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Fantasy N.G.C Mission Log 1

(hey guys! sorry i never showed, i'm here now!)

Tempest was in the midst of a battle, lying on her back on the ground with with a large three-headed dog just above her with it's one of it's head's teeth in her arm. The first head and third head were being held together by her whip, and they bit at each other trying to get out of the trap. The creature reminded her of the dog Cerberus from greek mythology. Her axes were somewhere on the ground, having been knocked out of her hand by the giant demonic looking k9. The animal was about twelve feet tall, with matted black fur that looked like the dog had never seen a bath. It stunk of death and rotting corpses, and Harley had to keep her stomach from turning when it got close. The three heads all had two shining red eyes, and Harley couldn't look at them too long, for the eyes seemed to lull her to doubt herself. She'd already gained quite a bite and the wound was bleeding pretty bad. It looked like she was about to be dog fodder, when a strange calm seemed to take over Tempest and she smiled.

She'd been facing the dog with her weapons up till now, knowing she couldn't win in a battle of strengths against such a monster, but she also knew she had to charge up her mana. The tides of this battle had just turned in her favor, as her mana had just charged enough to do a triple combo and she sent a prayer to Ran. Tempest used the butt of her whip, which had a small crystal on it that she had designed to cause pain when hit with it, to hit the dog digging it's teeth into her arm in the eye. The dog let go of her temporarily and she used that second to roll away and stand up, cradling her arm. She jumped back until she was about 3 meters away from the dog. 

Here she focuses and puts her hands up in the air, facing outward from her body, "Oh mother Ran, my goddess of storm and seas, your winds are fierce and do to me transform, into your servant," as she speaks, Harley seems to get even more determined, and her mana shakes the air around her, the wind thinning into small, invisible blades. "BLADES OF WIND!" she shouts, thrusting her hands forward, and the 6 blades fly forwards into the dog, pushing it back though it doesn't seem to do much damage to the thing. "Sinking Waters!" Tempest shouted, and suddenly water began puddling on the ground all around her, reaching out to the dog, and a few of the zombies who had wandered too close. when the water had begun to reach an inch, she cupped her hands together in front of her facing the water near the monsters. "LIGHTNING GRENADE!" here she focused her mana so it swirled in her hands, sparking and shining like lightning. When the ball grew to about softball size, Tempest dug her feet into the ground to steady herself and the ball launched at the water like a lightning strike. The zombies went down as the electricity lit their bodies up, charring them to the bone in some places. The demon dog was big, and did not take as much damage, but it howled it pain, falling to the ground, not quite dead. 
Reaver stood at the base of the crates with a hybrid girl, and the woman who killed the grizzly to one side, with man with a fiery spirit to the other. He pointed his sword toward the cheetah whom was prowling around, "We'll need to slow that one down, can you use that snare song?" He called to the woman with the violin. 

Reaver muttered quietly. He didn't want to use his mana during this fight but it turned out to be tougher than expected. When he finished muttering the grizzly started to stand up, "After the lion," he called out to the zombie bear. 

"Uhh guys, don't mind the bear, it's with us now," he warned his new teammates. "Let's see if we can't get that lion out of the picture." 
Lacy nodded and looked at the lion quickly figuring out how to stop it. "I can weigh it's paws down with ice and distract it while someone strikes it." Lacy says. Sparks of ice and snow magic coming from her finger tips, ready to burst.
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"Give me a sec. I'll be back," shadow said hearing the Guild Caption. She cast a wary look at the zombie bear then easily slipped past the other creatures and sprinted toward the alligator. Her sword ready in her hands she ran beside the scaled creature digging her sword in its side as she went. The blade had a tough time piercing its skin and the beast suddenly whiped toward her feet opening its toothy mouth. Shadow reacted quickly leaping in the air and landing in a roll. She carefully held her sword at a distance as she rolled then she leapt back onto her feet as the creature scrambled toward her. it opened its mouth again and brought down its power full jaw inches from her left foot as she dodged to the right. It snapped at her feet again and she fell as she jekred away from it. The creatures ugly eyes gaze at her then it jump forward . Shadow rolled to the side. And pulled her gun from its holstier. Its mouth opened swinging toward her arm. As it started to close down on her arm there was a bang and it went still. Shadow relaxed laying her head on the ground for a second. Smoke came out of the creatures mouth and she quickly pulled her arm out of the hanging open mouth. "Not to day buddy," she whispered glaring at it. Then she clambered back onto her feet and hurried back to help the group.
The fighters had found their footing now and the zombies were dropping fast. Yet the lion, tiger, wolf, hyena, and cheetah remained. The grizzly was apparently under the effects of someone else's magic. Still, that was a lot, and many of them more dangerous than the ones that had already been defeated. 

