Mystic High School

Arabella Rosewood

The Witch of Fall
For your character please fill this out and let the roleplaying begin!




Powers(no more than 3 please):




Weapon of Choice:

Just some simple rules

1. Limit the cussing, not totally banned.

2. No God Modding. AKA no controlling other people's characters.

3. No killing other people's characters without their permission

4. Drama is okay, as long as it's RP drama.


6. No one liners. Try and write at least 3 sentences.

Thank you :)
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Name: Aella Night

Age: 16

Species: Witch

Powers: Magic spells

Looks: Long wavy dirty blonde hair with bright blue eyes.

Personality: Sweetheart, sassy, but she's got a bad temper.

Bio: Daughter of the school's Headmaster. She attends to help learn to control her magic.

Weapon of Choice: throwing knives
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Name: Opal Riveria

Age: 17 ( junior)

Species: werewolf


1) A sonic blast howl, when howling will be so loud that many would have to cover there ears but can cause a sonic blast in the end.

2) rage mode. this is actually kinda bad, if she gets to depressed or angered, her eyes will turn a crimson grey and she will act almost like a rabid wolf. Losing all memories for a short time and will go on a killing spree until she kills enough that her wolf is satisfied.

3) strength and speed are inhanced drastically.

Bio: why was she sent: about a year ago her pack died from a group of werewolf hunters, opals parents apart of that pack. While trying to figure how to manage emotionally and physically from her loved ones deaths, her grandfather took her in. That year was rather hard yet slowly she began to heal mentally, yet she still wanted revenge on the hunters. Her grandfather becoming ill in the winter, told her that revenge wasn't the best way to go. But worried for his grand daughter, he sent her to this school, hoping that something would change her mind.

Personality: Opal is kinda shy, yet is a very sweat girl. When she has her heart set on something nothing will stop her from doing it. She is curious, artsy, and is more open when you get to know her. She is never very loud, yet she isn't super quiet. She loves the outdoors. Never gossips. And is truthful to a flaw. Has the loyalty of a dog, which is very loyal, and her being part wolf is probably were she gets it from. She would never leave people she cares about behind.

Weapon of choice: (her werewolf form) her speed, strength, teeth and claws are deadly overall.


Werewolf form: white fur, a couple of white feathers, pure gold eyes, stands at 8 feet tall. Can move on all fours and two legs yet is faster on all fours.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.4b853b4477dba644ec93f12d81de27af.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33647" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.4b853b4477dba644ec93f12d81de27af.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Human form:

Height: 5.6

Wieght: 98 pounds

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.32ba187291dbf56323b914c9bdc01668.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33650" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.32ba187291dbf56323b914c9bdc01668.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Name: Tristan Wells

Age: 16

Species: Human


Personality: Tristan is found to be weird, even a bit creepy to others because he will never talk to someone unless they talk to him first, and he will sometimes stalk those he is curious about. Despite this, he is very honest, and is unafraid to reveal what he thinks of someone, even if they hate or love him because of it. People who end up becoming his friend might change their minds, as he is very affectionate to those close to him, to the point of hugging, feeding, and even sleeping on those he hangs out with.

Bio: He came to Mystic High because ever since he was little, Tristan or 'Tris' as family call him, always loved reading and learning about different myths and legends of the supernatural, whether it be ghosts to mind-readers, he loved them.

Weapon of Choice: He carries various charms around him, ranging from necklaces with crosses on them, to rings that keep ghosts from possessing his body. The only real weapon he uses to actual attack someone with is a small dagger that he got that had been blessed by the pope itself.
Name: Maruna Strater

Age: 14

Species: Mage

Powers (no more than 3 please):

1.) The ability to create visual illusions (ex: make the current environment appear like a beach when it is actually a forest)

2.) The ability to manipulate water and its forms (solid, liquid, gas) [Does not work with acid, poisonous gas, etc.]

