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Fandom Naruto: A Shinobi's Life Characters


Ten Thousand Club
This is our character list :3
Others expressed wanting one, so here it is! :P

Note: As the rp progresses -since it'll be going through years relatively quickly- the bios are subject to change, to edit. Even something like age can be edited frequently. But many things will be edited, like jutsus and strengths, weaknesses.

Charrie Bio (you can alter it if you want, but heres the general thing)

(Pic -optional)


History: (Optional)



Anyone can make a jutsu for their character, so if you want to, just ask me if the particular jutsu is okay :)
And heres the "Jutsu bio"


Name: Fuyu Uchiha
Gender: Female
Height: 5'2''

Fuyu is not known to be very sociable, seemingly the loner type. She is most seen doing her own thing, speaking her mind, and following her own set of rules. Any structure of any sort imposed upon her tends to not go well, as she does not appear to appreciate guidelines, regulations, and orders of any sort; following rules tends to be an afterthought for her, as she views them as inconveniences, and at best -suggestions. That isn't to say she is a disobedient hooligan, more a... constructive rogue, of the rebellious-type. She seems prone to her own brand of mischief, that may not sit quite well with others. Her tongue can either be scornful, scathing, and rude, or lax, chill, and outright absent, if she doesn't have any stake in specific conversations. In fact, Fuyu grows bored of pettiness. Squabbles and childish games Fuyu tends to turn away from. Any immaturity she finds rather pathetic. Though, that can be ironic, because Fuyu is not the mature-type. Her solemness and broodiness may come off as maturity, but it is just the opposite. Anyway, Fuyu is often seen as a stuck-up snowflake, that can be temperamental if challenged, or when things don't go her way. Fuyu is quite prideful of her clan, not because she cares for them really, but because of the power the Uchiha possess (and by proxy, she possesses).

History: (Optional)

  • Fuyu is quite quick, preferring agility and speed to raw power. She uses speed to take out opponents, suffering in any enduring fight.
  • Fuyu is competent in Kenjutsu, preferring smaller bladed weapons, ranging from swords, daggers, kunai, and sai.
  • Fuyu has a promising future in Lightning Style, seeking to master it.
  • Fuyu is fairly intelligent, wanting to hone her mind as much as her skill. She can be quick-witted and tactical.
  • Fuyu does not like being tagged by any hits, resulting in a smaller, flimsier physique.
  • She hasn't mastered anything yet.
  • Fuyu is also a bit smug and cocky, resulting in underestimating her opponents.
  • Fuyu believes she's a shinobi destined for great things, and loathes anyone who would get in the way of that. Which leads her to make mistakes in the here and now.
  • She's not a particularly kind or likable person, especially when she's silently judging others.
  • Her team-play isn't horrendous, but could use some work.
  • Isn't prone to making friends easily, if at all, really.

(At the beginning) Academy Jutsus
Lightning Style: Sparking Crown
Name: Izuki Hatohara
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Height: 5'1"

Personality: Usually one to want to sleep rather than move actively, and if he isn't a sleep would rather play than focus on the task at hand. Rather than make enemies, he is usually the one to approach others (although if a conversation goes for too long, he tends to fall asleep). He gives out a calm adult like demeanor when compared to other kids giving him the feeling of an older brother, although he has no siblings per say.

Due to his sleepyhead nature, people tend to look at him as week. He uses this to catch his enemies off guard.
Izuki also has incredible hearing. A trait he gained unintentionally during class to isolate certain sounds and the fact that his family runs a musical instrument shop.
Although he has yet to manipulate elemental chakra, he has an affinity for Wind and Fire style.
He best fights as a team as he is able to get along with most people.

His family is not ninja clan, therefore he has no access to a kekkei genkai nor a hiden techniques.
He doesn't have very much stamina meaning he cannot prolong any fights.

Academy Jutsus

Fire Style: Fire Fist, 10 Percent.
A technique meant to mimic chidori, but instead of piercing the enemy, Izuki instead burns through an enemy. Although this technique's effect is very weak. Meant to act as a deterrent or a decoy.

Tempered Style: Fire Fist, 50 Percent.
Similar to the technique above but instead wind chakra is fed into the fire chakra to create a much greater effect. An opponent who isn't prepared to take this attack will be punished heavily for it. Can only be used twice a day.