@plotsaresexyThe lion was currently occupied fighting the bear, they were near another warrior that had been seemingly attacking the air, caught in the grip of a powerful vision, or so it seemed. Viola couldn't guess which of the predators would come out on top, but hopefully the delusional warrior would come out of the vision in time to finish off the lion, or at least before the lion killed the bear and turned on her.

@TohoakThe cheetah was the fastest, but it was cautious by nature. Instead of going after the gathering group of fighters around the boxes, it was silently dashing towards the lone hunter who'd chased after the alligator to assist the guild captain. She didn't know the fighter's name, so she played a few notes of snare to get her attention. Dark chords appeared beside the fighter and whipped up to smack them lightly from behind before receding.

"Song of Enhancement: Fourth Verse, Enchant." @KiroshivenAs she began to play the new verse, the power she'd been sending to Blink began to recede. It would happen quickly enough that he'd notice, but slowly enough that he would have time to adjust before the power faded completely. Maybe thirty seconds, give or take. It had taken her months to get the timing right on that.

@Tohoak Her new spell targeted the lone fighter who'd she'd just warned with her snare. The fighter's weapon began to glow as it received power from the enchant verse. The weapon would become more durable, sharper, and the magic coating it would inflict additional harm to most kinds of dark creatures, like zombies. This was one of her most difficult spells. If she couldn't attune her magic to harmonize with the magic of the weapon's master, the fighter could experience some disorienting feedback if she tried to use magic while holding her weapon. Viola was sure she could correct that problem with a little more practice, but she rarely had the opportunity to really test herself.

Two of the last zombies--the wolf and the hyena--were circling the warriors gathered at the boxes. Viola felt confident with most of the remaining fighters between her and the enemy. Having seen their skills in action, she knew she could give them the upper hand. She closed her eyes for a moment, savoring the blissful music. How wonderful it was to stand with warriors of such caliber and cast her song of hope out across the battlefield! She played faster, her fingers and bow dancing over the strings. @Tohoak She felt power surging through her music, her enchant was going to be stronger than usual this time, she was hitting every note perfectly. It was wonderful.

The tiger, a master of stealth even in undeath, slinked silently passed the warriors guarding the boxes, their attention focused on the prowling wolf and hyena, and began to climb to the top.
Hey guys! I'm still trying to figure my notifications out, so I'm pulling out for now. I'll come back when I get it figured out, so till then!)
Suddenly a womans laughing could be heard from all around.

Kobalt jumped up when he heard it bashing his head into the ceiling. He jumped down rubbing his head, floating gracefully to the floor in one swift move, running leaping high gliding over the Zombeasts and landing over near the group of recruits.

"Oh shit its Vlandris. Where did that psychotic bitch come from? We need the Guildmaster. Surazal!" Kobalt yelled up into the air. "Master Surazal!"

Nothing. No mysterious voice responded. Just the incessant cackling of the witches voice. "She must be blocking my connection somehow." Kobalt said a hint of a cold chill in his voice.

All the while the laughing stopped and the loud voice began speaking.

"I was wondering where my pretty pets went. Kobalt you bad, bad boy. If you wanted to borrow them all you had to do was ask me." She said so sweet and innocently you would have been reminded of a friendly school teacher, or happy go lucky nanny. "Enjoy them to the fullest."

Suddenly the lion, cheetah, and tiger zombies lept onto one another as if fighting for their very last meal. Biting and tearing into one another their blood, fur, and flesh began to mold and change combining into one creature until their was only a bigger, scarier, and meaner monster left.