3.) Telekinesis

*She uses her Telekinesis abilities most often, and it is the most mastered*

*She cannot control mist yet, and her skill with water and ice manipulation is moderate*

*The 'visual illusion' ability does not affect any other senses than sight, and can be broken (this magic is very fragile, unless the caster has 100% concentration/mastery)*

*Eye color is blue*


WARNING: It is very long

Maru is rather stoic to the point of being called 'emotionless' and 'heartless.' She doesn't mind that people talk bad about her, and doesn't care much, even if it did hurt, but took action if it was about others, especially those close to her (though there were almost none). Her distant nature made it seem hard for people to approach her, but she is just an ordinary girl once someone gets to know her.

She dislikes anything 'girly', though she is not a tomboy, and likes certain cute things (including animals). She'd rather avoid shopping, unless it was for supplies, (she doesn't like to shop for clothes, shoes, etc.), and dislikes make-up as well, but only if it is on her. Maru also has a fear, and strong dislike of spiders and most insects, but she tries to hide it.

She has a strange food fetish, and is always seen with a snack/sweet of some sort with her, and doesn't mind sharing it, unless one is attempting to steal it from her. She likes affectionate gestures, but she doesn't know of it since she was never shown such love. As a fan of music, Maru also likes to play the piano and sing, though doesn't make it a profession. Due to her love for food, she is an exceptionally good cook.

Maru is sometimes seen as lazy since she was never seen in a rush, and because she loves to sleep. She has an attachment to pillows since they're 'soft and cozy' according to her, and has a 'habit' of mistaking people for pillows when she is sleepy. In addition to this, she thinks a lot, and quite deeply to the point where those who know of her would face-palm.

Despite her nature and odd quirks, Maru is overly caring and selfless, and worries about others a lot, though her parents worry about her more due to her clueless-ness to certain things. She performs wonderfully in academics, but poorly in athletics (except swimming/skating) in school, which pushed her closer to the 'nerd' group, especially because she enjoys reading and quiet areas.


Maru never talked much, even during her childhood, and was always alone, even at home. Her parents were away most of the time, the house-keepers weren't much company, and Maru's lack of social skills didn't help the situation. For most of her childhood, she studied alone about magic and practiced any time she could, but spared some of her day to go outside and play with the animals that wander around her neighborhood. The friends who managed to befriend her eventually left because Maru was "cold and heartless" towards their feelings, which made it hard for her to get future friends. She came to her current high school to start fresh, and leave her lonely past behind.
Weapon of Choice: Anything that has a blade (mostly uses shoulder-length blades)
Name: Leon Lis

Age: 15

Species: Mutant

Powers: Eternal Knowledge and Intangibility


Personality: Leon is a kid trapped in his own world most of the time. Due to the constant barrage of information that he constantly processes all the time. Leon is constantly prone to discussing events that he knows happened in various parallel (and perpendicular) dimensions and time-line variations. He is typically lethargic, and melancholic, and perpetually tired, hoping for one night where he can dream of nothing, instead of being barraged with knowledge.

Bio: Leon was born with the very sparks of knowledge itself, even as a baby he had the knowledge. This was due to mutant heritage expressed through the family line, and for some reason his genes obtained this mutation (alongside the mutation on his father's side which allows for intangibility.) He was sent over to Mystic High in an attempt to make him less melancholic, and because the folks felt being around other strange individuals would be a good experience for him.

Weapon of Choice: None; Leon is a pacifist
Name: Nevaeh Mai Rin

Age: 16

Species: Leopard

Powers: Ice and dark mystics(human and animal), can transform from animal to human and highly advanced with a weapon(human).

Looks: Leopard form- Kind, quick, intelligent, cunning, unruly, revengeful. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.080ba328e06ec3d200770510896ff74a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33668" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.080ba328e06ec3d200770510896ff74a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Defense/ Attack form- Dangerous, intelligent, cunning and unruly.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.5fc4a5386e0c705827be9365d6589033.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33669" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.5fc4a5386e0c705827be9365d6589033.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Human/ Neko form-intelligent and Sweet, deceiving, cheerful or revengeful.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.0ab42260bff95c3de3e13b694a168f00.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35327" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.0ab42260bff95c3de3e13b694a168f00.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: A very intelligent and cunning person. Her looks may or may not deceive you. She will treat you with respect and kindness If she feels you are the same way, but if you are not she will torment you with hatred as she can make everyone turn against you with her 'Kind nature.' You could even say that she loves revenge, but only if she dislikes you or your true personality.

