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Fantasy Mystic Creature's Summer Home


๐•๐• ๐•ง๐•– ๐•ž๐•– ๐• ๐•ฃ ๐•Ÿ๐• ๐•ฅ


Full/Birth Name: What name was your character born with?

Nickname(s): What do other people or close friends call your character?

Gender: Are they a female or a male?

Sexuality: What gender do they prefer as their mate to be?

Appearance: Please include an anime face claim for this roleplay. Write a description of what your character looks like, or list them out. Be sure to include eye color, hair color, weight, height, and any other feature you'd like to list. What is your character's natural/true form? What's their human form? You may use a realistic face claim with your anime face claim if you'd like.

Type of Creature: What kind of creature is your character? Prepare to explain what the creature is what it does.

Personality: Write a good paragraph or two of how your character acts and how they think. Does their past impact the way they act? Be sure to include that.

Likes & Dislikes: What does your character like and dislike?

History: When was your character born? Who and where are their parents? Are they divorced, missing, deceased? Was their anything that has scarred them for life?

Abilities: What kind of abilities can your character do? You're limited to three abilities for each character.

Room: Which room is character living in?

Relationships: Does your chat after like their roommates? What about housemates? What does your character think of them?

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Name: Hirari Higurashi

Age: 20

Type of Mythical Creature: Enchantress

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Hirari is funny, she really like to make people laugh and she is smart. She excelled in her studied in Highschool and College. Hirari has only been with one guy, so she gets flustered when a guy flirts. She loves to laugh and thinks a guys great attribute is when he's funny. When meeting someone she's generally shy and respectful however once getting to know everyone you can expect her to yell "Everyone shut the fuck up" from time to time. Having a roommate she may think won't be difficult for her but it will be. Because she is an only child she feels the need to have everything designated. So "what's mine is mine and what's yours is yours" but if she warms up to them enough, it'll be okay. Hirari simply loves the klumsy type who is funny and almost a little dense. When she first meets someone, she gets very curious, which was one of the many reasons why her ex loved her. However, now that she is out of a relationship she believes her attributes are the reasons why she was cheated on and is confused thinks she should change herself. Hirari is a generally conservative person and doesn't dress up unless she has to. She is hesitant to get into another relationship but at the same time wants to be in a relationship.


-Singing in the shower

-Chick flicks

-Combing her hair with her fingers

-Looking at her family pictures

-Helping people


-Arrogant/Ignorant people


-Super loud music

-Hot weather


-Worms climbing inside her ears

-Not ever being able to write again

-Staying alone forever

-Never being able to get a cat


-Studying spells


-She made an account on a dating website so in her free time she scrolls through guys profiles

-Looking through her family albums

Appearance: Hirari has short brown hair that varies in shades. She also has calico eyes, which made her a subject of bullying in school, however she learned to embrace it. One of her eyes is emerald and the other is red. Hirari usually wears a tshirt and jeans everywhere or sometimes a skirt and a cardigan, which is ironic since her mythical form is very provocative. Hirari has glasses that are round and black and she wears them when she writes. She isn't super skinny, but more thick, but also not fat. She is full figured. Because of her weight type she isn't very tall and is about 5 feet.

Abilities: Manipulation and magic

History: Hirari was born in Japan but moved to America when she was 8 years old. Hirari was always envious of those who had sibilings but tried to be grateful with what she had. Her parents owned a ramen shop for 10 years until when she was 18, her parents went on a mission and never returned. Only years later did she find their bodies buried. She had a long term boyfriend, and by long term I mean 3 years. It was her first boyfriend, she found him cheating on her with her best friend. Hirari went to college for about a year and a half before she dropped out to be a full time writer. She has written a few books and they have done well, but now she's lost inspiration and is looking for it. Hirari is known to be naive in certain situations, and by that, I mean sex. Hirari is a virgin, she was "saving herself" for her boyfriend but that clearly didn't end well. Hirari could win you over in debate on different subjects and crush you in poetry, however if even a guy brings up sex she'll get flustered and will nervously crack her knuckles and pop her fingers.

Room: A room where there is a good view and she can see everything.

True/Normal Form:
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/wolf_girl___mage_by_wickedalucard-d3fmmce.png.34faed6a663812eb60ba1c0241b8d5b1.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="147908" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/wolf_girl___mage_by_wickedalucard-d3fmmce.png.34faed6a663812eb60ba1c0241b8d5b1.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Human Form:
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/7abff79030ecda84986c98fbb5bbc548.jpg.af2c623e406a71b2716e0a86f294347c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="147910" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/7abff79030ecda84986c98fbb5bbc548.jpg.af2c623e406a71b2716e0a86f294347c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/tumblr_mztxypDAqT1sq8wuko1_500.png.5728dd8408a6507e5cd1385a6ddb5450.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="147911" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/tumblr_mztxypDAqT1sq8wuko1_500.png.5728dd8408a6507e5cd1385a6ddb5450.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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? baking ? smoking ? alcohol ? ramen ? comedy movies ? puppies ? reading ? writing ? singing

? being teased for being a hopeless romantic ? scams ? boring lectures ? failing ? snakes


? has a dog named miso

? has a


dawn park






Lorem Ipsum



sexual orientation


type of creature



Lorem Ipsum




five feet, six inches


one hundred-sixpounds

eye color

chocolate brown

hair color


clothing style



dawn is five feet and six inches. she's considered underweight according to the doctors, but that's because of her small appetite. She's a natural blonde even though she's only half korean. dawn's style consist of plain tee's, leggings, skinny jeans, etc. she doesn't wear clothing that brings attention to her. dawn and her brother don't really have true forms, but her eyes turn emerald green when she's really pissed. dawn has a tattoo of a lock behind her neck. her brother has the key tattoo behind his neck.

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dawn and ryan grew up with two vampire parents who loved both of them deeply. their family lived in the middle of the forest with a pathway leading towards the city. dawn and ryan both went to boarding schools since dawn was twelve and ryan was thirteen. they are both very independent and are able to take care of themselves.dawn made all straight A's through out her school years and never was late or missed a class in her life. despite the fact of being popular, she had many friends but she only considered some people as her real or best friends. she had a lot of guy friends during middle and high school, which caused ryan to be over protective of her a lot. she always called her a parents almost every weekend to tell them how she and ryan were doing. ryan was either playing basketball with his friends or sneaking to the arcade. as soon as she and ryan graduated, they moved back home and lived with their parent until they both died from a car accident when they were on their anniversary trip in romania. ryan and dawn soon fell into depression and lived alone in the family mansion. they haven't had a drop of blood for at least three months. a family member contacted a counselor for both of them to see and help cure their depression. it took two years for them to recover, but both of them still grieve of their parent's death. dawn's mother was a popular owner of a cafe in their town, dawn wanted to continue her mother's legacy so she gave her dream up of becoming a singer. she sings at a few bars and other places, but she can never make it big because of her determination of continuing her mother's legacy.

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? Daniel Yin ?

Full/Birth Name:

Daniel Mark Valentines


Dan, Dannie, Daddy ;)


Most Likely Male



Type of Creature:

The spirit of the Yin




Dan stands at the height of 6'4 with light tan skin. Just like Amber's, his eyes are fairly dark and his hair is brownish black. His hair is fairly messy and he often has a devious smirk on his face. He has broad shoulders and very fit. His body is very toned and he also has a deep dimple on his left cheek. Usually wears raggedy clothes and headphones. Also, often wears gloves to hide the black mark on the back of his right hand.


Daniel is a very mischievous guy. He's sneaky and a pervert, flirty and straight forward. A typical bad guy who's aggressive and cold-hearted. What did you expect? He's the Yin in Yin and Yang. He's ruthless and heartless. Athletic and smart. He's quick to think and very sassy.


Surprise surprise, Daniel was never like this. Just like Amy, he was actually a regular teenage boy. But, as his mother passed away and his father moved on. Did Daniel agree with this? Definitely not. He took it another way of his father, rather than being happy with his life, he believes he's cheating on his mother. He lost all care for the world as his mind and body became wear. He was very vulnerable to anything and, something found his delicious body. A spirit decided to sweep in and take control of him. He's still in his regular form but his natural brown hair has turned darker just like his attitude. He began to speak up more and say what's in his mind. Has someone tried to stop him? Yea, such as his father, step mother and his very sister. No one was really able to change him besides his little twin sister. Only she was able to mild down his attitude, but it wasn't much. As soon as they finished highschool, their father gave them money and kicked them out. It was enough to build a new home and so they made... the summer home for Mystical Creatures.


