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Fantasy Myth and Man Characters


I didn't Ask to be a Unicorn, I was Born that Way
An asterisk ( * ) means it only applies to dragons
A dash mark ( - ) means it only applies to Seers
The CS

Human Name

Dragon Name*







Human Form

Dragon Form*

Weapons -

Special skill -
(Every hunter gets a special skill at age 16 which is some type of supernatural ability. Do not make this OP)

The Main Thread
The Chat
Name- Luna North

Age- 22

Gender- Female

Personality- Luna is naturally content but is secretly bipolar, but she's been spending years to conceal her negative personality. She's very compassionate, which is rare and not necessarily a good trait for a hunter. Luna is always desperately trying to gain the approval of other hunters and prove that she isn't weakened by her loving heart, So at times she can be cold and unforgiving. She dreams of moving away from her troupe and to no longer hung, but her father struggles to make her stay, trying to hold onto his little girl even though she's already an adult. Luna stays out of pity and guilt, even though she's 22.

History- Luna has always traveled around with a troupe of Hunters, friends and partners of her father, who decided that hunting as a group organization was a safer method after his wife was killed during a solo hunt. She grew up on the road, really the longest she ever stayed anywhere was for 2 years, but that was just because it was a long hunt. Now she has come to this simple city after her troupe gained tips and signs that dragons where living in the city. Strangely scorched areas with no real explanation, neighborhood pets going missing, claw marks around the area. So Luna and her father moved into a small neighborhood while the others spread around the neighborhood and other parts of the city to investigate.

Strengths- Lunas negative polar side is quick and ruthless, which helps her hunting. Her aim is deadly and she can throw knives at incredible distances. With years of training, Luna is skilled in several forms of hand to hand combat.

Weaknesses- Luna has a heart full of love and sometimes gets distracted from the real mission. Her desperate need to please her troupe is a distraction.

Appearance- She has light eyes, is constantly dyeing her hair different colors, is 5,6, weighs 120 pounds. Small tattoos are on her hands and litter her body.

Weapons- Throwing knives, small black hand gun that she hardly ever uses, small daggers hidden around her body.

Special skill- Luna has discovered that she cannot be harmed by flame or heat, and can manipulate fire, but not produce it.
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Human Name: Damon Day

Dragon Name
: Luxinmorte (Lux for short)

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Personality: Damon is the life of the party. He's all about having a good time, worried more about the invigorating parts of human culture he's grown up in and less about the more exhausting parts. This leads to a very 'go with the flow' attitude on the outside that most people tend to see from him, along with his narcissism and ability to truly believe he is invincible. His very loud and commanding persona over his own perfection tends to lead people away, and so he doesn't bother trying to be real with people anymore. Instead he lives through his obnoxious facade that life is easy for him and nothing could ever harm him.

Although truly, Damon faces many demons thanks to his dark history, and because of this he has sharp mood shifts- especially over weekends when there is no one to lie for. This leads him into deep depressions and suicidal thoughts that are hard to shake, and actually pushes him even farther into his party boy facade in hopes he can drink away his problems.

History: Damon was born to a loving family that encouraged him in all he did. For a large chunk of his life he was raised solely as a human boy, though, playing in little leagues and being praised for good grades. While Damon had always known the human he walked around as was not him, his parents did not allow him to morph until he was ten, after a wave of Seers left the area.

It was then his dragon training began, though he was about five years behind he picked it up quite fast and soon enough began to grow cocky over his skills. His parents both warned him that such thoughts could get him in big trouble, but Damon didn't pay much attention to their warnings, instead committing large risks by morphing in broad daylight and around multiple people. While a human wouldn't notice such a transformation, a hunter most definitely would.

And one did around the time Damon was turning fifteen. He was out with his best friend celebrating a win for the track team their freshman year and decided to blow some flames into the air for fun. He knew his best friend, Travis, wouldn't take any notice to it seeing as he was just a normal human, but a Seer in the area caught sight of the flames- and the human causing them, and attacked. Sage morphed completely in order to fight this hunter, though he was still far behind in his training. It was this battle that taught him this, for his leg was greatly injured and his wing was shredded in the fight, though his parents came to the rescue and killed the hunter before the hunter could kill Damon.

