Naomi Maxwell


Three Thousand Club
[COLOR= #ffffff]It craves for it...[/COLOR]

Name: Naomi Maxwell

Gender: Female

Race: Human


Nationality: American

Age: 35

Alignment: Neutral Good

Magic Lineage: Maxwell

Generation: 3rd



     n't let it.

 [COLOR= #ffffff]Personality[/COLOR]

 Naomi is a fairly down to earth sort of person. She generally doesn't mind getting her hands dirty as long as she believes it's for the right cause and she never balks at cruelty given the nature of her occupation. Her life in the Church has given her a sense of morality many would consider warped as she is more than willing to perform the most heinous and evil acts so long as she believes it's in the service of the Lord. She views herself as nothing more than a tool to enact God's will and this has given her a rather reckless personality. Naomi devotes everything she has into completing any given task that might present itself before her and is willing to do anything to see her mission to completion. Generally she prefers to keep things professional and serious although she has honed adequate acting skills over the years and is able to put up a friendly facade when needed. Overall she can be rough around the edges and somewhat difficult to deal with. That said she is far more relaxed when around her comrades-in-arms and acts more like your everyday woman when given the chance.

[COLOR= #ffffff]Background[/COLOR]

Noami was born to Leanne and Tommas Maxwell, two mages from a fairly unknown house separate of the Mage Association. Her early life was one of endless travel as her parents journeyed across the globe due to their magical research. When Naomi was five her parents met an unfortunate end at the hand's of an Executor while they were studying in the Middle East. The Executor took pity on the young child and ultimately took her back to the Church, believing her to be too young to be tainted by her parent's sins. The Executor, by the name of Ronald Udredge, took guardianship of the young girl and began her on the path to salvation within the Church. Naomi spent the next fifteen years of her life training diligently to become an Executor within the Church. She obtained an almost zealous faith for the Lord during her upbringing and took quickly to her tutelage.

At the age of twenty Naomi was promoted to a full-fledged Executor and given the ability to work independently for the first time in her life. It was soon after that she got her first true taste of what being an Executor meant when she was tasked with the elimination of a mage hiding in northern Ireland. The mission was tough and the mage powerful and it was this first solo-run that gave her the final push she needed to truly understand what it meant to be in the service of the Lord and to eradicate heresy from the land of men. From there she went on to complete mission after mission, each dead Magus giving her more experience and renown within the Church. This continued on for another thirteen years until one day at the age of thirty-three she began to notice a symbol forming on the palm of her hand. Faint at first she ignored it, assuming it to be rather benign. Alas the symbol became clear and bright red prompting her to seek guidance from her guardian.

Having seen this in the past the Church knew that she had been chosen by the Grail to participate in the war. Seeing a chance to obtain the holy artifact for the Church it was soon decided that she would be permitted to join the war on their behalf. The Church, through their loose ties with the Mage Association and their role as overseer, knew much about the war and spent the next two years preparing the woman for the trials that lay before her. It was rare that they were given a chance to directly participate for the Grail and they worked diligently to see Naomi succeed. These two years of training saw the young woman gain a small familiarity with magic as a whole, however the time was much too short to see any true progress. As such, when the day finally came, she was sent off relying mostly on her long career as an Executor.

[COLOR= #ffffff]Magic[/COLOR]

[COLOR= #000000] As a member of the Church Naomi doesn't rely on magic. The only true magecraft she knows is the one allowed by the Church and that is the Baptism Rite. The teachings of God are considered to be the greatest weapon against spirits and demons and so the chant is considered a Key of Providence capable of eliminating wondering souls with the holy words of the Bible. She need only recite the rite towards the specified spirit and the being will be purified, sent to the throne of the Lord where it may rest for all Eternity. While doing little against a Heroic Spirit even they can be cast away if they do not have a Master to anchor them to this world.[/COLOR]

[COLOR= #000000]Beyond that Naomi is incapable of using magic that would prove itself truly valuable. She is only able to use the most basic of spells that young children might use to entertain themselves.[/COLOR]

Command Seal


[COLOR= #ffffff]Abilities[/COLOR]





Magical Energy


Noble Phantasm







Unarmed Combat

As part of her training as an Executor Naomi is an expert when it comes to hand to hand combat. Her years of training and experience make her exceptionally deadly in a direct confrontation. Her movements are quick and precise, her strikes powerful and deadly. She is able to perceive and predict what her opponents may do next. While her agility is still bound by the limits of the human body and thus she can't dodge bullets, she can predict where the gunmen will fire and thus allow her to maneuver out of it's trajectory just as it's fired. Her years of taking down Magus also give her an extreme familiarity with the oddities magicians can bring forth. While she is more than a match for Magus, demons, and other heretical beings she is still incapable of fending off a Heroic Spirit as even the weakest of servants would be far beyond her abilities.

Black Keys

Black Keys are a type of Key of Providence. Conceptual weapons they take the form of an exceptionally small hilt that is able to project a mystical blade. These weapons are long and poorly balanced making them ill-suited for close-range combat. Instead Executors are trained to use them as a form of ranged weaponry, able to hold them between their fingers and throw them with frightening speed and accuracy. As conceptual weapons the blades are unnaturally strong and durable, able to cleanly pierce through solid iron. As the blade is materialized on-use Executors have been known to carry hundreds of Black Key hilts on their person, although Naomi personally has less than seventy hidden on her person. These weapons are designed to fend off supernatural beings and as such they can effect even Heroic Spirits. That being said their power is far too weak and they could never prove fatal to a Servant, however they can give the servant pause by pinning them briefly.
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