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Fantasy Myth and Man Chat


I didn't Ask to be a Unicorn, I was Born that Way
~ Welcome to the Chat ~



Questions or chit chat is welcome!
The Main Thread
The Characters
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Gosh I just want to start this, I'm too impatient
I can't think of anyone else, I don't remember most of the old people we RP with. It's been too long with too many updates. Oh btw, I realized today that it's been a whole year since I joined RP nation.
Hey, Ive seen this RP, and I'm pumped to join. Just wanted to get that out there and I can't Post a CS right now (it's way too late xD).so I'll do it in the morning.

McMajestic McMajestic
What is needed from me? I don't mind either side or either gender, what is needed to make it balanced? McMajestic McMajestic
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Dominaiscna Dominaiscna Genders are pretty even so I don't mind if it's male or female, whichever you prefer is great!

And I would prefer realistic pictures but of course anime or whatever other types is allowed too!

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