about their individual strengths, but they had to be pretty skilled in order to get stuck in the current situation. Her eyes flickered over to one of the other members for a moment; the one that had encouraged her to not be a total social wimp. It wasn't like she actually wanted to spend the rest of the mission in constant awkwardness. Eventually the girl would have to stop being a shy weirdo. So, a little bit of early warming up probably that bad of a thing. Nodding softly in his direction, Mitsu silently agreed to at least try.

She had to trust them, if at least a little bit. It was a part of the job. They were all chosen for a reason, and they had to work together in order for any work to get done. Well, at least that was the impression she got from the situation. Probably against her better judgement, Mitsu was honestly starting to cave in. Of course, she wouldn't trust any of these people completely. That would be absolutely stupid. Especially if one of them really did turn out to be a spy, or had some kind of potential malicious intent against her and others.

Pushing back her fear of making a fool of herself, since it was kind of too late, she raised her voice to a volume that was actually audible. "I'm best at fighting from a bit of a distance." She confessed. "And erm... I can make clones that are pretty durable...compared to others." Basically, her mindset was on distractions. If they mixed her clones with a transformation justu, they could serve as a sort of useful distraction. Hopefully, at the very least, someone would find it slightly useful.
Kuro sat rather quiet per becoming his normal trait throughout this meeting, he spoke and shared his opinion, yes. But nothing more then he had intended for now. He continued his observant nature and listened as each spoke. First looking to Emi then toward Kitsune, the anbu from the leaf was well thought in his actions and intentions for each question and move. Kuro respected the well thought purpose of his question and what he intended it for in this setting. He especially liked his idea about a lure and trap, it was risky for the bait, but it had effective potential and just what could work in drawing the enemy out and on the task forces terms. Not theirs. It was a nice start for a strategy even if it was still early and could change. He then looked to Oni, he had a sense she was not only looking toward him but had an opinion concerning something. Perhaps about his action or lack there of? He couldn't be certain, hidden behind the mask and looking through squinted eyes it was an effective use for any that bore a mask. But it was difficult to read ones facial expressions and tells for that mask was an effective cover.

He thought this over, coming to ponder over the possible opinions his fellow nin from Kirigakure may of had concerning this all. He listened to her speak and noted her glance, it was brief and telling of her ability and presence on the line of battle. Kuro almost thought he knew of just what she may have in mind, she was a hunter nin after all and of Kirigakure. She would have reason for her actions and potential plans. Perhaps she rather of seen one of them being of Kirigakure to have taken the lead? Or perhaps him more so? Did she wonder of his actions and relative second position approach? Those questions came to him yet despite what it may have appeared, Kuro was certain of his approach, it was his preference and chosen tactic here.He was one for the moonlight and shadow, using the darkness as his cloak and ally. He was not one for the bright gaze of the sunlight, where he could be seen clear as the day it was set on. He didn't wish for the spotlight and more common action, he liked nightfall and the less capable vision it provided. It was more or less a comparison to him. As if being of the same cloth as the night and the moon, for he was similar and treated the moon and its darkness as the weapon and shield he thought it to be.

Kuro then looked over to Mitsu, a hidden smile not one shown on his face and more of a inner smile if that were possible. In response to hearing her speak up and share with them in a more audible volume and seeming to warm up into a less shy and more confident appearing individual. She would need to become just that and appeared to be on her way to achieving it. But It was now time for him to speak once more, and so just before doing so the Black wolf would purposefully look to Oni. A silent meaning for his look, that meant for her to watch carefully and see his intent.... To perhaps learn of his reason for everything he had and hadn't done and maybe more. " I suppose it would be my turn. Wouldn't it?" Kuro spoke up again and closed his eyes, placing his right hand upon the table and beside his mask, his finger lightly and seemingly purposefully tapping against the side of his mask, to those watchful enough to catch it. " My style is more of my own doing and shouldn't be seen as limited. Being an Anbu in rank, I am well versed in many forms of combat and styles. Though I prefer close range combat, using Bukaijutsu and Taijutsu in singular or combined form with such Jutsu as Nin and Fuin respectivly. Though I also utilize everything I have learned and am able to do, with a cloak and dagger esque way. Such as any Anbu would with the latter, but I especially so and that is what entails what I can offer. Frontline or cloaked and dagger perhaps both such as I can do." He shared still using his fingers light tap as perhaps a tell to Oni. He had his reasons for what he was doing and perhaps she could begin to see just what that was.

Observe from shadow and strike in its form, never garner more attention then necessary for your plan, continue to adapt and bring yourself into form. The way of Kuro was just that, he could adapt to the situation and make plans prior too and adjust as needed. But observe first and foremost before acting or garnering more attention then your plan would require was his first tactic. If he had gotten into your mind then he had already achieved the advantage and won the battle. If he was watched to closely by being in the spotlight such as a leadership role instead from his viewpoint, then he would be more clearly seen just as you would in the daylight. But from where he looked on, he was more in the dark of night and more free to move such as he intended.