Very quick and also very strong. Can turn invisible or into a shadow

Room: Anywhere ;)


? Amber Yang ?

Full/Birth Name:

Amber Teresa Valentines


Amy, Am, Mother Amber


Most Likely Female


Demisexual, Heteromatic

Type of Creature:

The Spirit of the Yang




Amy stands at the height of 5'6 with a soft toasted skin color. Her eyes, like Daniel's, are fairly dark and her hair is a dirty blonde. Her hair is always down and silky and she always had a bright smile on her face. Her figure was fairly slim and she was she always wore nice looking clothes. Most of the time, whenever she went outside, she would carry her viola care behind her. She also has the yang sign on her left hand but she doesn't cover it since it's not really noticeable. She also has a deep dimple on her right cheek.


Amy is a warm-hearted person who's innocent and clean of anything dirty. Her heart is pure like the little angel her father always called her. She always looked at the positive side, very optimistic. She's a pacifist, doesn't enjoy the thought of fighting and hurting others. She's very kind but she is kinda.. an airhead. She's not the smartest to be honest and she's very gullible. She's clumsy and fragile. But what did you expect from a Yang in the Yin and Yang?


Surprise surprise, Amber was never like this. Just like Daniel, she was actually a regular teenage girl. But as her mother passed away, her father moved on. Did Amber agree with this? Absolutely. She was glad that her father was moving away and he wasn't suffering from the pain. It was odd because Amber was actually a very rude person, strict and commanding. She always took charge and she still does but not as much. But as her brother seemed different, she started to feel different too. She was upset by how many girls Daniel would bring in a week. Her loving brother didn't pay much attention to her anymore. She grew weak and vulnerable as another spirit ran inside her. Her regular brown hair has turned blonde. That was when she started to feel different. She became very happy and very angelic, even her father called her his little angel ever since this happened. She always tried to help people in need, especially her older twin brother. She was glad that she was able to lower the amount of sex he was having. Haha. Oops. But either way, she was glad that he wasn't as wild as he used to be. She also often carries a viola around since it was the last gift her mother gave to her before she passed it away. She never really played it but once the spirit went inside her, she'll play it whenever she can. Usually she would be in the mansion's garden, playing it wherever it felt like the right place to play her viola. As soon as they finished highschool, their father gave them money and kicked them out. It was enough to build a new home and so they made... the summer home for Mystical Creatures.


Very fast and can heal. She can summon light on the tip of her pointer finger.

Room: Which ever fits her best


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? card games ? guns ? action movies ? puppies ? alcohol ? smoking ? horror films ? ramen

? scams ? teased for being a hopeless romantic ? boring lectures ? failing


? has a dog named miso

? has a


ryan park






Lorem Ipsum



sexual orientation


type of creature



Lorem Ipsum







six feet, two inches


one hundred-thirty eight pounds

eye color

chocolate brown

hair color

mocha brown

clothing style

hip hop


ryan is roughly six feet and two inches. his eye and hair color share a different shade of brown. his clothing style consist of clothing that only most rappers and hip hop dancers wear. he wears snapbacks and doesn't really style his messy hair. he's consider underweight to the doctors, like his sister. ryan and his sister don't really have a true form, but his eyes turn blood red when he's pissed. ryan has a tattoo of a key to match his sister.

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no slide
no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide

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* Major WIP, but There's some extra stuff mixed in there because this is an old character of mine*

Cordelieon Drakinson


He usually prefers to be called Corbin or Drake, but your also welcome to come up with your nicknames!




Corbin is Omnisexual with no preference to gender, race/species or sexual identity.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/image.jpeg.dc66b7a3cf0151418a1205e0e54c3834.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="147999" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/image.jpeg.dc66b7a3cf0151418a1205e0e54c3834.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Exactly as above) Corbin is a tall creature standing at around seven feet tall with a lithe, almost lizard-like physique and a lean but muscled body that is covered with scales of black and red, the former of which are so tiny as to be barely visable while the latter are thick overlapping plates. The drakes head is narrow and triangular in shape with a pointed snout filled with sharp curving fangs, a forked red and white tongue, slit nostrils and reptilian eyes that change shade (from yellow to red) according to his mood. The back of his jaw is lined with several small spikes and on his head is a pair of horns above long ears and the row of large of spines between the horns runs down to the tip of his long prehensile tail. Even in his humaniod form Corbins limbs are shaped in a way that this drake can resort to traveling on all fours if he needs to pick up speed or climb particularly difficult terrain provided his dressings at the time don't restrict this type of movement.

With the help of his collar, which has spelled with a concealment charm Corbin can temporarily take on a human guise in order to blend in with the regular human populace; in this form he appears as a tall (6 and a half foot) young adult male with dark, copper coloured skin, shaggy red hair and vibrant amber eyes. Unlike when transforming into a dragon, his clothes remain unaffected and as such may fit rather loosely.

So far this is the only suitable face claim I've found, please ignore...whatever the speech bubbles say (I can't read them).

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/image.jpeg.925e11b84cb3c3eace306a4ebc5c0efb.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="148429" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/image.jpeg.925e11b84cb3c3eace306a4ebc5c0efb.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

*Dragon form size:*

Hight (at head): 3.3m

Hight (at shoulder and hips) 1.8m, 1.9m

Length (Without tail [snout to rump] and with tail [snout tip to tail tip]): 5m, 15m

Wingspan (wing tip to wing tip): 12m

Type of Creature:

Dragon/Human Hybrid *Nusu*

(Dragons, have the ability to assume a human form in order to better blend in with modern day society [although this ability was developed soon after the first ancient civilizations appeared] with little to no effort at all. When dragons breed with humans they create a hybrid creature sometimes called a Nusu which will retain some of it's dragon characteristics in human form; most hybrids cannot achieve a fully human form without the aid of outside magical influence, such as a charmed talisman.



- Fire/heat and anything that produces warmth.

- Music: especially rock, dubstep and pop genres.

- Video games.

- Sour candy.

- Horror/thriller and action/romance movies.

- Superheroes.

- Flying

- Games like manhunt and capture the flag.


- Broccoli and asparagus are his most hated foods.

- He doesn't like raw vegetables but can tolerate them if they've been cooked.

- Most country music.

- Dragon Stereotypes.

- unripened fruit.


- Not being able to touch the floor when swimming or being wieghted down by his wings and drowning.

- Scaring people away on accident.

- Hunters (He's afraid of the idea of being purposely wounded because he looks like an animal)

- Being considered 'inhuman'/devoid of emotion & sentience because of his appearance if ever discovered by humanity.

- Reptile parasites such as mites or ticks.


- Listening to music.

- Mixing music.

- Collecting records, cassets and retro movies.

- Making videos, participating in plays and acting groups.

- Costume and outfit designing.

- Doing the face paint and makeup of people with actual skin.

- Flying

- Photography & Digital editing


Swimming: Corbin has difficulty swimming in water when he can't touch the ground because it sometimes causes his wings to fill with water and become heavy.

Cold and wet: While Corbin is mostly immune to these due to the strength of his element if by chance he does catch a chill somehow there's the possibility it would impact his fire core, which could potentially become lethal. If he becomes wet long periods of time there's also a chance he developes scale rot or fungus, which is very unpleasent and deteriorates his natural armor.

*it's not as easy for him to fend off magically induced cold/ice related spells and magicks.*

Too trusting: Corbin likes to believe the best in people, this combined with his extreme sense of loyalty makes him prone to being taken advantage of and pulled to wrong side of a confrontation when he places more of his faith in his friend(s) rather than the cause he's supposed to be fighting for, or the logic behind the facts.

Glamor: Although he hates dragon stereotypes it is possible for someone to emotionally manipulate a dragon like Corbin through his ego: getting him to let his guard and/or making him more open to suggestion, although to achieve the best results it takes a certain skill and technique to inflict the desired effects. *Note: this is not brainwashing or mindless following of orders!*

Habits, Quirks and Other stuff:

Hoarding: although the dragon claims otherwise anyone to ever peek into his room or any of his bags will realize that Corbin is a... collecter or things, of any things: he's got stacks of birthday cards, movies, records and books, piles of school supplies and replacement parts for things he doesn't even need or own, troves of candy, limited addition games and collecters editions; hidden treasure cashes of questionable worth and as the collection continues to grow somehow knows the location of every object in the room.