He had been so caught up in the fight, though, he hadn't noticed something. His best friend had not only seen the flames, but had also seen him as a dragon. Travis was a rare type of Seer, one without parents who carried the hunter name, but his sight was enough. Even though he was Damon's best friend, his parents made quick work of slaying the fifteen year old boy, thinking he was helping the other hunter attack their son. It all happened so fast, right before Damon's eyes, and there was nothing he could do to stop it because his arrogance had gotten in the way. By the time he explained Travis was not a hunter, it was too late. His best friend was dead, the hunter was dad, and Damon was horribly injured.

He was taken to the hospital, where it was learned that track, his one extracurricular activity, was no longer a possibility for him, and it was later that night, when his mother was doctoring his wing, that he learned he would never be able to fly as fast as he used to again. All in one night he lost his friend, his team, and his flight, and he has never been the same since.

His grades crashed and his life went downhill. Damon began partying his pain away and receding into narcissism to hide the fact that he hated himself, though it only hurt that much worse the next day. The deeper he fell into depression, the more his parents fought. They got a divorce a year after the incident, both blaming one another for Damon's mistake, and his care dropped even further. He barely graduated from high school and is taking online law classes, or so his mother thinks anyways. Since he'll never be a successful dragon she expects him to be a successful human, little does she know neither option is in his plans.

Strengths: Damon is a smooth talker. He's very good at morphing his words into weapons, confusing his opponents in most cases or even talking himself out of his crime. He is also quite strong in order to make up for his lacking speed, and usually can knock someone down on the first punch.

Weaknesses: Damon's speed in flight and on foot has diminished. This doesn't make him slow by any means but he is most definitely not as fast as most dragons, which makes him an easier target. It also makes close combat difficult for him, seeing as he can't move fast enough and so most of the time he eats the punches. His belief that he in invincible makes him careless, and tends to expose him quite easily, which only further puts him in danger.

Human Form: Damon has black hair that is usually haphazardly shoved back with some hair gel and a swift hand movement. He has dark hazel eyes that shimmer to a blackish gold in bright lighting but hint at a greenish brown in dimmer settings. His skin is relatively pale simply because he is a light dragon which means the sun doesn't affect him very much.


(He's about the size of a semi-truck)

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Brandy Venu [Miranti]

Dragon Name: Miranti

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Miranti is a stunning young woman with quite a few quirks to her. While as normal as she may seem as a human being, she is constantly struggling to understand the human body and traditions that show up among younger people. She curiously wanders through life, examining every aspect of life while trying to make sense of it all. While she may not be largely intelligent, she does manage to be rather creative. Even if she's not good with her hands, she tries her best to express her through art.
If you saw her passing down the street, you might find it hard not to strike conversation with her, that is if you can manage to start talking to her first. She is largely social, and tries her best to communicate with other humans as normally as possible.

Summary -
On a small ranch hidden by the trees lived a family of dragons, including Miranti. Since her birth she was so curious of the world, searching the area for clues as to where she was. She was raised as a dragon, though was taught how to change into a human at the young age of 8. Since they were so secluded, not many bothered them or came over for that matter. As a kid she did not have many friends, though didn't need them when she had her family. Every day she would run around with her brothers in the field, flapping her wings and attempting to fly. She was the runt of the litter as her brothers would say, running circles around her while she had to keep up with her tiny legs. The brothers were both medium sized before she had ever even reached to be a foot tall, but this didn't bother her. Larger siblings meant she didn't have to do much for herself, and instead get special treatment.

Usually they had no need for to morph due to the coverage of trees. Miranti was homeschooled during this time, studying once a week and discussing schooling with her siblings on that fateful day of studies. She hated human schooling, and always asked her parents why they needed such a thing. They always said it was good for her to understand their culture, and left it at that.

Over the years she was heavily taught to become one of the humans, which confused her. They were dragons at heart, and yet they acted as humans. She questioned her parents constantly wondering as to why they were avoiding who they were, which they replied with a solemn statement. "We are no longer dragons. We are the victim's to a dangerous game." Miranti did not understand this, not until she learned of the Hunters, which grew in population as she grew up.

When she was 17, she was sent off to join the humans in a public school. Her parents promised it would only be one year, but they didn't promise that it wouldn't have been hell for her. They wanted their daughter to grow up and understand the dangers of the world by experiencing using caution in the public. Needless to say, that year was one of the most difficult years of her life socially. As for grades, she flunked every class out of carelessness and incomprehensibility.

From there it only got worse for her, being pushed into getting a job. While it seemed fun at first, she didn't understand the full concept of a job. She got to learn over the course of a month the trials of a job, and works at the job to this day.

