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Fantasy Mystery Seekers


Unlucky Member
You and your friend were mystery seekers, people who look for creatures created in ancient times.
The elders told stories of ancient times when humanity had technology that was like magic before they almost completely destroyed themselves in a great war. They used some of the most advanced technology to create hybrids and superhumans. Their war also created dangerous mutant animals that you really wanted to avoid.
The two of you were looking for an angel like hybrid called an albedo. It was a strange name because the word was a measurement of light, but that's what they were called.
After gathering information from the locals around the area you were going to search, the two of you set out into the forest. Your progress was a snail paste at best, the thick foliage and difficult terrain meant that you couldn't move very fast.
At least at first, a couple of days into the expedition you started coming across clear cut patches of forest and paths coming from them leading to caves a short distance away, not long after that you found a dirt road with clearings here and there alongside it, one even had massive granite blocks and other smaller blocks of other stones. Whoever or whatever was moving these blocks knew what they were doing but were nowhere to be found.
After passing that you came across another clearing with a cave close by, it was getting dark and it would probably rain soon so the two of you made camp and went to sleep a short while later.
When y'all woke up you found what looked like a young girl sleeping on the other side of the cave.

You must use two OC's, one can be used as a minor character but must be used.
Simi to fully descriptive.
Not required but a backstory would be nice

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