Tail: an expressive part of his body Corbins tail is used for more than just picking up or holding onto things: it flicks, lashes, thrashes, curls, wags and waves in mainly subconscious reactions to his mood, emotions and environment.

Eyes: reptilian like in nature Corbins eyes are slitted and have have a glow that becomes apparent in the dark or dimly lit settings due to an advanced form of tapetum lucidum; the same thing responsible for producing the eyeshine in the eyes of cats and dogs.

Smoke: its not uncommon to see whispers of white rising from his nostrils when Corbins fallen asleep at the table or gotten lost in a good song; it's something that just happens when he's relaxed. Grey smoke occurs when he's angry, nervous or depressed or in an overall foul mood. But it's when the smoke turns black that somethings gone bad, that type of thing only happens when he's truly lost control of either his composure or his form; such a thing rarely happens and it takes something truly devastating to trigger such a reaction.

Core: the Core is essentially the essence of a dragon's element within them combined with what some species would call a soul, it is the center of their being and the most honored part of their physiology; all true dragons have a Core regardless if the other more physical dragon traits have been bred out. If a dragon is born without a Core it is not a dragon at all. Their awareness of their Core also means that dragons do not associate their emotions with belonging to the heart or any other regular organ, rather anything emotional or magical about about a dragon is always connected to the Core; so phrases like 'I feel it in my heart', or 'listen to your heart', would be 'I feel it in my Core', or listen to your Core'.

It's rare, but a dragons Core can also become sick, which is known as Core Sickness, Clouding, Cracking, or if magic is involved sometimes Corruption; a Core that becomes sick has failed to maintain it's protection barrier or repel an attack against it. Cores that become sick often belong to a dragon that is going through or has gone through a period of long suffering, either emotionally or physically.

More... Random stuff:

  • He'll try eating anything thats not a vegatable at least once.
  • He eats alot and also hoards snack foods in his mini-fridge.
  • He can carry a maximum of two people on his back in full dragon form.
  • His favorite colors are yellow, purple, red and green.
  • He sings along with songs and the vibrations in his chest when he hums can be felt throughout his body.
  • He has a bass voice and sings bass and low bass.
  • He is 1 of 5 siblings, 3 of which are his elders.
  • Corbin wants to learn metal crafting and engineering as his back-up career profession.
  • His theme songs are Human, Crystal Eyes, and Wolves Without Teeth by Monters and Men, Brand New Day by Ryan Star, and Kings by Tribe Society.


Cordelieon, was one of five siblings born into the wealthy, and powerful dragon family the Drakinsons; a group that has grown infamous in their community for their dedication to reverting evolution and ridding themselves of the human form so common among their kind. Their household is located on a small island in the southern pacific where they can live peacefully and free of human intervention, but Corbin's parents Noramoar and Kade left before he was born to move to America where they could still enjoy the benefits of society's many technological advancements; settling down into a small town populated by magical folk.

Corbin made the decision to try living in the Summer home in order to find new people that he could interact with without the use of a glamour and hopefully make some friends.


Dragon Physiology: The benefits and weaknesses that come with being born a Dragon such as increased senses and physical capabilities.

Fire Manipulation: As his element is Fire Corbin can use it as a breath weapon or with practice learn to manipulate outside sources temporarily. This makes him immune to the harmful effects of most heat related sources.

Cold Resistance: a walking furnace Corbin's temperature is already noticeably above average and can be increased or decreased with a bit of concentration; this frees from the worries of having to dress for the weather.


Corbin's room is located in what free space of the attic remains, hidden amidst the towering stacks of boxes and forgotten items that once belonged to the former residences of the home. For all the possessions that Corbin keeps, things in his room are kept well organized and clean; as a dragon he has an impeccable memory for where everything is placed and an instinct for detecting even small disturbances.



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Abyss said:
* Major WIP, but There's some extra stuff mixed in there because this is an old character of mine*

Cordelieon Drakinson


He usually prefers to be called Corbin or Drake, but your also welcome to come up with your nicknames!




Corbin is Omnisexual with no preference to gender, race/species or sexual identity.


View attachment 327367

Please include an anime face claim for this roleplay. Write a description of what your character looks like, or list them out. Be sure to include eye color, hair color, weight, height, and any other feature you'd like to list. What is your character's natural/true form? What's their human form?

With the help of his collar, which has spelled with a concealment charm Corbin can temporarily take on a human guise in order to blend in with the regular human populace; in this form he appears as a tall (6 foot) young adult male with dark, copper coloured skin, shaggy red hair and vibrant amber eyes. Unlike when transforming into a dragon, his clothes remain unaffected and as such may fit rather loosely.

Type of Creature:

Dragon/Human Hybrid *Nusu*

(Dragons, have the ability to assume a human form in order to better blend in with modern day society [although this ability was developed soon after the first ancient civilizations appeared] with little to no effort at all. When dragons breed with humans they create a hybrid creature sometimes called a Nusu which will retain some of it's dragon characteristics in human form; most hybrids cannot achieve a fully human form without the aid of outside magical influence, such as a charmed talisman.

Personality: Write a good paragraph or two of how your character acts and how they think. Does their past impact the way they act? Be sure to include that.



- Fire/heat and anything that produces warmth.

- Music: especially rock, dubstep and pop genres.

- Video games.

- Sour candy.

- Horror/thriller and action/romance movies.

- Superheroes.

- Flying

- Games like manhunt and capture the flag.


- Broccoli and asparagus are his most hated foods.

- He doesn't like raw vegetables but can tolerate them if they've been cooked.

- Most country music.

- Dragon Stereotypes.

- unripened fruit.


- Not being able to touch the floor when swimming or being wieghted down by his wings and drowning.

- Scaring people away on accident.

- Hunters (He's afraid of the idea of being purposely wounded because he looks like an animal)

- Being considered 'inhuman'/devoid of emotion & sentience because of his appearance if ever discovered by humanity.

- Reptile parasites such as mites or ticks.


- Listening to music.

- Mixing music.

- Collecting records, cassets and retro movies.

- Making videos, participating in plays and acting groups.

- Costume and outfit designing.

- Doing the face paint and makeup of people with actual skin.

- Flying

- Photography & Digital editing

Skills: WIP


Swimming: Corbin has difficulty swimming in water when he can't touch the ground because it sometimes causes his wings to fill with water and become heavy.

Cold and wet: While Corbin is mostly immune to these due to the strength of his element if by chance he does catch a chill somehow there's the possibility it would impact his fire core, which could potentially become lethal. If he becomes wet long periods of time there's also a chance he developes scale rot or fungus, which is very unpleasent and deteriorates his natural armor.

*it's not as easy for him to fend off magically induced cold/ice related spells and magicks.*

Too trusting: Corbin likes to believe the best in people, this combined with his extreme sense of loyalty makes him prone to being taken advantage of and pulled to wrong side of a confrontation when he places more of his faith in his friend(s) rather than the cause he's supposed to be fighting for, or the logic behind the facts.

Glamor: Although he hates dragon stereotypes it is possible for someone to emotionally manipulate a dragon like Corbin through his ego: getting him to let his guard and/or making him more open to suggestion, although to achieve the best results it takes a certain skill and technique to inflict the desired effects. *Note: this is not brainwashing or mindless following of orders!*

Habits, Quirks and Other stuff:

Hoarding: although the dragon claims otherwise anyone to ever peek into his room or any of his bags will realize that Corbin is a... collecter or things, of any things: he's got stacks of birthday cards, movies, records and books, piles of school supplies and replacement parts for things he doesn't even need or own, troves of candy, limited addition games and collecters editions; hidden treasure cashes of questionable worth and as the collection continues to grow somehow knows the location of every object in the room.

Tail: an expressive part of his body Corbins tail is used for more than just picking up or holding onto things: it flicks, lashes, thrashes, curls, wags and waves in mainly subconscious reactions to his mood, emotions and environment.

Eyes: reptilian like in nature Corbins eyes are slitted and have have a glow that becomes apparent in the dark or dimly lit settings due to an advanced form of tapetum lucidum; the same thing responsible for producing the eyeshine in the eyes of cats and dogs.

