Mystoria [Inactive]

Dax Vespion was an unusual character. He was very shady when talking to people like he had something to hide but everyone in town was oblivious. Dax found out about his curse as a young boy, always keeping it a secret, but his bloodlust couldn't be contained. He murdered innocent people feeling nothing but more hunger. He didn't care for people much and didn't think about feelings or anything of the sort. Being a werewolf was hard enough, especially because his brown hair and tall, bulky build made him look more like a werewolf as he stood up.
Saturn, as they called her, stood behind a tall tree, in the midst of a forest. Her thin, dark, shoes were wearing their way in the dirt, out of the anticipation she held. Her stomach had been clawing and wrenching at itself, just by the look of a small deer in the distance. Her eyes closed, and she tried to imagine something different. Tried to imagine she was somewhere else, until a rustel of leaves betray the thought. "Who's there?," she practically growled through a surprisingly gentle tone. She narrowed her gaze onto the moving bush. It was evident someone was behind her. The freedom of her second nature was dying to protect herself, but who could she trust with a secret of such high importance. Submitting seemed to be the only choice at hand, then.
Dax was slowly creeping on a female. It was the wilderness. No one could hear her scream when he killed her. He stood up straight. She's not a normal human, he could sense something about her. He shook the feeling off and looked up. It is only a mortal, walking through the forest. He grinned, mocking a peaceful human. Doesn't matter, who are you? Are you spying? He kept walking but this time, at a much slower and calmer pace.
Saturn heard more footsteps, and jerked around to face them, not paying attention to the bits of hair that blew in her face. When she saw nothing, her heart rate automatically skipped a beat, before increasing rapidly. "Where are you?" She practically yelped out, in ravenous desperation, after the other's presence was still not assured. Her hands slipped to her sides, and she curled them up from being tense, into fists. If no one answered, she'd go to her final resort, not caring about getting caught. That was an easy fix.
Dax grinned and stepped behind another tree, teasing the girl. I'm here and I'm there, I'm everywhere. He laughed and switched to behind a shrub and then to the tree behind her. What's wrong? Why are you trying to tighten up those fists? Loosen them and I shall come out. I don't want to get hurt. He rolled his eyes with the devilish smirk and he started to crawl on all fours, around her.
She heard the laugh and it gave her chills, all through her spine and to the pit of her stomach. It took nonetheless another moment before she shifted into a hybrid alike himself. There was nothing but obvious fact that she couldn't stand up to him physically, but how about mentally? No one had the perfect ratio. But, then again, there was something peculiar about his form. Unhinged, it seemed. Her grey, dished ears, pricked forward, unsurely, in an attempt to befriend. It was a plea from the passive side of her. As he encircled and surrounded her, she couldn't help but study his features as well. His muscles were structured well, almost, too well. She whined almost silently, and hopped in front of the larger male, cutting him off, and going nose-to-nose. "You don't have to be this way." Her long tail dragged against his side lightly as she moved to the far side of him. It was a daring move, which she had no clue what it would lead to, but if he were actually going to cause harm, it wouldn't matter too terribly much.
His features changed and he became a larger black wolf. His silver eyes reminded people of the moon as it sparkled off water. He looked at her and jumped in plain sight. Oh? And why would I not be myself? I am only being cautious. He realized she was a werewolf as well. His face expression changed from a joker to a serious, cautious looking creature. He snarled and stepped towards her. You are one of..You are the same as me. I was hoping you would be my innocent meal. He chuckled.
She narrowed her sharp, crystal, eyes. "What... Just because I'm kind, means I cannot be the same---species---as you?" Saturn said this softly, not to try and intimidate him, but more so to mess with as he had done earlier to her. It was a relief to her, as at least she thought, he was no longer going to try and use her as a meal. Instead, she could actually be of use to him. She had control of the bloodthirsty part of her, so she could try to help. All of the time she spent thinking made her oblivious to what he was doing; chuckling. A small portion of her face smirked. She amused him.
Dax stood up changing forms back and smiling upon her. Damage in numbers, eh? How bout it? You kill humans too or just Bambi? He looked at the deer. He walked over to the girl, she was smaller than him but surely of the same strong willed race. What is your name? I am Dax Vespion. He said, looking into her eyes.
Saturn shrugged, and smiled a bit more, now understanding so much more than she first thought. "I've got to stop judging others by appearance, no?" She asked, rhetorically. Her large paws pressed a bit harder into the dark dirt they stood over, before she spoke again. Pauses gave meaning to words. "I'm Saturn Steele, Dax. It's nice to meet you." Looking up at him slightly, she immitated a bow, the best she could still in a wolf form. She'd only then copy him, and turn back to the girl she was not too long ago.
He smiled. Such a different looking person than he expected. Is it nice to meet me? Really? He couldn't help but laugh under his breath. So do you live around here or are you just a traveler. I live in a house in the middle of the town. He looked off to the direction he came in and turned back to the stranger girl who had so sweetly started conversation with him.
She nodded solemnly. "Yes, it is. You didn't kill me, and somehow, I have a strong feeling to trust you. I'm still trying to reason why." When Dax mentioned his home, she began to think of neighborhoods in the vicinity. "I do, in fact. It's just a bit father off from here... I came over to search for deer." Her body now faced the nearest road, that lead to the police station. "SO," she sighed, but not in boredom, "you're the one they've been talking about. It doesn't make sense." She would've rambled on, but she didn't want to seem too obsessive, and become a burden.