Tempered Style: Fire Fist, 100 Percent.
Uses wind chakra and fire chakra both to unleash and ultimate close quarters strike. Once per day, and his right arm becomes unusable for five minutes making him unable to form seals.
(will have more ideas later on?)

Appearance: Izuki has black, unkempt hair, coming down to his neck. His eyes are always seemingly closed (think brock from pokemon), his eyes fully open to reveal black eyes when he's angry or serious. He has an average body build. He wears a long sleeved dark brown shirt along with red vest on top. He also wears baggy biege cotton pants with a multitude of pockets which acts as a replacement for the typical ninja pouches.
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Name: Ruo Hazuki

Gender: Female

Age: 11

Height: 4'9



Personality: Hazuki is a serious individual when it comes to her training, missions, and the future. Because of her upbringing, she has trouble socializing with others... but even so she will at least interact with those that peak her interest or to liven up the mood or try too. And due to her curiosity, Hazuki will try something new out if it once again... peaks her interest.

History: (Optional)

Ninja Tools: Dragon Blade, Kotetsu, Shurikens, Kunais, Elemental Orbs.

Dragon Blade: The sword is able to use the basic nature transformations as well as cutting and absorbing a person's chakra. And with the elemental orbs, the blade is able to use the nature transformation of that element without fail. Though the blade requires immense chakra to wield it in the first place... due to that, the sword is wrapped in white sheet of cloth on Hazuki's back. And if the sword were to ever leave her back, it'll will float back to her.

Elemental Orbs: These orbs represent the five basic nature transformations. Red for Fire, Yellow for Lightning, Orange for Earth, Blue for Water, and Green for Wind.


Genryu Link: Being linked to one of the five Genryu... the Genryu of Fire. Hazuki is able to use any fire related jutsu without any issues. And being able to tap into the Fire Genryu's chakra pool, gaining it's immense power... only for a short time and putting a great deal of stress onto her body. And if explained how to her, she could perform a Kekkei Genkai of the person who told her. Unbeknownst to her and what remains of the Ryu Clan, Hazuki is able to link up to the remaining four Genryu, tapping to all of their chakras to become a being of Pure Chakra. The Light Genryu.

Kekkei Genkai: Non-existent.

Notes: As people of the Ryu Clan grow older, they begin to start having either markings or horns on their body.
If the code is cut off, please zoom out - not mobile friendly!!

Asuka Katou



Katou Clan


    Asuka is a girl generally showing one emotion: indifference. Bearing a neutral expression alongside a mellow tone and a knack for taking unnecessary risks for something as small as an (ironically) extra large chocolate bar, she is often defined as an airhead or absentminded to most - a classification Asuka had long attempted to debunk. For the most part, she keeps her emotional range rather consistent; bored, curious, or annoyed. She may, however, call upon a smile for a joke or a glare to keep an individual in line.

    A woman of few words, Asuka's tone and wording often make her sound as if she's short on time or if she's focused on something else. Answering in short and concise sentences, Asuka simply says what she needs to say before continuing on with life - unwilling to stay for small talk or a subject she's uninterested in. Thus, she can often grow progressively more annoyed as a conversation carries on with the other participants expecting Asuka to be an active member.

    With small amount of words and a deadpan demeanour, most connect these traits towards an apathetic outlook towards others - and while that may be true in most cases, Asuka is as capable of caring for others like many others. Admittedly, she couldn't care less about most individuals. She would simply help others based on it being the "nice thing to do", yet Asuka leaves little emotional attachment with these situations. Though given time through battles served alongside her or if someone does a series of favours for her, Asuka can be seen as extremely loyal, a "silent protector" as some would call her.
Name: Shin Uchiha

Age: 8

Gender: Male

Height: 4'11

Appearance: He wears a shirt very similar to the shirt that Sasuke wore when he was in team seven with shinobi pants and shoes. His hair is a bit shorter than his brother's, and he wears his headband on his right arm instead of his left.

Unlike his twin, Shin is a very polite and bright person, always seeking to help others and improve himself. He enjoys training, especially with his brother, Jubei, who enjoys it just as much. He is inseperable from his brother, though a wedge is slowly forming between the two brothers, making them destined to be rivals.