Bio: When she was little she use to roam the mountains freely with no care in the world. One day she accidentally got trapped in the lake of the fairies. She came out as a human. Trying to find her new way of life she consulted the fairies with her problem, and as the years flew by she learned strength, persuading others, agility, high intelligence and many other aspects that were advanced to regular humans. She was given the gifts of beauty and transformation. She quickly learned how to use both to her advantage against others. Other than that her family left her when she was just a cub and she was forced to thrive on her own. The fairies were family until she wanted to move in and see the world. She then stumbled upon the High school and quickly applied. She was very quiet and didn't speak to others very much. She just didn't feel comfortable. She then continued to go to school.

Weapon of Choice: Kusari Gama (A very dangerous and efficient, but highly difficult weapon to use.) and the sword in the picture of defense.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.937217e784599ed20e9d060a0941d79e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33673" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.937217e784599ed20e9d060a0941d79e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name:Iak ((soon to be Destler))

Age: 16


Powers(no more than 3 please):He can do what ever he imagines and wants.


Personality:He is very up of himself,with good reason,He is a smug person who thinks less of others who have not earned his respect or have more power then him...which is a very rare on both accounts.He also is very smart, cunning, and misleading.

Bio:He dosn't remember anything before when he was 6 years old,what he does remember is someone with the same coal black hair saying his name but thats about it.Soon after he found another boy named Kai and the two instantley got along...Even though they were both young they started 'dating' a few years later.Kai was accepted into a family called the destlers while Iak was put into a home.Finally when he turned 14 Kai convinced his now fathers to take Iak into their home.He now resides there sleeping with his beloved and coming to this school to further the education he missed.

Weapon of Choice:His magic

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/Iak.jpg.ba0d227411a612774a941a89b0ad7942.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33678" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/Iak.jpg.ba0d227411a612774a941a89b0ad7942.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Ehren Cecsus Dar'Sharn

Age: 17

Species: High Elf

Powers: Can control and create natural disasters and has enhanced speed.



Personality: Ehren is calm, calculating and strategic. He is also rather short tempered although he is reasonable. He doesn't like bullies but is arrogant and confident of his power and sometimes looks down on those he considers his inferiors.

Bio: His mother was the princess of the Dark Elves and his Father the prince of the Light Elves. This makes him the prince of both and the one who's destined to unite them once and for all. His parents died whie he was ten and he ran away from home due to multiple assassination attempts on his life. He joined the academy in order to become stronger and for protection.

Weapon of Choice: The sword in the picture.
Name:Heatray T. Firered


Species:Fire Elemental

Powers(no more than 3 please):1.Ability to control fire. 2.Ability to absorb fire. 3.Ability to transform into a fire being.

Looks:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/upload_2014-11-5_10-9-48.jpeg.767e25334dc0be8877b1f5e9510d6906.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33686" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/upload_2014-11-5_10-9-48.jpeg.767e25334dc0be8877b1f5e9510d6906.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality:Hes kinda anti-social. He has a kind heart and a love for fighting.

Bio:Has no memory of before the age of 13. Ended up here and has only been seen on breif occasions such as a perosn in need.

Weapon of Choice:Sword(preferably a Katana)



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Name: Drake Evergreen

Age: 15

Species: Human/Psion

Powers(no more than 3 please): Reads minds, great engineer, great leader.

Looks: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/upload_2014-11-5_8-21-56.jpeg.5c222aec90dd4d798656277463745c33.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33687" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/upload_2014-11-5_8-21-56.jpeg.5c222aec90dd4d798656277463745c33.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Calm, easy going, strict if in trouble, loyal to others.Cannot take much pain.

Bio: Unknown

Weapon of Choice: Homemade weapons.