The large horse sized and deadly creature known as a Saberus (CRITICAL) was now standing on all fours in the warehouse. It shook its head as if waking up from a long nap. Licking its sharp teeth for a second before roaring so loud that all the windows in the warehouse shattered and everyone including Guild Captain Kobalt had to cover their ears in pain at the sound.

The Saberus stalked around the warehouse as if trying its new body out for the first time before in a dash of uncanny speed it suddenly rushed over and bit down on the zombie wolfs neck, then flinging it across the room in an impressive throw that sent the wolf spiraling into the wall. Before the wolf even hit the ground, it had raced again in a dash of impressive speed over to the hyena smacking it down with a powerful paw that left a cracked dent in the concrete beneath, crushing the hyena's head and neck flat.

The Saberus's jagged fanged mouth opened wide as a sparkling smokey dust substance began to waft up out of the wolf and hyena's bodies. The sparkled dust changed colors constantly as if floating within it was the missing pieces of a beautiful rainbow.

Kobalt had never seen anything like it before but he knew instinctively what it was.

"We cant attack it with our abilities, or spells, or use magic against it. It eats Mana. We'll just make it stronger.

Damn this was really bad time to forget my sword."

@Wixard  "Viola continue doing what your doing. Boost our abilities and keep us fast and strong. But dont overdo it. You've been playing this whole time and we dont want you running out of Mana too soon."

@Tohoak "Shadow I want you to use your power to protect Viola. Put up walls or whatever you need to. If the Saberus disrupts her music we lose our edge. Protect yourself as well. The rest of us can manage."

@Kiroshiven "Blink, get up to the rafters and fight it from a distance with your rifle. Fire at its weak spots, try to slow it down. I dont know if your needles will work but try em. And if your mana can handle it. Use the Grizzly to keep it busy but I assume its just gonna eat that mana too."

@Vaun Mustow @SleepyBuddha "Myojinn and Reaver, you guys are with me. Use your swords to bring it down. Try to stay behind it. Keep it confused. " Everything got silent and still for a second as Kobalt waited, the Saberus did the same as it lapped the last of the zombeasts Mana up hungrily. He could feel the blood rushing through his veins as the adrenaline pumped through every cell in his body. 

Kobalt held his sawed shotgun in hand as he activated his cloud leap ability which mad him lighter. Along with Viola's enchantment he felt even stronger and much much faster. He had never felt such power before. He felt invincible, but then again he knew from experience. No one was invincible.

"You guys ready? On my signal." He said pointing the shotgun forward aimed at the witches beast, ready to fire.
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Viola had just finished enchanting Shadow's weapon too. Even though she'd stopped playing that spell when the Saberus appeared, Shadow's sword would still be infused with mana for a good fifteen seconds, at least, making it worse than useless.

The Captain started barking orders and joined the fight. This was clearly not part of his plan. Now they were really fighting for their lives. 

"Viola continue doing what your doing. Boost our abilities and keep us fast and strong. But dont overdo it. You've been playing this whole time and we dont want you running out of Mana too soon."

The Captain couldn't know how big Viola's mana pool was. She estimated she'd gone through about a third of it so far. But still, enchanting all these people at once? She couldn't maintain that for long. If they let the fight drag on, she'd be useless. 

"Accompany!" she called. A spectral figure gingerly lifted the violin and bow from her hands, playing the whole time, not missing a note. 

"Song of Enhancement: First Verse, Strength," Viola instructed. The figure nodded and began to play a new tune. She didn't need to tell him what to play, but saying the name helped her remember where to start in the song. As he played, she began to sing, a duet. It was the only way she could extend her power over this many people at once. She would make them stronger, able to hit harder and hopefully tough enough to survive if that thing hit them. Using only one verse instead of two would hopefully allow her to stretch her mana long enough that she could maintain the song until the fight was over.

The Saberus locked eyes with Viola and her throat suddenly felt dry. She probably had the largest mana reserve of anyone in the room, with the possible exception of the Captain, and she was using it now. The Saberus was a Mana-Eater. She was practically screaming to be eaten. Should she stop singing? No, the Saberus was already loping toward her, it's leaps swallowing up the distance between them at an alarming pace. Her mana tended to linger. Even if she stopped, the mana she'd gathered would take too long to be reabsorbed by her body. 