History: (Optional) Born to the Uchiha clan, Shin and his brother Jubei have basically been attached by the hip since they were born, always sticking by each other. They were both destined to be shinobi, and the two always sought to outdo the other in everything they did. They're currently competing to gain the Sharingan before the other can.

Academy Jutsus:

Chidori: Very basic. Has never been used by him, and he's only seen it be done.

Personal Jutsus:

None so far

Name: Jubei Uchiha

Age: 8

Gender: Male

Height: 4'10

Appearance: Jubei wears a similar shirt to Shin's, but it has sleeves, and wears the same pants and shoes as Shin. His hair is a bit longer, and his eyes are completely black, instead of Shin's dark grey eyes.

Personality: Jubei is the polar opposite of his brother. He's much quieter, and a lot more determined to defeat his brother. He's slowly developing a hatred for his brother because Shin is naturally stronger than him, and the fact that their friend Ako seems to be more interested in the elder twin than Jubei.

History: (Optional) As the other half of the Uchiha twins, Jubei was never seen as living in his brother's shadow, but he always felt like Shin was better than him, and that he constantly needed to prove himself. When they were assigned to a team, they met a girl named Ako, who the two are pining for the affection of.

Academy Jutsus:
All of Shin's.

Personal Jutsus:
None so far.
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Nami Hamasaki
None but you can come up with some.

+ + + + +


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~Selfish at times
~Can be rude
~Being Mistreated
~Seeing Her friends unhappy
~Fire(there is a reason)
~Carries Suku around everywhere.
~Almost always seen with a smile

» » » » »

The Hamasaki clan is closely tied with the Inuzaka clan from a marriage long before the Nami was born Her father's great grandmother was born into the Inuzaka clan, but married into the Hamasaki Clan. Nami was born into a relatively wealthy family because her mother ran a hair salon. and her father was a very good ninja. She grew up playing with her father's German Shepard, that was the best friend she could have ever asked for. When the dog died 5 year old Nami was so heartbroken that she cried in her room all night. The morning of her first day at the academy Nami's father surprised her with her very own puppy, a German Shepard, that she named Suku.
Academy Level Jutsu
Kekkai Genkai: The Hamasaki Clan has a Kekkei Genkei, they have the special ability that allows them to not only speak with their animals but they can also change form as well. Nami's Father is known as Bear Claw because he once turned into a bear in battle defeating four ninja at once. Her Clan's Kekkei Genkai takes effect when the Ninja receives their first Ninja Animal. The knowledge of the Kekkei Genkai is not told to children until they have passed the Academy because it would cause problems in the classroom. This Kekkei Genkai is controlled through the mind and with special hand signs.
(More to be added)

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Name: Rin Uzumaki
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Height: 5'1

Personality: Rin is a serious, direct and an introvert. He tends to be cold with others and sometimes he might forget his manners whn talking about somebody. He tends to have a neutral face around those that he does not know but around his friends and family he transforms, he becomes a warm and caring person, that, despite keeping his habit of being direct, he is very noble. He wants to become a better person and ninja everyday and appreciates the company of those that want that too, he is inmensely smart but he tends to be lazy at times.

History: TBA

He is very intelligent
He is very empathic
He is very cool headed
He tends to overthink things
He has no leader abilities
He tends to be too direct at times

Academy level justus (more to be added)
Kiyomi Uzumaki.png

Kiyomi Uzumaki- Shiroyuki





History: (Optional)


Adamantine Chains-
Strength of a Hundred Seal (still in the process of filling it with chakra)

Kekkei Genkai:
Glyphs- Semblance {Basically this, however, he only knows how to use speed/propulsion as well as shield glyphs at the moments}
(replace leave headband with cloud)
Kaden Kiriryu
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Height: 5'6

Personality: Kaden is proud and confident. Often times arrogant, he tends to pick fights everywhere he goes. Like most of his clan he has aggressive tendencies. Though he can suppress them to an extent thanks to training. This is the reason he tends to pick rivals that are good "playmates." He doesn't fight for the sake of just fighting though. Kaden trains to get strong like everyone else and to realize the dream his father had that a young Kaden had adopted. He hates being bored which often times he uses this as an escuse to antagonize rivals or anyone he holds dear. If he finds a scene to be too boring he'll simply take a nap or look for excitement. He prefers training and testing his abilities over his studies but will do what's necessary to achieve his goal. He doesn't like being confronted by people who are much weaker than him who talk a big game. He wouldn't even pay them any mind or call them on this bullshit just to teach a lesson.