Strengths: She is friendly, social, and a loving creature that will care for those that she meets.

On the downside, she lacks the proper human intellect to fully function, is physically weak as the runt of her family, and is quite clumsy all the time.

Human Form

Height: 5'3"
Weight: 125 lbs.
Hair: Silver

Dragon Form

Height: 2'0
Weight: 78 lbs.
Feathers/Skin: Blue Feathers with gray scales.​
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I will finish soon!!!

The CS

Human Name
Skylar Marie Jensen



Sky is well how is she? She is a normally happy person she loves to have fun but also struggles with deep depression and anxiety which makes it hard to be a Seer. She is loving to everyone and wants to make everyone happy. Normally she puts others needs before her's. Skylar can be very confused at times and quiet but when she's not she is bubbly and talkative. Her mood/personality depends on how she's feeling and who is around.

history Skylar M. Jensen's parents weren't always around so it made her learn at a young age to take care of herself. A normal parenting figure was something she almost never had. Instead of taking care of her they were out finding dragons. She thought this was normal. Some days she would want to go along but they would tell her no and make her stay home. Was it for protection?

At age 15 her parent's died and she had not gotten her special skill yet so her grandmother took care of her. When she turned 16 she got her special skill but didn't really try it out for awhile because she didn't know how she could ever learn without her parents. Her grandmother tried to let her teach Sky but she would refuse for about 6 months when she finally excepted it.

At 17 Sky left and traveled by herself only having about 6 months of training is hard but she has tried her best to teach herself. She once fought a dragon but she almost died. ever since then she hadn't fought one since

18 year old now she had been working on her skills and wanting to get better and to try her best. She isolated herself and spent time trying to figure everything out and learn. She had thought about fighting dragons again but she couldn't she was too afraid.

Now when she turned 19 she had started to really get into everything she was on her way to becoming a master. She even got back into fighting more with weapons. The only thing her parent's taught her was how to fight with knives, swords, and bows and arrows.

20 she had started to get back into hunting she would spend her days observing places and when she didn't know where to go she would follow the troop with Luna, Axil, and Alexander. She had only been seen a few times but she just played it off she had no idea why she didn't join. She and Axil were childhood friends.

Now in I guess you could say the present she is 21 she has be come a master at her skill and at being unseen. She still follows the group of people from time to time and has even thought about joining but is still unsure if they would accept her.

She is a good actress and is good at convincing and munipulating people, She is fast, and a quick thinker.

She always thinks that there is good in everyone and honestly there normally is but this gets in the way of fighting, can be confused at times, anxiety, and her fear of being killed again (It is not a huge fear but it still is a fear)

Human Form
long brown hair and bright green eyes, toned weighs about 110 height 5'5 hourglass figure and pale skin.

Weapons -
Her main weapon is her special skill honestly but she also has her knife which she keeps somewhere on her almost always, also she occasionally has a bow and arrow which she has become very good at

Special skill -
Controlling water, creating water, can not be harmed by it, becoming invisible by concealing herself in the water, and pretty much anything to do with water.
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The CS
Human Name
Axil Jack Woods



Well first off he's a pretty nice guy he cares about others but this doesn't stop him from doing what he believes is right. He can be stubborn and shut off from people at times. He can also be ruthless and a trouble maker. His heart is full of love and compassion for others but only if you are close to him or he has an interest in you.

His parent's recently died it is a touchy subject which he hates talking about. He was an easy going child but his parent's death has made him angry. He likes to keep his past private and not tell many people.

But let's go back a bit. Axil's family was loving but they did fight from time to time. They helped trained him but when they died he wasn't to his full potential which has made it hard for him but through all that all he has done was train. He joined the troops to fill up his time and Skylar has been his friend for years he tried to convince her to join but she said no.

Strong, Loving, Independent, Fast

Stuborn, Angry, Fearful at times

Human Form
Brown hair which is styled very simply his blue eyes are bright and his body is toned and has muscles. He is 6'2 and is very handsome his smile is bright and loving. Has tattoos on both of his arms that both resemble times in his life

Weapons -
Knives, Swords, Guns

Special skill -
Earth dirt, trees, all that kind of stuff

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Human Name: Alexander Martinez

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Personality: Kind, caring, cheerful, protective, intelligent, observant, brave,

history: For pretty much all his life Alex has trained and traveled. Becoming quite the skilled hunter over the years. He never found it difficule to perform the task that were necessary. Whether this was due to the psychological trauma he suffered when he was younger or not it is true. Things if his past have caused him to be protective over those he csres abiut, he will do anything for them and would Sacrifice everything to keep them safe. The traumatizing experince is for you to find out later ;)

Strengths: Athletic, strong willed, courageous, quick thinker, intelligent.