Kuro was honest In his words, he truly was all for the task force and putting a stop to there enemy. But he was still Anbu and of Kirigakure and thus must also protect her best interests and the well fare of her and her people, no matter the personal cost. Should they fail then he did have a plan and course of action, but it was the last resort and first he would do all he could to aid the task force and his comrades in order to fulfill the common goal for each nation and person present.
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Emi was in a state of awe at Kitsune. He sure did know what he was doing. You don't become an Anbu so easily. I can see why he got chosen. Emi knew they could use those that had kekkei genkai as bait but she didn't know if it was a good idea at the moment. The enemy was powerful. Powerful enough to make the five great nation form a task force to go against it. Emi paid attention to each person as they talked. She didn't particularly like the fact that she couldn't read the hunter-nin's facial expressions.It bothered her that she still worse her mask when the other two Anbu in the room had taken theirs off. When the Kiri Anbu spoke she snapped her attention to him. Emi liked what she was hearing so far as they had a decent set up. A close range and two distance fighters. The young girl's clones could come in handy especially if they are doing a trap. Emi didn't know what Kitsune's preferred style was but she herself was a medical ninja so they would try to put her in the back but she could fight mid and close range. When everyone was quiet in the room she realized it was her turn to go. "Well I never introduced my self but you can call me Emi and I'm from Konohagakure. I am skilled in medical and shadow ninjutsu. I know you all would probably want me in the back but I do fight mid range." Emi could also fight in close combat with her medical techniques but didn't particularly feel comfortable telling them that. It was her specialty but not a lot of medical ninja know how to use those techniques in a fight and at the moment she didn't quite trust everyone here, namely the hunter-nin. It kept bothering her that she still wore that damn mask while the other two had taken theirs off.
Shinado Hyuuga, "Kitsune"

Kitsune listened intensively as everyone explained their combat style. Oni, the Hunter-nin, was a front like Kenjutsu preferred fighter, Mitsu was a long-range fighter, Kuro seemed to be more stealthy-assassin oriented, though he stated he was versatile, and Emi was a medical ninja. Kitsune noted that Kuro was glancing at the Hunter-nin while tapping on his mask gently. Kitsune couldn't tell if Oni was looking back at him, as the angle Kitsune was standing at wouldn't allow him to see her eyes through the slits in her mask. Being someone who has been deployed on informative spy missions for most of his life as an Anbu, it was obvious to Kitsune that Kuro was trying to communicate, while the others it probably wouldn't have registered with. What the communication was about, he couldn't tell, but he would find out soon enough. He took a mental note to keep an eye on the Kiri shinobi, just in case. Breaking from this thought process, Kitsune went back to the matter of hand: formations. From who was here, this group was very diverse. He pondered what situations this group would fight at their best in. There were many situations that could play out in battle, they had to be ready for them all. Kitsune started from the most important: if things didn't go their way. This would be the default position, where they would reform to in the occasion something went wrong with a plan.

"Should things go off the plan, we need a position to come back to no matter what. I am highly flexible ninjutsu and taijutsu user. I'll act as a wildcard and move where we need me most at any point in time. In this position, unless the frontline needs me, I'll try to stay in the back, along with... the young shinobi," Kitsune started, pausing as he realized the other Kekkei Genkai user hadn't even given an alias to be called. "While the front line should consist of the two Kiri ninja. They both stated they prefer close range combat, plus being from the same village they should be better off fighting in the same area of the battlefield," this was only what Kitsune said, really he wanted them both in front of him as much as he could, that way he wouldn't have to use Byakugan and focus his attention behind him to keep an eye on them. "Emi, I would prefer you be in the back, but you will likely prove more useful in the mid-range where you prefer. They way you can get to any of the four of us with your medical ninjutsu faster, and likely be able to use your shadow ninjutsu better from that range. However, if anything goes wrong, you're to move to the back and I'll take your position in the middle," Kitsune decided.

"So, if everyone has that formation down, we can move onto tactics if things are going our way. Just a recap: Me and her are in the back," Kitsune stated, signaling towards Mitsu, "Emi is in the middle, prepared to switch to back should she need to, the two Kiri-nin in the front," Kitsune went over again. "Now, for specialized formations."