Smoke: its not uncommon to see whispers of white rising from his nostrils when Corbins fallen asleep at the table or gotten lost in a good song; it's something that just happens when he's relaxed. Grey smoke occurs when he's angry, nervous or depressed or in an overall foul mood. But it's when the smoke turns black that somethings gone bad, that type of thing only happens when he's truly lost control of either his composure or his form; such a thing rarely happens and it takes something truly devastating to trigger such a reaction.

Core: the Core is essentially the essence of a dragon's element within them combined with what some species would call a soul, it is the center of their being and the most honored part of their physiology; all true dragons have a Core regardless if the other more physical dragon traits have been bred out. If a dragon is born without a Core it is not a dragon at all. Their awareness of their Core also means that dragons do not associate their emotions with belonging to the heart or any other regular organ, rather anything emotional or magical about about a dragon is always connected to the Core; so phrases like 'I feel it in my heart', or 'listen to your heart', would be 'I feel it in my Core', or listen to your Core'.

It's rare, but a dragons Core can also become sick, which is known as Core Sickness, Clouding, Cracking, or if magic is involved sometimes Corruption; a Core that becomes sick has failed to maintain it's protection barrier or repel an attack against it. Cores that become sick often belong to a dragon that is going through or has gone through a period of long suffering, either emotionally or physically.

More... Random stuff:

  • He'll try eating anything thats not a vegatable at least once.
  • He eats alot and also hoards snack foods in his mini-fridge.
  • He can carry a maximum of two people on his back in full dragon form.
  • His favorite colors are yellow, purple, red and green.
  • He sings along with songs and the vibrations in his chest when he hums can be felt throughout his body.
  • He has a bass voice and sings bass and low bass.
  • He is 1 of 5 siblings, 3 of which are his elders.
  • Corbin wants to learn metal crafting and engineering as his back-up career profession.
  • His theme songs are Human, Crystal Eyes, and Wolves Without Teeth by Monters and Men, Brand New Day by Ryan Star, Kings by Tribe Society.

History: When was your character born? Who and where are their parents? Are they divorced, missing, deceased? Was their anything that has scarred them for life?

Abilities: What kind of abilities can your character do? You're limited to three abilities for each character.


Preferably somewhere in the Attic or upmost level.


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w i p

Takumi Matabei



Name: Takumi Matabei

Gender: Transgender Male

Age: 18

Sexuality: Bisexual

Type of Creature: Lorem Ipsum

placeholder text!! why are you looking at this


Eye Color: Hazel

Hair Color: Light Brown

Weight: 135 lbs.

Height: 5'5"

Appearance: Lorem Ipsum









Digging Deeper

Personality: Lorem Ipsum

History: Lorem Ipsum

Abilities: Lorem Ipsum


[e] done for the most part! c: few touch-ups with the wording are needed, but he's good to go!

  • a63ca89bc4d1454005fdbc79e44ae1c9.jpg

    ? Full/Birth Name: Nero Knight

    ? Nickname(s): N/A, name's short enough already, y'know? Unless you want to annoy him with 'wolf/wolfy/etc'!

    ? Age: 23

    ? Gender: Male

    ? Sexuality: Demisexual heteroromantic

    ? Type of Creature: Werewolf

    ? Abilities:

    - Inhuman strength which only increases according to his wolf form

    - Advanced senses (vision, smell, hearing)

    - Regenerative healing

    ? Room: Anything goes, he's not particularly picky. Might as well sleep on the floor! Or outside.

Last edited by a moderator:
Bloody Mary

"That's just FANGtastic..."



Birthname: Rosemary Stoker-Cassidy

Nickname: Rose, Stoker

Age: 22

Gender: female

Sexualtiy: Bisexual


Height: 5 feet 11

Weight: 132 lbs

Eyes: Dark Crimson

Hair: Raven black, kept in a messy sidecut that usually spikes up in various different directions

Body Modifications: A variety of piercings adorn Rose's body. Most prominent being two studs on her left eyebrow, two rings on her left ear and one on her tongue

Her left shoulder's covered in a twisted Rose tattoo with thorny vines reaching unto her back and down her upper arm.

Distinguishing Marks: Has a small burn mark on her lower back

Clothing: Rose tends to wear anything comfy but usually keeps to a punk style. Tank tops, torn jeans, shirts with provocative designs, leather or jeans jackets and high combat boots


Racial Abilities: As a vampire Rose has a variety of increased senses like a superior sense of smell, increased night vision and better hearing. Blood does also increase her being able to heal from a variety of different wounds as well as her being resistant against almost any infectious disease.

Magical Ability: Rose is able to levitate for a limited amount of time, usually as a way for her to slack off

Weaknesses: Sunlight causes her discomfort and extended exposure can leave some nasty sunburns, due to her increased sense of smell garlic and other foul smells can be very irritating


Personality: Rose is a very easygoing girl, usually doing things because they're fun and because frankly she wouldn't want to be doing anything else.

Enjoying the simpler things in her UNlife, Rose tends to enjoy just fooling around and making new friends.

Though her lack of social skills and general carefree attitude makes her come over rather blunt, sometimes even rude to some people.

Yet she hates making enemies, usually tolerating most other people, even trying to get their friendship.

Be it with lame vampire puns, playing pranks or simply trying to tempt them with her incredible cooking (the cr is silent).

For once you get to know her and gain her friendship Rose will do anything to keep a wide smile on your face, even if it's at the expense of others.


-Dark and Macabre humor

-Cooking, though frankly she sucks at it

-Fooling around with her friends

-TV shows/Soaps


-Scaring people

-Playing Guitar

-Listening to Punk/Metal/Rock

-slacking off



-People with attitude (oh the irony)

-People with no sense of humor/can't take a joke


Rose grew up as the remnant of a failed marriage, living with her mother, a rather successful businesswoman.

Her mother usually being away for meetings and important business trips made her grew up with very little parental influence, becoming rather self-reliant but also really rebellious in the process, seeing herself as completely able to handle everything herself, not having to rely on anyone other than herself.

Getting in contact with the Punk scene made her grow even more feisty, kindling her love for music and really igniting that spark that made her pursue everything she deemed to be fun.

Be it hanging with her friends and simply fooling around with them, playing rather macabre versions of truth or dare, telling scary stories on the graveyard and attending loads of concerts.

During one of such escapades Rose met a rather handsome guy at the afterparty of a rather famous band, getting enthralled by his charms and kinda falling for him.

Too bad he wasn't counting on it becoming something more than just a one night thing.

Ending with a nasty hangover, mudded memories, small incisions on her neck and of course...A thirst for blood.

Her mother was devastated at first and blamed herself for what had happened to her daughter but they came to terms with it rather easily. The whole incident bringing the two of them closer than they ever were as they decided to figure it out together.

Fast forward a few years.

Bloodlust in check, enrolled in a college and having to plan every trip outside of her dark room in advance Rose is living the stereotypical lazy college student life.

With a bloody twist.


CS's courtesy of StoneWolf18 (seriously, this would look horrible without you)

Last edited by a moderator:
Vampunk said:
Bloody Mary

"That's just FANGtastic..."



Birthname: Rosemary Stoker-Cassidy

Nickname: Rose, Stoker

Age: 22

Gender: female

Sexualtiy: Bisexual


Height: 5 feet 11

Weight: 132 lbs

Eyes: Dark Crimson

Hair: Raven black, kept in a messy sidecut that usually spikes up in various different directions

Body Modifications: A variety of piercings adorn Rose's body. Most prominent being two studs on her left eyebrow, two rings on her left ear and one on her tongue

Her left shoulder's covered in a twisted Rose tattoo with thorny vines reaching unto her back and down her upper arm.

Distinguishing Marks: Has a small burn mark on her lower back

Clothing: Rose tends to wear anything comfy but usually keeps to a punk style. Tank tops, torn jeans, shirts with provocative designs, leather or jeans jackets and high combat boots


Racial Abilities: As a vampire Rose has a variety of increased senses like a superior sense of smell, increased night vision and better hearing. Blood does also increase her being able to heal from a variety of different wounds as well as her being resistant against almost any infectious disease.

Magical Ability: Rose is able to levitate for a limited amount of time, usually as a way for her to slack off

Weaknesses: Sunlight causes her discomfort and extended exposure can leave some nasty sunburns, due to her increased sense of smell garlic and other foul smells can be very irritating


Personality: Rose is a very easygoing girl, usually doing things because they're fun and because frankly she wouldn't want to be doing anything else.