History: Born in a small village near the village hidden in the clouds Kaden knew his destiny was to become a great shinobi like his father so he started training at a young age as all the members of his clan. His clans ability, similar to jugo's clans allows the user's body to slowly transform into a dragon with power that rivals a tailed beast. Because of this unusual power Kaden was volunteered by the his father to participate in the exchange program with the hidden leaf. Kaden figured this would be the perfect time to get his metal against kids from another village as well as hone his fire style justu.

- Taijustu
- ninjutsu
- analysis
- instinct
- intelligent
- able to obtain knowledge


- Genjustu
- impatient
- stubborn
- rude
- will only put effort into things he cars about

Jutsus: His clans ability, similar to jugo's clans allows the users body to slowly transform into a dragon. The user's skin becomes very hard like the riakage's lighting armor. Once the transformation is complete, the user gains power that rivals a tailed beast. However how strong all depends on the user. There are four stages until complete transformation. Kaden only posseses the first stage. His right arm arm. He's very far from mastering his clans technique.

- firestyle: fireball justu
(After timeskip .1)
- Phoenix Flower jutsu : only four shuriken can be set a blaze. In first mode state six throwing stars.

(Lemme know if there's anything I need to change. Sorry for the late post btw)

(Kiriryu Clan)

Clans crest/symbol:

Long ago a user of nature energy came upon Ryūchi cave where Manda waited, telling the man he could feel his negative energy from a mile away . Crazed with the need to kill, the man jumped the snake. However the man quickly realized this snake was a more powerful than he. Stealing a piece the monsters flesh, the nature energy user devoured it and fled. His hopes were to gain it's power to increase his own strength but the chakra of the snake only had a negative effect on the man. The chakra and negative energy swirled around him in what seemed like a giant storm. To the outside world the two opposing energies held shape and transformed into a giant dragon. Blinded by pain and fury the man went on a rampage for days. Completely forgetting about the kill he assigned himself. Upon his rain of destruction the man was founded by a band of travelling Uzimaki clansmen. It was then that a powerful woman from that clan used her chakra to bind and seal the two different energies. The man cried and cheered his freedom. He sobbed his thanks, saying "You have saved me from my pain and suffering. How can I ever repay this debt."
The woman replied, telling the man to take this power back and do go onto the world. Lot long after that the two had twins that in inherited the dragon-nature transformation. The ideals of how the clan should be led have changed over the years.

Home to a small village just outside the village hidden in the Clouds, the Kiriryu Clan was independent even after the aftermath of the first great ninja war settled down. The Clan's chef felt was arrogant at the time and felt like their small settlement would grow in power thanks to their bloodline. It wasn't until the start of the second great shinobi way that a treaty way that the new leader of the clan made a pact with the Rikage. In exchange for providing the village hidden in the Clouds with shinobi, Kumogakure would let the clan be independent in its own little village. Not out of kindness but out of fear that attacking the Kiriryu clan with it's strange bloodline trait. The village had more military might than the small village that was home to the Kiriryu clan but the devastation would leave the village vulnerable to attacks from other nations. During the third great shinobi war the Kiriryu would become the base of Anbu training in secret to become part of special units. By this time the third Rikage had agreed to give the clan a little chunk of territory to expand on whick the clan uses for rigorous training with room left for housing.

