Story Mystery of Aeiaia: Trial In Nature [Work in Progress]




Wood everywhere. Wood trees, wood houses, piles of cut-down wood and even wooden tools. I was surprised there weren’t any wood people too. Actually there were only a handful of people here. Me, my wife Nadya and some colleagues. All of us worked for Lumber Inc. We all work together , out in the fields, chopping down trees for our bosses who just sat on their backsides in their big offices back in New York. I work hard, just to get the money for my wife and I, just as she does, so that we can live an average life. I promise that as long as my name is Anton Kostya, I will care and look after my wife well. As usual it’s only about 25 degrees Celsius and there’s an occasional cool breeze. A perfect day to be working; not too hot and not too cold. We’ve cleared about half the forest in this area, but that only makes up a little part of the island. It’s probably just superstition getting to me but I feel like we shouldn’t be doing this. They say there’s some sort of magical wielding woman at the centre of the island but it’s just supposed to be a legend. I really need to get my head straight or my sweet Nadya will get worried and I don’t want that. My work area today seemed a little colder than where I had been working the previous days. I took one glance upwards and saw why. Just beyond this edge of the forest was an immense, unscaleable mountain under an intense storm. I could even see the exact edge of the area that was being snowed under. Then right near that edge, only a few metres from me, was a flowing, pure-blue river. It’s strange to see such natural phenomenon. For just one moment, I felt like going out to see what else this mysterious island concealed. I heard a soft crunching of wood chips from behind me and spun around to see my beautiful, young wife Nadya coming up with some tools so we could get to work. Smiling brightly I took one and started on one of the trees. As usual Nadya worked next to me and sang a song under her breath. It was our favourite one – Until The Day I Die. Somehow she just makes everyday perfect for me. I have to try hard not to keep getting lost in her deep crystal blue eyes, otherwise I wouldn’t get any work. But today I just couldn’t tear myself away from the little beacons of light. And that’s when it hit. The tree I had been working on must’ve had some termites in it at some stage because it was hollow in some parts. It couldn’t support itself after I’d taken out those sections and it started to fall. My wife saw it coming down towards the both of us and told me in a hushed voice to watch out. Almost too late I turned around and knew instantly that one of us wouldn’t be able to get out of the way. Turning back to Nadya I saw that she’d come to the same conclusion and her face was full of fear. In one instant I kissed her briefly on the lips before pushing her gently, but firmly, out of the way whispering three famous words, “I love you….” Seconds later the tree came crashing down ontop of me and dragged me down towards the river and into it. My wife Nadya was watching in horror and couldn’t do a thing as I was pulled to the bottom of the river, trapped by the fallen tree. “It’s been three days since my husband was in that accident. I miss him so much and the supervisors were kind enough to let me take some time off to recover from the tragedy. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to go back there. Not where I lost my love…But he would want me to keep myself going, to keep myself alive. He would want me to move on and be happy again. I just don’t think I’ll ever forget him though. I mean… if he still was alive I could just take some of the survival equipment and go look for him…if only for a couple of days. I can’t give up yet.” It was all I could tell myself that wouldn’t make me sadder. So after grabbing some equipment and supplies I headed out of the shelter and out towards where the accident happened. Only one person saw me – Our friend Edgar. All he did was nod and smile gently, as if wishing me luck on the journey. As Nadya set out Anton was just recovering from the accident, abut 20 kilometres from where it happened, laying half on the beach and half still in the fast flowing and unforgiving waters of the river. Waking up from the accident I gingerly raised myself up, aware of the severe soreness and exhaustion of my body. After checking my reflection in the water I found that I had been bleeding from my arms, legs and head but all the wounds had stopped bleeding and the rest of the red liquid had dried up and crusted over. Bending down, I used the water to wash it off and then fixed up my clothes the best I could. I was still saturated all the way through but I shrugged it off as I looked around, trying to get my bearings. That’s when the wave of pure panic washed over me. I was completely lost somewhere on the island. An island where only 14 other people I knew were on it with me. And there was nothing they could do to help me. I could be lost maybe 10, 15 kilometres from the site. I was in a very bad situation. The best I could hope for now was to start heading back upriver, trying to get back to the site. As I started walking I thought of my sweet little Nadya and how devastated she would be….especially if she thought he was dead. If I had’ve died I would rather she moved on and found someone else and be happy rather than holding onto me and being miserable. I love her so much and I will do my best to survive, if not for myself but for her instead. But first I had to find some food. I hadn’t eaten since my last shift, 14 hours before the accident. Judging by the lighting it was close to 6 or 7 pm now. I’m lucky I had done survival courses as part of my training. Once I reassured myself there was hope I could feel the wave of panic and depression receding back into nothingness. I just had to find some food and then find somewhere to rest for the night. Looking around I saw that I was still in a forest. But it was definitely a different forest. The trees here were extremely different, like those in a tropical rainforest. If