"Agility!" she shouted, and they began to play another verse. She didn't know how long she could keep this up, but her teammates needed the extra speed and flexibility. If the Saberus got to her it could easily become too powerful for them to handle. 

(A song for listens)
Blink was glad that his distraction had seemed to get the group moving together. However he heard the cry of a team member and as he looked up he felt relieved. He had a sniper's nest. He blinked instantly, getting onto the plywood and rafters. It would be a vantage point for this kind of crazy stuff. The zombies were getting dropped one after another, but that cackle. That laugh. It was no doubt a witch of some kind. Blink had heard a similar laugh in the past. He felt some anger boil inside him. Memories flashed by in his mind and he tightened the grip on his rifle.

In perfect timing with it, Blink's vision and speed dropped to normal. It was a bit sad, but he knew he shouldn't get used to having the boosts. Its not like the girl could play for him everywhere he went. And....Blink's thoughts were cut off as the Saberus took form. "Holy great mother of shit." he mumbled as he watched it begin eating the mana from its kin. There was still the grizzly to deal with, but a quick sniper round could kill it. However, he'd have to blink again to not get spotted by the new threat. He heard Kobalt start barking orders and laughed. "You want me to feed it some more? Can do.Two blinks. That's how many I'll lose if I push the bear into the Saberus, my shots will have to count. I'm down to four. I need to work on better control of my blinks with people after this.

Blink mustered up some of his mana and conjured a wind. It was powerful and as it collided into the grizzly, he watched with satisfaction as the unsavory creature was flung towards the side of the Saberus. "Have some lunch kitty kitty." He muttered as he stopped the wind and took aim. Shot one was going to tear through the back legs if he had anything to say about it. That would at least slow....wait, it was being enhanced by a witch. That kind of thinking was pointless. "Kobalt, I don't know if shooting its going to do much good if a witch is helping it. We may just want to run as quick as we can." He said this while still maintaining his aim on the beast. The minute it looked up for his voice, he shot. The bullet whizzing straight for the hind legs to debilitate its movements, so long as the witch didn't heal it.

@Kiroshiven "The witch Vlandris is long gone. We've been trying to kill her for a month but she's a coward who never gets anywhere near the battle, that's why she uses monsters like these. Just Shoot the damn thing Blink. Less blah blah and more bang bang. Oh and dont worry about the bear. Reaver will take care of it."

Kobalt was ready to take this thing down. 

"Alright let's go!" He said running with enhanced speed directly at the Saberus during a shot into its ugly toothed face. The shotgun shells mostly bounced off but some of them shed blood. Blink was right. This thing had thick skin. But like said before. Nothing was invincible.
Myojinn stood by and watched as the flaming spirit he conjured went to work on the zombified animals, during their rotting flesh with divine fire seemed to do the trick. However caution is also the best route when dealing with the unknown so when the laughing could be heard Myojinn called the fire spirit back to his side and drew his katana. Watching the beasts tear into one another as they transformed into the Saberus was a sight that shook even this omnyoji who had been battle the evil spirits in Japan before coming here. 

After receiving his role in the fight Myojinn rushed forward behind Kobalt and went to the opposite side of the beast taking full advantage of his enhanced strength and speed to try and slash into the beasts hide. A slash that would have no doubt cut a lesser creature clean in half barely broke the skin on the Saberus. This was going to be a hard fought battle, but he still had most of his mana. If need be could could use it all to host a Kami within himself, and hopefully that combined with the music would be able to do something.

Myojinn wasn't sure what to do with his fire spirit. It was technically a spirit, but that didn't mean the Saberus couldn't feast on it. For now the spirit floated beside Viola acting as another protector.
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Lacy stood back letting the others do thing. She wanted to help but didn't want to get in the way of the others.
@Winter Night(totally forgot something. My bad)

Kobalt looked around searching.


"Lacy! There you are. Your naturally the fastest because of your hybrid form. I need you to use your enhanced senses and speed. Try to see if you can follow Vlandris's trail through the city. This is my chance to catch her. Use stealth and no matter what don't fight her. Meet us at the City University Campus if you find anything."

He yelled while firing another shotgun blast at the beasts back leg.
Reaver watch the three zombie cats form into the large Saberus in a horrified awe, he'd never seen anything like it. He nodded at Kobalt's orders. 