- dragon scale transformation: there are five stages to until the transformation is complete. This first step the on part of the body becomes covered with dragon scales. The second body part indicates the the second mode has been active. The next body part covers the torso fully. The forth body part is the second to last stage before completion. All the while the head has been slowly transforming the users face to resemble a scaled dragon. Each stage increases the users chakra/nature pool depending on how strong that person. (Note: during the second stage either a tail or wings sprout for some. During the fourth the users chakra nature takes less chakra for a jutsu of that nature) each jutsu made of large chunk of nature energy once fourth stage

- Nature energy: can be used to increase speed, reflexes, strength, durability as well as provides sensory ability

- nature energy dragon avatar: when stage two is active the user can use nature energy to create a large avatar of the two scaled body parts. Full transformations grants the user the ability to create a large dragon like avatar.
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(Pic -optional)
Name: Kenji Uchiha

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Height: 6'0

Appearance: He has medium length black hair with black eyes. He normally wears the outfit that Itachi wore when he was in the Anbu. His Anbu uniform is the same as his normal one, but he wears a fox mask and takes his headband off.

Personality: Kenji is a very bright and jovial person, always willing to help his brothers out anytime he can. While he seems happy, he is actually a haunted young man, having seen many deaths and personally killed someone close to him, causing him to gain his Mangekyo Sharingan. The only things that keep him going is his love for his brothers, Shin and Jubei, his mother, and his loyalty to Konoha.

History: The prodigy of his family, Kenji was always the favored child and excelled in his training, joining the Anbu Black Ops when he was just thirteen alongside his father. On one of their missions, it supposedly went horribly wrong, and Kenji put his father out of his misery to gain his Mangekyo Sharingan, though the truth of the mission is currently unknown.


  • He is extremely proficient in hand-to-hand combat, as he was personally taught by his father
  • He is extremely tough, resisting the pain of using the Amaterasu through sheer force of will.
  • Like Kakashi, he is known for copying his opponent's Jutsus with his Sharingan, though he has only done this a few times, and he is far from a master.


  • Due to using the Amaterasu several times, Kenji's sight has been dulled somewhat, forcing him to rely on his other senses more.
  • He hasn't mastered his Mangekyo Sharingan yet, even though the Kamui in his left eye doesn't blind him.
  • He always places himself above others, causing him to jump into danger without thinking.

Shadow Clone Jutsu
Fireball Jutsu
Phoenix Flower Jutsu
Chidori and all it's variants
Rasengan (copied from watching a fellow shinobi)
Lightning Blade
Fully Evolved Sharingan
Amaterasu in right eye
Kamui (in left eye, the one Kakashi had)
Lunara Splash





Lunaras was born on the third day of the third blue moon and that is how she got her name but everyone calls her luna. She is the great grand daughter of the Second Hokage, and when she was 2 her family sealed the Two Tailed Beast inside her. But one day the Two Tails Went out of control and she was hurt badly and lost both of her eyes. So she got them replaced, They found eyes so they replaced her old ones. But the eyes had the jutsu Byakugan, they don't know why the eyes have Byakugan bc they were not from the Hyuga clan so it has always been a mystery but she hope to soon understand most of the mystery's in her life. But after she solves those mysterys she will strive to become the best hokage in the hidden leaf

-Close Combat

-Far Combat
-Controlling the Two Tails

-Summoning Jutsu

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~Hitomi Hoki~

Survival isn't all about living and killing, it's also about healing.
Hitomi Hoki

Squad: (Leave Blank for now)

Hitomi comes off as bubbly, cheerful, and very naive. However, this is more or less an act.

After the death of her father and discovery of her heritage Hitomi had to mature quickly. She took up meditation to control her willful temper and it helped her learn much needed patients and focus. Which came in handy as her lessons on being heir increased and her attempts to wield her powers hit many walls. With the chinoike clan now extinct and all knowledge lost she mainly learns from stories or experiments. She is ruefully stubborn and hates giving up or losing when it's important, preferring to figure out different ways to do things so she ends up on top. Which allows her to think outside the box.
She is a truly mischievous and cheerful person but she uses her naive mask to deceive and make others trust her while keeping them at a distance with who she really is. She can be sadistic and vindictive when it comes to protecting those she cares about fiercely and is willing to do what needs to be done to get information. She makes a great and loyal friend if you can get over her crazier moments. Though she does have trust issues and low self worth at times can cloud her judgement.
She can also be kind specially in situations requiring her medical expertise. As she takes the well being of her patients and those she cares for seriously. It's only her family that truly see's her true side

The Hoki clan originated from Konoha and many of it's member's has returned there over the years. Including Kameko, Hitomi's mother, the sister of the head of the Hoki clan and Shijima's daughter. There she met and fell in love with a merchant from the land of water. They got married, with Shijima's blessing, and settled down into life in Konoha. Hitomi was born ten months later.
For many year's Hitomi was a happy child. Her parent's adored her and besides basic shinobi training she lived as a civilian. Then it was discovered Kameko's sister was barren. Kameko refused to become clan head so it was decided that Hitomi would be heir to the clan. She began visiting Suna often and took to the traditions and teachings of her clan quickly. One such trip to Suna was made for her sixth birthday along with many of her cousins, however they wouldn't make it in time.