Enjoying the simpler things in her UNlife, Rose tends to enjoy just fooling around and making new friends.

Though her lack of social skills and general carefree attitude makes her come over rather blunt, sometimes even rude to some people.

Yet she hates making enemies, usually tolerating most other people, even trying to get their friendship.

Be it with lame vampire puns, playing pranks or simply trying to tempt them with her incredible cooking (the cr is silent).

For once you get to know her and gain her friendship Rose will do anything to keep a wide smile on your face, even if it's at the expense of others.


-Dark and Macabre humor

-Cooking, though frankly she sucks at it

-Fooling around with her friends

-TV shows/Soaps


-Scaring people

-Playing Guitar

-Listening to Punk/Metal/Rock

-slacking off



-People with attitude (oh the irony)

-People with no sense of humor/can't take a joke




CS's courtesy of StoneWolf18 (seriously, this would look horrible without you)

(Love it! Just make sure to add the History as soon as you can! We'll pair you up and start rping as soon as possible)
Last edited by a moderator:
Umbrii said:
still needs editing, but - hope this works! tell me if anything needs to be changed!

  • a63ca89bc4d1454005fdbc79e44ae1c9.jpg

    ? Full/Birth Name: Nero Knight

    ? Nickname(s): N/A, unless you want to annoy him with 'wolf/wolfy/etc'

    ? Age: 23

    ? Gender: Male

    ? Sexuality: Demisexual

    ? Type of Creature: Werewolf

    ? Abilities:

    - Inhuman strength which only increases according to his wolf form

    - Advanced senses (vision, smell, hearing)

    - Regenerative healing

    ? Room: Anything goes, he's not particularly picky. Might as well sleep on the floor!

(Great! You're accepted! We'll pair you up with a roommate soon!)
Last edited by a moderator:
KpopSenpai said:
(Love it! Just make sure to add the History as soon as you can! We'll pair you up and start rping as soon as possible)
I'll put up ahistory as soon as i get home from my part time job.

One thing's for sure though, she'd be a turned vamp and not born as one^^
vinebeck said:
w i p

Takumi Matabei



Name: Takumi Matabei

Gender: Transgender Male

Age: 18

Sexuality: Bisexual

Type of Creature: Lorem Ipsum

placeholder text!! why are you looking at this


Eye Color: Hazel

Hair Color: Light Brown

Weight: 135 lbs.

Height: 5'5"

Appearance: Lorem Ipsum









Digging Deeper

Personality: Lorem Ipsum

History: Lorem Ipsum

Abilities: Lorem Ipsum


Most likely when you're done, we might accept you :)
update: roomies are posted in the overview tab.

Serena Foster

Full/Birth Name:

Serna Foster


The Odd Witch







Type of Creature:



Serena is called an odd witch for a number of different reasons. She is very quiet and likes to think alone most of the time. She is emotionless never showing her true feelings to anyone, not even her cat. Her face is always a perpetual calm as if she is a robot. She will occasionally talk to Nana but most of the time she is reading a book or in a corner or making a potion or two. She has some enemies because of what she does not to mention past lovers who thought they could heal her cold heart.

Serena is a skilled witch and has a plethora of potions she loves to test on unsuspecting victims. This lead to really weird situations like the time Nana turned into a dude... She doesn't quite understand the consequences of her actions when she does this, she believes it would be for research purposes. She is an intelligent girl but has no common sense. She is book smart, not street smart if you catch my drift.

Likes & Dislikes:

+ Nana

+ Research


+Learning new things

- Annoying People

-Spicy Food




Serena was born a long time ago in the black forest of Germany. Her mother a witch and her father a heretic. Her parents fell in love after they met at a bakery in a small village. Her mother was deemed odd and people were very suspicious of her. She was going to buy bread when the Baker denied her service. Serena's father stepped in and bought her the bread. Her mother took a liking to him after that, they began to see each other and get to know each other. Soon they were in love and she wanted to show him her true nature. When her father found out her mother was a witch he was surprised at first then he accepted that part of her as well. Word got out about her powers though and she was going to be burned at the stake along with Serena's father. They escaped into the wood where the people would never venture without a hunter.

Serna's parents conceived her a few years later. She grew up in Germany and enjoyed her life there. Serena would play in the woods happily and the animals would prance around with her. She was a happy toddler playing in the woods with her friends. Her animal friends were toads, bats, spider, and wolves. She isn't a Disney princess what did you expect... Serena would learn magic from her mother and show it to all her friends in the woods. Serena would smile and show her emotions to others, this was until her father died of old age of course but it took a toll on her mother. Witches age slowly you see they can easily outlast a human. They moved to a place called the America's after that. It was a town called Salem if she recalls correctly. They arrived right before the great witch trial began. This was how she lost her mother and she was run out of town. Serena was alone in the middle of nowhere...

Serena grew up alone no longer smiling. She wandered the world trying to find a purpose. She had many flings with many different men. Some tried to thaw her heart but none had succeeded in doing so, this left a trail of meaningless love and broken hearts. She couldn't find a reason to live until she went to Egypt. There she was walking the streets when a girl into her with a fish in her mouth. She looked at Serena for a moment then looked behind her, men with weapons were chasing her. The girl ran with Serena dragging her through many different alleyways and crowds until they lost the armed men. Serena asked the girl why she running from the men and why she had dragged he along with her in this weird journey. The girl promptly replied with This fish was a rare one and I absolutly had to have it and for dragging you along I want you to be my master. This was how Serena found her purpose.


Ice Magic: Mostly freezing stuff.

Flying: This requires her broom, though. (What it's a great way to travel and you don't have to go through air traffic procedures)

Potion Making: She is really good a making potions and can make them really fast! Though sometimes she messes up...


Doesn't mater as long as she is with Nana


Serena doesn't really know yet... Hopefully she will make friends just like Nana said she would.


Nana Foster

Full/Birth Name:

Nana Foster


Cat of the Odd Witch







Type of Creature:


A monster cat or ghost cat. They are cats who have lived a long time or have had their tail grow so long they get supernatural abilities.


Nana is an odd Bakeneko, he doesn't harbor any bad feelings towards her master. he quite likes her master as a matter of fact. he is often playing around and enjoying her life. he is a bit quiet when you meet her but she will warm up to you really quickly if you give him fish. He is very talkative once you get to know Him, it may seem annoying but he really doesn't care. he loves Serena like a sister and cares about her very much almost as much as he loves fish! Nana is a happy go lucky type of guy and doesn't quite understand manners very much.

Nana always ends up in weird situations like the time he was turned into a girl or the time he was a frog or the time he stole a fish for a god... Nana even though he ends up in these situations he has a good attitude and looks at the good side of things.

Likes & Dislikes:








-People looking down on her.

History: Nana was born around the Edo period in japan. His mother and father were cats and so was she. They raised her right and he grew up pretty fine. Nana was a feral cat and absolutely hated when people came after him to chop off his tail. he would often hide in the woods waiting for the humans to go away. She had done this a lot until one day he was able to walk on two legs. The next day he became bigger and the next she looked human. It was what the people feared he was a Bakeneko. Nana, of course, ran into the mountains because she knew what humans would do for to her. In the mountains, he met a god. The god had a quest for him and in return, he could go back to being a cat.

Nana accepted the quest and went on the journey, the journey was to find a rare fish that existed outside of japan, the fish was the most delicious fish in all of the world, at least that is what the god said for all Nana knew it could have been exaggerating. Nana hid on a boat as a stowaway and then he ended up on a dock in the middle of the night on a new continent. Asia, more specifically China, there Nana witness a backroom deal as he snuck away. Nana was on a journey to find this fish. She was going to find this fish until she got lost...

Nana was lost for a very long time and ended up in Egypt where he stole a fish because he was hungry. he ran into an odd woman and decided to take her with him. Nana lost the people chasing her and met his master Serena. Together they traveled learning new things and going on weird adventures. Like the time he was turned into a girl, this is probably where he learned he was bisexual.


Fire Balls: he is really bad at them... he burnt their last house down...

Shapeshifting: he didn't know he could do this until recently and decided he no longer had a reason to help that god from long long ago.

She can eat anything: This ranges from poison to that nuclear reactor core...


Doesn't matter as long as he is with Serena.


he is happy to be with his master as roommates and to have the ability to make new friends at this house.