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Name: Aqua

Age: 14

Species: Demon fox/Spirit Fox/Kitsune ()

Powers(no more than 3 please): Spirit fire, can change into forms, and can run very fast



Personality:Kind, little shy, gets hyper easily, can be devilish sometimes


Woken up in a abandon mine she lost her memory only knowing who is she and where was she. Finding dead bodies under all the rock and wood she escaped, limping til she passed out. She was found and taken care by a young man, which she calls Senpai. Not really knowing what was out there in the world. Senpai said that she couldn't use her powers yet, not knowing if it would destroy the house or not. But she didn't mind Senpai was the only one she looked up to. Later on Senpai introduced to his friend, Haru who would also take care of Aqua. She was only 13 that time.

One morning they both suddenly disappeared. Confused and alone she dared to explore the world around her. Meeting many people, making friends, and in a quest to find her memory. She has of course seen dark places where people were suffering, crying for help, but carried on knowing she couldn't help those people. Keeping her head up high she manage to create new skills and improving her old skills. Her speed, strength, and magic had improved in a year since her caretaker suddenly disappeared. But her magic is a beginner since she never used magic before,"Maybe,"she thought,"I can find Senpai and Haru."

Many people look up to her, not caring the fact she a demon. No matter what Aqua will see you as you. She follows her own quote to remember all the people she met,"You heart is like a fan and when you open that fan it has a beautiful design. So when you open your heart no matter who you are you have beauty inside of you."

Even thought she doesn't really say it deep inside, she longs for a feeling of love and family, feeling like a misplaced puzzle in the world. As she is forever wanders on the earth...
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Name: Unknown

Age: 15

Species: Psion

Powers(no more than 3 please): Mind reading, great engineering, Psionic attacks.


Personality: Calm, Relaxed, Tends to protect those he loves.

Bio: Not much is known about him, many humans believe he fell from the sky, in a strange rock.

Weapon of Choice: Psionic attacks
Name: Sycae Prudey

Gender: male


Species: human psycic

Powers: reading minds, makes people see hilussionations, telepathy.

Looks: black hair with bangs that cover his eyes (he sometimes parts it so you can see one eye), one of his eyes is blue, the other is just white (no pupil or anything, usually covers it with his bangs), he's scrawny and average height.

Personality: serious, a bit of a loner.


Weapon of Choice: his mind
Name: Accalia Reed



Powers(no more than 3 please): Telepathy, Invisibility, and Telekinesis


Personality: Born leader, Stubborn, Talks when needed to talk, Loving, Cunning, Mischievous, and Friendly

Bio: Was abandoned when she turned for the first time.

Weapon of Choice:

(Wolf) Claws and Teeth

(Human) Hidden Blade and Dagger




Keon Texeira




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/KingOfDecay.jpg.2d0b457508e91ff5069ea3c9db1dface.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33685" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/KingOfDecay.jpg.2d0b457508e91ff5069ea3c9db1dface.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

A dark dragon known as the Queen of Decay, and will do anything to destroy it's foes.


-The Tear-

The Queen's breath rushes upon you, tearing and ripping away your very flesh, only to become one of her many victims

-Death's Thrall-

You're body is reanimated with a false soul, allowing the undead to take part in her army.

-Black Flame-

Beware of her jowls, before you find yourself burning with dark fire.


Keon was once a quiet person before she found herself in this school. She was literally forced here because of her needs. But she has a desolate reputation in another world, and she came here to start new. But the Queen's army never stops growing... Never.... Other than that, Keon is a chill person if you get to know her. She's also very private to her belongings and back story, but also an aggressive one.


She grew up in a place called the Agadon, very secluded from different worlds. She travelled here from the Bermuda Triangle, and began a life to her own. She was once a girl with the ability of necromancy, and took advantage of that with demonic abilities. She now rests here, orphaned and trying to forget her past.

Weapon of Choice:




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Name: Caphron Audruss

Age: 15

Species: Shadow Creature

Powers: 1)illusionary/dream magic



Looks: Brown hair/eyes, pale-ish skin, average height.Appearance:

Name: Caphron Audruss

Age: 15

Species: Shadow Creature

Powers: 1)illusionary/dream magic



Looks: Brown hair/eyes, pale-ish skin, average height.Appearance:

Bio:After being insulted and picked on by most people, Caphron finally decides to leave the city and sign up for the mysterious high school he had heard about, not knowing what he was going to discover about his true nature and what kinds of strange beings he would befriend.