"My only memory of my father was the day he died. He had snuck me away from the rest of my family and guards to a meadow far away from camp. As he helped me pick wildflowers he told me of the days he spent in that very meadow as he wooed my mother while courting her. I remember gazing in delight at the ladybugs a dough up and my fathers laughter as I begged him to put me on his shoulders. I wanted to see over the tall grass that towered over me and tickled my legs.
I also remembered how his laughter turned to screams that made me cover my ears and cower. How tightly he held me as he ran us to safety. And how the field looked covered in his blood when he failed."

Hitomi was found almost an hour later, unconscious and covered in blood not her own. Beside her lay her father's corpse and further away laid the bodies of the bandit's that had attacked them. Hitomi was rushed to Suna, a day's travel, and treated at her families compounds. When she woke up her eyes were blood red. Hitomi's aunt quickly realized what had happened and made the other's that where present swear secrecy. None could know that the Hoki clan's heir was also a Chinoike. If they did then Hitomi would be in danger. Hitomi didn't return to Konoha until years later.

While in Suna she was taught to control her powers and it was revealed that while she could control blood and the iron therein, not very well considering her age, her eye's where harmless. After searching for answers for several months a seal master was brought in and it was revealed that while Hitomi was a Chinoike her genjutsu abilities were sealed away. The seal that suppressed her donjetsu was inherited and had once been strong enough to lock away the ability to use chakra for jutsu altogether. However, it had weakened with each generation unlocking more chakra until Hitomi was born and the traumatic event caused most of the seal still there to break. It was unlikely that her genjutsu would ever be fully released to the point she can use it as the seal was most powerful there. Though it was possible that her children could be born with the ability to.

At the age of nine Hitomi returned to Konoha at the wishes of her mother. With her came one of the branch families to act as her guards and trainers. Finishing with her training at the academy and then moving onto Genin with her team she made sure not to display any trait's that would cause others to be suspicious.

~General Fighting Style~
Special Traits
* Specializes in medical jutsu
*Specializes in ninjutsu
* Knowledgeable of politics and other clans
* Can lie convincingly
* Prefers to fight defensively over offensively
* Specializes in stealth more then combat
* Weak in long term hand to hand battles
* Manipulative
*Can't perform Genjutsu
(Her dog Satomi)

Ninjutsu Taijutsu Genjutsu Tool Mastery Perception Stealth Total
3 1 0 2 2 2 10

~Tools~Basic Tools:
5x explosive tags
3x shuriken
4x kunai
5x senbon
1x sealing scroll
1x medical pouch
1x wire
3x smoke bombs
3x smoke pellets
1x first aid kit
2x tessen

~Kekkei Genkai/Hiden~
Kekkei Genkai/Hiden: Ketsuryūgan
Effect: A blood-red eye with genjutsu capabilities comparable to the Sharingan. The Ketsuryūgan also gave the users the ability to manipulate the user's blood, or more accurately the iron in the blood, allowing the user to not only manipulate their blood, but any liquid with high iron concentration.

She can't use Genjutsu but she can control blood and liquid with high concentrations of iron in it. The techniques she can use with this is limited though. While she can temporarily use it to paralyze an opponent she has difficulty controlling them and it exhausts her. She mostly uses it for medical techniques, like replenishing lost blood or stopping blood flow. She can control her own blood much better, using it as a weapon but if not focused she can be affected by blood loss. (Her control will become better as she grows and learns more)

~Canon Jutsu~

Rank E

  • It was acting up when I tried to put a link in it.
  • Medical Ninjutsu
  • Clone Jutsu
    Rope Escape Technique
    Substitution Jutsu
    Transformation Jutsu
Rank D