I guess I am the one. I usually like to go for the average person who is walking alone on a nice evening stroll. He gives a devilish grin and thinks about his last kill this morning. A friendly jogger guy. He didn't taste all that well but it filled Dax's stomach with the new taste. Wanna go for a kill? I usually kill humans so if that's what you want, It's easy to find them. He looks at the ground and thinks about a possible route they could go from here.
She was amazed at how it didn't bother him. Saturn was just so unsure because of the fact that she had made friends with pure humans. "For me, I'll stick to the dear. I can wait for one to come along." Her gaze shifted off of the ground, and back to him. The look she gave him was serious, even though it was quite irrelevant. "Instead of attacking the innocent, you should prey on the ones that deserve it," she said this slowly, as she was still pondering as she spoke. It was a thing of hers to understand, and so she wanted to help. Since he would've already gone for animals if it suited him, she had to think of other things. "Criminals, you know, the worst of the worst." They probably wouldn't please him, yet she saw no reason not to ask.
Dax gave a laugh and rolled his eyes. I wouldn't expect you to understand the power of blood-lust. He walked towards her slowly, looking into her eyes softly. But I go for both innocent and reckless. He nodded reassuringly. He brought himself a few steps back and turned his body away from her. I will catch a deer and then you can. Our first meal. He said sarcastically and changed into his wolf form quickly, following scents of the forest.
"I do understand," she retorted, "kindness kills it. You could've still attacked me, but you didn't." Saturn grinned at him, and shifted to the grey wolf she was. In return to his plan, she nodded, and followed behind him, taking the time to seek anything he did not already check.
He looked back with a forced, mean look but he turned around and hid a smile. I was only being nice towards my fellow race, nothing more. He turned quickly, stopping in front in of Saturn. I found a scent, follow me. He darted quickly into the forest, looking behind him to make sure she was right behind him. He had smelled more than one deer. Possibly 3-5.
She rolled her eyes playfully, as he declined her, and when he stopped abruptly in front of her, she was tempted to nip at him. "Impressive," Saturn murmured, right after she realized that the sent trail he had found was a small family herd. Her step enlightened, only the pads of her paws touched the ground, as she trotted to the side of him. Her eyes went from his face, and to the doe, buck, and young. She halted square, pausing for assurance by him, even though the second one of them began their first leap away, she would go.
He caught her eyes looking from him to the family of deer. Take the one running away, I'll take the next one that runs. He signaled her to start running towards the prey and he watched her closely. He started to think she would be a good tag team partner.
She heard him say "Take," which immediately set her off; rocking back on her hind legs, before lunging forward into full speed. Her eyes locked on the doe, allowing her claws to extend and stick into the ground, almost like cleats to an athlete. Saturn's dished ears flipped backward, so the wind would not penetrate them, as she approached closer and closer to the desperate deer. When her eyes dilated, and she was close enough to the prey to attack, her front paws struck out, and lashed furiously at it's rear legs, grabbing ahold of the other animal. It toppled over her, and with a snarl, she emerged quickly from under and sunk her sharp teeth into the neck of the deer. She had to wait a mere minuet or two, before she successfully killed her dinner. With a huff of a sigh, she looked over to her company, seeing him attack much more viciously. She needed to learn from him, wether herself she would accept the fact or not.
Dax fiercely jumped on the back of the largest deer and jumped off pulling it's neck down with him, with timed precision. He then jumped up and grabbed the throat, ripping it. It made a paper tearing sound and he turned towards Saturn and grinned. Nice catch, Saturn. He started eating his pleasant meal and when he finished which was within minutes after he had killed it he came over to Saturn and smiled. You're no beginner but you have a way to go. There can't be so many steps to the killing process. He nudged her with his face into her side and trotted away, turning back to human.
She listened to him from their short distance, and replied, "As for yourself." Her jaws met the deer once more, and after a set of moments, she was finished. Saturn walked closer to him, and licked the blood from her mouth, before shifting back, now beside him. "I'm sure being bashful has something to do with it," she commented back, out of the slight want of not giving in completely. After this, she followed him, seeing that he was probably headed to his house, or somewhere near.
Dax was indeed heading to a house, his house. It was larger and it was set right in the middle of the town where everyone was. He could stalk his next prey and since the town was super busy and crowded it was always nice to get a meal that was worth it. Killing criminals and such was a great idea, kinda like a bounty hunter type job. It's hard to hear myself say this but I want to know more about you...Just along the way to my house. You can leave when we arrive if you want. He said, returning back to his slightly bitter ways.
His words only intrigued her curiosity about him as well. "What would you like to know?" She asked in return to him, looking away to cover her the oddly large smile upon her expression. "I play guitar, and listen to rock music—Star Trek is awesome, as much as Ender's game," she paused, thinking. "And video games. Computer; all of it." She laughed quietly, not because it was funny, but more so it gave personality. Her eyes finally fixed on his for a moment, until she saw him trying to stay the antagonist. It only made her more determined.

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