Kitsune paused for a moment, seemingly pondering each of the ninja's preferences and putting a mental combat situation in his mind. "We should always try to lure our opponents into a situation where we have the highest advantage as possible. With preferences included, the best course of action is if the young shinobi gets our opponents to follow one of her clones into a location where Kuro can strike from the shadows. Terrain is a variable, so depending what's around us we'll have to determine where is best. Once we lure the opponents into the best situation, we'll close them off. Emi, you said you're a user of shadow ninjutsu. As soon as we get them into position, attempt to lock as many as you can down from behind. If this is successful, me and Oni will strike and thin their numbers, if it's not successful we will skip that step and move to the next. The next step is to get into the next formation. Everyone will go their positions except me and Kuro. Kuro, you stay hidden and attack when they can't identify you, I'll take your position on the front line. The rest of us will play defensively, our top priority is now getting injured. If they think it's just four ninja, they will likely fall quickly to the fifth. If the enemy manages to find out Kuro, I need Kuro to come out of hiding and return to the front line. Emi, you drop back to the back and I'll move to the middle. Once we get the situation under control, me and Emi will switch back to our default positions. If something happens to Kuro or Oni or the front line needs more power, I'll move up and Emi can move back up to the middle immediately. The other Kekkei Genkai user will be in the back no matter what fighting from the safest position, and I'll try to hide the fact I have a Kekkei Genkai to the best of my abilities, that way the opponents will more aggressively target her. Since she's in the back, that will likely cause them to open themselves up for the front and middle to strike." Kitsune paused for a moment to catch his breath. He had said all this so quickly even he was starting to get lost. "In any situation where we get surrounded or are losing the fight, we need to obscure the enemies' vision, make clones, and escape. It'd be best if everyone and their clones were transformed to all look the same, to add to the confusion of the opponent. Escape, and we will return to a specified location at a specified time," Kitsune finished, pausing a moment before adding the last part to their plan: "Oh, and if anything goes wrong while you're baiting them into a trap, I'll be there before you can blink."

"Any objections, suggestions, or arguments?"
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Of course she forgot to give her name. That should've been one of the first things she had said. But, of course, it wasn't. Mentally slapping herself, Mitsu tried to calm the sudden spawn of killer butterflies in her stomach. That little flub up wasn't exactly the most important topic at the moment. There would be time to fix it later, and to properly introduce herself. Probably. Assuming she didn't die before the end of the day.

Although, even then, she would need to withhold a little bit of her name. Mainly her clan's name. It was highly doubtful that anyone would have any knowledge about them. And, way back in the days of constant traveling, it had been drilled into the girl's head that she wasn't supposed to expose the Kinzoku name unless needed. There had been a really weird story behind it; but the main reason was to avoid being hunted. Many villages and various shinobi tended to do whatever it took to gain an advantage over others; so kidnapping and eventual murder was definitely off of the table. So, basically, at the very most Mitsu would just give her first name. That was all that they needed for communication, anyways.

Ditching her current thoughts, she went back to paying attention to the conversation at hand.

Overall, the kunoichi was completely fine with the formations that had been suggested. Kitsune had drawn it out according to what everyone had said. Which was pretty impressive; in her eyes, at least. She wasn't sure about the others. The whole awe concept might've just been a rookie thing. In her ears, everything made sense. The power seemed evenly split; from what she knew so far, anyways. Which wasn't that much, but still.

Even though Mitsu had sort of drawn the short straw, what with being bait and all, it made sense as well. And, she was almost...sort of completely okay with it. She was the youngest, almost definitely the most inexperienced, and had a Kekkei Genki. The girl was close to the perfect target. All she really needed now was a giant red dot on her stomach.

Smiling softly at that last little bit of concern, she shrugged in response. Hopefully, nothing would go wrong. At least, nothing that would require her to be saved. But, it was good to know that there was something she could fall back on just in case.
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She knew they were both forward fighters and Kin in a way ,but why to place both Kirigakure-nin to the fore of the formations.She tilted her head to the side seeming to give no heed or giving the guise she didn't pick up on her comrade tapping.She glanced at Emi for a moment, so that was her importance in the formation as the medic she was worth her weight to be protected. Before shifting her Gaze back to Kitsune raising her hand," I agree ...it seems workable I guess if Wolf doesn't mind". Though mentally she had some inkling of what this man plotted or at least in a sense with their backs to the other three it could be said they were defanged, for the most part, and if they show a sign of misaction they would not only be exposed to the enemy also to their taskforce rage from behind. Reito dropped her hand , she had to keep a laugh in this man was clever she hated it but also enjoyed that he wasn't going to be a pushover .

Shifting her attention to the ceiling for a moment taking a deep breath then releasing a sharp sigh, geez she had some deep seated hate for the Leaf at times. After she had been informed by others that the fourth mizukage had been under the influence of some man call Madara Uchiha she didn't know much on Uchiha's but she knew enough about their dangerous eyes.Indirectly the leaf problems had leaked into the Kirigakure cause the bloody mist era of the Kirigakure, and even now these leaf ninja had come out on top even after their nation had been brutalised by two other villages. Was this a grab to show that the leaf was still strong, She would adjust her mask giving a silent snarl from behind her mask. She would stay in line since within logic Wolf was in charge of the Kirigakure detachment , so without his own discreet order she couldn't do too much openly at least she would look down at the ground as she came to accept this.