I remember right there were meant to be some edible berries and fruits in these sections of the island, if they were anything like the rainforests back home. I travelled into the deeper part of the woods, a blanket of darkness falling around me. Finally I found a group of fruit bearing trees and delightedly picked some. I didn’t take a lot, I shouldn’t take more than a couple because it could have disastrous effects on the natural inhabitants. As I contently ate some of the fruit I looked around for a place to stay for a little while. I almost cried out in joy as I saw a perfect little alcove nearby with just enough room and protection for now. Settling down into it I realized my clothes were pretty much dry now, meaning hours must have passed since I woke up. Yawning suddenly I nestled against the rock wall of the clove and fell asleep. I remember dreaming about something furry and large but I couldn’t make out what it was. All I could hear was a low growling and then right at the end a sharp prick of pain in my back as I awakened. Opening my eyes I saw these massive teeth poised right above me and almost identically sharp claws at either side of me. Turning around slowly, in horror and curiosity I saw the face of my death, a muddy brown wall with little spots of black, as black as the midnight sky, looking right at me. A slow growl escaped it’s tiny black mouth and I froze with fright as I realized who my captor and executioner was – A bear. I was done for. Not only was I in range of its claws but I was in its mouth too! I suddenly thought of the one thing that could save me – The breath freshening spray Nadya had given to me a few days earlier, after I ate some garlic. If I wasn’t in such a dangerous situation I would’ve laughed but instead I took the spray out of my pocket slowly. Once I managed to get my finger on the button I quickly snapped my wrist upwards, facing the nozzle straight at the black beast’s face and slammed my finger down on the button. The peppermint spray went into its eyes and I was dropped from its grip as it howled in pain but probably mostly in shock. It was my only chance and I took it. Scrambling to my feet awkwardly but quickly, I bolted through the forest and down a hill. Not looking back, I heard a large, annoyed growl. I just kept running with whatever energy I had left, relying almost only on my fading adrenaline, getting as far away as I could before collapsing, panting heavily like a long-haired dog in the middle of summer. I gazed up, my eyes weary. I saw the stars glinting like little lights of the night sky. That was when I blacked out, an estranged smile on my face as I dreamt of Nadya.......... Several hours later, or at least what felt like several hours, I started to wake up, dazed and drowsy, just like the day after the accident. I was even near a river this time aswell, but I wasn’t wet. That was when she appeared before me, walking slowly but gracefully to the river edge, near where I was. Although I made no sound she suddenly whipped around to face me as if she could feel my eyes on her, her silky, silver hair flowing like a curtain draped around her. As I looked up to her face I was stunned and I had to reassure myself I was still alive and on Earth. Her face was angelic and innocent; like a young, giggling girl yet matured in a way that she appeared young but ageless at the same time. I thought I heard singing coming from behind her until I realized she was speaking, her voice like an enchanting melody, asking concernedly, “Hey! Are you alright young man?!” Still s hocked, I did not reply, simply stared at her. Her clothing seemed to be simple cloth, worn like a robe of medieval nature, but when I looked closer I discovered streams of silver like her hair, embroidered in pieces of sapphire, forming an intricate pattern just noticeable in the white material, swirling and flowing; just as mysterious as the woman herself. Glancing back up at her face I noticed her cheeks were flushed in a beautiful shade of pink. Just as I was about to finally respond to her question I kept looking up until I saw her eyes..... Her eyes....I was completely lost in them as if they were a deep ocean, coloured in a swirling mix of water and sky. “I-I’m ok, I t-think” I stuttered in the end, trying to get my bearings back. As I went to lift myself from the ground the angelic woman rushed over and bent down to lift me up. She was close enough I could smell her inviting, vanilla-honey musk scent engulf me. So close I could kiss her...Everything about her, even her eyes, filled me with an overwhelming desire. It then occurred to me that I had never found a single woman so instantly and irresistibly desirable before, not even my own wife... After what seemed like an eternity we broke our gaze and she stepped back as I stood up, though she still held my hand as if we were childhood friends. “What are you doing out here? I thought I was the only one on this island.” She asked me. “Well, the company I work for started a logging site on the north-west coast. I was in a…an accident and I ended up lost in these woods around here…” I replied simply, feeling a rising flush creeping up from the back of my neck. I saw that the slight tinge of pink was gone from her cheeks which made me feel slightly more embarrassed. “Wait….Do you mean to tell me that your company is chopping down the beautiful trees in the Solanas Forest?! How dare you! Those trees are apart of this island, this community! They are apart of the nature here! How can you even think of cutting them down?!” She cried, squeezing my hand hard, though she didn’t seem to realize until I winced. Then , almost as suddenly as her emotions changed before, she came to a state of shock and regret, instantly softening her grip on my hand. “I know…it’s never really felt right…Nadya and I never really wanted to do it, but we needed money and this was the only job we could get…” I admitted to her, gazing up at the darkening sky. The next thing I knew I was being taken further inland, and up a hill with this beautiful woman leading me by the hand. We were moving at an impossibly fast