Weaknesses: His protective nature can sometimes force his actions to be rushed through and unplanned. Sort of making him hot headed.

Human Form: Semi long brown hair, chocolate brown eyes, 6'4, toned body (Muscular), tan skin.

Weapons - Retractable spear (Can be retracted into s shorter forms, the blade remains the same length so it can only be either a dagger, short sword or shorter length spear


Special skill - Controls the element of fire ((Can move it, create it and cant be harmed by it)​


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Human Names: Jaime Levitski and Ricky Olson

Dragon Name*: Do we need to own a dragon because everything scares me and I don't think this is smart

Age: 17 and 17

Gender: Jaime is female and Rick is male.

Personality: Rick is subdued, shy and introverted meanwhile Jaime can be very similar in those aspects but if needed, she can stand out and be loud and strict.

History: Rick grew up in an incredibly small town with only three little homes within it. There was the Levitski's, The Cerulli's and then Olson's. Rick's parents died when he was 9, leaving his only option being to live with his best male friend and his family. Rick had gone out to explore a pond far from the town and when he had gotten back; the house had been burnt down and he was permanently scarred by the vision of the two burnt skeletons sitting in the debris of the house's remains. The Cerulli's took care of Rick and he happens to be mute to this day. The only time you can hear him talk is to Jaime, when they are really secluded. Jaime had grown up in her house and when she found out that Rick's parents were in the house that had been burning, her family including herself tried to do all that they could to put the fire out. Jaime still is close to Rick and for some reason, Rick only talks to Jaime. Jaime is okay with that because she talks for him to others and helps him out when he needs someone to represent him. She continues to stand up for him and they began secretly dating last year on Rick's 16th birthday.

Strengths: Rick is better at everything when it is raining with no wind, when the wind begins to pick up while it is raining; he gets distracted. The thunder and lightening strengthens his ability and focus, making it easier for him to learn and get things done. Jaime however happens to work better in the wind rain. When there is strong blowing wind within the rain storms and snow storms, her power is incredulous. She is portrayed as majestic in Rick's eyes.

Weaknesses: Fire for the both of them, especially Rick.

Human Form: Rick and Jaime together.
the prettiest thing I know.jpg

Dragon Form* : This doesn't qualify.

Weapons - Jaime has two little sharp daggers with nicely carved wooden handles. Rick has no weapons because he doesn't like to really get physical.

Special skill - Rick has the power to control others minds yet he's not know to use it for bad things. Jaime can become invisible and make others close to her* invisible as well.

* As in an emotionally well bond between herself and another person. So herself and Rick.
(Every hunter gets a special skill at age 16 which is some type of supernatural ability. Do not make this OP)
Human Name: Caine Xander Larentin

Dragon Name: Lorethan

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Personality: Caine is a confident, intelligent man. He has a level of self-control that only comes with time and self discipline. He rarely gets angry, and when he speaks he sounds as if he is far older than he actually is. Caine had to grow up fast, so he has the maturity of a forty year old man. He is also very observant and diplomatic, always paying close attention and looking for the peaceful solution to things. That particular trait has nearly gotten him killed many times. The hunters like violence, but Caine refuses to use it. He still believes there is a chance for a peaceful end to this centuries-old war.

History: Caine was born on the run. His family was a very old one, one who'd managed to survive the war since the day it began by staying on the run. Staying on the move. Caine's first six years of life were spent criss-crossing across the globe in search of a safe haven from the hunters. The dragon's numbers were dwindling down. The hunters were getting smarter, figuring out ways to discover the human identity of a dragon. When his family was holed up in a tiny city in the northern corners of Italy, a hunter by the name of Aron Voltaire spotted Caine's father in his dragon form. Knowing there was a dragon there, he searched for the human identity....and he found it. It led him back to Caine's home, to his entire family. Aron and his team slaughtered them, but with the help of his father, he was able to just barely escape by shifting forms and soaring off. He was fourteen when it happened. Ever since, Caine has been running and hiding. saving any dragons he could and searching for a peaceful end to this God forsaken war.