Personality:Quiet, unless provoked, which will lead to a short, irritable temper.

Bio:After being insulted and picked on by most people, Caphron finally decides to leave the city and sign up for the mysterious high school he had heard about, not knowing what he was going to discover about his true nature and what kinds of strange beings he would befriend.

Weapon of choice:Scythe.
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Name: Azrael

Age: 17

Species: Fallen Angel (looks like any other normal angel)


-Azrael can use his feathers as a ranged weapon or make them swirl around someone/something, repeatedly cutting or slashing the target. When not in combat Azrael usually uses this to kill off any flies or mosquitos that bother him.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.2c1f923c82921cd73736af8901516c4f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33801" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.2c1f923c82921cd73736af8901516c4f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

-Flight. With his wings he can fly for days without rest and create powerful gusts of wind.

-Reincarnation. Whenever Azrael dies he can Reincarnate with the same memories and abilities of before he died from any female host, be it an animal or a human however there is one downside to this:Though he may have the same memories and abilities as before he will be a no more than a child after being reincarnated and will thus have to train his body to be physically able. He will also experience the pain of his death for a few days after reincarnation.

Looks:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.7a3cf78e731b6437ad60653c4272ba04.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33798" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.7a3cf78e731b6437ad60653c4272ba04.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Cunning, Selfish, Calm, Reserved, Cruel

Bio: Azrael, though being a fallen angel that is considered a more superior race than humans, became jealous of the humans after watching them for so long. So cheerful, spending their life away without a care in the world, loved by God, and free. He could not stand it anymore and went to Earth to kill them all in the worst way possible when he met a woman in a forest nearby a Human village and instantly fell for her beauty, following her wherever she went, watching over her as she slept, continuing to do this until Satan had caught him. He was mocked and called a disgrace before being cast out of even Hell. After finding a highschool that would accept people like him he decided to go be a student there.

Weapon of Choice: A specially crafted Spear named Judgement<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.cf78a6f0db9efaeab78a20e576ddfae1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33800" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.cf78a6f0db9efaeab78a20e576ddfae1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: He prefers to use strategies and tactics rather than pure force in a fight.



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Name: Jayden



Powers(no more than 3 please):1.Enhanced strength and speed 2.Enhanced senses 3. Enhanced Healing.

Looks: buzz cut, red eyes, Brown skin though a palish tint to it, bared fangs,


150 lbs

Personality:Slightly withdrawn, loyal, honest, Curious, hot tempered, and teetering on the brink between good and evil

Bio: Jayden just 6 months ago was a normal Teenage boy, chasing girls, playing sports, going to a regular human high school. Until he met HER... a Vampire who turned him to save herself from certain execution. In order to survive taking on a progeny was the only way she would be allowed to live, unfortunately for her Jayden would not be controlled. He had since run off, finding himself lost in a world he knows nothing about. Recently he enrolled in Mystic high hoping to find his place in the supernatural world and maybe just maybe learn a little more about his kind.

Jayden has recently found himself shifting, his humanity slipping away, his conscience slowly being replaced by a primal innate lust for something more inhuman. He grapples with whats left of his good nature, while trying to conceal the darkness that seeks to take over.

Weapon of Choice:A pair of butterfly knives
Name:Agnus Mcfarlane (aka Agony)

Age:400 years (looks 16 due to suspended aging)


Powers(no more than 3 please): Stone skin, Reaper form, and Chaos form




Bio: She cannot remember the last 350 years of her life, but she does remember her legacy left by her father: to cleanse the world of evil and bring justice to the world. but her mother, who is now dead, sent her to school, to learn about herself, and her peers; the humans.

Weapon of Choice:Her Father’s sword, Chaoseater, an angry blade that craves souls of those slain by its steel, and Death’s mini scythes, which can combine into a dual blade scythe.