He lept towards the beast as Kobalt shot at it. He swung his sword at the beast's right front leg, but missed as the creature reared up enough for the blade to slice through the air under it's foot. "Myojinn try to take out his front legs! Kobalt, if it rears up again shoot the damn thing where it's heart should be. Hopefully its underside isn't as thick as the rest of its hide!" Reaver cried out to the others. 
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Viola's fear evaporated as she saw her allies spring into action, effectively occupying the Saberus's attentions, keeping it distant. She focused solely on singing while her spectral partner continued to play. It felt almost like sprinting, thrilling in the way that raw, physical activity was. She was just starting to get tired, nobody could sprint forever, but she knew from experience that if she pushed herself, she could still go further.

Freely trusting her comrades to decide the outcome of the battle, Viola threw herself into her music. She felt like her soul was flying. 
"Understood." Myojinn said still being rather cautious with the beast rather than just charge at it head on Myojinn attacked from the side slashing at its front paws his blade still not doing much damage, but it was enough for Myojinn to gain its attention. " Whatever the plan is do it quickly!" Myojinn said prioritizing dodging the beast than actually dealing damage.
(S'ok) "On it." Lacy says. She speeds off beginning to look for a trail. Lacy avoided any opponents that were nearby. She soon caught the slightest hint of a trail that might lead her to find Vlandris. She fallows the hint of trail till she catches a scent. Stealth-fully, she fallows it yet no sign of  who she is searching for.
Ooc: sorry usally can't get on weekeneds! Back now though!

Shadow did as she was told and hurried over to Viola's side. Conjuring her mana Shadow raised her hands and Her eyes glowed darkly. Suddenly shadows began to leave their coners and creep across the floor. The formed a wall around Viola and Shadow. She winced but kept the wall steady. The others would have to defeat the beast quickly if she were not to use all her mana.
The damage that the Saberus had taken from the three men had begun to take its toll slowly on the beasts legs. But that didn't matter, because it was still faster than they were and it could smell the Mana in the air. It sped in a blur of fur, fangs, and movement slamming its body first against Reaver sending him flying across the warehouse and against a stack of wooden crates, exploding in cloud of broken wood and dust, then in an instant changed direction headbutting Myojinn in the stomach sending him up towards the ceiling slamming him into Blink hiding in the rafters then down to the hard concrete floor. Kobalt had barely enough time, to react as he jumped far backwards guarding himself before he was attacked too.

The beast ran straight forward slamming itself into the black wall of darkness shadow had created with an impact so loud and powerful it shook the frame of the warehouse. It swiped with it's heavy clawed paws at the wall before realizing what it was made of. It suddenly threw it's jaws wide open and begun to inhale. The wall of shadow began to break down being sucked in like a vacuum sucking air. Kobalt saw his opening.

He ran forward, shoved the shotgun into it's mouth and fired with a loud blast of sound. Smoke bellowed from the sides of its mouth as the Guild Captain used its jaws to cock the shaft reloading over and over firing two more loads of shells down the beasts throat.

"Let's see you eat mana with this shoved down your throat you piece of shit!" He yelled angry and frantic. "Get your asses up and come kill this thing!"

He left the shotgun jammed in it's mouth and he held up his palm charging his Pyroblast to it's max for about ten seconds then blasted it in the face with an orange beam of searing firelight, sending it spiraling across the concrete floor. "Dont let up! Give it everything you got!"
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Viola felt the ground shake as something impacted the barrier in front of her. She didn't have to guess what that something was, but even if she'd guessed wrong she would have seen the Saberus as it began to lap up the shadow wall between them like a thirsty dog. 

The Captain intercepted it and began shooting it at point blank range. The rest of her comrades were scattered, maybe injured as well. Was the strength and agility she was sending them not enough? She didn't know what else she could do. She didn't have any spells to counter a mana-eater, and she didn't know enough about the Saberus in general to figure out what tactics might keep it from eating her other spells.

There was one other thing she could try. Some of her teammates probably had magical abilities that produced physical effects instead of mana. The Saberus wouldn't be able to consume those, and she could make them stronger.