Strengths: Where Caine lacks in violence, he makes up for in intelligence. Strategy. He approaches things with precise and careful attention, pointing out every situation, all chances of error, and executing the best possible plan for survival.

Weaknesses: Caine's refusal to resort to violence has led him to be vulnerable in direct contact with a hunter. His dislike for violence also means that while he can fight well, in both forms, he is not as good as he could be.

Human Form: hot-guys-7.jpg

Dragon Form: Ikran_HD.jpg

Other: His dragon is about seven feet tall at its full height, with a fifteen foot wingspan on either side, and ten feet in length from head to tail.
(Oh and btw if anyone's interested in playing the leader of Lunas troupe *her father* any slots for the troupe are open)
rickyxhorror rickyxhorror No problem! I don't mind mental abilities at all I just feel like the controlling aspect could cause some problems is all.
I'm so happy that so many people joined so fast. I'm anxious to start
There are 4 female and 5 males so it's about even <3
Human Name:
Keira Tooru
Dragon Name:
Both smart and cunning, Keira has been able to avoid detection through her actions which one would describe as "too out there to be a dragon". She is sharp-tongued and a little bit on the side caring or understanding another's emotions. To her, all who don't survive are weak, and encourages people to take advantage of situations like the one she is in.
After watching hunters take the lives of her parents when she was sixteen, she vowed to remain hidden, calling her parents too "weak and incapable" to survive. She was very successful in doing so, too, lasting three full years without any incident. It lasted until she was nineteen when she got sloppy. She was being cornered in a back alley with a drunk man pointing a knife towards her. She easily bat him away with her strength, but Seer had been watching from nearby and came to attack. Everything had been going south from there, to the point where the Seer's blade was at her throat. However, at that moment a red-headed man just sort of came down on the Seer and just killed him. When he looked up at her, she saw a look in his eyes, one of sick love. She would have killed him there, but he would become useful in keeping her secret. She doesn't completely love him back, but greatly appreciates his help.
She can command Eris like a loyal soldier, which can get her out of tough situations. She also has immense speed and strength, and great maneuverability in the sky no matter her size.
When it's near dawn or dusk, she cannot transform in large urban areas because she would not be able to move much at all. Also, Eris can be a big distraction for her if she leaves him to do his own thing.
Human Form:

Dragon Form:

Her size varies depending on time of day. At dawn and dusk she's the size of a large hospital and at noon and midnight she's the size of a bus.
She has a ton of tattoos. No dragon would want to stand out, so it won't be suspicious.

Human Name:

Eris Valone
Eris is a strange man. Probably the strangest, since he is in love with the dragon Lunasolis. He is willing to do anything for her, even if it means killing others, which he has done on multiple occasions. He will never let anything come inbetween him and Keira and constantly protects her, whether she needs it of not. Any rude remarks that she aims toward him does not daunt him, and her encouragement empowers him.
Eris, just most other people, lived a pretty average childhood, although he did have a girlfriend since he was twelve. By the time they were both sixteen, and Eris already experienced his skill, he had noticed she seemed to get more and more sick everyday. Eris questioned her about it, but she just shrugged it off. However, weeks after her seventeenth birthday, she collapse while sitting in the park, and Eris rushed her to the hospital. There she was diagnosed with an untreatable brain cancer, and only had a limited time left to live. He stayed by her everyday and always kept her smiling despite her imminent demise. When she finally passed months later, he held her in his arms and cried. Her last words have remained in his mind to the day, "As you make others smile, I want you to remember me." He has always kept that promise. Since that moment he has felt empty, without a purpose, and started going out at night and sneaking into others' houses. He wouldn't steal anything, he just did it for the thrill. One night, someone had been at home and he hadn't known it at the time. He was just going on and taking a look around when he heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Quickly, he hopped onto the counter and hide as an apple as the figure walked down the stairs and puffed up a bit of smoke. He immediately knew that she was a dragon and would have killed her had he not gotten a look at her face. He fell for her right then. She had the same silvery blue eyes as his deceased girlfriend, and he never wanted to kill a dragon again. The girl looked around for a moment, then looked at Eris on the table. He had just realized he was still an apple and she was about to eat him. As she reached for him, he rolled off the counter and across the floor, straight through the door that she had not noticed he left open. He never knew her reaction, but he did know he'd see her again. And he did, right when. She was about to be killed by another Seer. He had been watching her for a while, and loved every moment he got to see her. When the Seer had his blade up to her throat, Eris jumped down from on top of the building and killed the man. He did sprain his ankle while doing so, but it was worth it. Ever since, he and who he now knew as Keira were together.
Keira's compliments make him more envigorated and fight harder. Eris also has an unnaturally high and terrifying tolerance to pain.
He tends to throw himself into bad situations if it means saving Keira, which constantly puts him in dangerous situations.
Human Form:

He has many weapons hidden on his person such as a dagger in his shoes and a gun in his pants. He also carries a sword. His skill and teeth are also weapons.
Special Skill:
Transform into anything, as long as he has consumed a piece of it previously. Because of the ability, his teeth had grown much sharper and stronger.
He had secretly taken and eaten one of Keira's strands of hair, as well as one of her scales.
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Human Name: Allan Furnow

Dragon Name: Dumat

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Personality: Allan is a generally quiet kind of guy. One could say he is a nerd because he is intelligent and avoids confrontation. He is incredibly loyal to anyone he calls a friend, he would even die to protect them. He values quiet but is always looking for the next fun thing to do. Doesn't seem like it, but he has a tendency to take risks. Likes to joke around.

History: Allan was born in America but he and his parents moved to Scotland when he was 3. In Scotland lived his extended family, many of whom were dragons. There he trained with his family. He was taught to try not to be in dragon form as much as possible and to only use as a last resort. He grew exceptionally large and to much surprise he could breath lightning. (or should I say to much shock ;]). To teach him what kind of times required his dragon form his family put him through strenuous tests, close enough to torture. Because of this kind of training he only becomes a dragon when he is enraged or in mortal danger. This makes his dragon form dangerous, but very reckless. In one training session he was beaten and stabbed to test the limits of how much he could take before becoming a dragon. When his instincts kicked in he became uncontrollable and as a result accidentally killed his sister. Since then he's done his best to suppress his anger. Not much training was done after the incident so Allan did a lot of reading. Eventually he decided to move back to his place of birth. He's been in America for two years now and hasn't been in his dragon form since the accident, and is hoping he won't have to ever again.

Strengths: Is incredibly large and strong as a dragon.

Weaknesses: Due to his size he is slow and clumsy. He could literally kill himself if not careful. Is driven by rage so does not think anything through.

Human Form: Six foot four inches tall, muscular build.

Dragon Form

hmmm, I just realized that my character is basically just a dragon version of the Hulk...
Human Name
: Imogen Wells

Dragon Name: Impexis

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Personality: Imogen is somewhat quiet compared to most. She tends to recede into her own thoughts, which are actually rather dark. She despises Seers with a passion and her thoughts for them are rather bloodthirsty, although she cares deeply for any dragon she knows. If they do not share her hatred for hunters though, she is confused by this and generally hurt, but that is bottled up too. This it rather toxic for her, and sometimes she can't help but to have some type of outburst at a time no one would expect it.

History: Imogen grew up in Canada up until she was fourteen. She lived in a nice neighborhood with her parents and had many friends. Although, not long after she turned fourteen, the hunters came. Having seen her father morph one night to come home faster, they tracked down the entire family. Her parents were killed and she had no choice but to flee, to weak to do anything of importance.

Where she fled was to her Aunt's home in America. She told her what happened and Imogen moved in not long after and was enrolled into the high school there. Human life had never held much importance to her family, but her aunt insisted Imogen try and so she has been working hard to focus on human studies, though in her spare time she trains as hard as she possibly can, wanting to grow strong enough to defeat the hunters.

She has also become a bit paranoid, and is constantly seeking hunters before they can seek her out. Recently, there has been a murder in the town because of her. She killed a hunter, not because they were attacking her, but because she found them out, and wanted to kill them before they could kill her.

Strengths: Imogen has no mercy, which makes her quite the force to be reckoned with. She is also small and quick, which makes it easier for her to maneuver in a fight and in the skies.

Weaknesses: Her hatred blinds her and makes her paranoid, causing her to the jump the gun on issues and actually makes it much more plausible for her to expose herself. And although she is quick, she is not strong at all, making it very difficult for her to deal with close combat.

Human Form: Imogen has long brown hair that hangs in slight waves and green eyes. She's short, at 5'2, and quite lanky without much muscle.

Dragon Form

She's about the size of a motorcycle


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