Last edited by a moderator:
Agirl1107 said:

Serena Foster

Full/Birth Name:

Serna Foster


The Odd Witch







Type of Creature:



Serena is called an odd witch for a number of different reasons. She is very quiet and likes to think alone most of the time. She is emotionless never showing her true feelings to anyone, not even her cat. Her face is always a perpetual calm as if she is a robot. She will occasionally talk to Nana but most of the time she is reading a book or in a corner or making a potion or two. She has some enemies because of what she does not to mention past lovers who thought they could heal her cold heart.

Serena is a skilled witch and has a plethora of potions she loves to test on unsuspecting victims. This lead to really weird situations like the time Nana turned into a dude... She doesn't quite understand the consequences of her actions when she does this, she believes it would be for research purposes. She is an intelligent girl but has no common sense. She is book smart, not street smart if you catch my drift.

Likes & Dislikes:

+ Nana

+ Research


+Learning new things

- Annoying People

-Spicy Food




Serena was born a long time ago in the black forest of Germany. Her mother a witch and her father a heretic. Her parents fell in love after they met at a bakery in a small village. Her mother was deemed odd and people were very suspicious of her. She was going to buy bread when the Baker denied her service. Serena's father stepped in and bought her the bread. Her mother took a liking to him after that, they began to see each other and get to know each other. Soon they were in love and she wanted to show him her true nature. When her father found out her mother was a witch he was surprised at first then he accepted that part of her as well. Word got out about her powers though and she was going to be burned at the stake along with Serena's father. They escaped into the wood where the people would never venture without a hunter.

Serna's parents conceived her a few years later. She grew up in Germany and enjoyed her life there. Serena would play in the woods happily and the animals would prance around with her. She was a happy toddler playing in the woods with her friends. Her animal friends were toads, bats, spider, and wolves. She isn't a Disney princess what did you expect... Serena would learn magic from her mother and show it to all her friends in the woods. Serena would smile and show her emotions to others, this was until her father died of old age of course but it took a toll on her mother. Witches age slowly you see they can easily outlast a human. They moved to a place called the America's after that. It was a town called Salem if she recalls correctly. They arrived right before the great witch trial began. This was how she lost her mother and she was run out of town. Serena was alone in the middle of nowhere...

Serena grew up alone no longer smiling. She wandered the world trying to find a purpose. She had many flings with many different men. Some tried to thaw her heart but none had succeeded in doing so, this left a trail of meaningless love and broken hearts. She couldn't find a reason to live until she went to Egypt. There she was walking the streets when a girl into her with a fish in her mouth. She looked at Serena for a moment then looked behind her, men with weapons were chasing her. The girl ran with Serena dragging her through many different alleyways and crowds until they lost the armed men. Serena asked the girl why she running from the men and why she had dragged he along with her in this weird journey. The girl promptly replied with This fish was a rare one and I absolutly had to have it and for dragging you along I want you to be my master. This was how Serena found her purpose.


Ice Magic: Mostly freezing stuff.

Flying: This requires her broom, though. (What it's a great way to travel and you don't have to go through air traffic procedures)

Potion Making: She is really good a making potions and can make them really fast! Though sometimes she messes up...


Doesn't mater as long as she is with Nana


Serena doesn't really know yet... Hopefully she will make friends just like Nana said she would.


Nana Foster

Full/Birth Name:

Nana Foster


Cat of the Odd Witch

Gender: Female





Type of Creature:


A monster cat or ghost cat. They are cats who have lived a long time or have had their tail grow so long they get supernatural abilities.


Nana is an odd Bakeneko, she doesn't harbor any bad feelings towards her master. She quiet likes her master as a matter of fact. She is often playing around and enjoying her life. She is a bit quiet when you meet her but she will warm up to you really quickly if you give her fish. She is very talkative once you get to know her, it may seem annoying but she really doesn't care. She loves Serena like a sister and cares about her very much almost as much as she loves fish! Nana is a happy go lucky type of girl and doesn't quite understand manners very much.

Nana always ends up in weird situations like the time she was turned into a boy or the time she was a frog or the time she stole a fish for a god... Nana even though she ends up in these situations she has a good attitude and looks at the good side of things.

Likes & Dislikes:








-People looking down on her.

History: Nana was born around the Edo period in japan. Her mother and father were cats and so was she. They raised her right and she grew up pretty fine. Nana was a feral cat and absolutely hated when people came after her to chop off her tail. She would often hide in the woods waiting for the humans to go away. She had done this a lot until one day she was able to walk on two legs. The next day she became bigger and the next she looked human. It was what the people feared she was a Bakeneko. Nana, of course, ran into the mountains because she knew what humans would do for to her. In the mountians, she met a god. The god had a quest for her and in return, she could go back to being a cat.

Nana accepted the quest and went on the journey, the journey was to find a rare fish that existed outside of japan, the fish was the most delicious fish in all of the world, at least that is what the god said for all Nana knew it could have been exaggerating. Nana hid on a boat as a stowaway and then she ended up on a dock in the middle of the night on a new continent. Asia, more specifically China, there Nana witness a backroom deal as she snuck away. Nana was on a journey to find this fish. She was going to find this fish until she got lost...

Nana was lost for a very long time and ended up in Egypt where she stole a fish because she was hungry. She ran into an odd woman and decided to take her with her. Nana lost the people chasing her and met her master Serena. Together they traveled learning new things and going on weird adventures. Like the time she was turned into a boy, this is probably where she learned she was bisexual.


Fire Balls: She is really bad at them... she burnt their last house down...

Shapeshifting: She didn't know she could do this until recently and decided she no longer had a reason to help that god from long long ago.

She can eat anything: This ranges from poison to that nuclear reactor core...


Doesn't matter as long as she is with Serena.


She is happy to be with her master as roommates and to have the ability to make new friends at this house.

I'm sorry but in our roles we said you could have two characters only if they're different genders
[QUOTE="The Narwhal Spirit]I'm sorry but in our roles we said you could have two characters only if they're different genders

KpopSenpai said:
(Yeah but now we need more girls, so invoked it. Just this time)
Agirl1107 said:

Serena Foster

Full/Birth Name:

Serna Foster


The Odd Witch







Type of Creature:



Serena is called an odd witch for a number of different reasons. She is very quiet and likes to think alone most of the time. She is emotionless never showing her true feelings to anyone, not even her cat. Her face is always a perpetual calm as if she is a robot. She will occasionally talk to Nana but most of the time she is reading a book or in a corner or making a potion or two. She has some enemies because of what she does not to mention past lovers who thought they could heal her cold heart.

Serena is a skilled witch and has a plethora of potions she loves to test on unsuspecting victims. This lead to really weird situations like the time Nana turned into a dude... She doesn't quite understand the consequences of her actions when she does this, she believes it would be for research purposes. She is an intelligent girl but has no common sense. She is book smart, not street smart if you catch my drift.

Likes & Dislikes:

+ Nana

+ Research


+Learning new things

- Annoying People

-Spicy Food




Serena was born a long time ago in the black forest of Germany. Her mother a witch and her father a heretic. Her parents fell in love after they met at a bakery in a small village. Her mother was deemed odd and people were very suspicious of her. She was going to buy bread when the Baker denied her service. Serena's father stepped in and bought her the bread. Her mother took a liking to him after that, they began to see each other and get to know each other. Soon they were in love and she wanted to show him her true nature. When her father found out her mother was a witch he was surprised at first then he accepted that part of her as well. Word got out about her powers though and she was going to be burned at the stake along with Serena's father. They escaped into the wood where the people would never venture without a hunter.

Serna's parents conceived her a few years later. She grew up in Germany and enjoyed her life there. Serena would play in the woods happily and the animals would prance around with her. She was a happy toddler playing in the woods with her friends. Her animal friends were toads, bats, spider, and wolves. She isn't a Disney princess what did you expect... Serena would learn magic from her mother and show it to all her friends in the woods. Serena would smile and show her emotions to others, this was until her father died of old age of course but it took a toll on her mother. Witches age slowly you see they can easily outlast a human. They moved to a place called the America's after that. It was a town called Salem if she recalls correctly. They arrived right before the great witch trial began. This was how she lost her mother and she was run out of town. Serena was alone in the middle of nowhere...

