Literature NaNoWriMo!


Senior Member
Hi, now before I start, National Novel Writing Month or NaNoWriMo is a fun writing event where the challenge is to complete an entire novel in the 30 days of November. For one month, you get to lock away your inner editor, let your imagination take over, and just create! That means participants begin writing November 1st and must finish by midnight, November 30th. The word-count goal for the Adult Program is 50,000 words, but the Young Writers Program (YWP) allows 17-and-under participants to set reasonable, yet challenging, individual word-count goals. It's a non-profit event that promotes the idea of writing and achieving something you have never done before in one month!

Now, I'm curious to see if anyone else here is doing it and will begin writing just like many others this Friday, or are actually in it for the third, fourth or maybe fifth year in a row? I heard about it last year but never had the guts to do it, but I feel I'm ready this year and I'm willing to try and achieve the word goal.

Is anyone else with me?
I think on the website it said you had to be 13+ to do it so I'm siting it out this year, but next year will be the year I do it!
You bet I am! We'll have to discuss plot ideas sometime and have writing warm ups. It's my first year as well, I found out about it just recently.

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