Age: about three centuries

Species: Vampire

Power: Memory manipulation

vibrant intelligence (she can remember most past events, if not blocked by strong magic)

levitation (quick escapes if needed)


Personality: calm and collective it takes alot to anger her but on the inside she is imagining the most terrible death possible

Bio: Born centuries ago in Romania she had grown bored of wandering her mansion drinking tea and had chose to roam the world with her bat, an loyal servant and her cat Percy. She doesn't find the living very approachable but will approach them just the same with her monotone voice and calm demeanor that hides an secret better left unsaid.

Weapon of Choice: rose vine whip
Name: Grey Seer


Race: Marked Wizard

Powers: Magic spells, The Sight, and Aura boosting.

Looks:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1415433836.716701.jpg.6c8807822486b43f0fd9ea1a1baeb68d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33915" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1415433836.716701.jpg.6c8807822486b43f0fd9ea1a1baeb68d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Has rune marking all over his body that boost his magic

Personality: Can come off as a bit mean and sarcastic but inside is a kind and nice person if he likes you.

Bio: Couple years back he discover that he was a marked one: humans who are marked by runes of magic, giving them extremely good magic ability.

Weapon:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1415436603.535431.jpg.1f237105aaff0c09890928dec9d50c12.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33916" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1415436603.535431.jpg.1f237105aaff0c09890928dec9d50c12.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1415436614.609449.jpg.130c056fb33ceaeb64b6bccf67ba66b9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33917" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1415436614.609449.jpg.130c056fb33ceaeb64b6bccf67ba66b9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Tarik Voshtar

Age: 37 teen for trolls

Species: Troll (red and blue troll. Red is more of a fighting clan and blue is more of a magic clan. He takes after his mother, his blue troll parent.)

Powers: Basic shaman magic: Elemental magic, enhancement/enchanment magic, and spiritual magic. If that's ok :D

Looks: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.7d78ffbcf76e20baf27a0576820e2023.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33933" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.7d78ffbcf76e20baf27a0576820e2023.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality : Tarik is bipolar. His 2 types of lineage conflict in his mind often, leaving him either angry because he is sad, or sad because he is angry. Often in a state of confusion and indecision, he finds it difficult to hold interpersonal relationships because one never knows which episode will happen. Tarik is definitely more sane than most but only in the deepest state of his manic or depressive episodes. Still he is in a state of confusion.

Likes: Oak trees, the sensation of rubbing bird feathers on his face, people feeling his hair, tribal beating of drums.

Dislikes: Willow trees, people trying to braid his hair, stupid jokes, when people touch his things, the smell of horse scat.


Tarik grew up in a family that was quite distant from the other trolls of their race. He always wondered why but he would never get an answer from his parents. They hid the truth from him. But years later of growing up in a loving family, he was told the truth. The reason was that his parents were banished because his father was red-blooded and his mother was blue-blooded. That was forbidden among the troll clans of red as blue. They were allowed to live together and be friends just not have children. The children were called "dirty" or "impure".

Tarik hated this about the tribes and decided to leave after the tribesmen had killed his brother, his parent's firstborn. He became a traveler, keeping his identity secret from others. He went by The Traveling Peacemaker. In his travs he learned all of his magic except for the shamanism. That he learned fon his mom years before, becoming adept in it very quickly. Years later of doing good among the troll clans, he returned home to see his family. He had returned just to find out that his mother had died from an unknown disease. He was so angry for not being there that he almost destroyed his tribe with his magic. Almost. He wasn't able to stop himself before he burned it all down.

Once again, Tarik left his home, depressed and developed a new personality. He came across many families on his travels and got over his mother after one year. He continued to practice his magic and even learned to fight with staves and even fist weapons. He preferred using staves though. He became very masterful with all of the magic he used very quickly because of his blue-blood. He also became very masterful with his weapons, because of his natural fighting talent of the red-bloods. He came across a school called Mystic Hugh School and knew that was the place to go. The spirits were calling him there. He just hoped that they wiuld accept him for his age. And that is where the adventure begins.

Weapon of Choice: Staves and fist weapon. He most commonly uses a gauntlet with spikes on the knuckles. But he usually uses his trusty staff. (Ignore the picture)



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