Serena grew up alone no longer smiling. She wandered the world trying to find a purpose. She had many flings with many different men. Some tried to thaw her heart but none had succeeded in doing so, this left a trail of meaningless love and broken hearts. She couldn't find a reason to live until she went to Egypt. There she was walking the streets when a girl into her with a fish in her mouth. She looked at Serena for a moment then looked behind her, men with weapons were chasing her. The girl ran with Serena dragging her through many different alleyways and crowds until they lost the armed men. Serena asked the girl why she running from the men and why she had dragged he along with her in this weird journey. The girl promptly replied with This fish was a rare one and I absolutly had to have it and for dragging you along I want you to be my master. This was how Serena found her purpose.


Ice Magic: Mostly freezing stuff.

Flying: This requires her broom, though. (What it's a great way to travel and you don't have to go through air traffic procedures)

Potion Making: She is really good a making potions and can make them really fast! Though sometimes she messes up...


Doesn't mater as long as she is with Nana


Serena doesn't really know yet... Hopefully she will make friends just like Nana said she would.


Nana Foster

Full/Birth Name:

Nana Foster


Cat of the Odd Witch

Gender: Female





Type of Creature:


A monster cat or ghost cat. They are cats who have lived a long time or have had their tail grow so long they get supernatural abilities.


Nana is an odd Bakeneko, she doesn't harbor any bad feelings towards her master. She quiet likes her master as a matter of fact. She is often playing around and enjoying her life. She is a bit quiet when you meet her but she will warm up to you really quickly if you give her fish. She is very talkative once you get to know her, it may seem annoying but she really doesn't care. She loves Serena like a sister and cares about her very much almost as much as she loves fish! Nana is a happy go lucky type of girl and doesn't quite understand manners very much.

Nana always ends up in weird situations like the time she was turned into a boy or the time she was a frog or the time she stole a fish for a god... Nana even though she ends up in these situations she has a good attitude and looks at the good side of things.

Likes & Dislikes:








-People looking down on her.

History: Nana was born around the Edo period in japan. Her mother and father were cats and so was she. They raised her right and she grew up pretty fine. Nana was a feral cat and absolutely hated when people came after her to chop off her tail. She would often hide in the woods waiting for the humans to go away. She had done this a lot until one day she was able to walk on two legs. The next day she became bigger and the next she looked human. It was what the people feared she was a Bakeneko. Nana, of course, ran into the mountains because she knew what humans would do for to her. In the mountians, she met a god. The god had a quest for her and in return, she could go back to being a cat.

Nana accepted the quest and went on the journey, the journey was to find a rare fish that existed outside of japan, the fish was the most delicious fish in all of the world, at least that is what the god said for all Nana knew it could have been exaggerating. Nana hid on a boat as a stowaway and then she ended up on a dock in the middle of the night on a new continent. Asia, more specifically China, there Nana witness a backroom deal as she snuck away. Nana was on a journey to find this fish. She was going to find this fish until she got lost...

Nana was lost for a very long time and ended up in Egypt where she stole a fish because she was hungry. She ran into an odd woman and decided to take her with her. Nana lost the people chasing her and met her master Serena. Together they traveled learning new things and going on weird adventures. Like the time she was turned into a boy, this is probably where she learned she was bisexual.


Fire Balls: She is really bad at them... she burnt their last house down...

Shapeshifting: She didn't know she could do this until recently and decided she no longer had a reason to help that god from long long ago.

She can eat anything: This ranges from poison to that nuclear reactor core...


Doesn't matter as long as she is with Serena.


She is happy to be with her master as roommates and to have the ability to make new friends at this house.

we have 2 extra girls. please stick with the rules

Name: Nazario Kuro

Nickname: Nazz

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual



Nazario has very soft facial features. His smile is warm, and gentle. He's 6'1, and weighs 188 lbs. He's not too ripped or bulky, he just has a fit build, that he keeps by going on daily late night runs. He has long pink hair that goes well below his shoulders. His hair is his most prominent feature, along with his golden eyes, that can seemingly make you melt if you look into them too long. He's a real pretty boy in every way.


When he goes into incubus form, his hair becomes dark red, and, he sprouts pitch black horns from the top of his head.

Creature: Incubus (Nightmare or Lust Demon)

Personality: Nazario is really a sweetheart. He's kind and accepting of everyone. His personality is very different from that of other demons, or even incubi. He was raised in a family of highly esteemed incubi, and they were all very rough, and rude, as is normal for demons, especially incubi. Do to his softer personality, that seemed to go with his appearance his father shunned him, and treated him badly. He's grown to have a bit of an issue with seeking approval from his father.

His gentle nature made him a horrible incubus, because he wasn't at all comfortable with taking a women's body without consent. When he is in his demon form, an intense desire for the life force of women grows within him, and he struggles to control himself. So he usually stays in his human form. This clashing of desires, causes an identity crisis within himself. He always wishes that he could be cold and cruel like his other siblings, and tries hard to be a better incubus.

Likes: Everyone, gardening, running, star gazing, reading, flowers, smooth jazzy music.

Dislikes: Other Demons, Rudeness, pain, sadness, harsh loud music

History: Nazz was born in the depths of hell to a highly esteemed family of demons. His parents were some of Lucifer's most trusted demons, and they can be considered the King of Hell's most favored family. Nazz has 13 older siblings. They're all great Succubi, and Incubi. He considers himself the black sheep of the family, even though everyone loves him very much. And consider his large contrasting personality, very refreshing in the land of fire. He eventually left for the land of the living like all demons, but his inability to cause havoc, and mishap like a normal demon, has led him to the Summer Home.

Abilities: Fire Creation/Manipulation, Lust Amplification, and Nightmare Weaving.

Room: Where ever I fit? Uh... if you really need me to pick then 2.

Relationships: None yet, I suppose.

(I'll ask around to some of my female friends, see if they wanna play, since you need girls. xD )
Oh ok I'm sorry for not reading the rules. I also can't sleep so I will be changing Nana to a guy brb with new pictures and stuff.
theDoc1420 said:

Name: Nazario Kuro

Nickname: Nazz

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual



Nazario has very soft facial features. His smile is warm, and gentle. He's 6'1, and weighs 188 lbs. He's not too ripped or bulky, he just has a fit build, that he keeps by going on daily late night runs. He has long pink hair that goes well below his shoulders. His hair is his most prominent feature, along with his golden eyes, that can seemingly make you melt if you look into them too long. He's a real pretty boy in every way.


When he goes into incubus form, his hair becomes dark red, and, he sprouts pitch black horns from the top of his head.

Creature: Incubus (Nightmare or Lust Demon)

Personality: Nazario is really a sweetheart. He's kind and accepting of everyone. His personality is very different from that of other demons, or even incubi. He was raised in a family of highly esteemed incubi, and they were all very rough, and rude, as is normal for demons, especially incubi. Do to his softer personality, that seemed to go with his appearance his father shunned him, and treated him badly. He's grown to have a bit of an issue with seeking approval from his father.

His gentle nature made him a horrible incubus, because he wasn't at all comfortable with taking a women's body without consent. When he is in his demon form, an intense desire for the life force of women grows within him, and he struggles to control himself. So he usually stays in his human form. This clashing of desires, causes an identity crisis within himself. He always wishes that he could be cold and cruel like his other siblings, and tries hard to be a better incubus.

Likes: Everyone, gardening, running, star gazing, reading, flowers, smooth jazzy music.

Dislikes: Other Demons, Rudeness, pain, sadness, harsh loud music

History: Nazz was born in the depths of hell to a highly esteemed family of demons. His parents were some of Lucifer's most trusted demons, and they can be considered the King of Hell's most favored family. Nazz has 13 older siblings. They're all great Succubi, and Incubi. He considers himself the black sheep of the family, even though everyone loves him very much. And consider his large contrasting personality, very refreshing in the land of fire. He eventually left for the land of the living like all demons, but his inability to cause havoc, and mishap like a normal demon, has led him to the Summer Home.

Abilities: Fire Creation/Manipulation, Lust Amplification, and Nightmare Weaving.

Room: Where ever I fit? Uh... if you really need me to pick then 2.

Relationships: None yet, I suppose.

(I'll ask around to some of my female friends, see if they wanna play, since you need girls. xD )

Accepted :) and that'll be nice if you can. The more the merrier

Marieanne Krinsley




Marie - Mari - Anne - Krins








Human Form:

Marie's humanoid form has some rather sharp facial features, with intense chamoisee eyes and a waist length blonde hair. She is 5'6 tall and

weights about 145 lbs. She also has a fairly average build, with skinny

arms and slightly muscular legs.

