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Realistic or Modern n e w americana


☯ b a r b i e ☯

we are the new americana

if you ask any kid on this street, you'll get the same answer. we all live fucked up lives. that kid who lives at number six? his parents don't accept him for being gay and for that, his parents get high and forget about their son. what about the kid on number twelve? she has no parents, she's in foster care and no one seems to notice how depressed she is with her abusive foster parents. no one cares about us, the ones in loves with the same sex or the ones with issues. fuck, they think we're living like kings. we are our own family, we care about each. using every skill we can to survive on the streets cause God knows that our parents won't.

the idea of conning was bad at first for us, little betty couldn't help herself but cry. we trick adults, we know how to get into their minds and think that little frankie is deaf or that baby rose has a mental illness. this is our we survive. this is our new americana.
high as hell on legal marijuana

so if you read that horrible plot idea, congrats! you made it through one of my awful plot ideas written in first person. basically this is going to be full of drama, a group of teens try to make it through life as best as they can, whether it's conning adults or selling drugs, they have to try their best. there will be love triangles, secrets revealed and a whole of shit ton of drama so if you don't like that you can go. but keep reading if you want to know more.
raised on biggie and nirvana

follow these rules:

don't be disrespectful, i won't tolerate it at all.

it's not first come, first serve. i will be picking.

my co--gm is ____, disrespect her and i will throw a knife in your back.

have fun, that's the point of roleplaying.

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