"Enhance...Ability," she gasped, resuming her song before the notes could fade. She staggered as a weight settled around her shoulders. The notes she sang became painful, in her throat, in her head. She was trying to maintain too many spells at once, but the spells were holding, at least for now. A burning sensation began to settle in her lungs. The strain was enough to distract her from the rapidly encroaching weariness. At this pace, she'd drain her mana within a minute. 
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Blink felt the onmyoji crash into him from the violence of the Saberus' strength. "Shit." He mumbled before looking at the ground and blinking to it. It kept the fall damage to a minimum, but he was still sore and his body was nealy out of mana. "I've got three blinks." He grumbled as he stood up and readied his next shot.

"Head." He blinked directy above the Saberus and shot straight down for the skull, momentum pushing him away. "Heart." One more blink and now he was at its side. He loaded the next round in with a flick of the lever and shot. "Spine." He smirked as he blinked to the opposite side slightly off the ground and fired the last round in the magazine. The recoil sending him flying back into a stack of boxes. "Im outta juice." He mumbled as he lay there in the pile of debris.
Shadow shook as the beast slammed into the wall. Her hands were starting to shake and her eyes glowed darker than ever. The beast hit the wall again then suddenly started to eat the shadows. Shadow's eyes widened and she suddenly felt weak. Her whole body was shaking but suddenly Kobalt was there shoving his gun into the beast mouth and fireing. Shadow let herself fall to her kness and she took deep shaking breaths. She wrapped her arms around herself to stop shaking. When she heard the captian yell for them to give it everything they had she forced herself to her feet and drew her sword. She felt more energy as music came to her ears and she gave a nod to Viola gratefully before running to go help the others.
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Myojinn could feel the air knocked out of his lungs as he collided with Blink. With a breathless whisper Myojinn asked the flame spirit to attack. As Myojinn hung onto the rafters recovering from the hit his spirit rolled into action leaving a flaming trail wherever it went. It previously had been floating above the protection spell that had been created to be protecting Viola. As the spirit rolled around the best trying to serve as a distraction by burning its body with divine fire Myojinn held out another talisman and began using his most powerful spell.

Holding the talisman in front on himself and chanted an incantation to a powerful Kami, asking the Kami to help him in battle. " I beseech you, powerful Kami of thunder Raijin. Grant me a your power this day to vanquish my foes. " With the simple incantation complete the talisman was filled with the remainder of Myojinn's mana. Pressing the talisman onto his chest, Myojinn was engulfed in a flash of lighting. Myojinn was able to take on a few characteristics of the Kami of lighting, though the power was severely limited because of the cost to his body.  Leaping down from the rafters, Myojinn enhanced his katana with lighting and fell right on the beasts back, lighting arched from Myojinn into the beast.

Shadow ran swiftly. She held her sword at her side ready to dig it along  the side of the creature. Lightining suddenly flashed onto the beast making Shadow jerk to a halt and almost stumble backwards, but she caught her self and went into a roll landing in a crouch with her eyes narrowed. The beast gave a howl of fierce anger and agonoy. Shadow felt the need to cover her ears from its eerie cry but she resisted. Hopefully the lightning would weaken it if not all together kill it.
It was a big spell, Viola wasn't sure how long it would last once she stopped. A minute? Unlikely. Thirty seconds? Fifteen? How much longer could she keep going before that? Another 5, 10 seconds maybe. That gave her comrades 20 to 40 seconds to kill the Saberus before they had to fight it on their own, without her power. If they were paying attention, they'd notice the power begin to fade, but they hadn't fought with her before. She doubted many had the experience to accurately gauge the deadline. Maybe the Captain. Maybe.

At least she wouldn't have any mana, nothing to give the Saberus power when it ate her. Maybe if the others kept it busy enough it would forget about her entirely. It would devour them all, and leave her here alone. Somehow that seemed worse.

It was her fault. She should have studied harder. She should have known the Saberus's weaknesses. She should have designed spells to work around mana eaters. 

She was afraid her comrades wouldn't be able to defeat it, and that lack of trust felt like she was betraying them somehow. She barely knew them. It wasn't fair that she felt this way.

The last notes of the song died. Her specter shimmered and vanished as a wall of fatigue hit her. Pathetic, she thought, just before she passed out, I've failed them all.

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