True Form:

Marie's true form is.... grotesque to say the least, with multiple gills in her cheek and vermellion red eyes and a monstrous mouth with teeth as sharp as a shark's,

her scale and her fins located in various parts of her body are a

dark turquoise-ish with various eminence colored bruise-like spots.

Type of Creature:



Acoustokinesis - Marie can manipulate her voice to reach different tones, she can mimicry voices to lure unsuspecting victims aswell. (Both Forms)

Siren Physiology - Marie can use her teeth and claws to attack victims, her various fins makes it not only easier for her to swim thunderous and rapid waters, but can also make her swim even more faster. (True Form Only)

Hallucikinesis - While Marie can only affect one person with this ability, she can create and manipulate illusions, for example, she can disguise herself as another person. (Both Forms)


Marieanne is a very flirtatious and manipulative person, however, she can be an extremetly loyal and kind person if you get her friendship, she also can be a rather silent person aswell, she is quite hard to read, as she is an expert on suppresing and hiding her emotions, and a really good poker face, it is rather difficult to get her to show her emotions.

Likes and Dislikes:

-Cold weather

-Classical music

-Mystery films

-Board games



-Any fish-related food



-Loud noises


-Slobby people


Ugh, do I really have to tell?"

Marieanne was the youngest of the nine siblings of the Krinsley's, an infamous family of sirens, the reason they were famous was mainly because of Marie's great great grandmother, as she is the monster who caused most maritime casualities up until now, so her family "honours" her life by being merciless genociders, while Marie disagreed with this, she wasn't really vocal about it, hiding it from her whole family, causing her loneliness and slight depression, and thus she was invited to the summer house, after recieving the invitation, she started packing her things, after announcing to her family that she was moving, Marie's family gave her some parting gifts, her father gave her a violin he made from scratch, knowing she was quite skilled with violins, her symphonies being compared to masterpieces, and her mother gave her a blue dress she herself knitted, her eldest sibling gave her a pearl neckclace, and her other siblings gave her a brand new car, and thus she went towards the summer house.


As long as there's no fur, she's okay with her room.


Is allergic to fur

Her favorite type of water is saltwater

She smells like seaweed, so she is a bit dependant on perfumes to hide the smell
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[QUOTE="The Cat Man]W O R K - I N - P R O G R E S S

Miriam Krinsley




Mari - Maria - Krins








Human Form:


True Form:


Type of Creature:



Symphokinesis - TBA

Siren Physiology - TBA

Hallucikinesis - TBA



Likes and Dislikes:

-Cold weather

-Classical music

-Mystery films

-Board games



-Any fish related food

-Egotistical people


-Loud noises


-Slobby people




As long as there's no fur, she's okay with her room


Is allergic to fur

Her favorite type of water is saltwater

She smells like seaweed, so she is a bit dependant on perfumes to hide the smell

(Accepted, just make sure to finish it of course)

<hr /><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:14px;">Human Appearance:ย </span></strong>



<span style="font-size:14px;">Blue Eyes</span>



<span style="font-size:14px;">Ashy Brown -ย Black Hair</span>



<span style="font-size:14px;">Sharp - Long Eye Teeth</span>



<span style="font-size:14px;">157 cm (5'1 in.)</span>



<span style="font-size:14px;">43 kg (95 lbs.)ย </span>



<span style="font-size:14px;">Fair Skin</span>



<span style="font-size:14px;"><img src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://hairstylefoto.com/wp-content/uploads/parser/anime-girl-with-short-black-hair-2.jpg&key=a1de3dcc6970281c11afac10b1eee874904ce83966284581362f34366ec465fd" alt="anime-girl-with-short-black-hair-2.jpg" /></span>


<hr /><p>

<span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>True Appearance: </strong></span>



<span style="font-size:14px;">Blue Eyes</span>



<span style="font-size:14px;">Ashy ย Brown - Black ย Coatย </span>



<span style="font-size:14px;">Nine Tails</span>



<span style="font-size:14px;">64.7 cm - Nose To Tail End (25.5 in.)</span>



<span style="font-size:14px;">1.8 kg (4 lbs.)ย </span>



<span style="font-size:14px;"><img src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://img06.deviantart.net/6a95/i/2008/032/6/b/little_brown_fox_by_lomapatta_stock.jpg&key=ab346c02cee865e575ed11e1f67b8865373c6184895409d323bd673a84d0ed65" alt="little_brown_fox_by_lomapatta_stock.jpg" /></span>


<hr /><p>

<u><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">General Information:ย </span></strong></u>



<span style="font-size:14px;">An Lin (ๅฎ‰็ณ - Peaceful Beautiful Jade - Mandarin) </span>


<span style="font-size:14px;">English Name: Jade</span>




<span style="font-size:14px;">Female</span>



<span style="font-size:14px;">Demi-romantic</span>



<span style="font-size:14px;"><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huli_jing" rel="external nofollow">Huli Jing</a></span>



<strong><span style="font-size:14px;">Likes:</span></strong>


<span style="font-size:14px;">Books</span>



<span style="font-size:14px;">Snacks</span>



<span style="font-size:14px;">Classical Music</span>



<span style="font-size:14px;">Horror Music</span>




<span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Dislikes:</strong>ย </span>


<span style="font-size:14px;">Blueberries</span>



<span style="font-size:14px;">Fish</span>



<span style="font-size:14px;">Hot - Sunny Days</span>



<span style="font-size:14px;">Flying</span>



</ul><hr /><p>

<span style="font-size:14px;"><u><strong>In Depth: About The Species</strong></u></span>



<span style="font-size:14px;">Huli Jing haveย historically been represented as beautiful, wise, females, (although the species is not limited to women),ย who prey on evil men and protect and teach human girls. They are also often written in roles where they beautiful fox spirit falls in love with a mortal male. Huli Jing are neither entirely good or bad; although in modern days the term <em>Huli Jing</em> is an insult aimed to women who seduce married men. Modern Huli Jing are rather rare, although moreย so in the Americas and Europe. The Huli Jing is not to be confused with it's Japanese cousin, the Kitsune. Known for sorcery and ancient magic, as well as unique transformations into a fox like creature. Is also well known for fire wielding abilities.ย </span>


<hr /><p>

<span style="font-size:14px;"><u><strong>In Depth: An Lin's Personality</strong></u>ย </span>



<span style="font-size:14px;">Lin isย a little quiet; she prefers to observe and learn before jumping into anything; conversations, classes, music, etc. She has two older siblings, a brother; Aidyn, and a sister; Bo. Both of them are full blooded Huli Jing, while Lin is only half blooded. She's always been passed over for her siblings, and had learned to love the invisibility that surrounds her. She's very passionate about things she likes, and can ramble on and on unless someone stops her. If she's embarrassed she can be very stubborn and sulky. </span>


<hr /><p>

<u><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>In Depth: Her History</strong>ย </span></u>



<span style="font-size:14px;">An Lin was born in the modern century, same for her older half brother and half sister. Their father disappeared shortly after her sister was born, and somehow An Lin's mother fell in love with a local, human, mortal, doctor - An Lin's father. After she was born, but before her parents got the chance to be married her paternal grandparents demanded for the doctor (An Lin's father) to leave the family estate. (Being immortal and magical tends to give you a financial advantage.) An Lin's father left the estate and she and her mother were left in the care of her grandparents. An Lin's relatives tended to overlook An Lin as much as possible, rather like she were the retard who must be treated politely when interacted with, but should be avoided at all costs. She was not only smaller and weaker than any of her full blooded huli jing family, she also did not possess most of the supernatural abilities. An Lin was left to learn how to control the few abilities she possessed on her own. </span>


<hr /><p>

<u><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>About An Lin's Abilities</strong>ย </span></u>



<span style="font-size:14px;">An Lin is an empath, that is, she reads emotions. She can read different people with varying degrees of clarity, some she knows better than herself from a single glimpse of their emotions, others may take months for her to understand. With this ability she can also influence emotions and moods; as usual it depends on who the person, what the emotion is, and what sort of mental-emotional state An Lin is in. Beyond that is simply her natural ability to shift in her "true form", that which is similar to a fox. </span>

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