Was that what his tapping meant that he had something up his sleeves,intresting Wolf lets see what you can, she thought her eyes scanned the room once more still observing the others.She just enjoyed her mask it gave her so much tactical sense in the idea no once could read her expression ."So if all that sorted, Kitsune may I inquire how actually advertise, the Rock -Nin without getting say wannabes.Beside me more interested in her Kekkei Genkai after all the Village hidden in the stone aren't know to have too many remaining Kekkei Genkai after all. Or rather...beside your clones what could you do to be flashy enough ..." then it clicked she never ask the child her name,"what's your name again kid? i mean after all if were going to work as a team we should at least know that the kid can escape if were held up or worst she nabbed".she would ask her tone when asking about the girl Kekkei Genkai had a purely innocent tone she didn't wanna phase anyone about her prying for information, add the last bit to add a bit of filler so to show concern .
Kuro was silent and eyes closed, sitting at the table rather relaxed and calm. He listened keenly to everyone who spoke and noted Kitsune's plan, the Kiri anbu smiling just a tad... a small grin forming at the corner of his mouth in response and processing the plan as a whole. "You picked up on that, didn't you Kitsune?" He thought with a inner chuckle that was with held from becoming audible... Thinking he had known the reason for his and oni's placement upon the field in comparsion to others, though it all made sense, he could t help but wonder about it from a deeper point of view and thought. "The plan is sound and could work well if everything goes to plan accordingly." He thought in continuance, keeping his eyes closed and using his hearing as the active sense in the meantime. " But nothing is perfect and this could go wrong, the common risk of war and tactics. But I hope our adaptive and responsive plans will be enough. They sound well enough but perhaps with a small touch for the ending in case we fail, it would be improved upon?" Kuro pondered thinking over it all a second time and processing again, playing different potential results and counter tactics in his mind.... While coming up with the best counter, counter measures as well.

Nothing was certain, he couldn't predict the enemies moves as if they would happen for certain. But it was useful still to perform this mental exercise and process everything in a thorough manner. It was now when the wolf finally appeared awakened, though never asleep or even giving that illusion. The eyes were once again open and had a sharper look to them compared to before. "A sound plan, Kitsune. I have no objections to your plan and accept my place within it." He spoke gripping the chin of his mask and holding it before him a bit raised but still near and upon the table, just in a vertical position. "I do however have an offering to add," he continued beginning to recall the last phase of his plan that involved there escape. "I being of Kirigakure know of and can make use of a certain useful technique to aid in our escape from the enemy, should we need to retreat and regroup." Kuro added leading up toward the mentioning of the technique. "I have the Hidden Mist Jutsu in my arsenal and offer it as the vision obscuring and cover for such an escape."

As Kuro spoke he looked over toward Oni and silently accepted her seeming willingness to follow in line or atleast didn't appear to him to have other plans in my mind that would go against his ideal plan that would be his protective measure in case this all went wrong and action from them was needed to protect Kirigakure. But with her mask still on, he couldn't be certain of anything or knowing of anything, it was just a sense of possible lines of thought and intent she may have, if he were her and placing himself in that mind set. Plus her seeming silence to his tapping and communicating with her and lacking of noticeable movement that would act as her own disagreement of his order, wasn't noticed by Kuro and was another sign that perhaps she accepted it.

After a brief look over to his kin in a way from Kiri. He looked over the room and to each member of the task force present. Beginning to recall Emi's introduction of her name and abilities to which he nodded slightly to act as his response and thought over her abilities. "She would be an asset to this task force, possibly our only immediate medical aid and potential savior should our injuries be severe. Each one of us could and would be an asset to this force, but the young girl who can play out the role of the lure and this Emi from the lead with her medical ninjutsu more so then anyone else for those reasons." He thought in opinion

By appearance, Kuro appeared young still looking in his twenties, but his experience was almost equal to one twice his age. It was that experience that led to Kuro becoming who he was and why he acted and did things such as he did. It was also why he saw youth in a different light then others may have for he had seen their potential even while still young and green. It was why he was more accepting of Kekkei Genkai then some around the world might of been, seeing it as simply more rare then others abilities but still offered the same basic results, depending on the Kekkei Genkai and ability.

Kuro then went back to what Oni had asked, about how we would advertise the the young shinobi of who would be the bait to lure out their enemy and on their terms. " If i may propose a thought," he added his voice to the question. "We have certain sources that can leak the information, thus it is relayed and discovered by our enemy. The source of course, wouldn't know of the task force nor be aware of anything more then what we choose to allow them. But their are certain sources on the black market we can exploit to our benefit and lead to an advantage for us."

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