  • Temporary paralysis technique
    Body Flicker Technique
    Manipulated shuriken technique
    Gantai No jutsu
    Kanetsu no gyou
Rank C

Rank B

Rank A

Rank S

~Custom Jutsu~

Rank E

  • Name: (What's its name?)
    • Rank: (How strong is it. One jutsu has one rank)
    • Nature: (Fire, Earth, etc)
    • Description: (What does it do? Try to include a weakness)
Rank D

Rank C

Rank B

Rank A

Rank S

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Kazuki Ikari








Ikari is known for being an optimistic and outgoing kid. He's levelheaded and kind, always accompanied by a smile one his face. With a good sense of humor and a happy go lucky attitude Ikari is you average kid though he has trouble with his low chakra pool makes learning and using ninjutsu way harder. Because of this Ikari is silently jealous to other students who excel at ninjutsu, most of the time Ikari bottles up most of his negative emotions and he rarely opens up to someone about them. Despite this Ikari has a pretty good future with Taijutsu.

Ikari grew up on a small farm just outside of konoha, his family is poor and Ikari is an only child. Ikari always hated his life on the farm and he always dreamed of becoming a ninja, but when he first joined the academy he soon realized that his lack of skill and small chakra pool would be a huge problem. Even with the handicaps Ikari still strives to become a ninja.

Kazuki Clan:
A long forgotten clan based in Konoha durring the first shinobi world war it's unamned founder fought alongside the hokage and he was renown for being a powerful ninja. Most importantly he was said to have a unique dojutsu and chakra that covered his body shielding his body from damage and making him extremely strong. After his death his children and descendants lacked his unique dojutsu and throughout the years the kazuki clan was forgotten, it's not even mentioned in any history books.

Kekkei Genkai:

A dojutsu that lets Ikari tap into his ancestors large chakra pool. The kekkei Genkai surrounds him in a blue aura that boosts his strength, speed, agility, and durability. Similar to a sharingan it allows a resistance to Genjutsu, though he can't see through powerful genjutsu. Being able to tap into his ancestors chakra pools Ikari can do a number of unique jutsu's centering around his ancestor's unique chakra (I'll come up with some later).


Physically fit
Can take a few hits
Excells in Taijutsu
fights well in long battles


Low chakra pool
absolutely sucks at stealth
can't preform most ninjutsus

Academy Jutsus (Has trouble using them)​
Team 5


Name: Remmie Nara
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Description: Leader of squad five when their jonin isn't around. She's very intelligent. Able to come up with strategies on the fly she can lead her team effortlessly based solely on the information at hand. While her tiajutsu and genjutsu lack her prowess with the shadow manipulation technique is superb for a genin.


Name: Ryuga Hyuga
Age: 15
Gender: male
Description: Ryuga is a user of the byakugan and the gentle fist. What he lacks in ninjutsu he makes up for with his taijutsu. His main task is defending his teammates or disrupting the enemy to create openings


Name: Hyro Yukii
Age: 13
Gender: male
Description: Though he's the youngest on his squad Hyro is the most balanced. Capable of both defensive and offensive attacks thanks to his wind style jutsu. His long range wind style keeps his opponents on their toes and could prove deadly if one is not careful.
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Name: osamaru blood moon
Age: 18
Height:5'7 Personality: like sasuke but happier History: Osamaru is from the clan bloodmoon. The bloodmoon clan are connected to their partners like the inuzukas they created justu to work with their partners. But the blood moon clan was different there jutsu was called blood strike. The blood moon clan jutsu was like the summoning jutsu. The blood moon clan was powerful but are now dead. Osamaru is the last blood moon
Partner: winter
Age: 2 years
Size: five six
About: winter is a Wolf that is connected to osamaru by a life line. If winter is killed osamaru Will die as well due to a blood bond made at birth.

Name: blood wolf
Nature: blood
Description: this is à kekkie genkai That's gives the user the ability to shift his blood to that of à wolf. Giving them not only the instincts of their partner's but their senses as well. Which in turn enhances the user's.

Name: storm of the blood
Nature: blood
Description: this is also connected to the blood moon clan. It was only used if Death would kill the user already. A whirlwind of the user's own blood as well as the enemy's is launched at the enemy. This whirlwind traps them while cutting them up. The jutsu cam be learned by outsiders such as the inuzka clan.