pace but that may have well been due to my mind being disgruntled from lack of water and food. As if she could read my thoughts, the woman dashed inside a small shelter, leaving me by a chair of what seemed to be some kind of smoothened rock. Seconds later she was back with a basket of fruit and water in some kind of cup. “Eat and drink, you look like you really need it.” She states simply, seeing my hesitation. I quickly, but politely, ate some of the fruit and drank the water. Turning to face her, where she now sat across from me, I realized I hadn’t even introduced myself. “I’m Anton, Anton Kostya. Thankyou for all of this.” She smiled a slow, very inviting smile and whispered, “It’s my pleasure Anton. I’m Sienna Devereux. I’m sorry for my outburst earlier…it’s just… I really can’t stand people destroying precious pieces of nature.” Turning away she looked upwards through a small opening, staring at the sky just as the moon surmised from behind a cloud, shining down onto her, making her hair glimmer and glisten and her face sparkle. This truly seemed to be too good to be real, but as I reassured myself, nothing about it was surreal. She turned back, catching me staring at her again but this time she didn’t blush, she just smiled. If it weren’t for Nadya, I would’ve leant forward and kissed her, but I reminded myself I still loved my wife…But maybe…just maybe…I was falling in love with Sienna too… And yet again, as if she could read me like an open book, she said softly, “You have a wife don’t you? Nadya wasn’t it? You look worried about her…” as she reached out, covering my hand with hers in comfort. “Don’t worry, you’ll find her again Anton. For now, just rest. We can go out and look for her tomorrow if you like.” Smiling I answered, “Thankyou so much Sienna, I really appreciate this. But uh…. Is there somewhere I can sleep?” Laughing adorably, she rose from her chair and guided me to a small but comfortable-looking bed. Whipping around with her black river of hair curtaining around her she left, leaving the beautiful vanilla-honey musk scent all around me. I quickly took of my shoes and slipped into the bed, falling asleep almost instantly which didn’t surprise me because of my exhaustion. While Anton is resting, his wife Nadya is out in the rainforest area, not far from where Anton was first stranded. Panting, she looks around desperately, losing hope of finding her beloved husband. ‘This has been a rough journey. I found a few ragged pieces of my husband’s shirt along the river; I think I’m close to where he ended up. I just hope I’m not too late.’ I managed to get a good load of supplies so I should be right for awhile. As I stumbled to a bank, maybe 20 kilometres from the old working site, I leant down and found that there was some dried up blood and a lot of water in the sand. Digging into the dirt with my fingers I found another piece of my husband’s shirt and almost cried out in joy. My husband was still alive! He’d used bits of his clothing and the water to clean his wounds and then probably gone into the woods here to find food, just like we were taught in that survival course back in New York. I started following a slight trail of dampened earth, walking through the forest until I cam across a few tracks, mostly of human boots and then a few bear tracks leading further in. I started hyperventilating at the thought…my husband was in the mercy of a bear. Not thinking much else other than I had to save him, I rushed onwards, following the bear’s trail, wondering if I would ever be back with my precious Anton… Twisting and turning I saw images in my mind. Me alone, on a deserted island, the figures not that defined but then shifting to an erupting volcano, the viscous, fiery lava flowing down the sides and screams piercing the air in terror. Swinging around I saw two women stuck, about to be devoured by the flaming onslaught. Looking close I was stunned to see who the two women were; my wife Nadya and the sweet, pure Sienna. Both were far from me but Sienna was closer. But how was I meant to choose?! What could I do?! Panting desperately I started to run towards my wife when the scenery around me faded as a soft voice, heavenly sang through the nightmarish world I was in…It sounded like Nadya in a way, soothing and melodic but something else…Like a touch of light, shining through that wonderful voice…Slowly I started to see someone, a angelic figure that had to belong to Sienna. I could even smell her scent, that delightful mix of vanilla and honey musk. Smiling, the dream recessed into a blissful shadow, and I slept soundly. Little did I know that Sienna had been sitting on the bed next to me, singing after she had found the discomfort I was in…Maybe the dream was telling me something….like a premonition…Someday soon I have to choose… As I woke up I found another basket of fruit next to the bed, courtesy of Sienna I’d say. Eating the fruit hungrily I finished it off pretty quickly. I placed the basket down and turned back to the bed. I knew the bed would be in a bit of a mess so I made it and then took the basket in one hand and wandered back out into the main area that I was in the day before. Lying down, wrapped up in a warm rug like a burrito, was Sienna, sleeping soundlessly. Leaning on the balls of my feet, I walked gently past her, placing the basket down on what appeared to be a bench. Looking out the open door, I saw a magnificent sunrise like never before. Without realizing it I had already walked outside and was watching it from the edge of the hill, already sitting on the smooth grass. It was a sight to behold; the pale and vivid shades of oranges, yellows and reds. The mirage of a great ball of fire rising from the Earth. The mysterious twinkling of some far off birds in the early wakening sky. Another natural beauty of the world....I was starting to wonder if I’d ever stop being amazed by this unusual island.

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Oops. I made a mistake already lol. The thread name is meant to be

Mystery of Aieaia: Trial In Nature

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