Mystic Change


New Member
The night was dark and windy, All I could hear were my foot steps crackling in the autumn leaves as I was walking down the path. The wind was sending shivers down my spine. I had this weird feeling that someone was watching me. As I continued walking, I heard more and more foot steps following close by.

"Hello? Anybody there?" I heard nothing, just the following of foot steps.

I began walking faster. I was beginning to get scared, I wasn't a very big girl, actually I was quite small. I had long brown, hazel coloured eyes. I will say that I had quick, slick reflexes; if I had to describe it at the time, I'd say like a lynx.

I remember the wind blowing very hard and throwing me off balance. It was whistling, as if trying to warn me away.. from danger.

"What's going on?" That was the question that kept repeating in my head.

As I continued walking faster and faster, the wind seemed to be two steps ahead of me. It began swirling around me, as if it wanted to take me away. I couldn't help but let out a scream. As the wind blew around me, my vision had started to blurr.

"Help! Someone help me!" I was screaming as loud as I possibly could.

I was lifted in the air by the gust of wind, I could feel my body begin to change.

And that's how I got to where I am today. I don't know what happened, but I'm closer to the ground, my moves are swift, really like a lynx. My hearing is a thousand times better than it had been before the wind had started. I can see everything differently as well.

When I tried to scream out for help again, all that came out was "raaawrr".

My name is Devyn. And believe it or not, but I think I am a lynx.

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