Name:wolf howl
Nature:sound/ ginjustu
Description: a loud howl it causes knock out and puts an openent to sleep

Name: wolf merge
Description: not much us known on this

Name: blood sight
Description: the user shifts Blood to their eyes to see objects blood.

Name: Secret technique: Blood clone/blood clone explosion
Description: the user need only one pint of blood to activate this jutsu. With that he can create two clones made out of blood. The more pints of blood the more clones. Also the more blood the stronger the clones. In turn the user could also die of blood loss if over used.
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Name: Izumi Kōsetsu
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Height: 5'1"
Personality: Izumi is a very stubborn girl, who doesn't take orders easily. She likes to make decisions for herself, because for a majority of her childhood, she had had all her decisions made for her. Due to years of vigorous, borderline torturous training, she has many leadership qualities drilled into her, despite her grandmother claiming there was nothing leader-like about her. She's a very smart girl, and though she seems to be friendly, she has many barriers she has placed around herself, making it hard for people to get close. However, if someone were to manage to make it around those walls, they'd find a very protective, very loyal comrade underneath.
History: Izumi was born into Konohagakure's Kōsetsu Clan, the only clan in the village that possesses the Kekkei Genkai: Ice Release, after the marriage of Izumi's grandmother, Akira, with her grandfather, Kazuma. Izumi was born into the marriage between Shizue Kōsetsu, the middle child of Akira and Kazuma, and Mamiko Nakamura, a civilian. She grew loved by her parents until the day her grandmother named her heiress of the clan as she was the oldest grandchild, being just a few months older than her cousin, Koriko — Izumi was four at the time.
From that point on until she entered academy, Izumi was harshly trained by her grandmother until a breaking point. Izumi loses her patience with her grandmother and tells her that she is done doing what she wants because she is still a child and deserves to have a normal childhood, adding that she quits from being heiress to the clan. Akira agrees that indeed Izumi does not have the profile of a leader and decides to call a family meeting. At the meeting, Akira reveals that Izumi is no longer the heiress to the clan and is being replaced by her cousin, Koriko. Eisuke tries to convince his mother of not doing this to Koriko as the child grew a normal life and changing her life like this will not be good for her but Akira silences him with a death glare. This causes the rupture between Izumi and Koriko's once close relationship as Koriko accuses Aimi of only thinking of herself, for the white haired girl knew that Koriko didn't want to become the clan's leader. Something changed after the title of heiress had been stripped from Izumi — her entire clan shunned her, as if the fact that she had been . . . dethroned, if you will, brought disgrace to her. Even her parents, who had once been filled with pride at the thought of their daughter being the heiress to the clan, now treated Izumi as if she were nothing more than an inconvenience, leading to many personal struggles for Izumi.
  • Izumi is very skilled in taijutsu. Her hand to hand combat in very impressive, and she prefers close range attacks to any other form of battle.
  • Due to years of training, she has considerable control over her kekkei genkai, especially at her age.
  • She's an aspiring weapons specialist — she enjoys using senbon and kunai if she's being forced to perform long range attacks, but when she's up close and personal, she favors her katana or short swords.
  • Izumi has learned not to flinch in moments of panic or high stress; she's always able to keep a level head and devise a plan of action, all while helping others around her to keep calm as well.
  • She can be careless, but she knows how to pull herself together when it really counts.
  • She's terrible at taking orders from others.
  • She wants to prove to her clan that, despite her not wanting to be the heiress to the clan, she isn't a disgrace. This constant need to prove herself leads to recklessness.
  • When it comes to genjutsu, Izumi is complete garbage at detecting them, much less performing them.
  • Basic Academy Jutsu
  • Ice-Sword Techinque
  • Ice-Breaking Fist
  • Ice Release: Ice Rock Dome
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Hey, I'm new to the site and was wondering if you were still accepting characters — I couldn't find an Out of Character forum, so I posted here. If you are, I'll edit this post and add my character!
heres the "ooc" :3 and yes you can make a charrie! ^^

Fandom - Naruto/Boruto RP

sorry took me so long to get back to you, rpn went down, also welcome to the site! :D

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